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Monday, April 2 9.00 - 9.20 Introduction 1. CLUSTER THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON LIFE MODERATOR: Romina Malagamba 9.20 - 11.00 Karl-Siegbert Rehberg Technische Universitt Dresden (Germany) Philosophical Anthropology as an Interpretation of Human Life Forms Frdric Seyler DePaul University Chicago (USA) From Life to Existence: The Missing Translation. Reflections on Michel Henrys Phenomenology of Life
11.00 - 11.20 Coffee Break

MODERATOR: Marcelo Raffin 11.20 - 13.00 Sandro Chignola Universit di Padova (Italy) Configurations of Life Edgardo Castro Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) Life and Language
13.00 - 15.20 Lunch

2. CLUSTER (ETHICS AND POLITICS) MODERATOR: Cristina Lpez 15.20 - 17.00 Friedrich Wilhelm Graf Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultt (Germany) Can Ethics Shape Modern Societies? Marie Cuillerai LLCP - Universit Paris 8 (France) Whats Alive for Economic?

17.00 - 17.20 Coffee Break

MODERATOR: Mximo Badar 17.20 - 19.00 Marc Abls Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre Franco-Argentin (Argentina) The Politics of Survival Sylvie Epelboin Hpitaux Universitaires Paris Nord Val de Seine (France) Influence of 30 years of Assisted Reproductive Technologies on Human Procreation and Filiation Chains
20.30 Dinner


MODERATOR: Gabriel Noel 9.00 - 10.40 Gregor Vogt-Spira Philipps Universitt Marburg (Germany) Carpe diem: Time and Life Configuration in the Hellenistic Roman World Gert Melville Forschungsstelle fr Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte - Technische Universitt Dresden Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany) Life Configurations in the Middle Ages between Divine Acting and Human SelfDetermination

10.40 - 11.00 Coffee break MODERATOR: Diego Guerra 11.00 - 12.40 Tilman Nagel Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen (Germany) The Muslim Conduct of Life: Lines of Continuity Claudio Sergio Nun Ingerflom Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) Foreseeing the Future under a Communist Regime

13.00 - 15.20 Lunch


MODERATOR: Claudio Ingerflom 15.20 - 17.00 Gaya Ch. Tripathi Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (India) Explaining the Vicissitudes of Human Life. The Indian view John Timothy Wixted Arizona State University (USA) Perceived Patternings in Premodern China
17.00 - 17.20 Coffee Break

MODERATOR: Marcelo Antonelli 17.20 - 19.00 Pablo Ariel Blitstein Collge de France (France) - Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) The Conditions for the Comparison: Reflections on the Crossing of the Sinological and Latino American Studies Juan Manuel Obarrio Johns Hopkins University (USA) Beyond Equivalence: The Gift of Justice in Mozambique (1976 - 2004)

20.30 Dinner

Wednesday, April 4 4. CLUSTER LATIN AMERICAN INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES AND THE PRESENT MODERATOR: Alejandro Grimson 9.00 - 10.40 Silvia Hirsch Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) Returning to the Land, Evoking the Past, and Sowing the Future: Guaran and Tapiete Indians and the Formation of New Rural Communities in Northern Argentina Marina Vanzolini Figueiredo Museu Nacional - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) The Instability of Humanity According to the Amazonian Indigenous Tribes

10.40 - 11.00 Coffee Break

5. CLUSTER ART AND LITERATURE MODERATOR: Alexandre Roig 11.00 - 12.40 Jos Emilio Buruca Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) Elpenor, the Emmaus Pilgrim and the Missing One: The Painting and the Historic Problem of Life Configuration Kathrin Rosenfield Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) Robert Musil's Trajectory Between the Ambiguities of the Soul and the Precision of the Intellect
13.00 -14:20 Lunch

14.20 - 16.00 MODERATOR: Juan Ricardo Rey Mrquez Ricardo Ibarluca Universidad Nacional de San Martn (Argentina) What Do We Need Masterpieces For? Mario Trimarchi Studio Fragile - Domus Academy (Italy) The Rise and Fall of Objects and their Relationship with Man

16.00 - 17:20 Coffee Break

17.20 - 18.00 Concluding discussion

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