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Collectif Angevin de Vigilance Anti-ACTA Chez M. Lawrence DESFORGES Le Ronceray 49080 BOUCHEMAINE FRANCE lawdesf@sfr.


Mme. Agns LE BRUN Parlement Europen Bt. Altiero Spinelli 13E107 60, rue Wiertz B-1047 BRUXELLES BELGIQUE

Your ref. : Our ref. :

ALB/TF/2012-001 Rponse ALB 10/03/2012

Angers, 10th March, 2012 Madam, Following your kind reply, according to the notifications that we had communicated to you in our first letter, we here address to you again an elaborate letter to further enlighten you on the substance of our categorical rejection of ACTA, as your reaction to our first letter indicates that you had not well understood us. ACTA endangers European and worldwide society in their largest sense in that it insitutes supplementary, suppletive and superfluous rights to the work of a few at the extent of the many. It makes more fragile a European society already shaken by several crises from the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening to Eastern Europe, the bursting of the Internet bubble, the rise in the price of commodities, the property crises in the USA or Europe to the current repetitive bail-outs and austerity plans. Indeed, it will push up the price of these products while reducing the choice of citizens in terms of food, medication and culture. By making the IPR holders, holders of, once again, supplementary, suppletive and superfluous rights, it can translate physical persons into moral entities, which is nonsense. Furthermore, the text of ACTA shows that it will enable the subservience of the State or even of private militia at the orders of the IPR holders' representatives against the liberties of French and European citizens, I quote you : the judicial and administrative authorities or those endowed with the application of the law in accordance to the legislation of one party . The planned creation of an ACTA Committee , outside any jurisdiction or surveillance by national or European institutions is another betrayal of sovereignty we shall not tolerate. Our history and tradition definitely forbid this and we are happy to take the opportunity to remind you of the imperative that is national sovereignty, in all things. Its validity, under the consented rules of the social contract, rests on the reliability of its elected representatives, itself guaranteed by the assiduous respect of the rules that govern their activity. To this the ACTA Committee is antinomic ; this is a fact that goes beyond the borders of France, as have shown and will show again the gatherings and demonstrations of opposition to ACTA across Europe. The reality of the application of ACTA is akin to giving a blank signature to companies, institutions, banks or foreign States for control and seizure of the food supply, health and ideas of

the citizens of the European Union and Mankind as a whole in terms of cost, access, choice and sharing of goods whose intellectual property remains vague, and hence for which there cannot be a law antecedent to the freely debated definition of the word counterfeit . We know that of a fraudulous reproduction of an existing work, of lesser quality . Generic medicine does not differ at all in quality to that made by right-holders besides in its excipients, if even then. Agricultural seeds are a work of Nature whose cultivation is any human being's right ; their free disposal by their grower must not rely on anybody but himself, for his own good and that of those he feeds, the consumers. A cultural work loses the pertinence of its notion of property in the face of the superior notion of social utility , for example : does the live report of a public event have to depend on a legislation whose control is outside our borders or on the will of its author ? Property is intellectual in that it is at once particular, unique and personal but its raison d'tre is the Summum bonum ; else it has none, its definition is erroneous and must be reformulated. Therefore we reject the allegation included in ACTA whereby an extra-judicial authority might have the right to interfere with inalienable rights that we, opponents to ACTA, signatories herein, know as such : the right to feed ourselves, to care for ourselves and to communicate as we see fit. In that respect France is a land whose roots are agricultural ; the citizens' health is an essential preoccupation and we are proud of our intellectual independence, as of our heritage. We explicitely signify to you that we support all the farmers of the world and want to preserve their independence ; that we want the promotion of truly sound public health guaranteed for all, on top of our wealth and as should be ; that we persist in explaining to you that ideas belong to all, once emitted, and that their fair rewards do not rely on laws whose existence is driven by none but velleities of particular interests seeking to make of Man a merchandise and of his means of subsistance a commodity at the mercy of financial markets, accomplices to the previous. Aware that this problem, of a scope to justifiably awaken your patriotic and Republican fibre must once more be brought to your attention, Yours sincerely,

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