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This review is about The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz.

The book is a new Sherlock Holmes Novel that is thought up and made by Anthony Horowitz and it is written as he thinks Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have written this book. It is a great historic mystery novel published by Hachette book group. The book starts off with an art trader who explains the case to Sherlock and Watson, the art trader had recently been trading in America while he was there he was robbed by the flat cap gang, so he decided to get the police involved. The police raided the gangs warehouse and killed many of the members but one man escaped his name was Kheelan ODonague and his brother was killed in the raid. The art trader then took a boat back to England where this story is set. When he arrives back home the art trader sees Kheelan on a street, the art trader is afraid so that is why he came to Sherlock for protection. Sherlock spends a few weeks trying to find Kheelan but he is too late because when he arrives Kheelan is he is found dead in a hotel. Sherlock then goes on to the case of Kheelans death. In doing so he finds a boy named Ross who saw Kheelan enter the hotel. But Ross is very scared and runs away when he sees Sherlock. A few weeks later Ross is found dead along with his sister. Sherlock is blamed and sent to jail. The people that sent him to jail are all involved in a corrupt, evil, and treacherous organization called the house of silk. They attempt to kill him so that Sherlock wont find out about their group. But Sherlock escapes and finds there main hideout he goes there with the police and they take in the perpetrators in the house. The house of silk is an organization that takes children off the streets of London and makes them into slaves.

The main characters in the book are Sherlock and Watson. Sherlock is smart and thoughtful he spends time getting through the case using thought, he already knows the answer to the mystery while he is locked in jail. Watson on the other hand just cant compete he is a nice, polite, and smart yet compared to Sherlock he looks nave and ignorant. The book is very well written and Anthony Horowitz has succeeded in making it feel as it was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself. Although it does get rather confusing jumping around from place to place and sometimes you wish it could be in Sherlocks perspective. The book itself is a bit mature and I would advise for people 14 and up as it can be gory at times. The book was rather depressing at the end as it shows how corrupt and terrible humans can be to be able to take advantage of poor children and it tied in well with the Imperialism and Colonialism unit as it showed how slavery happened in imperial London as well as in the Colonies in Africa, Asia ,and the Americas.

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