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Loan 42161/Grant 013-Nep: Integrated Urban Development Project (IUDP)

Suman Subba ADB/Nepal Social Development and Gender Officer

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Moving from Project Level Impact to Sector-wide Impact in Gender-Responsive Urban Governance
GESI inclusion in Nepal urban development projects up to now have been project specific. With IUDP, GESI inclusion is aimed at a much broader impact level since Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) has committed to develop and institutionalize operational guidelines for mainstreaming GESI concerns in its overall portfolio of operations from planning to O&M and train its staff for implementation and monitoring. This is a major initiative to enhance the capacity of MPPW to address GESI issues in sector policies and all infrastructure projects and not just one ADB funded project.

IUDP: Project Components

Output 1: Reliable municipal infrastructure developed Output 2:
Community Development Programs undertaken Gender and Social Inclusion(GESI) Capacity strengthened grant US$ 5 million total (1.3 million for GESI)

Output 3: Project management and administration supported

IUDP: GESI Components

Institutional capacity building of MPPW Capacity building at municipality

GESI Capacity Building in Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW)

Includes activities formation of structures and mechanisms for GESI mainstreaming in the MPPW and its departments - GESI Unit in MPPW operationalization of MPPW GESI Guidelines 2011 in project cycle planning, construction, implementation and monitoring preparation of GESI mainstreaming manuals, toolkits, and checklists for sectors - roads, water supply and sanitation and urban development training and exposure programs for the staff of ministry, departments and divisional offices review and revision of policies and regulations relevant to sectors under the portfolio of MPPW for GESI integration setting up GESI monitoring system

GESI Guidelines Preparation

MPPW GESI Operational Guidelines prepared in 2010/2011 finalized in August 2011 13 regional and central level consultations held Above 400 staff of MPPW, 3 departments and divisions oriented and participated in consultations in guideline preparation GESI Unit formed under the Planning Division of MPPW in November 2011, led by an Under Secretary (Senior Sociologist) with 1 Engineer and 2 Section Officers A team of fulltime 4 consultants will support GESI Unit in next 4 years

GESI in Municipalities
Formation of an adhoc structure GESI Technical Working group in municipality - headed by social unit with members from all divisions of municipality (Under GESI Policy of Local Development 2011 a permanent structure will be formed) Develop TORs of GESI Technical Working Group with clear cut responsibilities and allocate adequate resources for their functioning Provide TOT and training to Technical Working Group and other key municipal staff Conduct GESI and infrastructure training to PCO, PMC, GESI Technical Working Team, PIU, DSC and NGO Strengthen GESI integration in annual plans, periodic plans and monitoring system of municipalities

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