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The Personal Learning Profile of Taylor Dolan

Taylor Dolan 4186968 STDV 1110 February 13, 2012

Table of Contents
Learning Assessments What Learner am I? Validity of Tests 3 7 7

Learning Assessments Discovery Wheel

According to my results, my strengths fall in the categories of diversity, technology, and purpose, I am a very diverse person, and acknowledge other cultures. I am technologically inclined for the most part, and have a general idea of what my purpose is in life. I have many categories that are not very strong, but I would say my weaknesses are in the areas of reading, notes, planning, and health. I usually do not succeed at planning, I copy notes wordfor-word, I rarely read and I know I am unhealthy.


Visual Aural Read/Write Kinesthetic

According to my results, I fall under the read/write category. I like to reread my notes by myself, and I also write notes to later look back on. The other three categories look very close, but it appears that being a visual learner is my weakest category.

Receptive Modality

Visual/Nonverbal Visual/Verbal Auditory Kinesthetic

I am by far a visual/nonverbal learner according to the Receptive Modality test. I like to work by myself, and I learn by reviewing notes and terms without talking to anyone. I learn better by seeing a picture or a graph. Auditory is my weakest spot. I dont like to just listen to someone speak, because I dont absorb any information.

Learning Styles Inventory

ACT 11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 <-- --> SEN 11 9 7 5 3 X 1 1 3

X 5 7 9

REF 11

INT 5 7 9 11

<-- --> VIS 11 9 7 5 3 1 X 1 3 5 7 9 11 <-- --> SEQ 11 9 7 X 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11 <-- --> GLO VRB

I am more of a reflective learner than an active learner. I process my thoughts and then understand what I am studying. I rely a lot on reviewing. I am pretty balanced between sensing and intuitive. I like learning both facts and theories. I am both a visual and verbal learner. Im more of a sequential learner. I learn step-by-step and then understand the big picture.


Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceive

My code was ENFP The Inspirer. I am a people person, and love to help others. I can be clingy in relationships, and hold on for too long. Being an ENFP, one of my weaknesses is the fact that I tend to have many things on-thego. I dont finish a project before I start another one.

Multiple Intelligences
Musical Logic/Math Spatial Social Body Movement Self Nature Language

My strongest category is Musical. I love to listen to music and have some noise while Im studying. Making rhymes helps me to remember. Language is my weakest section. I dont like to say words out loud or tell stories.

What Learner am I?
I would say I am a mix between verbal and non-verbal, depending on the situation. I do like to study independently, but I also find that summarizing something in a conversation to someone shows that I remember the information. I am logically and musically inclined, and love learning both subjects in school. I like having some noise while Im working, because I find I have to focus more on what I am doing, and being that much more attentative allows me to remember it. I have many weaknesses and places where I need to improve. I need to learn to take one thing at a time instead of trying to complete numerous tasks at once. I would benefit from increasing my vocabulary, and should try working outdoors to see if that would help me study. I work better when Im under some sort of pressure, which is not beneficial in the long run, so I need to try different surroundings that are more peaceful. Procrastinating is also an issue, and if I slowly worked on an assignment instead of waiting until the night before it is due to complete it, I would do better on it.

Validity of Tests
For the most part, the tests taken were valid. Some of the tests, however, contradicted themselves. The discovery wheel did a good job at pointing out my strengths. I am a very diverse person. I have friends from all ethnicities and I talk to each of them like I would someone of the same race as I am. I am a nonjudgemental person, and have a very open mind, which allows me to be so diverse. I dont take care of my health, and the test recognized that. My VARK assessment was kind of valid. I do like to re-read over my notes, especially when studying for tests, however, I also do learn well from being hands-on (kinaesthetic). I loved being in art classes and shop classes while in highschool, and I had the greatest mark in auto class. I think this is because I was interested in the subject, but also because I had hands-on experience. I was able to work on vehicles, and learn how to put them together. I didnt really agree with the Receptive Modality test, because I do not see myself as a visual learner, unless it is a mathematical problem. When looking in a textbook, I dont look at the graphs or diagrams, I stick to reading the text. I had many sociology classes in high-school, and whenever the teacher asked us to analyse

a graph, I had troubles looking outside of the box and explaining what the statistics in the graph meant for society. The Myers/Briggs assessment was dead on for me. I am a people person, once they are not a stranger to me. I am very open with people, and dont have any secrets. I do tend to hold on for too long in relationships, and I realise this with my last relationship. We fought all the time, yet I didnt end the relationship because it was nice to have someone there, whether it was healthy or not. I was very broken after it finally ended, which I would not have been if I ended it when it should have been ended. In the profession section of the test, it says a counsellor or a psychologist would make a good profession for me, which is true. I want to be a counsellor for my career. The Multiple Intelligences test highlighted my strengths. I love music and am very musically inclined, and love mathematical problems.

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