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All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their

exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts. The meaning of Shakespeares words lies deeper than the surface.A metaphor of mans destiny on earth,they epitomize one of the general truths of the world we live in. By definition,the stage is the raised area in a theatre where plays are performed.What makes the world a stage is its dependance on the actions of the people in it.We are the only ones responsible for the way it develops and for how long we will benefit from this land God has given us.Yet,no matter how talented we may be at tackling the misfortunes of life,the general play in which we all have our parts,we often fall victims to the unpredictable.However,just as minor incidents on stage cannot prevent a professional actor from uttering his line promptly,we must always fight against all the odds in order to achieve our goal. That leads us to why all the men and womenare merely players.First of all,we cannot control our fate.We all play according to a script unknown to us,and every attempt at rebelling against the established order is immediately suppressed,often by means of ones conscience.Second of all,the people on earth interact,their destinies are tied in some unfathomable way,their actions are coordinated.Everything they do is scarcely independent.The course of life depends on each of them playing their role the best they can.If Ophelia hadnt been a character in Shakespeares play,what would have Hamlet been without her?That is why one must never think they are useless and matter to no one.There is always somebody and something one is meant for;the harder bit is to discover for whom and for which. As stated before,we hardly take any independent action.The play of life comprises many smaller ones,whose protagonists each of us are.The smaller plays interweave in order to gather other characters apart from the protagonist,and that is the way we enter and exit peoples lives.For some we may be looking our entire life,others we may run into by chance.Some go the way of all flesh,others just choose to leave us,either to our benefit or to our loss.The truth is,the people are those who spice up our lives,no matter how hard some of us may try to replace them with pets or lifeless objects. The parts we play in our lives depend on the relationships with others.The outstanding quality even the best actors lack is the ability to play different roles at the same time.We can be both friends for some and enemies for others.What is more,we are capable of forgiving those who did us wrong and make them our friends,especially at an early age,when the feeling of enmity is not so deeply instilled in our conscience.Throughout our lives,our way of thinking changes,along with the characters we play.From children we become adults and,at some point,even parents.We remain no longer students obeying teachers,but hard-working employees doing as the boss says. To sum it all up,I would say that one must accept the part they have been given at birth,irrespective of the genre of the play. Ghiorghiu Olivia Madalina Clasa a X-a H

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