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EDTC6010: Introduction to Instructional Technology Reflection

State the competency or standard that is appropriate for your degree and licensure area. This could be standards for 077 licensure or ISTE Advanced Standards for Technology Facilitators. When appropriate you may use standards from the Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT). Choose one or two standards that most representative of your artifact. The reflection should include discussion for each of the standards youve identified for the artifact. TF-I.B Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. 1. Model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts.

TF-VIII.A Use the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction. 1. Discuss and evaluate current research in educational technology. Describe requirements for your artifact. What was assigned and how did you complete the project. Only 100 to 150 words are needed for this section. Include theoretical base for what you did in the project. Include references to textbook authors, readings, and online resources discussed in your course. EDTC6010-Introduction to Instructional Technology was taught during Spring 2011 by Dr. William Sugar. The course focused on the history and background of instructional technology. The final project for this course was to create a newsletter to explain instructional technology that an audience outside of the field could understand. The focus of my project was to explain to my fifth grade students the nature of my MAEd in Instructional Technology by describing what is instructional technology, what does each portion of Instructional Design Technology mean, what is ADDIE, as well as the background and future of Instructional Technology. Our text, Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology by R. Reiser and J. Dempsey was a great introduction into the world of Instructional Design and Technology. Through this text, I learned that Instructional Technology is not just the integrating of technology into educational classrooms. It is also the design and development of any instruction, whether it is in the field of education, corporation world, or military venues. The integration of technology is certainly a piece of the puzzle, but not the entire focus. Explain how your artifact is a good example of the objective, competency, or standard. Defend your evidence as if you were a lawyer defending the validity of evidence submitted for the trial. Include references to theory in Instructional Design and Technology. TF-I.B.1 (ISTE Standards) states that Candidates model appropriate strategies essential to continued growth and development of the understanding of technology operations and concepts. I believe I met this objective in my newsletter because it allows for my own personal growth in instructional technology, as well as the ability to spread the knowledge gained through my own
Alicia Ray

EDTC6010: Introduction to Instructional Technology Reflection

understanding of instructional technology. The purpose of the newsletter was to inform those outside the field of instructional technology of the background and definition of instructional technology and I believe I met that purpose. Because TF-VIII.A.1 (ISTE Standards) states that Candidates discuss and evaluate current research in educational technology, the purpose of the newsletter was to discuss research in educational technology, namely ADDIE. The common person can now understand that ADDIE stands for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate and can apply that research to future lesson plans in education.

Discuss how you might change the content, strategy, or design of the artifact. If you see no need for change, elaborate on the artifact is a good exemplar for the competency or standard. Upon reflection of my newsletter for EDTC6010, I would definitely change the content of the newsletter to some degree. I would put more emphasis on learning styles and the educational psychology of Vygotsky and Piaget (Reiser and Dempsey). I would mention Blooms Taxonomy throughout the newsletter. I believe that the addition of those concepts into the newsletter would have made for a better product. I do like the layout of my newsletter and my favorite portion of the newsletter is the Where do we go from here? section. I think its important to look toward the future in everything we do in the present. We need to think of the long-term effects, as well as the here and now.

Discuss how the artifact is representative of future career goals and plans. My future goals and plans are represented in this newsletter as this is the career path I would like to take. I want to be an instructional technologist for elementary schools in my county. We currently have instructional technology specialists in middle and high schools, but none in the elementary schools. I believe that I will need to inform the common person about IDT and the need of additional personnel in the elementary schools in order to receive funding for an instructional technologist position. This basic newsletter can certainly inform those who are unsure of the job description of an instructional technologist and why that position is so important to implement in the near future. References Reiser, R. and Dempsey, J. (2007). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Wilson, Brent G.. "The Future of Instructional Design and Technology." Web. 12 Mar. 2011. <> "Association for Educational Communications and Technology." AECT. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. <>

Alicia Ray

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