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M. A. Gaznon and H. Behbahani Department of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran, - S. A. Tabatabie Department of Civil Engineering, Shahid Chamran University Ahwaz, Iran,
(Received: November 13, 1999 - Accepted in Final Form: July 30, 2001)

Abstract T he perm anent deform ation pavem ent of roads and streets at tropical zones (if
la yer s ar e su fficient ly com p act ed) is d u e t o incre ase o f aspha lt laye rs t em per atu re a nd consequential decrease of modulus of elasticity. Therefore, the asphalt mixture moves aside of the wheels of heavy vehicles and cause permanent deformations without volume variation. On the other hand, if the asphalt layer modulus of elasticity is not appropriate, additional stresses will be moved to the soil subgrade and thus causes permanent deformation. The materials used for the asphalt layers can be controlled by the proposed method so that additional stresses can be avoided. This study includes three types of pavements (thin, intermediate and thick) on three kinds of su bgrades (weak, interm ediate and strong) at tropical zones of Iran. Modu lu s of elasticity and Poisson ratio of layers are selected based on the earlier studies. The heavy axles of vehicles in Iran which cause the most damages are considered in this study (13 tons with two axle trucks). Then the modulus of elasticity of the asphalt mixtures is changed and stress-strain analysis is performed by the Elsym5 computer software to produce the maximum normal strain at the subgrade for all above mentioned types. The number of passing axles used in the analysis is obtained by the formula proposed by the Asphalt Institute (N=1.6 10-9( ) -4.477 ). Nomographs showing number of passing axles versus modulus of elasticity for all cases based on t h e co m p u t e r a n a lysis a r e d r a wn . T h e d e sign e d p a ve m e n t ca n b e co m p a r e d t o t h e corresponding nom ograph mentioned above to control the m odu lu s of elasticity of asphalt m ixtu res which prevent the su bgrade from additional stresses by u sing the predicted passing axles.

Key Words Tropical Zones, Modulus, Strain, Rutting, Permanent Deformation, Subgrade

INTRODUCTION O ne of the major obje ctives of this study is to introduce a method for controlling engineering properties of asphalt layer mixtures in order to International Jounal of Engineering

a ssu r e t h e ir ap p r o p r ia t e fu n ct io n a ga in st ap p lie d lo ads an d e n vir o n me n t co n dit io n s. Additional str esses should also be avoided in order to protect the pavement from structural Vol. 14, No. 3, August 2001 - 195

TABLE 1. Layer Properties (Kg/cm2).

Figure 1. Structural rutting.

Property Layer Asphalt Layer Base Subbase Weak Bed Intermediate Strong

Modulus of Elasticity 7000 to 42000 1750 1050 350 525 980

Poison Ratio 0.35 0.3 0.35 0.50 0.4 0.35

rutting phenomena [1]. These phenomena may o ccu r du e t o t h e Co n side r able se t t le me n t s cau se d by h e avy ve h icle s t r affic. U su ally, a significant portion of the settleme nt is due to n o n -e la st ic ( p la st ic) st r a in s wh ich m a k e aconcave area in the tire paths. This is called structural rutting as illustrated in Figure 1. In tr opical zones, the asp halt te mperat ure may rise to 70 degr ee s cen tigrade because of in cr e ase air t emp e rat u re an d t h e dire ct su n radiat io n [2,3]. Also , t he asp halt mo du lu s of e lasticit y de cr e ase s du e t o t emp er atu r e r ise which in turn causes the additional stress to be transferred to the bed of the pavement easily. T h e r e f o r e ,i t c a n b e c o n clu d e d t h a t a r e la t io n sh ip b e t we e n t h e d e cr e ase o f t h e modulus of elasticity and the additional stresses transfer to the pavement bed exists which leads to the structural rutting. INITIAL DATA Th e modulus of elasticity and poison ratio of th e base an d subbase asphalt layers obtain ed from previous investigations are illustrated in Table 1 [4,5]. Based on investigations conducted in Iranian tropical zones, three pavement types wit h diffe r en t th ickne sse s ar e in t ro duce d in Table 2. D iffer en t be d type s based on C.B.R strength are also introduced in Table 3.

TABLE 2. Types of General Pavements.

Layer Asphalt Base Subbase

Thin Type Intermediate Thick

10 12 15

20 25 25

25 35 40

TABLE 3. Bed Types Properties.

Bed type C.B.R

Strong >12

intermediate 8-12

weak 3-7

that E lsym 5 and kenlayer give almost similar results [6]. In this study , Elsym5 has been used b e ca u se o f it s sim p licit y a n d r e a so n a b le accuracy. The version of this computer software presented in 1986 was reviewed by Koperman [7]. T h e E l sym 5 co m p u t e r so f t wa r e wa s e mp lo yed fo r t h e str e ss-st rain analysis. T his program affords ten circular loads with uniform intensities simultaneously. D ifferent common co mme r cial ve h icle s in I r an ian r o u t s we r e studied to get the critical heavy load applied by the tires on the rout surface. Maximum weights wh ich can be to le rat ed by diffe ren t axle s are introduced in Table 4. Referring to Table 4, it is observed that the t wo axle t r ucks ap p ly t h e maximu m load o n
TABLE 4. Maximum Weights on Different Axle Types. Axle
Weight on every tire (Kg) 6000 _____ = 3000 2 13000 ______ = 3250 4 2000 _____ 8 =2500 Single 6 ton
(Single tire)

M an y so ft war e s su ch as E lysm5, K e n laye r , Michpave, Flexpass, Vesys and D ama are used fo r str uct ur al analysis of flexible p aveme nt s. Analyses preformed by these software indicate 196 - Vol. 14, No. 3, August 2001

Single 13 ton
(double tire)

20 ton

International Journal of Engineering

TABLE 5. Equivalence coefficients.

Type of axle
Weight On axle Equivalence Coefficient

Single 6 ton

Single double tires


Combined 20 ton

(2) (3) (4) (5)




Internal edge of tire (x=2.56 y=0.0) Center of tire (x=7.11 y=0.0) External edge of tire (x=11.56 y=0.0) 10 cm out of tire (x=15.74 y=0.0) Beneath the above mentioned coordination lo ca t io n s at su r face , middle an d be lo w t h e asphalt, base,subbase an d subgrade layers are considered to compute the stresses. Strains and displacements are introduced in Table 6.


The results of normal displacements obtained by E lsym5 conce rning 54 pave ment structure s are give n in T able 7. T he se r e su lt s at diffe r e n t de pths for the ce ntral points be twe e n the tire s are given in Table 7. The number of allowable passing loads N d wh ich a vo id t h e st r u ct u r a l r u t t in g ca n b e calculated form the equation: N d=f 4( c) -f5 (1) Wh e r e c r e p r e se n t s t h e maximu m n o r mal str ain o n t h e su bgr ade su r face; f 4 an d f 5 ar e given in Table 8 [9,10].

Figure 2. Schematic representation of a 13 ton trucks rear axle. TABLE 6. Location of Points for Analysis.

Surface of Thin Intermediate asphalt layer Pavement Pavement

Middle of asphalt Beneath asphalt Middle of base Beneath base Middle of subbase Beneath subbase 10 cm beneath subgrade 1.97 3.94 7.87 21.65 16.73 21.65 25.60 2.36 4.72 9.65 28.35 21.46 28.35 32.28

Thick Pavement
2.96 5.91 10.83 31.50 23.63 31.50 35.44

T h e n o r mal st r ain o n t h e su b gr ade ve r su s n u mbe r o f 8.2 t o n a xle s co mp u t e d b y t h e metho ds su ggested in Table 8 is illu strated by the nomographs given in Figure 3. Comparing t h e se n o mo gr a p h s in dicat e s t h a t t h e sh e ll company has a considerable difference with the others. Probably, the criteria of the Shell company method has a substantial difference with other cr it e r ia . O n t h e o t h e r h an d , t h e A sp h a lt Institute nomograph seems very close to TR R met hod at h igh st rain an d indicates a relat ive agr ee me n t wit h t h e Be lgiu m me t h od at lo w strains. Therefore, the Asphalt Institute method is considered a basis for the analysis performed in this study. Based on E quation 1, proposed coefficients by Asphalt Institutes referred to in Table 8, and su b gr a d e st r a in o f d i f f e r e n t p a ve m e n t Vol. 14, No. 3, August 2001 - 197

p ave me n t su r face co mp a r e d t o o t h e r t r u ck types. E quivale nt coe fficient s of standard 8.2 ton axle which reflect the damage rate on routs are given in Table 5 [5]. Table 5 indicates that the 13 ton axle has the maximum equivalence coefficient. The research carried out by the authers indicates that the 13 ton trucks rear axle gives maximum stress and strain in pavement layers [8] (Figure 2). According to the information given by truck drivers and re pair centers, the tire pressure of the 13 ton truck is 85 Psi. Locations and selection of coordin ates for an alysis. ( 1) Cent er betwe en t wo t ires( x= 0.0 y=0.0) International Jounal of Engineering

TABLE 7. Maximum Normal Strain.

Pavement Type

Elasticity Modules Bed type

Weak Intermediate Strong Weak

7.419 6.54 5.77 4.78 4.26 3.79 3.29 3.51 3.13

6.87 6.08 5.38 4.41 3.95 3.53 3.57 3.21 2.87

6.53 5.79 5.13 4.19 3.76 3.36 3.35 3.02 2.70

6.27 5.56 4.43 4.02 3.61 3.23 3.19 2.87 2.57

6.05 5.38 4.76 3.88 3.49 3.13 3.06 2.76 2.48

5.85 5.21 4.62 3.76 3.39 3.04 2.94 2.65 2.39

Unit Kg/cm2


Intermediate Strong Weak


Intermediate Strong

TABLE 8. Values of f4 and f5.

Name of Organization Asphalt Institute

Shell Company, 1985 50% 85% 95% U.K. TRR 85% safety

f4 1.365 10-9
6.15 10 1.94 10 1.05 10
-7 -7 -7

f5 4.477

4 4 3.95 4.35

6.18 10

-8 -9

Belgium road research center

3.05 10

structures referred to in Table 7, the number of 8.2 t o n axle s co n ce r n in g t h e limit at io n o f st ru ct ur al ru t t ing in tr o duce d in T able 9 ar e calculated. Table 9 also introduces the vertical strain on subgrade and the allowe d numbe r of 8.2 ton axles of 54 pavement structures. Number of elasticity drawn on a logarithmic sc a le f o r t h r e e p a ve m e n t t yp e s ( t h i n , in t e r me d iat e an d t h ick) wit h va r io u s be d conditions (weak, intermediate and strong) are shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6. T h u s, t h e mixt u r e p r o p e r t ie s ca n b e co n t r o lle d b y u sin g t h e se n o mo gr ap h s, t h e initial data as the number of 8.2 ton equivalent axles within the design period of the road which is designed on the basis of one of the methods, knowing the C.B.R of the bed, and selecting the appropriate nomograph from Figures 4 and 5 or 6. Proper use of the mentioned nomographs is illustrated in Figure 7. RESULTS The design of pavement thickness and asphalt mixture can be checked by using the proposed method. The asphalt mixture and the pavement layer thicknesses should be checked so that no additional stresses and strains are obtained in the soil bed and also no structural rutting occurs in the tire paths.

Figure 3. E ffect of nu mber of allowable passing loads on norm al strain exerted in interm ediate pavem ent of weak subgrade.

Example A p a ve m e n t L a ye r t h ick n e ss
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TABLE 9. Number of Allowable Traffic Based on Asphalt Institute Method.

Pavement Type

Modules Elasticity Bed type

Weak Bed

0.742 140066 0.654 246485 0.577 431865 0.478 1003076 0.426 1679832 0.379 2835077 0.329 2437759 0.351 3997538 0.313 6676988

0.687 197732 0.608 341661 0.538 590772 0.441 1438735 0.376 2355957 0.353 3897133 0.357 3705416 0.321 5963615 0.287 9844539

0.653 248179 0.579 425226 0.513 731033 0.419 1809174 0.361 2937762 0.336 4860844 0.355 4926143 0.302 7836850 0.270 12939487

0.627 297691 0.566 509838 0.493 873488 0.402 2177773 0.349 3525111 0.323 5800066 0.319 6132841 0.287 9844539 0.258 15860293

0.605 349312 0.538 590772 0.476 1022083 0.388 2552307 0.399 4101126 0.313 6676988 0.306 7388526 0.276 11726885 0.248 18930952

0.586 402953 0.521 682103 0.462 1168235 0.376 2937762 0.399 4671201 0.304 7608650 0.294 8837748 0.265 14068923 0.239 22338049

10-3 N

Thin Pavement

Intermediate Bed Strong Bed Weak Bed

Intermediate Pavement

Intermediate Bed Strong Bed Weak Bed

Thick Pavement

Intermediate Bed Strong Bed

Figure 4. E ffect of nu mber of allowable passing loads on stiffness of thin pavement.

Figure 6. E ffect of nu mber of allowable passing loads on stiffness of thick pavement.

design is given as: h subbase = 38 cm; h asphalt = 15 cm; h base = 23 cm; C.B.R subgr ade = 11; E AL= 10 7. N u mbe r o f axle s o f 8.2 t o n s ve h icle is 10 7 . Ch ar act e rist ics o f mat er ials such as vo lu me percent of rock and asphalt materials and PI of asphalt can be determined by the Marshal test.

Figure 5. E ffect of nu mber of allowable passing loads on stiffness of intermediate pavement.

Co mparin g t he th icknesses of t he designed pavement layers with thicknesses given in Table 2, it is concluded that the pavement is t hick. A cco r din g to T able 3, t h e give C.B.R

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Figure 7. Flowchart of nomograph used in this study.

indicates that the bed is intermediate. H ence, u sin g F igu r e 6 co n ce r n in g E a l = 10 7 , t h e st iffn ess co efficie n t o f t he r e quir e d asp halt mixture which can avoid additional stress in bed yields: E required = 2756 M Pa. Conside ring t he Vander Poel nomograph [5,6], the stiffness of the existing asphalt mixture which is supposed t o be u se d will be as: E e xist in g = 3238 M P a. Sin ce E e xi s t i n g > E r e q u i r e d t h e mixt u r e is considered to be acceptable. REFERENCES
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