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Escola Secundria de Lousada Exame de Equivalncia Frequncia

Disciplina: Ingls (continuao) Ano de Escolaridade: 11 Componente de Formao: Geral Cdigo: 367 Tempo de Durao: 90 minutos Data da Prova: 22-06-2011 N de Pginas da Prova: 3 (Trs) Ano Lectivo: 2010 / 2011

Material Permitido: Dicionrios Bilingue e Unilingue.

NOTA: Todas as respostas devero ser obrigatoriamente dadas na folha de resoluo da prova de exame. I A. Before reading the text answer the following question in about 35-40 words. Are Portuguese schools, in general, multicultural schools? Account for your answer.

J. B. Stuart School in Virginia reflects a wide range of colors and cultures. Half of its 1,400 students come from 70 different countries. Its as if you took the whole human race and threw it up in the air and everyone ended up here. But at Stuart our students mix. Everybody is a 5 minority here and thats the best mix of all, says Mel Riddle the principal. The kids here know they are in a blender: people of different colors and textures go in, and a mixture that appears homogeneous comes out. Everyone has a backpack. Most boys wear jeans and t-shirts; many girls wear short skirts or tight pants. Boys and girls wear earrings and 10 talk about the same music. But running beneath the sameness in fashion and in attitude is a current of ethnic soul a diversity that many of the students cling to even as they conform. They may sense that they are losing their family stories in the blender. Im forgetting Arabic, says one student. I can feel it fading away, being sucked away from me. Its part of becoming American, says a friend. 15 Lunch in the cafeteria seems dominated by interaction between two groups that transcend ethnic differences: boys and girls. Handholding, hugging and occasional kissing have been very much in evidence throughout the school. What do these teenagers think of the cultural rules their parents try to enforce? A Sikh student says he finally talked his father into letting him cut his hair. Some of the Muslim girls argue with their parents about what kinds of dresses they can wear. One girl 20 says that her mother told her she would have to marry an Asian man, and another girl insists that people must marry for love. A third girl reports that her mother says that people marry people, not cultures. Young people whose backgrounds span the spectrum of human cultures are becoming normal American teenagers, and in the process they will change America. We may not know yet what the change will mean, but the kids themselves know they are at the heart of something significant. As one boy, speaking simply 25 and confidently, told me: We make America more interesting.
Source: Changing America, Joel Swerdlow (abridged and adapted)

B. Find evidence for the following statements in the text.

1. The mixture of different cultures in this school is seen as a very positive thing. 2. It seems there arent many differences among teens way of dressing. 3. Lunch time seems like an opportunity for boys and girls to interact. 4. Some Muslim girls have fights with their parents about clothes. 5. Diversity of cultures enriches American society.
C. Go through the first three paragraphs of the text and find words meaning: 1. a great variety of 2. headmaster 3. homogeneity 4. feel 5. disappearing D. Say who / what the following words refer back to. 1. here (l. 5) 2. they (l. 7) 3. him (l.18) 4. whose (l.19) E. Answer the following questions on the text. Use your own words as far as possible. 1. Why do you think the Asian mother told her daughter to marry an Asian man? 2. Do you think that the diversity of cultures makes America more interesting? Justify your answer.


A. Word Formation. Use the words in brackets as cues to write the correct forms according to the context.
Youth Lost? Randi S., Sharon, MA Im scared for our generation. I am. Were too 1. .................. (anxiety) to grow up: to take on responsibilities and worries about money and college and the future; to walk the straight and narrow and complete each days mundane tasks unquestioningly; too caught up in the hustle and bustle to even bother asking why. Come on, were 2. .............. (youth). Weve got our whole lives ahead of us. The rest of our days to grow up, and assume 3. ................. (responsible). But right now were young. We didnt screw up this world. We didnt cause all the problems. Those were their doing. We were just dropped here. No 4. ............... (explain). No instructions. But these are our years to question and resist. To 5. ...................... (rebellion) against all the rules and restrictions we had no say in creating, but are nonetheless expected to follow unquestioningly. We dont owe anyone anything. This is our time to be 6. ............... (selfishness). To live 7. ................ (complete) and utterly for ourselves. To ditch school and throw 8. ............... (wilderness) parties. To 9. ................ (celebration) our youth and the 10. ............ (brightness) freshness of the world that is ours to shape.

B. Rewrite the following sentences starting them as suggested below. 1. My identity is not reduced to a piece of cloth covering my head. She stated 2. She had difficulty in finding a job because she was a Muslim. If she wasnt 3. People say that society deprives Muslim women of their rights. Society 4. Muslim girls have to wear a veil. Their mothers have strong cultural beliefs. Muslim girls... 5. Schools try to solve the cultural differences but riots havent come to an end yet. Although. III Choose ONE of the topics below and write about 120 words on it. 1. DISCRIMINATION CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE. Comment on this statement and give examples to support your ideas.

2. Writ about the impact of new technologies on the world of work. FIM DA PROVA COTAES I A. .. 20 pontos B. 5 x 8 pontos . 40 pontos C. 5 x 2 pontos ... 10 pontos D. 4 x 2 pontos .... 8 pontos E. 2 x 6 pontos .. 12 pontos

A. 10 x 2 pontos 20 pontos B. 5 x 8 pontos 40 pontos III 50 pontos

TOTAL - 200 pontos


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