Radical Cell-Wellness For Women, Really, Really Short Version

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Chapter 1 of the book Radical Cell-Wellness--Especially for Women!

Radical Cell-wellness, really, really short version

Based on direct observation, myself and other Health and Medical Intuitives observe human cells are born healthy and know how to be healthy on their own. Human cells do not have to be taught how to be healthy; they are born knowing their job. This is Radical Cell-Wellness. Find WHY they know how to be healthy from the start further on in this book. Cells dysfunction only when interfered with. Only two things can interfere with healthy cell function: - Physical toxins, accidents and nutritional deficiencies; that is, visible-tangible disturbances. - Frequency interference from EMF sources, noise, excessive ultraviolet light; but mostly from unresolved mental-emotional negativity circulating in our self-talk, consciously, sub-consciously and unconsciously. If you allow-promote-create enuf oppression-disturbance to build up at cellular

frequencies; eventually, the cells break down and dysfunction. This above briefly summarizes a holistic Theory of Illness. Conventional materialism objects to this theory like this: Q: How can something invisible, with origins in the past, affect cells in the present? A: Conventional materialism benefits from recognizing two facts in this area. One is mental-emotional energy is several orders of ten more potent energetically than physical matter. This means it's possible for us as souls to allow-promote-create-let in disturbing energies many times more energetic than our cells. In other words, it's not one-to-one; instead, one negative can destroy thousands of cells and daily.
The toxicology analogy

Even a little psychic negativity can register powerful influence on our cells. Toxicology is closely analogous here on a physical level: even minute amounts of some toxins can impair function or kill you. In clinical situations, major trauma, like PTSD, is far more common than thorium or brown recluse spider poisoning. PTSD stored for long periods, can cripple healthy cell function and often does.
More detail on mental-emotional negativity

Shameful and Im no good, messages exist consciously, sub- and unconsciously. Our cells are live in the unconscious frequencies of our consciousness. Im no good, messages at their frequency are experienced as oppressiondisturbance. Second, conventional materialism science does not recognize our immune system is functionally the same as our inner child. Our rational self--us from the neck up--lives in sequential time and space. Our inner child does not live in sequential time and space. It only lives in fairy tale time and space--all memories, stories and unresolved traumas happening now. You used to see this "everything at once, all fairy tales happening forever at once" on the end pages of collections of children's literature from the 1930s thru the late 1950s; i.e. Book House volumes. They would show Puss n'Boots walking by Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, with the Big

Bad Wolf hiding behind the next tree--all happening at once--and--over and over and over. In fairy tale time, past, present and future are all NOW; our memories, habits and behaviors are all NOW for the inner child in a way unfamiliar and disorienting to the isolated and psychologically naive conscious self. Because our inner child is also functionally equal to our immune system, our immune system is constantly affected by the sum total of unresolved psychic negativity every moment. Over time healthy cell function is worn down and diminished simply from the task of carrying-moderating all these toxic frequencies.
Theory of Anti-aging

The converse is also true: the fastest way to reduce and slow down the aging process is to subtract unresolved energetic burdens. The Plan for Earth embodiment is set up to be a primarily subtractive process; subtract-resolve-clear up as many disturbances, on as many levels as you can, in the time you have, as best you can. Effort counts. Do what you can NOW. Forgiveness and self-forgiveness is the main subtractive tool for this at this time. A complete improved protocol for self-forgiveness, in harmony with Radical Cell-Wellness is freely shared at http://healingcoach.org/articles.html Was this useful? Please share it with friends. VERBATIM DUPLICATION ENCOURAGED as long as credit is given to HealingToolbox.org & Bruce Dickson Find Health & Medical Intuitive Bruce Dickson at HealingToolbox.org and HealingCoach.org. GIFT SESSIONS by phone and Skype. When your habit body lets go of the negativity, your cells go back to being healthy! All solutions tested against your highest good to make sure they work for you. Money back guarantee on all work. 310-280-1176 or Skype: selfhealingcoach ~ If you get stuck, give me a call.

Author of 12 books on Kindle, Scribd, etc. Bruce has seen clients professionally since 2001, finding solutions for people who wish to avoid drugs and surgery. Tools That Heal Press ~ Textbooks, courses and curriculum for healing schools and energy schools. Author of 11 books/eBooks on self-healing, Bruce has been seeing clients professionally since 2001. He co-founded the Westside Holistic Chamber of Commerce. With masters in both school counseling and Spiritual Science, he follows both the Law of Spiderman and the Law of Gentleness for Healers.

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