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A2 or Twin Tarot Artavisms Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

WELl, its that time ov year again, & Work cALls. 4 these 22 Days I dcided 2 finish what I had started last year w/IVxix, Adjustment to the Sun, & xtrapolate that 2 the other Atu. It is accomplished, 4 now. I tried not 2 me them (eddit) too much, & was happily surprised 2 c what just came. 1 thing 4 sure, Lady Frieda Harris was an amazing artist. Und ja, she had The Beast directing her, but the symmetry & proportions ov her Work amazed me while doing these. I really did no do too much, & wood love 2 c some1 do better than this 1 armed monkey. Note it is called The Great Work, not My (or so says some Ani Ain). But I digress. Basically I followed these 13 steps und voil, 500MB ov 200 files w/26 folders later, these 22 A2 (plus some others). Using any image edditing software (I use/d psp); take/took orig large, high res Atu; flip, mirror, align, etc if need b (& they did/do); resize 2 600*800 & save Atu 4 later Work. Dfine geometric selection area around just Atu image, ~500*702ish (or dwtw); copy, paste as nu, resize 2 500*702 if need b (or dwtw), & save 4 later Work. Copy nu & paste as nu layer over main Atu/nu, blend mode nrml, opacity 50 (or dwtw); or, copy/paste 2 nu n2 A2 tmplt; align if need b/2 your liking, & merge visible layers. Touch up if need b (careful ov bleeding, & over-doing); bck clr lt grn: #D4DEC6, D1D4B7; bck clr drk grn 4 txt: #9DA991, 94A289, 95A18B; 4 set, consistency is key. & thats it volkes. That is ALl I did. Now do U c y I was/am amazed, esp by Lady Frieda Harris? Anyroad, once done U can play w/them more. Now, the 2 tables. I note here as this is not n the context ov meus Liber Kronos yet. Basically the who, what, where & when ov the 22 Atu 4 IV & V cycles/years. I wood comment more, but they seem quite obvious (& yes, that is a Prince lyric from Batman blow). Anyroad, that Works 4 now. Any questions, comments &/or curses r ALways wELcomed. Once I eddit n2 Liber Kronos I will let volke know. Again though, try these yoursELves. Each 1 shows something different, & U just dont have 2 use opacity 50 or the other parameters I used 4 these. & while We r @ it, think ov a date/year especial (or not so especial) 2 U (or even n the future). 1 ov mein is The Emperor Hermit Love is the law, love under will. WLLM

3.19.12-3.20.12 xix-xx 0 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 I 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 XIV XXI The Universe XX The Aeon XIX The Sun XVIII The Moon IV The Emperor XVI The Tower XV The Devil XIV Art XIII Death XII The Hanged Man VIII Adjustment X Fortune IX The Hermit XI Lust VII The Chariot VI The Lovers V The Hierophant XVII The Star III The Empress II The High Priestess I The Magus O The Fool IVxx IVxxi 4 21 The Emperor Verse IVxx 4 20 The Emperor Aeon IVxix 4 19 The Emperor Sun IVxviii 4 18 The Emperor Moon IViv 4 4 The Emperor Emperor IVxvi 4 16 The Emperor Tower IVxv 4 15 The Emperor Devil IVxiv 4 14 The Emperor Art IVxiii 4 13 The Emperor Death IVxii 4 12 The Emperor Hanged IVviii 4 8 The Emperor Adjustment IVx 4 10 The Emperor Fortune IVix 4 9 The Emperor Hermit IVxi 4 11 The Emperor Lust IVvii 4 7 The Emperor Chariot IVvi 4 6 The Emperor Lovers IVv 4 5 The Emperor Hierophant IVxvii 4 17 The Emperor Star IViii 4 3 The Emperor Empress IVii 4 2 The Emperor High Priestess IVi 4 1 The Emperor Magus IVo 4 0 The Emperor Fool ONo 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992

I've seen the future and it will be, I've seen the future and it works 3.19.12-3.20.12 xix-xx 3.19.13-3.20.13 xx-xxi 3.19.14-3.20.14 xxi-Vo 3.20.15-3.21.15 Vo-Vi 3.19.14-3.20.14 IVxxi-Vo 0 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 I 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 XIV Vo XXI The Universe Vxxi 5 21 The Hierophant Verse XX The Aeon Vxx 5 20 The Hierophant Aeon XIX The Sun Vxix 5 19 The Hierophant Sun XVIII The Moon Vxviii 5 18 The Hierophant Moon IV The Emperor Vxvii 5 4 The Hierophant Emperor XVI The Tower Vxvi 5 16 The Hierophant Tower XV The Devil Vxv 5 15 The Hierophant Devil XIV Art Vxiv 5 14 The Hierophant Art XIII Death Vxiii 5 13 The Hierophant Death XII The Hanged Man Vxii 5 12 The Hierophant Hanged VIII Adjustment Vviii 5 8 The Hierophant Adjustment X Fortune Vx 5 10 The Hierophant Fortune IX The Hermit Vix 5 9 The Hierophant Hermit XI Lust Vxi 5 11 The Hierophant Lust VII The Chariot Vvii 5 7 The Hierophant Chariot VI The Lovers Vvi 5 6 The Hierophant Lovers V The Hierophant Vv 5 5 The Hierophant Hierophant XVII The Star Vxvii 5 17 The Hierophant Star III The Empress Viii 5 3 The Hierophant Empress II The High Priestess Vii 5 2 The Emperor High Priestess I The Magus Vi 5 1 The Emperor Magus O The Fool Vo 5 0 The Emperor Fool ONo 2035 2034 2033 2032 2031 2030 2029 2028 2027 2026 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014

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