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Trinity Tidings

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church ELCA

A P R IL 2012 V O L U ME 6, ISS UE 4

Our Mission Statement: Sharing the Word of God Through Worship and Teaching, With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and Our Community.

Table of Contents
Easter Schedule Trinity's Council News 2 3-5 ___________________________ __________________________ Service to Others Birthdays ____________________________ Notes of Thanks News for Women of TLC Circle News 7 6

Trinitys second annual One-Day Retreat is Saturday, April 28, at Lutheran Memorial Camp (LMC). The days activities will include fellowship, song, study, reflection, outdoor worship and more. Activities begin at 10 a.m. and conclude about 6 p.m. Both lunch and dinner are included. LMC is about a 45 minute drive north of Columbus.

Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio

Everyday, Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio (LSS) helps thousands of people in need throughout 55 Ohio counties by addressing the four core societal issues of hunger, housing, healing and hope. Organized in 1912, LSS was founded to carry on general charitable and religious work and continues to serve that very purpose today. Through food pantries, homeless shelters, senior living residences, affordable housing communities and other services that uplift families and strengthen communities, LSS is continuing its mission of creating a better world by serving people in need.

P A GE 2

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Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday noon service April 5, 12:05 p.m. simple lunch following Maundy Thursday evening service April 5, 7:00 p.m. Good Friday noon service April 6, 12:05 p.m. Good Friday Evening service April 6, 7:00 p.m. On Friday April 6, during the 7 pm Good Friday service, Trinitys Chancel Choir will sing the chorales from J.S. Bachs St. John Passion. These choral offerings will be sung within the context of the reading of the Passion story according to John. Vigil of Easter April 7, 8:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Breakfast April 8, 8:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Worship April 8, 10:30 a.m. Compline Easter Sunday evening April 8, 8:30 p.m.


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Communications-Evangelism Team Needs Congregation Input The team has discussed what our church logo should look like. We are not sure what is identifying about us as a church. We want to get the congregations input on suggestions for identifying features of our congregation that may work as a unique logo. Our church website is now up and running at, the website is still a work in progress. The website is yet another area where we cannot be 100% successful without congregation input. If anyone has any suggestions, or has encountered any issues with the website please contact Robert Neymeyer at From the Evangelism side of the committee we have been discussing what is Trinitys evangelism message, basically a brief statement that sums up why someone would come to Trinity. Yet another area where the congregation can give input, by letting members of the Communication-Evangelism Team know any suggestions to what they see as our evangelism message.

From the Choir Loft

Trinitys music program continues to serve as a leader within the Central Ohio arts world. Members of Trinitys ensembles participate in musical ensembles throughout Columbus including the Columbus Symphony Chorus (presenting the magnificent Requiem by Maurice Durufl on May 4 and 5), the Columbus Gay Mens Chorus and the Capital University Choral Union. In addition, Trinitys Chancel Choir will be helping with three special events in the next several months: Sunday May 20 at 7 pm, the Chancel Choir will travel to Epiphany Lutheran Church in Pickerington to sing in Cantor Connections spring hymn festival. This festival celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Monday May 21 at 7:30 pm members of Trinitys Chancel Choir will join the University Chorus of the Ohio State University-Marion in presenting the Ohio premier of Donald Patriquins Titanic Requiem. Plans are in the works to share this work at Trinity as well (more details to come as they are confirmed). Music notes: -Do you have a favorite hymn that youd like to sing in worship? Please leave a note in the music directors mailbox (in the fellowship hall) or email and we will attempt to include your hymn in an upcoming worship service. -If you attended worship on Sunday February 19th, you noticed that our music featured a wide variety of styles. We are looking for instrumentalists to help lead worship when our services feature this blend of music. Do you or someone you know play guitar, bass or piano and would be interested in participating in this ministry? Contact Christopher Dent, director of music so that we might include you in leading worship.

Soli Deo Gloria Chris


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Memorial Candles
Several Memorial Candles (in the back) are lit every Sunday. The Worship Committee has decided that some members of the congregation might want to help defray some of the cost of the candles. Each candle costs approximately $0.25. They are purchased in boxes of 144. There will be a little box placed back on the table if you want to help. This is a volunteer effort. Members of the congregation are encouraged to light the candles whether or not they help defray the cost.

Community Ministry Report Community Ministry Meeting was cancelled in February 2012. Prayer Shawl Ministry is established and on the way. We have not set a regular scheduled meeting yet. If anyone is interested in joining please call Mary Roberts #588-2031 or see Janet Robinson at Church. This is a new outreach ministry and everyone is welcome. I like to remind everyone that a sign-up sheet is posted on the board next to the Fellowship Hall for LLS Food-Pantry and First English Community Dinner volunteer opportunities. Please take a few minutes out of your schedule and sign up for upcoming 2012 dates. This is a call out to all Trinity Members. Community Ministry Team needs you to participate and spare 1-2 hours a month for team meetings. I know everyone has a busy schedule but in order to follow our Mission here at Trinity we need more Community Ministry Members. Please call Mary Roberts #588-2031 or come to our next meeting, April 25th. You are welcome and appreciated. Earth Day 2012 at Trinity Trinity to celebrate with Landscape Exchange, yard clean up and other activities One persons overgrown plantings may fill another persons landscape bare spot. Earth Day 2012 is Sunday, April 22, and Trinitys new Green Team is planning several activities, including a Landscape Exchange. This spring, as you are cleaning up your yard and landscape areas as you identify plants that need to be thinned, separated or simply arent what you want you may be able to find them a new home in someone elses yard. Simply dig them up, place them in a container, label them, provide any special instruction, and bring them to Trinity the weekend of Earth Day. (Please consider dropping them off prior to the Saturday worship service.) Then, browse what others have brought and if you find something that may be a good fit in your yard, just take it home and plant it. You dont need to bring plants to select some for your yard. Following a light lunch, we also will celebrate Earth Day by cleaning Trinitys yard and landscape areas. Please bring your work gloves, a couple of yard waste bags and your preferred tools (clippers, pruners, spade, etc.). Additional Earth Day activities may be planned. Please watch the weekly Trinity Happenings for more information.

What might help you grow your relationship with God?

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The Spiritual Formation Ministry Team is seeking suggestions for adult Christian education programs. If you have ideas for a class topic or format, or an alternative time/day, please make these ideas and preferences known. If you have not submitted one of the response cards included with the Trinity Happenings in late March and early April, please jot down your ideas and leave a note in the Stewardship/Education mail box in the Fellowship Hall. There always is a place for you at Trinitys Christian education programs. Currently Trinity offers two adult Sunday School classes that begin at 9 a.m. in the lounge and in room 108, and a Wednesday evening Bible study at 7 p.m.

Education Opportunities: Adult Sunday School Adult Forum Meets Sundays at 9 a.m. in the lounge Childrens and Youth
Classes meet on the second floor of the education wing

Wednesday Bible Study

Meets at 7 p.m. in the lounge.

Next Spiritual Formation Team Meeting: Thursday, April 19, 5:30 p.m.

There will be a bake sale to raise money for Trinity's youth programs at Caskey Cleaners on Saturday, April 7. Baked good donations can be brought to the church at the end of that week or directly to the Cleaners on Saturday morning. 47 W. Gates St. Columbus, OH 43206 (1block south of Greenlawn on S. Front Street)

Come and join us: The Adult Bible Studies, Room 108, Sundays, -10 A.M .for God's Creative Word, John, by Philip Ruge-Jones for April and May, 2012. Also join us for the Wednesday Bible Study Class, the Lounge, 7-9 P.M. for study in Genesis - Where It All Begins.

Additional copies of the 2011 Annual report booklet are available in the church office. If you would like to have a copy call 224-6818.


Volume 6, Issue 4

Service to Trinity in April

Greeters 01Norm Hively 07 Shirley Griffin 08 Mary Roberts 15 Janet Robertson 22 TBA 29 Beth Fraley Lectors 01 Jane Nida 05 Bev Speasmaker, 06 TBA 07 several 08 Linda Acierno 15 Arlene Dykeman 22 Amanda Greiner 29 Greg Brandt Worship Assistants 01 Jay Shailer 06 07 Neal Coryell 08 Jason McKitrick 15 Linda Acierno 22 Arlene Dykeman 29 Evan Hively Chris Dent Jay Shailer Neal Coryell Melissa Ewing Andrea Dent Cantors Beth Tucker Sheila Hively

Service to our Community

FAITH MISSION The next date for Faith Mission is Thursday, April 26th at 6:30pm Dinner is served from 6:45 to 7:45pm. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30pm. Those serving at Faith Mission in March were: David Huskey, Dorothy Turnbo, Bertha Powell and Denise Jackson. Remember to sign up soon before your favorite month is full. For more information on service at Faith Mission, contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Thank you again, Sharon Thacker

05 Neal Coryell, Beth Tucker Andrea Dent

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) FOOD PANTRY Remember to sign-up on SIGNUP CENTRAL the bulletin board in the lobby for this very important service for our community. Contact Mary Roberts at 614-588-2031 or email: for information on Saturday service at the LSS food pantry. Contact Bev Speasmaker at 231-2891 if you would like to help during the week.

Altar Guild Diana Fisher and Louise Distelhorst Communion Bread Baker Janet Walston Open/Close Neal Coryell Ushers Bob Kilhefner, David Schroeder, Neal Coryell, David Johnston, Kevin Miller, Offering Assistants Bob and Jane Nida

Samaritan Update from 2/27-3/26 30 lunch bags 5 State ID 3 $10.00 gas vouchers 15 COTA Day passes Each month Trinity is able to help assist people with Cota Day Passes. We also assist people each month by helping them to get their State ID. Another program Trinity offers is gasoline for your vehicle. We currently work with a local BP station. Trinity continues to offer brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.


04/01 Shirley Griffin 04/07 Pat Bennett 04/10 Frank Bazell 04/11 Dwight Garner 04/15 Susan Downs 04/18 Maura McClelland 04/19 Mary Reed-Farris 04/21 Philip Dickerson 04/24 Greg Brandt 04/24 Aubrey Dudra 04/29 Thelma Schumacher 04/29 Amy Heinlein 04/30 Suzanne Shields


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NEWS FROM THE WOMEN OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Shirley Griffin, President RACHEL CIRCLE REMEMBER members of Rachel Circle to bring your
washcloths for Faith Mission on April 5. Rachel Circle's next meeting will be May3

Thank You A special thank you to my church family for all their prayers and lovely cards. You are all such a blessing. Thank you so much. Nancy Gosnell

The HANNAH CIRCLE will meet on Monday, April 16 at 7:00 P.M. in the Lounge. Bible Study Leader and Hostess is Vivian Faelchle.

Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on April 15th following worship in the Fellowship Hall.

ALTAR FLOWERS if you have not paid for your 2011 altar flowers please make your payment to the Trinity Lutheran Church Women (TLCW). Our records show that several people have not paid for their flowers. Thanking you in advance for taking care of your flower bill. TLCW Board

We at Ronald McDonald House are so grateful for your thoughtful and generous contribution of pop tabs Please keep us in your hearts. Your friends at the Ronald McDonald House

Please continue to save ink cartridges

Staples will recycle ink cartridges and give us money back which then gives us rewards to purchase church supplies.

WTLC BOARD will sponsor a SPRING BAKE SALE on Sunday, April 1st Before and worship in the Fellowship Hall. Please stop by for some goodies for Easter.

April 2012
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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799 E-mail:

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The deadline for submission of articles for the May Trinity Tidings is Wednesday, April 18th at 12:30p.m. Assembly of the Trinity Tidings will be Monday, April 23rd at 10:00 a.m.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Charles Peterson Director of Music Ministries: Christopher Dent Organist: Dr. Tom Wells Administrative Assistant: Mary Reed-Farris Custodian: Lori Large
Trinity Tidings Committee
Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm Friday 8:30-12:30pm

Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly & Mailers Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Amanda Greiner Vivian Faelchle Myra Kilhefner
Suggestions for the Trinity Tidings are always welcome

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recognize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

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