Tahsis Literacy Society Minutes - February 23rd 2010

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Minutes Regular Meeting of the TAHSIS LITERACY SOCIETY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD 2010 1. Call to Order 7:40

Present: Judy Burgess, Katrina Kornylo, Janet Clouston, Glyn Howell, Agatha John, Alice John, Tina Douglas, Michelle Kowalchuk, Catherine Gordon, Anne Cameron, Jude Schooner 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved Cameron, Second Alice John Carried 3. Approval of Minutes of Jan. 27th, 2010 Amended to reflect Anne Cameron is Liaison to Council (not Jude Schooner as recorded) Moved Cameron, Second Alice John Carried 4. Apologies: None 5. Correspondence: None 6. Treasurers Report: Attached Moved Cameron, Second Gordon to accept Carried 7. Presidents Report: A major event this month for the Literacy Society was the opportunity to view the delightful childrens performance at CMESS, the outcome of the Missoula Childrens Theatre Societys visit to our Community. We had sponsored this visit using part of our Literacy Now funding that we had previously earmarked for programs for youth. It was very gratifying to feel that we had helped make this happen, and it was also nice to have that help suitably acknowledged. Additional discussion took place about this recent success; commitment and talent of the children, would be nice for the school to be able to build on this, could this experience be built on to enhance the Potlatch now being planned for this Summer by the School and native community members? 8. Coordinators Report: Attached

9. Grant Selection Committee Report: Attached The grant application procedure will no longer apply, however, there will still be a need for proposals to be presented so the TLS has something to read/discuss. Motion to approve the grant application from CMESS to fund a First Nations dance and language program at the school. Moved Gordon, second Douglas. Carried. 10. Food Security/Community Garden report: The Research Team has commenced administering or delivering the Community Survey to all Tahsis residents this week. So far, reaction has been very positive. A research trip to other community gardens in the region is being planned for the Garden Design Committee. 11. Old Business: - Appointment of New Treasurer Michelle Kowalchuk appointed without dissent

Coordinator for 2010-2011. The effort to recruit a new Coordinator continues

- Web-site 12. New Business: - Resignation of Lori Bennett from Board of Directors. Resignation accepted Appointment of new Director Agatha John appointed without dissent Report form (and cheque) to be completed for Societies Branch. Strategic Planning Session Motion that the Society meet to have a strategic planning session to determine our plans and goals for the future Moved Cameron, second Douglas Carried Spring Fair date not yet set PAC meets next Monday, the date will likely be set at that time

13. Next Meeting of Literacy Society - Tuesday, March 16 14. Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm. Moved Kowalchuk . Carried

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