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Tahsis Literacy Society Annual General Meeting November 11, 2010 Minutes

Attendance: Bob Devault, Tony Ellis, Alice John, Artena Douglas, Jude Schooner, Sylvie Keen, Judy Ellis, Corrine Dahling, Darryl Hunter, Anne Cameron, Judy Burgess, Catherine Gordon, Debra Connibear, Glyn Howell, Dave Wills, Corinne VanSolkema Apologies: Michelle Kowalchuk 1. Call to Order 6:55 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Moved: Tony Ellis. Second: Alice John. All in Favor 3. Presidents Report: Attached

4. Treasurers Report: Attached Motion to accept treasurers report. Moved: Glyn Howell, Second: Dave Wills. All in Favor 5. Outreach Coordinators Report: Attached 6. Bylaw Change Motion Moved: Judy Burgess Second: Tony Ellis That the bylaws be amended as follows: Paragraph 43, Part 7 c) All Payments of 50.00 or more from the Societys bank account require the passing of a resolution to that effect at a general or a Directors meeting. This action should be recorded in the minutes of that meeting. d) Both approved payee and approved amount to be paid must be entered on all cheques before accredited signees for the Society Bank Account are asked to cosign them. Carried

7. Membership Fees. Moved Anne Cameron, Second Debra Conibear. All in Favor. That the Society Membership Fee remains at $1.00 Step down of all current positions. Retirement of President. 8. Election of Officers President Nominated: Alice John, Debra Conibear, Silvie Keen, Catherine Gordon Nomination accepted by Catherine Gordon Acclaimed: Catherine Gordon Vice-President Nominated: Alice John, Silvie Keen, Debra Conibear Nomination accepted by Alice John Acclaimed : Alice John Secretary Nominated: Glyn Howell Acclaimed : Glyn Howell Treasurer Nominated: Michelle Kowalchuk, Debra Conibear Nomination accepted by Michelle Kowalchuk, Debra Conibear Elected: Michelle Kowalchuk Directors Nominated: Artena Douglas, Debra Connibear, Silvie Keen, Judy Ellis, Dave Wills, Darryl Hunter Nomination accepted by Artena Douglas, Debra Connibear, Sylive Keen, Dave Wills, Darryl Hunter Motion to destroy ballots: Debra Connibear, Second: Alice John Selection Committee: Dave Wills, Glyn Howell, Tony Ellis, Catherine Gordon, Michelle Kowalchuk Motion of thanks to Tony Ellis for conducting 2010 Literacy Society election. Motion of thanks for 2009-2010 board members for all their hard work and sacrifice and working for the good of the community. 9. Motion to adjourn. 8:22pm Moved: Glyn Howell, All in Favor

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