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Minutes Regular Meeting of the TAHSIS LITERACY SOCIETY WEDNESDAY, November 10th 2010

1. Call to order

7:55 PM

Present: Judy Burgess, Michelle Kowalchuk, Alice John, Corinne Vansolkema, Tony Ellis, Judy Ellis, Anne Cameron. 2. Adoption of Agenda With bylaw amendment. Moved Tony Ellis, Second Alice John. All in Favor. 3. Approval of Minutes June 28, 2010 Judy Ellis, Alice Second, All in Favor September 27, 2010 Alice, Anne second, All in Favor

4. AGM Planning Review of all material to be presented at AGM.

5. Bylaw amendment to Schedule B Society Act at AGM To be added to Paragraph 43, part 7, page 7

c) All payments of $50.00 or more from the Societys bank account require the passing of a resolution to that effect at a general or a directors meeting. This action should be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

d)Both approved payee and approved amount to be paid must be entered on all cheques before accredited signees for the Society Bank Account are asked to cosign them. All 4 directors have signing authority.

Refreshments Last year 200.00 budgeted for AGM refreshments.

Motion AGM 2010 budget up to 200.00. Moved Tony Ellis, Second Alice. All In Favor

Motion to serve alcohol at 2010 AGM. Judy has 4 bottles and license. Alice John Serving Right Moved Tony Ellis, Judy Ellis second, All in Favor

Anne Cameron Objection not to alcohol. Objection is that we are working with grant money. The grant money is for a specified purpose. Suggestion is to have Garden Group/Literacy Society sell alcohol at .50 and $2.00 per glass as a fundraiser. The no host bar fundraiser will go into a fund for 1 or 2 celebrations for the Society per year. Judy pointed out that Literacy Now emphasize the importance of celebrating achievements. Celebrating the election of a New Board and the achievement of the Old Board, after our Annual General Meeting, would seem to be very appropriate. However, the idea of selling alcohol as a fund-raiser has merit, although the liquor license would need to reflect this.

Michelle Kowalchuk Future AGM Planning to include all directors.

Tony Ellis Are we ready for AGM? Do we have a president in mind?

Anne Cameron Liason for VOT, cannot take board position due to conflict of interest.

6. Old Business

Christmas Bazaar November 27, 2010 12-3 School Gym Motion to purchase a book for each child at September meeting. Motion to spend 200.00 on books for each child and bookmark contest. Prizes 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Motion Anne Cameron, Second Michelle Kowalchuk

Anne Cameron If we are going to go back to the well for donations from well hearted merchants and we are leaning on book stores for donations than may I suggest we design with our logo something suitable for framing for a thank-you for donating. The Tahsis Literacy Society commends this beautiful little store for the support they have given us. Merchants like to receive recognition.

Bookmark contest certificates for each child who participate. Have bookmark printed prior.

Anne Cameron Contact Harbour Publishing for age appropriate/specific interest. Support a local publisher for future book prizes.

Computer Giveaway 2.00 per ticket Motion Alice, Second Judy, All in Favor

Heritage Society Application Judy Burgess provided a printout of computer details. A $1500.00 cheque was issued November 10, 2010 as per June 28, 2010 motion.

All application requests were referred to a selection committee meeting.

Farm to School Review Decision pending.

PAI Grant Report Michelle spoke regarding the report. Bill remaining at Tahsis Building Supply and fence needs to be ordered. Michelle has been invited to go report about our project in Vancouver with representatives from other groups who received this funding.

Site looks awesome.

7. Next meeting of Literacy Society AGM November 11, 2010

8. Adjourned at 9:22

Moved Tony Ellis Second Alice John

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