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algorithm (ADL) Elena Stein and David Maldavsky The social representation of health, illness and assistance activities The concept of health and illness is subject to change, linked as it is to the process of social change. In fact, the notion of health and illness can only be understood from a historical standpoint that takes into account the variable of development and its psychosocial consequences. Social representations, conceived as significant totalities, have an impact on the extended social context. The less complex systems of the social context incorporate prevailing social representations to collectively justify the mentally ills insertion in the receptive community. The more complex systems, including those of formal knowledge, as psychotherapy ones, incorporate beliefs and organize behavior that is, up to a point, influenced by such representations. The associations for the disabled are social contexts which receive the impact and have an impact on- prevailing social representations of disability. These contexts, based on informal systems of knowledge (as are those of the disabled and their families) and on formal ones (as are those of the professionals in the field) are integration groups that communicate with each other and with society in general. In the social system formed by these associations, the me of the associates is inserted in a context which receives the impact of a certain representational system but is also protagonist of a construction of thoughts and actions. Discours analysis of the messages of the associations for the disabled provides an approach for the comprehension of prevailing social representations of health and illness. It allows to highlight differences that are constructed by and have an impact on- social representations concerning health and illness in different countries. In our study of social representations well focus on the psychoanalytic perspective. The Freudian approach regarding the analysis of social and cultural manifestations privileges two concepts: drives and defenses, the latter conceived as destiny of erotogenicities. Therefore this perspective takes into account the subjectivity of those who, in different ways, are involved in the process of those manifestations. This perspective allows an integrated and systematic approach to sign analysis, whether verbal or non-verbal.

Sample Our study will consider 16 web pages of associations for the disabled in 2 European countries (France and Spain) and 2 Latin American ones (Argentina and Brazil). Weve selected 4 web pages for each country. These web pages consist of the following elements: A. Home page (main page) B. Menu (indicates the main topics of the newsletters) C. Sub-titles (indicates topics of secondary importance) D. Tab (indicates the page the reader opens) E. Footnote (indicates generalities such as site map, etc.) Some of these pages are composed of all of these elements developed according to different levels of complexity, while others, simpler, consist only of the home page and some other sole component. It is for this reason that, on this occasion, we have decided to compare what is common to all the pages, in this case the home page. This analysis strategy is comparable to selecting the first page in a newspaper or a news magazine. We re mainly interested in studying these web pages as acts of speech in the written text and in its equivalent, the visual images. These acts intend to define reality, create a system of values which apply to a set of spaces, actions and states as well as of actants (set of actors). By means of this analysis technique, the scenes narrated or described become part of the acts of speech, and can then integrate the argumentative global system. Instruments In our analysis well apply some of the instruments of the David Liberman algorithm (DLA), method devised to detect drive fixations and defenses, in clinical and cultural manifestations. The drives considered are: intrasomatic libido (IL), primary oral (O1), secondary oral sadistic (O2), primary anal sadistic (A1), secondary anal sadistic (A2), uretral phallic (UPH) and genital phallic (GPH). A remark must be made regarding the fact that to the drive fixations described by Freud, David Maldavsky adds the intrasomatic libido, drive which the creator of psychoanalysis mentions on referring to the fact that, immediately after birth, certain organs (heart, lungs) receive extraordinary narcissistic investiture (Freud, 1926, d). Regarding defenses, on this occasion well consider two 1) in accordance with the goal in successful state or successful/failed state and 2) disavowal in successful state which may be considered as more or less functional according to the value it acquires in dealing with the situation of disability.

Among ADL instruments we privileged a systematization of speech acts that relates to the drives involved, as well as a categorization of the scenes, actions, characters, spaces and values involved. The study of the speech acts (verbal components) is achieved by relating specific sentence structures and elements to those featured in specific grids, whereas the analysis of defenses is achieved by following a set of instructions according to a preset sequence (Maldavsky, 2003b, Maldavsky et al. 2005). As regards non verbal language image, logo, layout- it is analyzed appealing to ADL instruments, taking mostly into account its iconic component, (Maldavsky et al., 2007). The study results can be multivariate. This fact correlates with the complex characteristics of the manifestations in which multiple combinations between drives and defenses take place: insofar as in the home pages of the digital newsletters the message senders display more than one drive the results obtained are varied and their respective prevalences relative. The sequence of discours analysis includes the following steps: A. Analysis of drives and defenses of each home page at verbal speech act level (phrase) B. Analysis of drives and defenses at non verbal speech act level (image, layout, logo) C. Comparison between the results of the analysis of the home web pages of associations of the same country D. Comparison between the results of the analysis of the home web pages of different countries E. Discussion and conclusions Drives and defenses present in this study Following, there are examples on how the drives manifested in these web pages can be studied through these categories. Intrasomatic libido (IL) is expressed as intent to obtain economic gain, in this case through subsidies or supporting funds from government institutions, public foundations or private firms. Also, the banal expression or scarce expressive resources displayed by some home pages denote a state of the web page which can be the equivalent of lack of energy, of asthenia. The secondary oral sadistic drive (O2), linked to experiences of lack of love, appears as a feeling of uselessness, as complaint or reproach, as feeling of compassion or as incitation to sacrifice. The primary anal sadistic drive (A1), linked to the feeling of injustice, appears as denouncement or provocation, for example in cases when laws issued are not enforced and disabled people and their families are instigated to take part in demonstrations and retaliation acts. The secondary anal sadistic drive (A2) is expressed through judgments, maxims and popular sayings present in the newsletters, in

quotations, in concrete and factual information, in references to consensual and concrete knowledge, in contracts between members of the association or between different associations, in causal linkage, etc. The genital phallic drive (GPH) is present in praise and congratulations delivered from the authorities to voluntaries or disabled who excel in their performance, in phrases of gratitude to family members and voluntaries or professionals and sponsors, in promises that services offered hold for the disabled, in invitations to events and convocations to meetings, in phrases of embellishment, in syntactic redundancy, in examples of testimonies and life stories (Table I). Table I. Drives and acts of speech (verbal level) in web pages of associations Intrasomatic Libido LI banality accounts languid expression, lack of energy Secondary oral sadistic O2 references to affective states complaint and reproach exaltation of sacrifice expression of feelings of uselessness Primary anal sadistic A1 accusation and denunciation provocation incitement Secondary Genital phallic anal sadistic GPH A2 proverbs, praise sentences and maxims quotations promise information of facts description of concrete situations allusions to a concrete consensual knowledge contract invitation congratulations embellishment, fantasy lightness

syntactic redundancy causal linking: exemplification x because y, if... then appeal to the interlocutor The above components appear in some home web pages and are absent in others. Also, some of them are combined so that some drives (i.e. GPH) are subservient in relation to others (i.e. IL or O2). That is, embellishment or promise (GPH) may serve the purpose of speculation or products and service sales (IL) or serve the purpose of sacrifice and blame (O2), in each case with the corresponding defenses. Each one of these act of speech groups (i.e. the GPH one) is combined with certain values (like beauty), certain actions (a gift, a present) offered or received or not-, certain spaces (a ballroom, a party hall, etc.), as shown on tables VI and VII.

Yet beyond the variety of combinations, we have found that at least the web pages of each country studied present strong similarities among them, which are not maintained when web pages of different countries are compared. Results of the web pages analysis of different countries Argentina. The disabled, their families and the professionals involved tend to communicate among themselves. Language is flourished, enthusiastic, based on promises (GPH). Underlying is a disavowal of the disability limitation and of the possibilities of recovery (O2). The disavowal is functional insofar as the GPH drive acts as stimulus for the social self and helps the handicapped and his family to deal with the illness. Complementarily, informative, institutional, formal language A2 is found, and underlying it can be found an appeal to community and to political sector solidarity. The variation among the newsletters analyzed is limited to the larger or smaller measure of the O2 drive expression with its defense, the disavowal of the condition of disability (specially present in photos which hide disability), and of the IL drive referred to advertisements shown (Table II). Table II. Drives and defenses in the Argentine web pages DRIVE GPH A2 O2 IL DEFENSE STATE Functional Successful In accordance with the Successful goal Functional disavowal Successful In accordance with the Successful goal Brazil. The disabled, their families and the professionals involved communicate among themselves and mention the government or other institutions that sponsor their activities. One of the newsletter goals is to offer a space of integration and continence (O2) to the disabled and their families. Language is mostly informative (A2). Products, services and projects are proposed (IL) promising a better life style (GPH). The difference among local newsletters resides in the variation of the quantity of ads published (IL) (Table III). Table III. Drives and defenses in the Brazilian web pages DRIVE GPH A2 O2 DEFENSE STATE Functional Successful In accordance with the Successful goal In accordance with the Successful FUNCTION Complementary Dominant Complementary FUNCTION Dominant Complementary Complementary Complementary


goal In accordance with the Successful goal


Spain. The association authorities direct their message to the disabled and their families. The manifest goal is to offer a meeting space (GPH) for the disabled even though blogs proposed are sparsely visited. Language is informative (A2) although information is scarce and general. From this frame of reference, the message is meager in relation to the resources available in the system (IL). Some topics inform on public policies though they dont specify if regulations are enforced. These newsletters show scarce or no advertisements of products and services. Some state the association is subsidized or show logos of banks, health care or other local organizations from whom they receive benefits (IL) (Table IV). Table IV. Drives and defenses in the Spanish web pages DRIVE GPH A2 IL DEFENSE STATE In accordance with the Successfu/failedl goal In accordance with the Successful goal In accordance with the Successful goal France. The association authorities direct their message to the disabled and their families. The goal is to claim rights. Disability is conceived not only in the person but also in the barriers of the social environment. The associations instigate their members to pull down the barriers at any cost (A1) in order to acquire their legitimate human right (A2) to enjoy (GPH) all goods available in the consumption society (IL). Among the newsletters the quantity of controversy (A1) varies. Also, some of them may lack blogs or testimonies (GPH) (Table V). Table V. Drives and defenses in the French web pages DRIVE GPH A2 A1 IL DEFENSE STATE In accordance with the Successful goal In accordance with the Successful goall Functional disavowal Successful In accordance with the Successful goal Discussion 6 FUNCTION Complementary Complementary Dominant Complementary FUNCTION Dominant Complementary Complementary

It is clear that IL, O2, A1, A2 and GPH prevail among the drives. The analysis results are multivariate. Differences among the web pages of the same country regard 1) combinations of drives and defenses and 2) prevalence of some over others. Each drive implies 1) a definite system of values, 2) a definite set of scenes, with definite functions and states for its actants (leader, collaborator, etc.), 3) a definite spatiality. This is expressed synthetically in tables VI and VII. Table VI: Drives and narrative sequences Drives Genital phallic GPH Urethral phallic UPH Secondary anal sadistic A2 Hierarchic order Desire to dominate an object in the framework of a public oath Discerning that the object is faithful to corrupt subjects Virtue recognized Primary anal Secondary sadistic A1 oral sadistic O2 Natural legal Paradise equilibrium Desire driven by thirst for justice Revenge Temptation Expiation Primary oral O1 Intrasomatic Libido IL

/Scen es

Initial state

Aesthetic harmony Desire for aesthetic completion


Cognitive peace Abstract cognitive desire

Equilibrium between tensions Speculative desire

First transformati on = Awakening of desire Second transformati on= Attempt to consummate desire Third transformati on=Consequ ences of the attempt to consummate desire

Ambitious desire

Reception of a Power-Gift

Finding the mark of the father deep in the object Challenge of adventure

Sin Reparation

Access to a truth

Gain in pleasure through organic intrusion Organic euphoria


Aesthetic Challenge of disorganizati routine on

Leadership formally recognized, honored Social Being unable condemnatio to move; n and moral being locked expulsion away and humiliated Moral peace Moral torment

Forgiveness and loving recognition Expulsion from Paradise

Recognition of genius Loss of lucidity; the other enjoys objective cognition


Final state

Shared harmony Lasting feeling of disgust

Adventure Pessimistic routine

Evocation of Vale of tears heroic past or Return to lasting peace Recovery of Lasting Paradise resentment

Bliss in revelation Loss of the essence

Balance of tensions with no energy loss Lasting tension or asthenia

Table VII. Drives and values, spaces and actants

Drives /Values Attributes

Secondary anal sadistic A2 Beauty - disgust Order and correction disorder and incorrectness Ideal Beauty Order Collaborator Adornments, Objects that persons (such as enable the offspring), clothes, subject to master gifts, etc., that concrete reality enhance charm (or via knowledge inversely) that (books, etc.), via cause disgust cleanliness, via institutional hierarchies (statutes, contracts at the service of administrative control, son as functionary), via rites (sacred objects, etc.) Leader Queen School head or director of other institutions Space Theatre, Ladder of status: ballroom, reception church, school hall

Genital phallic GPH

Primary anal sadistic A1 Abuser - abused

Secondary oral sadistic O2 Useful useless

Intrasomatic Libido IL Speculator Object of speculation Gain Objects that allow the subject to obtain economic gain or pleasure (artificial penis, erotic dolls, bonds, merchandise, a dowry)

Justice Objects that enable the subject to attack or avoid or defend himself against physical aggression that involves use of alloplastic muscles (weapons, spies, informers, accomplices, trenches)

Love Objects offered as sacrifice (objective properties, such as material possessions or subjective properties, such as time, effort, affect, a child)

Political conductor Battle field, jungle, jungle of concrete

Family mother Intmate space (kitchen, bedroom, home, cemetery)

Capitalist, investor Intra-bodily space, stock and investment broker, commodities exchange, night clubs with bright lights and deafening noise

Conclusions The reader of the newsletters gets involved in a certain relationship with the association, its value systems, the scenes, the functions, the states and the spaces that the texts propose. From this frame of reference, those who devise the newsletter and those who read it establish an implicit contract according to which the newsletter offers certain text matter that represents the institution and its members and that the reader expects to see. A cycle is generated in which the newsletter promotes certain ideals, actions, etc., which differ in traits for different countries. Research of discours analysis of the web pages of the associations for the disabled in Argentina, Brazil, France and Spain within the psychoanalytical frame supposes a shift in the perspective of investigation. In fact, the multivariate results obtained through this

exploratory study prove the appropriateness of the psychoanalytic approach in discours analysis for the comprehension of the subjective processes that affect what is said and what is done in the field of health and illness. Notes Freud, S. (1926d) Inhibicin, sntoma y angustia, in OC, AE. Vol.20 Maldavsky, D. (2003b) A contribution to the development of a psychoanalytical methodology for research in language. A systematic study of narration as an expression of sexuality. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2, 2003, 607-636 Maldavsky, D. et al. (2005) The DLA (David Liberman Algorithm) method for the analysiis of the defense and its state: Tools, sample, conclusions, SPR Meeting, Montreal 2005 ------ (2007) La intersubjetividad en la clnica psicoanaltica. Investigacin sistemtica con el algoritmo David Liberman (ADL), Buenos Aires, Lugar Editorial

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