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USTraL C H r IS T a

Ia n e w s

2011 SUMMer

Issue 3

Laras Story
Lara* was a timid, closed off, fourteen year old. I was an enthusiastic new Christian. Our paths were travelling in very different directions until that evening walking along the beach in Caloundra. Lara came running up beside me and started asking questions. If someone intentionally hurt another person, would God love them? If someone hated another person would God love them? If someone was impure would God love them? If someone was abused would God still love them? What transpired that evening was a bond that will last a life time. Lara chose to start following Jesus as her Lord and Saviour that week. This started her journey of faith. Together we began the journey of discipleship and Lara revealed that she had been sexually assaulted by her stepfather. Her mother was aware, supported her, and had pressed charges. With the light of the Lord in hand, I walked through some dark valleys with Lara over this time as her stepfather was incarcerated. The darkest of these was when her stepfather completed his sentence and was invited back into the family home. Lara wept while recounting to me how at night she pushed her wardrobe against her bedroom door and slept inside it, so her bedroom door could not be opened during the night. I felt helpless, and a little devastated, but inspired to do the only thing I could: pray! Many evenings I would stay up all night praying for Lara, for her safety and for her emotional healing, for her journey with Jesus that had started to bring her much joy and for her to continue in the face of adversity. It would be some years before the Lord would allow our paths to cross again, as Laras mother had decided to pull her out of the YFC programme. (She was concerned family services would get involved now her husband was living back in the home.) BUT GOD.. . I could not count the amount of time I spent in prayer for Lara. Yet it still brings tears to my eyes to think of the day God answered one of my repetitive prayers, Please Lord, Please bring Lara back into my world so that I can know You kept her safe. The Lord did cross our paths again, and at a time when she needed someone she could trust to stand by her side as she journeyed through a difficult situation. Today Lara is an astounding woman; she is an incredible mother, in a happy and stable relationship, works full time and has broken the cycle of poverty in her family. Abby Walmsley
Executive Director Youth for Christ Brisbane
*Not her real name

at the heart

Internship Year with Youth for Christ

Are you passionate about youth ministry? Or maybe youre not sure what to do next year and want to go on the adventure of a lifetime? Then why not be one of the 20 youth workers to complete the YFC internship program in 2012. Come join together with other likeminded young people who have a mission to reflect Gods light and offer His sure hope to all. If you are aged 17-21, please contact us for more information: 1800 776 186

at the heart

Youth for Christ values Christ-centred life, responsible evangelism and discipleship, authentic relationships, partnerships and relevance!

YOUTH FOr CHrIST aUSTraLIa news SPrING 2011 Issue 37

Back in the Day

(richard Sharp interviews Gary Coleman) Its a Friday morning in late August and I find myself sitting in a coffee shop in southern sydney with an amazing man of God. He instantly makes me feel comfortable and breaks the ice with a joke.

Conrads story
I just read Psalm 107 and, in particular, verse 14: He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke their chains This psalm is honest . about hard times but affirms Gods goodness and wonderful deeds This is a message of hope! . Verse 23 tells of people in peril on the sea with courage melted and at their wits end. They cried out, and God stilled the storm to a whisper he guided them to their desired haven. This is a message of care! Then I noticed verse 24: They saw the works of the Lord, his wonderful deeds in the deep. Those who went out to sea on ships saw wonderful deeds they would not have seen if they stayed on dry land. This is a message of adventure! Please pray for young people who are crying out to God, please support those who guide them to a place of safety, and please pray about your place in the Youth for Christ movement. We invite you to join us on the ocean! Conrad Parsons
National Director YFCA Youth for Christ Australia

This morning I had to put my dog down. Was he mad? Well he wasnt happy...

Gary Cole


The man I have the privilege of sharing coffee with is Gary Coleman OaM, best known currently for his role as V8 Supercar Chaplain. He has been faithfully serving the racing community of australia for the last 25 years. I was first introduced to him at the Clipsal 500 race in adelaide earlier this year and was instantly amazed as he excitedly shared of his history with the YFC movement and the fond memories of these years of ministry. So here I am ready to hear more of the amazing journey of a Godly man and the movement that I am a part of today. Gary vividly recalls his first involvement with YFC was as a young person attending rallies in the early 60s in Sydney. every Saturday night the 2GB auditorium on Phillips Street Sydney would come to life as a YFC rally got into full swing and soon became the social meeting place for young people in Sydney. From these early beginnings of attending rallies, Gary shares of his involvement after returning from the USa with ambassadors for Christ in 1970. Gary became a regular speaker at YFC rallies during the 70s around the country including the Sydney Town hall and the Sydney Opera house in 1977. YFC was the biggest name in the country in rallies. He fondly recalls many a story of working alongside such great YFC names such as Clive Stebbins, Sam Heyburn, Bob armstrong, eric Leech and Walter Challen during his rally years. as we share, our conversation turns to discussing the social changes in youth culture that started to happen during the 70s. Gary laments that the opportunity to preach to large crowds became less frequent. You guys are in a whole different ball game today. Young people have changed, the world has changed, but young peoples need for Jesus has not. YFC is Geared to the times, anchored to the rock Gary declares boldly and is excited that the movement that he was such a large part of in his teenage years and early mission continues to commit itself to that calling. as with many people I have the privilege of speaking with, Gary is thrilled to be reconnecting with the YFC movement. a movement that has been giving every Young Person in australia an opportunity to be a follower of Jesus for over 60 years. as YFC moves forward into what God has next for us, it is a joy to hear of, and meet with, the individuals who have faithfully gone before us and served the vision of reaching every young person. I feel blessed to have Gary share these stories with us and look forward to YFCs ongoing reconnection with our faithful heritage.

Youth for Christ Australia is a chartered member nation within Youth for Christ International.

Our Story
YFC Port Macquarie Hastings exists to give every young person in the Hastings area an opportunity to become a follower of Jesus! we plan to do this through high school programs, combined youth ministry, housing programs for homeless young people and through training young leaders in Christian Ministry and Discipleship. Port Macquarie Hastings is a pioneering branch of YFC australia that started in September 2011 with a dream to reach out to non-Christian young people in the area with the love of Jesus. One of the key needs identified in the Hastings area is the need for supported safe housing for homeless young people. There are 120-150 young people homeless on any given night and they have limited access to safe affordable housing. To address this issue, YFC Port Macquarie Hastings has formed a committee and is looking to develop a Lead Tenant Housing Program where homeless young people can live in supported houses with one or two older Christian adults who can provide mentoring, living skills and support for them. YFC Port Macquarie Hastings is also developing programs in the four local public high schools including breakfast programs for disadvantaged young people, and we are planning to train young people as interns, studying Certificate IV in Christian Ministry in 2012. The response from the church community in the Hastings area has been very encouraging and YFC Port Macquarie Hastings now has established a Local Board of nine committed Christians who are passionate to see the YFC ministry develop here and to be sustained over the long term. We are very excited about what God will do here in the future to reach the many young people who have not yet met Jesus!

YFC Port Macquarie Hastings

YFC Port Macquarie Hastings Team

I havent been brought up to know about Jesus. I have quite a big family with 5 little brothers and a sister. when I was 12, my abusive dad left us, and we found that we had no house as no one would give a single mother with 5 kids a place to live. This was really hard on the whole family so we tried to stay at the womens Refuge but ended up having to stay at friends houses couch jumping. This wasnt easy not knowing where we would stay next. The first time I really thought I met a Christian was at a youth group that my sister dragged me along to. I thought everyone was so weird, hugging me and telling me that they love me. I was like you dont even know me! but I think that this helped me come to know Jesus. The reason I think I decided to become a Christian was that Jesus was here to help me in life and not to hurt me. The day I did become I Christian it was life changing and I had never been so happy. My passion now, because of my experiences, is to help young people as much as I can. I want to be able to pass down the things I know to help young people. especially in the area of homelessness seriously because I know how much it sucks and there is a way to stop homelessness. I think YOUNG PeOPLe are THe FUTUre. and I would love to be able to work with YFC and just help young people.

senior servants (serving YFC) may be just the thing We invite mature Christians to d and Retire for a for you!and working alongside youngspend a short term living Christian leaders in developing countries, by encouraging, mentoring, g lookin llenge? affirming, equipping and praying with them. new cha want to know more?
Please contact Senior Servants either through Youth for Christ Australia 03 9807 4111, Jane Knowles (Co-ordinator) 0401 208 780 or Alan wilkinson (Administrator) 0409 036 248 or email us at We would love to hear from you.

: ed Office Register avenue or 13 Winds y VIC 3149 erle Mt Wav 76 186 p: 1800 7 .or www.yfc
0031888F reg No. a 9 775 296 aBN: 33 07

at the heart

Life as an iGen
Parental now theres a word for you! It might be said that it is an abbreviation for, pair of rentals In other words, just a couple of older people who pay your way for us as we grow up. But for my generation, just like all those before us, its far more than that. They are always there to give me advice for living and then just as sure, they are there to kick my backside (verbally) when I dont listen to those tips of wisdom and it all goes wrong. But do we as younguns take them for granted? Do we only see them as unconditional love generators and nothing more? Most parents I know of raise their kids far differently to how their parents raised them. They still play the instructional role but now they also play the best friend role. For a few of my friends parents, this move from a role of authority to equality means they do not receive as much respect or care. Its hard for a teenager with masses of information but lacking in life skill to not take them for granted. another reason is the new era of technology. Most kids now have more access to knowledge (and therefore can often seemingly know more) than their parents. This is a first in history. There is an entire world that us as kids live in that our rents barely know about. This has created a barrier or a great divide in which parents are trying to bridge. Unfortunately my generation of teens dont go out of our way to help. We, after all, are really in the not yet seen as fully adult category. So there can be a lot of misunderstanding, miscommunication and conflict if we dont work together. another problem is that we are in a society saturated with media telling us one thing and our folks telling us another. We are caught between the marketing machine who wants our money and the care of our parents who want the best for us. This can make it incredibly hard for kids to know who to listen to. I reckon this is why parents are falling into this buddy category, it seems as though kids listen more to their friends opinions so they try to be another friend. Unfortunately, the gain of friendship is often at the loss of respect for the parent. at the end of the day this seems to lead to not just a lack of respect for parents but a lack of respect for society in general. So mums and dads, dont worry too much its not just you, its us too! Im glad my parents got the mix right (most times anyway).

YOUTH FOr CHrIST aUSTraLIa news SPrING 2011 Issue 37

Josh Bonanno

David & J

ill Bonann

Up Close & Personal with...

Mike Albany
what inspires you most about young people?
Their potential, passion and energy.

what makes you get up in the morning?

Nothing makes me get up, and I do like a big sleep in. I usually choose to get up because Ive been given the gift of life and every day is a new adventure (or because Ill get into trouble if Im not at YFC on time).

Most embarrassing moment?

1997 holiday on rottnest Island with my family. On returning to our cabin after a spot of fishing I yelled out to my sister that she had been treading sand in again and that the place was a mess. Moments later a complete stranger appeared to inform me that I was in the wrong house. I kept a low profile in our actual cabin, next door, for the rest of the holiday.

what would be your last meal?

I suspect anything poisonous would be a leading candidate.

whats your Connection with YFC?

Ive been working full time with YFC for just over 7 years. I guess you could say Im the resident genius and Media Production Manager in Wa (although some might debate parts of that). I also participate in many of our local programs and am involved with our National Seminar Development Team. YFC has played a huge role in my personal growth and confidence in ministry over the years.

who is your hero and why?

Im not sure I have a hero. Im inspired by people who have made a stand against injustice and have acted to help others even at great personal cost. Ghandi, Mother Teresa, my brother Ultimately Jesus.

Best part of your role with YFC?

The variety. everyday I get to use a gamut of different skills, gifts and abilities that I have been given. I get to use these to serve others and make a positive difference in the lives of young people. Best of all I have the privilege to call this my full time job, though truthfully its much more than that.

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