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Newsletter Winter 2008

Charity No. 1099008

Child Poverty in the News_________ http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008

Child poverty under the Missed opportunity in /nov/25/pre-budget-report-tax-credits
microscope Pre Budget Report http://www.unicef.org.uk/press/news_det
New figures showed 174
(PBR) means time is ail.asp?news_id=1233

constituencies in Britain have 50 running out for http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/pre-

per cent or more children living in Government to keep its report/article.html?in_article_id=458327&
or on the brink of poverty. The promise. in_page_id=187
figures were released by End
Child Poverty just days before the Investment in the PBR for Child Poverty Bill in the
coalition was due to stage the families with children will provide Queen's speech.
Keep the Promise rally and some support for poor children in
received widescale coverage in the UK but much more will be While progress towards the
national and regional media. needed to reach the halfway target of 2010 is
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepa Government’s own 2010 target to regrettably slow, the Campaign to
ge/news/money/article1758146.ece halve child poverty. End Child Poverty commended
the Government for putting
The figures had Birmingham The Chancellor brought forward forward legislation to enshrine the
Ladywood topping the grim expected increases to child target of ending child poverty by
league table with 81 per cent - or benefit and the child element of 2020 in law. This focus has been
28,420 - of its children in child tax credit, and low income picked up by many news outlets
struggling families. And within families will also benefit from the read more at:
Ladywood one ward, Aston, has general measures of lowering http://www.cypnow.co.uk/news/ByDiscipli
87 per cent of its youngsters VAT and increases to personal ne/Education/867068/Children-young-
struggling to get by. The figures tax allowance. peoples-bills-announced-Queens-
show how many parts of the Speech
country need the Government to Director Hilary Fisher said: “The http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newsto
make the investment of £3bn in Chancellor had a real chance to pics/politics/3545813/Queens-speech-
the next budget, to hit the 2010 improve the lives of the 3.9 years.html
target. million children from low income
families living in poverty who are We know child poverty impacts
Campaign chairman Martin Narey struggling every day with the on every aspect of children's lives
said: “Pockets of our country are increase in prices on food and and costs us all. Hilary Fisher
in turmoil. These figures show us fuel but sadly he did not go far Director of the Campaign said “If
that there are millions more enough.” the Government is to keep its
children than originally thought promise to millions of children
being failed by the system.” "..The target is achievable, yet living in poverty it must ensure
this pre-budget report was a that this law is strong enough to
The figures are made up from missed opportunity and much will
child tax credit and those working have to be done in budget establish that ending the UK's
tax credit data and have been appallingly high level of child
2009… Time is running out.” poverty becomes a priority for
calculated by the Centre for Contact us to find out how
Economic and Social Inclusion. this and any future government.”
members and supporters of the
Campaign to End Child Poverty The Campaign will be
For more information about levels
will be ramping up pressure on coordinating a response to any
of child poverty in your area,
the government to keep its child consultation – so do contact us if
check out:
http://www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/why- poverty promise. you want to get involved.
Child Poverty in the news __________
Health of children in alongside prosperity lives
poverty a timebomb
waiting to go off “There are 650,000 youngsters
living in appalling conditions –
Ill health is one of the worst this is unacceptable and we will
effects that poverty can have on strive to change it.”
a child’s life in the UK, with the http://www.communitycare.co.uk/Articles/
risk of sudden infant death being 2008/10/17/109723/end-child-poverty-
ten times greater than children Launch of the 4 in 10: campaign-slam-poverty-levels-among-
from better-off families, warned a The End Child Poverty
new report written by Professor
Nick Spencer and Donald Hirsch
London Project http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/t
for the Campaign to End Child The two-year project will tackle
Poverty. specific challenges the capital http://www.eastlondonadvertiser.co.uk/co
faces in ending child poverty, a ntent/towerhamlets/advertiser/news/story
The report reveals how children city where 4 in 10 children live on .aspx?brand=elaonline&category=news&
from disadvantaged families are less than £10 a day. tBrand=northlondon24&tCategory=news
more likely to be born ela&itemid=WeED16%20Oct%202008%
underweight and weigh, on It follows the release of shocking
average, 200g less than babies in figures by the campaign that Funded by The City Bridge Trust
the richest families. Equally showed 16 of London’s local and the City Parochial
disturbing, children living in authorities have 50 per cent or Foundation 4 in 10 highlight four
poorer families are also two and more children living in or on the key themes; child development,
a half times as likely to suffer brink of poverty. education and well-being,
chronic illness as toddlers. parental support, housing and
4 in 10 aims to: black and minority ethnic groups.
It highlights the impact of poverty
 raise awareness of the extent
on foetal development, early Focus will be on 10 inner London
of child poverty in London and
infancy, health throughout boroughs, where 1 in 2 children
increase and strengthen
childhood and into adult life, in live in poverty, during the first
campaigning on the issue
what is known as the ‘poverty year. They are Camden,
 identify successful child
health cycle’. Hackney, Islington, Kensington
poverty reduction schemes
and develop knowledge- and Chelsea, Lambeth,
Hilary Fisher, director for the Lewisham, Newham, Tower
sharing networks.
Campaign to End Child Poverty, Hamlets, Southwark and
said: Westminster.
London development officer Liz
“This evidence has profound
Thorne, who runs the scheme, For more information go to
implications for public policy. The
was reported in papers across www.4in10.org.uk.
facts prove that effective action to
London saying “4 in 10 is one-of-
end child poverty would make a
a-kind. There has never been a
vital long-term contribution to
project like it before and we hope
improving the health of our nation
to break down boundaries to
and prevent avoidable incidences
eradicating child poverty in
of physical and mental ill health.
“London is the sixth richest city in
the world and is one of the most
expensive cities to live in, yet

ECP Campaign Activities__________
Keep the at St Margaret’s Church,
Westminster Abbey.
This, the biggest ever event to
end child poverty, helped to set
the parliamentary agenda at a
vital time for children in the UK.
St Helen’s UKYP action in town centre John Battle MP hosted an
In parliament over 50 MPs have event in Parliament after the
also signed up to support Keep rally which was attended by
the Promise. Asking Ministers and many MPs from
Over 10,000 children, families Government to make the all parties to share the powerful
and supporters from across the investment necessary to reach messages from the day.
UK came together at the Keep the 2010 target, they each
the Promise rally to show their posed for a picture and used On the morning of the
desire for an end to child these in their local media. Keep the Promise rally, the
poverty. This phenomenal Check here if your MP signed: Campaign to End Child
turnout was only possible http://www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/news/pre Poverty met with Prime
because of members’ actions. ss-releases/mps-back-end-to-child-poverty-
Minister, Gordon Brown.
Member organisations spread
the word through their many These actions, along with a
magazines, email networks and great deal of the media
newsletters to over one million coverage mentioned on the
people in the UK; people who previous pages served to raise
have taken up the message awareness about the child
and have got involved. poverty target and also about
the rally that the Campaign Campaign chairman Martin
Parents started to speak out to
organised on October 4th in Narey and director Hilary Fisher
their local media, one parent
Trafalgar Square. were accompanied by trustees
informing us that “We are living
a life without hope.” So from all The rally began with a march Kate Green, Pauls Ennals and
over the country children and led by children, and families, Jasmine Whitbread. Hilary said:
families have sent in their own accompanied by bands, into “We asked Gordon Brown to
postcards, signed balloon cards Trafalgar Square. There was hear our plea and he listened.
and activities with Ministers activity in the square from 1pm He listened because of the
from devolved administrations with films from young people strength of feeling End Child
have taken place in NI and talking about their experiences Poverty supporters have shown
Scotland, and local groups and the stage performances him. ..Because of the massive
have set up stalls at fairs and in followed, including Sophie Ellis amount of support we had, our
shopping centres collecting Bextor. Energetically hosted by message has been heard loud
signatures, all to add weight to Chris Parker, spokespeople and clear…Thank you to
the petition to the Prime from the coalition came everyone who backed Keep
Minister to make sure parents together to ask the Government The Promise.”
and children do have hope of a to Keep their Promise and
better future. Speaking in 10 Downing Street
everyone contributed to a mass following the meeting, Mr
moment of noise to ensure the Brown said that the fight
Government heard the strong
against child poverty is one of
demand for a better future for the “‘great causes of this
all our children. generation’. The PM said that
There was also a non- everyone campaigning for the
denominational family service
cause believes that every child Watch the rally video clip at:
is special, precious and unique. www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/keept
“Every child deserves the
support of this generation,” he

Many celebrities offered their support to the Keep the Promise rally, including actor and TV
presenter Chris Parker, who hosted the event and also Sophie Ellis Bextor who performed on October
4th at the biggest ever event to end child poverty! Read more quotes www.endchildpoverty.org.uk

Chris Parker “I was saddened and shocked when I heard that one in three
children in THIS country live in poverty, to put it into context we are the fifth
richest country in the world!!! We all need to send a clear message to the
Government that child poverty in the UK is simply unacceptable. Please,
please, please show your support…we are not asking for your money just
your voice!”

Sophie Ellis Bextor “ ..Every day children face the stigma of not being able
to have things that most of us take for granted, such as decent healthy meals,
family days out or a place to do their homework. What many people don’t
realise is that poverty isn’t about not having money for possessions such
as the latest trainers or mobile phone, it’s about being far below the normal
standard of living. It’s shameful to think that’s the legacy the country offers to
our future generations.”

Dr Tanya Byron
“Poverty is damaging our children, physically, emotionally and psychologically. Babies are being born
underweight, dying of chronic illness in infancy and going without food, shelter or basic clothing. This
shouldn’t be a normal part of life in the UK...”
Denise Van Outen “It is beyond comprehension that as a society we can sit back and watch as this
problem continues to grow. We can all do something about it...and send a clear message to the
Government to keep its promise to halve child poverty by 2010.”
Enzo Maccaranelli “..I believe that no child of our time should be living in sub-standard housing or
going hungry. It is high time that we took action and hold the Government to its promise to end child
Laverne Antrobus "It is a travesty that so many children in the UK are living in poverty today... It's
vital that everyone gets behind this Campaign and we put an end to this awful injustice."
Neil Fox
“As a Londoner.., I find it obscene that 650,000, that’s four in ten children, live in poverty in the city
that is the fifth richest in the world!.. I am supporting the Campaign to End Child Poverty to ensure
that the Government keeps its vital promise.”
Zoe Salmon
“..I am appalled by the number of children living in poverty in this country… Please help make a
difference by signing the online pledge at www.endchildpoverty.org.uk/promise ”

This is a vital year for children in poverty; without significant investment

any progress on child poverty is at risk. You can help make it happen.
Play your part in the Campaign to End Child Poverty by signing the virtual rally, joining with the tens
of thousands who marched through Westminster to Trafalgar square on October 4th to demand the
Prime Minister provides a better future for all our children. Get involved and send your message to
the Prime Minister now.

Together we can hold the Government to their promise.


ECP Member’s Comment __________

Family Fund raises age under 18 in England and www.familyfundextra.org.uk,
limit and launches buying Wales and those under 17 in people can click through to
club for disabled Northern Ireland and Scotland. nearly a hundred leading
children’s families, writes Previously, it could only afford retailers, including Amazon,
to help those under 16. Tesco, M&S, Boots, Comet,
Derek Walpole, Deputy
Argos, HMV, John Lewis and
Chief Executive, Family The Fund wants to give 16- Toys R Us.
Fund and 17-year-olds applying for
the first time the things that This doesn’t cost a penny more
The UK-wide charity the Family make the most difference to than buying from the retailers’
Fund, which gives grants to them. So while families can websites directly but extra gets
families with severely disabled apply for grants for the same commission on every
children, is asking for goods and services as in the purchase. It gifts all profits to
everyone’s help with spreading past, such as washing the Family Fund to expand the
the news about its latest machines, holidays and driving help given to families with
initiatives. lessons, they would welcome severely disabled children.
The Family Fund provides other requests that have
particular meaning for this age Meeting a growing need
£29m worth of grants to some
50,000 families with severely group.
The numbers and the unmet
disabled children and their Making disabled children’s needs of families with severely
families a year. It can cost families’ money go further disabled children continue to
three times as much to bring grow and outstrip the Fund’s
up a disabled child and The Fund has also launched a income. The Fund’s trustees
disabled children’s families are new online buying club called thus took the decision two
more likely to be poor. Family Fund extra. years ago to create a buying
Every family of the UK’s club for disabled children’s
770,000 disabled children, as families. extra builds on the
well as young disabled people strong relationships the Fund
themselves, can join extra for already has in place with
free and get discounts of up to retailers.
25 per cent on thousands of
products and services, The Fund is now trying to
including electrical goods, ensure that every family with a
specialised equipment, severely disabled child knows
Family Fund campaigners at the Keep about the increased age limit,
the Promise Rally, October 4th. furniture, soft furnishings, retail
vouchers, clothing, holidays, and that the families of all the
Helping older disabled visitor attractions, driving UK’s disabled children,
young people lessons, insurance and retail whatever the level of their
vouchers. disability, know about Family
Thanks to new money from the Fund extra.
four UK governments Family Fund extra also enables
(including £8.4m in England), anyone, not just disabled For more information about
children’s families, to shop grants for severely disabled
the Family Fund has extended
its age limit to help severely online while doing good. By 16- and 17-year olds, please
disabled young people aged going to call 01904 550038 or visit

www.familyfund.org.uk. For
more information about Family
Fund extra, please visit

Young Family Fund campaigner meets

Elma at the Keep the Promise Rally

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