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Language Elements

1. / jul d i /
Find the corresponding English word to the
above phonetic notation.
a) zoology b) eulogy
c) geology d) unknown
2. It is an out of the blue stance for me.
The meaning of the idiom underlined is ....
a) completely unexpected
b) entirely surprised
c) absolutely over joyed d) totally sad
3. Which of the following is good advice for
taking notes from a lecture?
a) Attend only the lectures you believe will
be the most important.
b) Date your notes for later reference and sit
near the front of the room.
c) Get emotionally involved.
d) Avoid detail while taking notes.
4. In writing Curriculum Vitae, when salary
history is required in the advertisement con-
cerned, one should ....
a) ignore the request. This information may
damage one's ability to compete for the
b) include this information in its own docu-
ment and submit it with the Curriculum
c) include this information in the cover letter.
d) quote his salary history in all fictitious
5. What two factors should be a consideration
when choosing the size of the paper you will
use to write a letter on?
1. How much information you have to impart
2. How large or small you write
3. The size of your envelope
4. The formality of your letter
a) 1 and 2 b) 2 and 3
c) 3 and 4 d) 4 and 1
6. Select the correctly punctuated sentence in
this group.
a) My favourite teacher, who just happens to
be my uncle, retired from the university
last summer.
b) My favourite teacher who just happens to
be my uncle, retired from the university
last summer.
c) My favourite teacher, who just happens to
be my uncle retired from the university
last summer.
d) My favourite teacher who just happens to
be my uncle retired from the university
last summer.
7. A graphic visual organizer attained in
Transcoding Information is apperceived as
a) a summarized paragraph.
b) an improvised gadget
c) a diagram d) a grid
8. The teacher said he would not brook such
outrageous conduct in the classroom.
The meaning of the word underlined is ....
a) bridge b) abide c) refute d) resent
9. What a comely countenance!
Choose the appropriate antonym to the
word underlined.
a) ugly b) striking c) elegant d) chic
10. One way to stay skinny is to get lots of exer-
Choose the right synonym for the underlined.
a) thin b) obese c) husky d) fat
11. He has gone through a lot over the past two
Locate the meaning of the phrasal verb under-
a) experienced b) travelled
c) read d) done
12. Hastily serving the cookies, Mary was tired
at the end of the night.
The underlined part is ....
a) Gerund phrase b) Participial phrase
c) Dependent clause
d) Perfect participle phrase
13. Who invented ................ fax machine?
Insert suitable article, if necessary.
a) a b) an c) the d) zero article
14. In English grammar, a reported question is
called ................ question.
Find the best alternative.
a) indirect b) polite
c) direct d) unknown
15. He made the child drink the milk.
The passive voice form of the above sen-
tence is ....
a) The child was made to drink the milk.
b) The milk was made to drink by the child.
c) The milk was drunk by the child.
d) The passive voice expression is not fea-
sible here.
16. Alice is as tall if not taller than Mary.
Correct the above sentence, if necessary.
a) Alice is as tall as Mary, if not taller.
b) Mary is taller than Alice, if not tall.
c) Alice is taller than Mary, if not taller.
d) Alice and Mary are equally taller, if not
17. If he ................ a bit faster, he could win the
race yester night.
Choose the best fit for the above past real
a) runs b) run c) ran d) had run
18. The stadium was named ................ Rajiv
Select the appropriate preposition to fill in
the blank.
a) of b) for
c) after d) Preposition not required
19. The school on the hill was bombed during
the war.
Opt the right choice to tag the underlined
a) Adjective phrase b) Noun phrase
c) Adverb phrase d) Verb phrase
20. He was running fast.
Identify the part of speech of the word
a) Adjective b) Adverb c) Noun d) Verb
21. Hang on! I ................ a word with you.
Choose the right verb tense.
a) will have b) shall have
c) have d) would have
Literature Part
22. One of the following statements related to
Tragic Heroes is not true. Locate it.
a) Only great men
are tragic
b) Tragic heroes
contribute to
their own
c) There is always
a flaw in the character of a tragic hero.
d) Tragic heroes keep themselves from
23. Who said "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" in
a) Banquo b) The Witches
c) Macbeth d) Duncan
24. ''There's no art
To find the mind's construction in the face.''
Name the speaker of the above lines in
a) Duncan b) Malcolm
c) Macbeth d) Lady Macbeth
25. Who says, "Not that I loved
Caesar less, but that I loved Rome
more" in Julius Caesar?
a) Antony b) Brutus
c) Cassius d) Decius
26. 'Showing How the Art of Lying May Be
Taught' is the subtitle of the poem
a) The Cloud. b) A Spring Morning.
c) Anecdote for Fathers. d) Daybreak.
27. In regard to the name of the poet
R.L.Stevenson, the letters R.L. stand for
a) Robert Louis b) Roberta Lewis
c) Ralph Lauren d) Robert Lynd
28. The sobriquet of the author William
Sydney Porter is ................
a) O. Henry b) Saki
c) Lewis Carroll d) Voltaire
29. 'The cycle of life' is the thematic concern
of the poem...
a) A Spring Morning
b) Daybreak
c) The Road Not Taken
d) Because I Could Not Stop for Death
30. The man recovered of the bite,
The dog it was that died.
The dictum professed of the above poetic
lines from Oliver Goldsmith is .....
a) the evil survives while the good is sacri-
b) the dog was the victim of man.
c) the man was wicked but the dog, inno-
d) transfer of evil from man to dog.
31. The rhyme scheme of the poem ''Palanquin
Bearers'' written by Sarojini Naidu is ....... .
a) aabbcc b) abcabc c) abbcca d) abcefg
32. ''Conditional love is rarely genuine.''
Which of the following short-stories
exemplify the above observation?
a) After Twenty Years
b) The Face on the Wall
c) The Nightingale and the Rose
d) None of these
33. 'A serious play with a happy ending'
Point out the suitable genre or literary
form for the above description.
a) Tragedy b) Comedy
c) Tragicomedy d) Pastoral Romance
34. Different countries celebrate Mother's Day
on different dates.
Check out the exact date for Mother's Day
in the U.S.A.
a) Second Sunday in the month of May
b) Last Sunday in the month of May
c) First Sunday in the month of May
d) Fourth Sunday in the month of March
35. Find out the life span of the English
Romantic poet P.B. Shelley.
a) 1792 -1822 b) 1795 -1821
c) 1772 -1834 d) 1770 - 1850
(36 - 40): Read the following poem and
answer the questions that follow.
I Build Walls
I build walls:
Walls that protect,
Walls that shield,
Walls that say I shall not yield
Or reveal
Who I am or how I feel.
I build walls:
Walls that hide,
Walls that cover what's inside,
Walls that stare or smile or look away,
Silent lies,
Walls that even block my eyes
From the tears I might have cried.
I build walls:
Walls that never let me
Truly touch
Those I love so very much.
Walls that need to fall!
Walls meant to be fortresses
36. The poet builds walls because they
a) Protect him from inclement weather
b) Don't let any intruder come in
c) Define the boundary line of his house
d) Help him in hiding his identity and feelings
37. The walls that the poet makes are made of
a) Bricks and cement b) Green hedge
c) Wire d) Barriers of his own emotions
38. The line that shows that the poet doesnt
always think that walls are good is
a) Walls that say ''I shall not yield''
b) Walls that stare or smile
c) Walls that need to fall!
d) Walls that cover what is inside
39. The line ''Walls that never let me / truly
touch / those that I love so very much''
means these walls don't let him
a) Meet his near and dear ones
b) Express his feelings to his loved ones
c) Be in touch with his close relatives
d) Allow his loved ones to come to him
40. The poetic device used for walls in this
poem is
a) Simile b) Metaphor
c) Personification d) Alliteration
E. Ram Bhaskar Raju
The cycle of the life is the..?
... ..e: --e :.e .. .eo ..... ee .-- -.. .t-e ---e e.- -.- --.-.
..... ... . .... . .. .. .
. . .. ... .. . ... ... ...
1-b; 2-a; 3-b; 4-b; 5-a; 6-a; 7-c; 8-b;
9-a; 10-a; 11-a; 12-b; 13-c; 14-a; 15-a;
16-a; 17-c; 18-c; 19-a; 20-b; 21-a;
22-d; 23-b; 24-a; 25-b; 26-c; 27-a;
28-a; 29-d; 30-a; 31-a; 32-c; 33-c;
34-a; 35-a; 36-d; 37-d 38-c; 39-b; 40-b.

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