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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10 2008

news without borders

plan to
sue for
in Bukit Antarabangsa affected
by Saturday’s landslide plan to
sue the authorities and claim
compensation. Residents move
The chairman of the Bukit which indicated that something Bukit Antarabangsa residents held their belongings
Antarabangsa Action Committee, undesirable could happen but the a discussion with the landslide out of the
Datuk N. Muneandy, said yesterday local authority only sent people search and rescue operations chief, landslide-affected
the committee will seek legal to cut the trees and there were no Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar, to get areas of Bukit
advice because they are confident other preventive measures taken,” details of the operations. Antarabangsa
of having strong evidence to he said. Khalid promised to intensity yesterday.
pursue their claims. Muneandy also urged the the security surveillance in
“We have the evidence like government to immediately form the landslide area to prevent
photographs taken before the a special committee, including looting. He also urged residents
landslide and complaints lodged representatives of the residents, so with problems to lodge police
with the local authority,” he told that they could be kept informed reports. » Elizabeth Wong:
reporters. of any development in Bukit “We did get requests from Bitter vindication
Without stating the amount Antarabangsa. residents who wanted to come in
of compensation to be claimed, “This is important as the to get their belongings, including Page 16
Muneandy said some residents
had notified the local authority
problem involves our safety and
our homes and, therefore, we
their cars stuck in the rubble, but
we cannot allow them to do it now
» Citizen Nades:
about the possibility of landslides want the government to act fast,” as the ground is still unstable and Punish the
happening. he said. could endanger their lives,” he decision-makers
“They had reported fallen trees, Earlier, representatives of the said. – Bernama Page 17

Police to probe allegation by victim’s husband

KUALA LUMPUR: Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid Khalid said police had contacted Eng’s made, police would still carry out an investiga-
Abu Bakar said yesterday a complaint lodged by a husband to go to the SAR operations centre to tion.
landslide victim against the search and rescue (SAR) assist in the investigation. He urged victims of the landslide to contact
operations team would be investigated. “I was informed of the complaint and police the SAR operations centre or the information
The husband of Eng Yee Peng, who died in the had contacted the husband yesterday (Monday) centre for help and advice.
landslide at Taman Bukit Mewah in Bukit Antarabangsa but he had not responded yet, probably because “These centres are set up to help the victims
on Saturday, had alleged that the rescue team failed he is still in mourning,” he told reporters. and they should keep in touch with the centres
to respond positively when he sought its help to save “However, I can assure (you) that a detailed for the latest information, directive or help. We
his wife. investigation will be carried out to identify who are also ready to help those who want to return
the said individual was.” to their houses to look for their valuables,” he
A local Chinese daily report claimed that said.
Eng’s husband had sought help from the rescue “All the facilities are in place at these cen-
team but was given a hoe and asked to dig and tres and victims should come forward and use
find his wife on his own. them. If there was a problem, they can make a
Khalid said although no police report was report to us.”

We acted on complaints,
says council
KUALA LUMPUR: The Ampang Jaya Municipal the search and rescue operation was called
Council (MPAJ) refuted yesterday claims that it off.
had failed to respond positively to complaints “We expect to begin work some time
by residents in Bukit Antarabangsa on numer- next week,” she said, adding that for now,
ous issues ranging from soil erosion to tree the council was among those assisting the
pruning. authorities in evacuating residents in the af-
Its public relations officer, Norhayati Ah- fected areas.
mad, said immediate action had been taken An Oakleaf Park Condominium resident
by the council or the developers to address caused a scene at the MPAJ operations centre
the problems. at Taman Bukit Mewah yesterday when he
“For instance, after receiving complaints railed at the MPAJ staff and other workers for
about suspected erosion on the main road not helping him and his family to evacuate.
to Bukit Antarabangsa in September, we Tumiran Mohd Kasdi, 56, who had been
immediately sent our experts to the ground living at the condominium for 15 years,
and put up the gabion wall to prevent further claimed that he, his wife and two children
erosion,” she told Bernama. had to walk for 30 minutes in the rain up the
Following Saturday’s landslide, residents in slippery road to collect their belongings at
Bukit Antarabangsa had alleged that the au- about 3pm on Monday and the drivers in two
thorities, including the MPAJ, had failed to take MPAJ four-wheel-drive vehicles did not offer
necessary action to prevent the disaster. them help.
Among others, they claimed that the local He said his daughter was still in confine-
council had failed to respond to their com- ment and had to carry her baby and other
plaints of soil activities in the area a few days belongings.
before the tragedy. Tumiran also said there were no vehicles to
Norhayati said the MPAJ would clean up help them evacuate despite announcements
the area and restore the amenities once to the contrary. – Bernama

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