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theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10 2008  15

news without borders

S’pore students and the United Arab Emirates.

It has been conducted four
Earth, the world; I think
the creation of the world
top in science, times since 1995. – Reuters is so mysterious it requires
beaten in math something as large as an
BOSTON: Young students Bible, evolution almighty and I don’t think
it’s incompatible with the
in Singapore are the world’s not at odds: Bush scientific proof that there is
top performers in science but
WASHINGTON: US Presi- evolution,” Bush said. – AFP
have been overtaken in math
dent George W. Bush said
by their peers in Hongkong
in an interview on Monday Fighter jet crash
and Taiwan, a study released
that the Bible is “probably
yesterday showed. not” literally true and that a kills 3 on ground
Boston College’s Trends belief that God created the SAN DIEGO: A fighter jet
International Mathematics world is compatible with on a training flight careened
and Science Study found that the theory of evolution. into a suburban neighbour-
Singapore’s fourth and eighth “I think you can have hood in the Californian city
graders were tops in the world both,” Bush, who leaves of- of San Diego on Monday and
in science, while Hongkong fice on Jan 20, told ABC TV, slammed into two homes,
fourth graders and Taiwanese adding “You’re getting me killing three people. The pilot
eighth graders led in math. way out of my lane here. I’m safely ejected, officials said.
The fourth graders studied just a simple president.” San Diego Mayor Jerry
were on average 10 years old, But “evolution is an in- Sanders said the victims might
with eighth graders averaging teresting subject. I happen have been in a home where
14. The study of 425,000 stu- to believe that evolution there were reports that a
dents in 37 countries bench- doesn’t fully explain the mother, grandmother and two
marks performance against mystery of life”, he said. children were present at the
students in the US, Canada “I think God created the time of the crash. – Reuters

No leader yet,
Thailand still in limbo
BANGKOK: Thailand’s government reporters. “Currently there are many types
continued to be at a standstill yesterday as of pressure and lobbying, but I am still
the country’s leadership crisis remained convinced that all parties and groups will
unresolved. give the Democrat Party a chance to lead
Two main political parties lobbied for the country out of this crisis,” he said.
support ahead of a crucial vote for a new Democrat Party leaders claim to have
prime minister which both the toppled won over about two-thirds of the 447
ruling party and the opposition claim they lawmakers currently sitting in parliament.
can win. But Puea Thai – which is made up of
The Democrat Party, the second largest allies of ousted and exiled premier Thaksin
in parliament, said yesterday it has wooed Shinawatra – continues to insist it has the
enough smaller parties and defectors from support of at least 220 MPs in the House of
the former ruling People Power Party (PPP) Representatives.
to form a government with leader Abhisit Thais are hoping for a political solution
Vejjajiva as premier. to more than six months of protests by the
It is vying to fill the vacuum created so-called People’s Alliance for Democracy
when a court last week dissolved the PPP (PAD), which wanted to bring down the
over vote fraud charges, although the PPP-led government elected last December.
PPP’s MPs have simply moved into a party Their campaign reached its peak in late
known as Puea Thai (For Thais) and insist November when PAD supporters marched
they can cling on to power. on Bangkok’s two main airports and
The Democrats have called for an forced their closure, stranding hundreds of
emergency session of parliament to prove thousands of passengers.
their parliamentary majority and nominate PAD leaders – whose supporters include
the 44-year-old, Oxford-educated Abhisit. elements in the military, palace and
The request is awaiting royal approval, middle and upper classes – accused the
which could take days. PPP of being a puppet of Thaksin, who was
The fierce power struggle comes after toppled in a 2006 coup and lives abroad to
the Nov 25 to Dec 3 blockade of Bangkok’s avoid corruption charges.
main airport by a royalist anti-government The protesters dispersed from the
protest group, which brought Thailand to Suvarnabhumi international airport and the
a standstill and badly dented the nation’s smaller Don Mueang hub last Wednesday
image abroad. after a court disbanded the PPP, but have
“I am still confident that we are ready to vowed to return to the streets if they do not
find a solution for the country,” Abhisit told approve of the new premier. – Agencies

Governor arrested for trying

to sell Obama’s Senate seat
CHICAGO: The governor of with the urgency of a salesman funds, and a cabinet post or
Illinois was arrested yesterday meeting his annual sales target; ambassadorship for himself.
for conspiring to sell an appoint- and corruptly used his office “Many, including myself,
ment to president-elect Barack in an effort to trample editorial thought that the recent con-
Obama’s recently open US Sen- voices of criticism.” viction of a former governor
ate seat, prosecutors said. Blagojevich was intercepted would usher in a new era of
Governor Rod Blagojevich on court-authorised wiretaps honesty and reform in Illinois
and his chief of staff, John Harris, discussing obtaining how he politics,” said Robert Grant,
were also accused to trying to could profit from the fact that special agent-in-charge of the
“induce purge of newspaper it is the governor’s role to ap- Chicago office of the FBI.
editorial writers” critical of him point a US senator when a seat “Clearly, the charges an-
at the Tribune Company, the US becomes vacant, according to nounced today reveal that the of-
attorney’s office said. a 76-page FBI affidavit. fice of the governor has become
“The breadth of corruption Blagojevich allegedly dis- nothing more than a vehicle for
laid out in these charges is stag- cussed getting paid a substantial self-enrichment, unrestricted by
gering,” US attorney Patrick salary working for a non-profit party affiliation and taking Illinois
Fitzgerald said in a statement. foundation or labour union, politics to a new low.”
“They allege that Blago- placing his wife on corporate Blagojevich, 51, and Harris,
jevich put a ‘for sale’ sign on boards where he speculated 46, were each charged with
the naming of a United States she might get paid as much conspiracy to commit mail
senator; involved himself per- as US$150,000 (RM530,000) and wire fraud and solicitation
sonally in pay-to-play schemes a year, promises of campaign of bribery. – AFP

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