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Technical information for the 7 Segments display module

Features : Low Cost Addressable to 14 modules Versitile interface format Two modules can be linked to react like one module Receives packets in ascii and binairy format

The module can understand two groups of packets. Packets in ascii mode can be easely entered using any terminal program. Packets in Binairy format have a header and checksum and have much more features. The module can distinguesh between the packets by looking at bit 7 of the bytes it receives. The module will interpret the packet as binairy if one of the bytes it received has a high in bit 7.

Packets in ASCII format:

Digit/dot Digit/dot Digit/dot -1.23 on Digit/dot -1.- 4 off Digit/dot ENTER

Examples of strings to use: 1234 1.234 123.4 -123 help burp girl boy

The string gets printed on the module after the ENTER has been sended. The module will interpret a max of 5 characters* looking back from the enter, this way corrections can be made before the enter is pressed. The ascii format mode does not have module addressing so all the modules will react to packets in this format. *Look at appendix A for all the characters the module supports.

Packets in Binairy format:

The frame is made up of a fixed packet lenght of 7 Bytes. Header Command Data 4 Data 3 Data 2 Data 1 XorChk

Header : 0xA# 1 0 1 0 # # # # De header has a fixed nibble and a addressing nibble. The High Nibble contains hexA so that the module can easely detect this is part of a non ascii packet. The Low Nibble contains the addressing number of one of the modules on the communication bus. Where the address hex0 is reserved as broadcast so all modules will act on this packet. So a maximum of 14 different modules can be addressed. Still it is possible to put multiple modules on a identical address. This is only limited by the electrical characteristics of the communication bus. Command # # # # # # # # This byte contains the different command types for the packets

See table XX for a full list. Xorchk # # # # # # # # Checksum over header,Command and data bytes. The starting value of the XOR is fixed on 0x3C.

Binairy Data configurations :

Ascii character mode Data 1..4 contain the ascii value of the characters or numbers that need to be displayed. The decimal DOT can be activated by making Bit8 of the corresponding segment (data 1..4) high. BCD Digit mode Data 1, 2 cointain the 4 nibbles which hold the BCD value of the number that need to be displayed. Data 3, 4 are ignored. Unsigned Digit mode Data 1, 2 hold a 16 bit number ranging from 0 .. 9999. The Decimal DOT is coded in Data 3 Signed Digit mode Data 1, 2 hold a signed 16bit number ranging from 999..9999 The Decimal DOT is coded in Data 3 Unsigned digit addition mode Data 1, 2 will be added with the value currently displayed on the module. Signed Digit addition mode Data 1, 2 wich is a signed number will be added to the value currently displayed on the module.

Program Module as Count down timer:

Count down timer: Header Command Settings Byte : Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 0..2 Enable Output. Output Startlevel Restart of cycle Output Active time 0=toggle , 1..7 seconds. TimeBase Settings Startw MSB Startw LSB XorChk

Program Module as Eventcounter:

Eventcounter : Header Command Settings Byte : Bit 7 Input flank direction Bit 6 Enable Output. Bit 5 Bit 4 Restart of cycle Settings Startw MSB Startw LSB XorChk

Bit 0..3 Prescaler

Program Module in Dual Linked mode:

In this mode you can configure two modules to work as one 8 Digit Module. Header 0xA0 Data 4 Data 3 Data 2 Data 1 Command XorChk

: : Module address who will listen to Data in High Data Bytes. : Module address who will listen to Data in Low Data Bytes. : New address both Modules will listen to.

*Data packets send to the address indicated in Data 1 must be in BCD format.

Reset module to default setting

The module performs a warm boot.

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