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Mini Test2
(v) Experience frii qua (adj) nghiEmtrgng Severe Emotion(n) cim xtc Stess(n) s1r c5ngthing thi nhu Experiments this nhiing.cuQc nghiQm thndy like kh6ngcdnnta No longer No longerperformedkh6!g cdn tlugc thirc hin (n) Damage sUtdnhai Urge (n) sg thdi thtc, sg thric gigc Follow orders tudntheo mnhlQnh phi tl4o cluc Immoral(adj) Evenif ngaycaneu cdpt6n Superior(n) thuc hiQn,ti6n hanh Carry out

Milgram's Experimentsand the Power of Authority p. 154

(n) Experiment (n) Power Authority (n) Nazi leader Catch(v) Crime (n) Humanity(n) Remain(v) Unanswered Act alone camp Concentation (adj) Innocent One(pronoun)
(n) Readiness

(n) Psychologist Ask sbto do sth Tell sbto do sth (v) Participate Test(v) Memory (n) Work (v) (n) Purpose

thi nghim stc manh quynlilc nhalanh d4oDric Qu6cXd , a. gru Dar tQi6c lodi ngudi,nhdnlo4i vancon chuailugc tri loi hanhclQng minh mQt t4i tdp trung ngdytho, v0 tQi nguoita sg sln sangQamgi) nhdtdmlf hgc yu cduai ldm gi b6oai lim gi thamgia

ApocalypseMyths p. 158
tho4tnhin At first glance tdn gi6o Religion(n) Seem do sth to dudngnhu ldm gi it Havelittle in common co tlitim chuns , x. nol glao Hinduism d4o do thai Judaism (v) trinh bdy, bQc lQ, diSn clat Express ni6m tin Belief (n) ^ .,t nguyen tac Rule (n) (n) ohone tuc Custom nguoi theo co d6c gi6o Christian(n)
Go to church Basically (adv) Restriction on sth di nha thd vA co ban sg gioi h4n v cdi gi

ki6m tra, thri nghiQm tri nhd ldm viQc,ho4t dQng mUc tlich Give an incorrect answer cho m6t cdu ti loi sai Subject (n) chrl th (tham gia thi nghi-6m) dn nrit Push a button Electric shock cri tiiQngiQt Give the person an electric shock ldm cho nguoi d6 bi diQn

To shocksb Sthis unknownto sb Power(n) (v) Scream in Scream pain Cry (n) Grow(v) Growlouder (adj) Nervous Amazingly Assure sttr sb with sth Continue
Lethal (adj) Lethal level Reveal(v) Incredibly

giflt ldm cho ai bi cliQn ai t16 kh6ngbit cai gi sucmSnh lah6t la hdttong sUdauddn ti6ngh trd n6n trd nnldn hun nOinQp,lo lang mQtc6chtlangng4cnhin qudquydt,camdoan tip fitc ldrnviQcgi
gdy chdt nguoi. mtc dQ gdy ch6t nguoi


Pray(v) Alcohol(n) Pork (n) Muslim (n) (adj) Numerous Similarity (n) Stafiling (adj) (n) Likeness Apocalypse mlth Major (adj) (adv) Essentially (v) Precede Lawlessness

cAunguyQn chAtcdn,ruqu thiJheo nguoitheott4oh6i nhiu su tuong t.u ldm cho gift minh slr tuong nI thuy6tltrii huyn

cn6t veUan

bOc l0 c6ch tin, kinhkhung mQt kh6

wish Powerful monsmu6nmanhmE vdngloi Obey(v) nhdchrict6ch, ngucri quy6nlUc Authority (n) c6 c6 nhAn,banthdn Personnally ngodiviQc... ln additionto sth Morality (n) dao clic (n) quytSt Decision dinh Theway sthhappensc6chc6i gi di6nra To conduct experiment an thUchinmQtthi nghiQm this Despite b6t chapdiundy co r9l, co lol Guilty (adj) Action(n) hinh dQng
, t7.

di tudc, c6 trudc sUvd t6 chtc, tbh tr4ngv6 chinh phti loai nguoi, nhdnloei Humanity(n) Showits worstside bOcl0 kfiia canht6i tOnhdtcta n6 (n) thim hga Disaster tan phd!ph6 htiy Destoy (v) (n) Cause nguynnhdn s6ngcdn Survive(v) s6ng.s6t, vi thAndimg ddu Headgod (n) sri gid Messenger kh6i phgctpt t.u Restore order (v) ldm msi lpi, kh6i phpcl4i Renew (n) sUthanhbinh Peace su hoanh6o Perfection chu lcj', chu rinh, vdngtuAnhoan Cycle(n) (n) ss hty diQt Destruction sg t6i sinh Rebirth(n) Page of2 1

point d mQtthoi di6mnio d6 At some t6t tuen Concludc(v) c6 cirngmQtngu6ng6c Have a commonorigin theo to According Theory $ puYt cu6i ctng Eventually(adv) cdn ldu moi hodnhdo Far from perfect ph6nIc!, r ra Diverge(v) hesent a new way md ra mot c6chmoi

Mini Test2

PlateTectonicsp. 162
thuy6ttci6nt4o mdng Platetectonics ph6thiQn (v) Discover (n) b mat Surface tlugc ldm bdng To be madeof mQtmiting,mQtkt6i nguyn A singlepiece v mlt cs ban Basically(adv) nhiu A numberof md ld But rather nOi Float(v) dungnham. mQtbir5n A seaof lava Lie deepin the Earth nim sdutong ldng ddt n6i l6n Arise (v) nntdng,co sd Basis(n) nganhdia chdthqc Geology(n)
Currently (adv) hintai

Breakup into Plate(n) Minor (adj) Makeup sth Continent(n) Floor ofthe ocean Mineral (n) Sink(v) Moltenlava

ph6nra thanh mang nh6,phg tponnc6i gi luc dia daydai duong khoiing san chim dungnhamn6ng ch6y

Central idea Y tucrng trung t0m phong triro, s1rchuyn dQng Movement (n) It is + ... + that + ... chinh .... Ld ntn bi6n c6 ttia chdt Geological event sg clQngtldt Earthquake (n) sU hinh thdnh Formation

Formationof moutains
Edge (n) Western edge

qr hinh thdnhc6cnggn nfi

ria ria phia tdy

sth Slideagainst Sliding(n) (adj) Smooth Motion (n) for Responsible

truqt ln cai gi su trugt pnang Dang dQng sg chuy6n chi.u t6ch nhipmcho

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