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Chapter 3:

The girl was sitting at the corner table, looking around her with candid fascination in those expressive eyes of hers, and it was amusing to see someone who looks something with interest, Ian thought when Jake showed him the girl named Rachael to him. When he finished taking off his make up and changing, Jake came to him and informed that the girl had arrived and was waiting at the shooting site, i.e. the restaurant where the shooting was held some time back. Ian was not feeling a bit to meet the girl, especially after the shoot, as he was very tired and needed to have some peace of mind. The dialogues, the acting and everything were very tiring, though it was fun. But he couldnt say no to the offer, and his fans may get offended somehow and like other actors, he also didnt want to offend the fans for whom he was getting the food on his plate. So he freshened up and changed into a more casual wear, and came out of the room. The first glance at the girl, he got an overall look of her appearance, and her clothes told him that she had a bit of taste in clothes. The midnight blue blouse with frilly white collar, flowing polka skirt and black pumps was perhaps not a craze at the moment, but she still wore it, with her hair straightened, giving her the aura of some girly effect of the seventies or around. He started walking towards her direction when her gaze shifted to him, saw him, and he kept walking to her at his usual pace. He was almost eight feet away form her when Laura, the script writers assistant stopped him to say about the next days scripts change. He listened to her with full attention, but he was aware that the girl was looking at him, for which he caught her eyes once and then shifted his attention again to Laura. So this is it. I would give you the revised script later. Chao. She winked at him, he smiled at her, and then walked to the girl, who now stood up on those unbearable slim heels and kept looking at him mutely. He introduced himself and then extended his hand, which she took in a rather light grip. After being introduced, Ian said, I hope you dont mind skipping from this chaos. Sure, but I think, she couldnt finish as Ian ushered her to the lift. When they got in, he remained silent and studied her face by the side of his eyes, and saw that she was a bit tensed and looked at her watch once. Are you feeling all right? He looked at her in the lift and smiled when she nodded with a small curl of her lips. When they finally came out of the restaurant Ian said, Would you wait a minute here, Ill just bring my car around. And then he was gone, before Rachael asked him to stop. She is just feeling nervous, Ian thought out when he got to his car. Dunno how the day would end today, he murmured and drove the car to the front of the restaurant. As he expected, the girl was still waiting for him at the same place, as if she didnt move an inch from where he had left her.

I think I should now tell him. Now. Rachael thought and took a deep breath when he came to help her in the car. My my, silver Volvo, like the Twilights Edward Cullen. Mr. Somerhalder, I hope you wouldnt mind me saying so, but I came to take your autograph. She said and felt herself relaxing instantly. I would give you the autograph too, but later, when we reach the... Ian couldnt finish as Rachael spoke out. Youre not getting it Mr. Somerhalder; I didnt come to spend the whole day with you. I need the autograph. Irritation flickered over his handsome face. Ok, if you dont mind, can you get in the car first, Rachael? Were just standing at the front of the restaurant, and then helped her in the car, feeling a bit amused and irritated, as for this meeting, he had to cancel meeting his girlfriend Vanessa, who got angry with him, accused him that he doesnt give her time, for which his relationship with her was on the verge of breaking up, and his fans crave to meet him whereas this girl was just asking for the damn autograph! Before she could say anything, he started his engine and drove the car out of the restaurant. Rachael knew she needed to tell him everything, and he was driving away from the place where she could take the bus to her aunts place. She saw his cool composure crumple a little, and a bit of irritation clouded his eyes, which were of an amazing blue color, which seemed to change colors, as Rachael thought, but she found her voice and said. Mr. Somerhalder. Would you just skip the formal Mr. Somerhalder and just call me Ian? Its just making me sound way older than I really am. Ok, Ian. The fact is I came for your autograph and nothing more, and its not for me, but my friend who answered the question for fun from my phone, using my name. I happened to be here now, and when Mr. Morgan called me and said that I, I mean Kathy won the contest, I called her and she requested me to get your autograph. And now you seem irritated about it, and Im sorry for it, I really am. But I want. I know you just need the autograph, but Im not irritated by you, he quickly said, as he was embarrassed to hear that she had already seen his irritation. Some things should definitely change with in me, he growled inside. Then he pulled the car at the side of the road where the parking sign was put, and asked, Do you have a pen and paper? At his request, Rachael brought out a pen and a note pad, and gave to him. Whats your friends name?

Katherine, but we call her Kathy. Then saw him sign on the paper and wrote Kathys name and something else, that she couldnt read, as his handwriting was cursive and twisted. After he was done, he gave her the note pad back. Thank you Ian. Kathy would be very happy to get it, she smiled at him and met his gaze. She was about to get out of the car, when he said, Which way are you going? When she gave him the address, he said, Hop in, it would be on my way to.somewhere. He wasnt sure where he would go now, but he just said it. Please dont bother yourself further. I would get a bus or something. Its no problem at all, and the weather is a bit cloudy. It may rain perhaps, so get in. When Rachael looked at the sky, she felt that he was right on that score, and got in the car once again. Thank you again, Rachael said politely and smiled to him fully, and Ian started the engine once again.

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