Eims 12790

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PAF Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology Course : Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Systems Faculty : Engr.

. Mohazzab Javed
Class ID : 12790 Examination: First Hourly (Spring 2012)
Total Marks: 100 No of Pages: 3

Date: 24th February 2012

Max. Time: 1


Name Reg. ID

: __________________________________ : __________________________________ 12 marks

Question No 01 Fill in the blanks:

1. Zero error can be defined as ____________________. 2. Response time error can be defined as ____________________. 3. ____________________ is defined as the deviation of true value from the measured value. Question No 02 18 marks Answer the following questions. Do not write more than three lines on each. 1. What is the working principle of thermocouple? 2. What is backlash error? 3. Give any two advantages of 4~20 mA sensors. Question No 03 70 marks A particular submersible pressure sensor (4~20 mA output) is used to measure the volume of cubic water tank having the following dimensions. Height=1.5 meters Length=2 meters Width=2 meters The sensor is dipped in tank so that it can settle at bottom. Note that sensor is calibrated to give maximum output i.e. 20 mA at 1.5 meter height of water

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A. Find out the volume of tank if sensor is giving 8.5 mA output. B. For the same scenario as in part A if sensor is connected as shown above and 12 bit ADC is connected to measure the voltage across R1, find the output of ADC. Note that positive reference voltage of ADC is 5.5 volts and negative reference voltage is ground. C. For the same scenario as in part A and B, find out the positive reference voltage of ADC to get the best resolution. D. If positive reference voltage of ADC is fixed at 12 volts find out the value of R1 to get best resolution. E. Find out the volume of tank by considering the following parameters. 12 bit ADC is connected across R1 with positive reference voltage of 5 volts. Output of ADC = 3000. R1=300 Ohms. F. Unfortunately sensor was damaged and replaced with one that gives maximum output .i.e. 20 mA at 2 meter height of water. Now if 60 percent of tank is filled with water find the output of ADC. Note the following specifications 12 bit ADC is connected across R1 with positive reference voltage of 5 volts. R1=200 Ohms
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G. For the same scenario as in part F, complete the following code . . //alarm should be on if volume is greater than 80% or less than 20% . if(adc_value > ) alarm = on; else if(adc_value < ) alarm = on; . . .

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