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Sustainability Solutions: Practices for a Better Tomorrow

November 18, 2011 by Atula

CII ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD) is organising the sixth addition of its sustainability conference. The two day event called Sustainability Solutions: Summit & Exhibition in New Delhi on 25 th -26thNovember, 2011 will explore challenges, opportunities, and strategies for bringing sustainability solutions to Indian Businesses.

What is Sustainable Development?

In 1992, the word sustainable development was first used for a meeting of world nations The Earth Summit to discuss the future of our world. Together they agreed that there was a need to work together, in global partnership for sustainable development. Since then the phrase sustainable development has come into practice. The simplest way to understand it, is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words we must make sure that whatever we do, as populations expand and lifestyles change, we must keep the world in good condition so that our children and our childrens children will have the same natural resources that we have. Natural resources that include: fresh air, clean freshwater, farmland, wildlife, forests, unpolluted seas and a stable climate. A sustainable lifestyle is one that our environment can support without using up these valuable natural resources. It isnt difficult to understand that if such a development does take place in any country, the animal and plant species are benefitted too as they do not fight for space, and habitat. And undoubtedly endangered species get a fighting chance of survival.

The Summit
The Sustainability Solutions: Summit & Exhibition is a Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) initiative. It will focus on significant topics such as corporate governance, vision of green economy, sustainable and inclusive innovation and much more. The participants will include big wigs of the Indian corporate world and also small and micro organisations, representing for profits, not for profits cooperatives and federations, private, public, NGOs and social entrepreneurs. We are of the mind that India will become a beacon for global sustainability. The Sustainability Summit & Exhibition underscore the fact that, with the correct approach, sustainability is achievable. Moreover, businesses will flourish if they have the foresight to address the issue of sustainability today says Seema Arora, Executive Director, CESD.

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