Farmington Community Gardens ByLaws 2013

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Farmington Community Gardens

Farmington, NH
The Mission Statement
of the Farmington Community Gardens
The Farmington Community Gardens is a non-profit organization managed by the Farmington
Community Gardens Stewardship Committee. The Committee maintains, coordinates, and
supports the Community Gardens as a site for public gardening using community owned land in the
Town of Farmington. Both indiidual and communal gardening spaces are proided for growing
fruits, egetables, and herbs to enhance and supplement the nutritional needs of our citizens. The
!rganization beliees that promoting the growth of fruits, egetables, and herbs using ecologically
friendly and green gardening initiaties will foster healthy and sustainable gardening practices, aid in
the nutritional support of our citizens, and proide a beneficial use for town land that will deelop the
enironmental, ecological, and nutritional literacy within our community.
The ByLaws of the Farmington Community Gardens
"rticle # $ Name and Purpose
Section % & Name The Community 'ro(ect described here is officially named )Farmington
Community Gardens.) This name can be changed only by a ote of two thirds of the
goerning Stewardship Committee. For the remainder of this document, Farmington
Community Gardens will be *nown as The Gardens.
Section + & Location The Gardens are located on town property, lot ,%%--.-, in front of
the /ater Tower on Bay 0oad. The Board of Selectmen authorize the use of Town 1and for
the Gardens and the Town of Farmington will retain ownership of the property.
Section . & Purpose The Gardens will be established and maintained as a Community
'ro(ect of the Farmington Community Gardens, a 2ew 3ampshire nonprofit corporation.
The purpose of the Gardens is to promote, create, and maintain community and home
gardening in the Town of Farmington by proiding space for its citizens interested in
gardening to grow their own egetables and4or flowers according to their needs. #t is desire
of the Community Gardens Stewardship Committee to maintain The Gardens as an organic
growing space to promote organic and sustainable gardening practices along with healthy
nutrition. " secondary purpose for The Gardens would be to benefit the Community of
Farmington by proiding a productie, attractie, and collaboratie use for a public space.
"rticle ## $ Governance
Section % & Definition Goernance of The Gardens will be implemented by the
Farmington Community Gardens Stewardship Committee, *nown throughout this document
as The Committee. The Committee is responsible for decisions regarding garden
Farmington Community Gardens Bylaws 2014 Page 1
membership and also current and future actiities within the Gardens, and will interpret and
enforce the 0ules and 0egulations of The Gardens, *nown throughout this document as The
0ules. Garden 5embers who (oin The Committee will be *nown as Garden Stewards, *nown
throughout this document as The Stewards. The Committee determines its meeting
schedule and method. 5eeting times and changes in the meeting schedule are decided by
ma(ority ote. The number of Stewards is determined by The Committee and may change
depending on retirement and on the needs of The Gardens as iewed by The Committee.
The Gardens will allow support from outside organizations through sponsorship. Sponsors
of the Gardens may donate materials, time, or financial resources to sustain the Gardens.
Sponsors will hae no oice in the goernance of the Gardens.
Section + & Committee Responsibilities "s mentioned in "rticle ##, Section % aboe, The
Committee is responsible for interpreting and enforcing The 0ules. #t is the obligation of The
Committee to apply The 0ules in con(unction with the Bylaws to the Gardens and Garden
5embers on a regular basis. The Committee is responsible for updating both documents,
and assuring that bylaws and rules are fair, consistent, and up-to-date. The Committee has
the responsibility for coordinating the Garden Space "greements with Garden 5embers.
"dditionally The Committee is also responsible for6
7eeloping long-range plans for the continuation and improement of The Gardens
and The Gardens organization. The Committee may implement these plans when
'lanning and arranging any actiities sponsored by The Gardens intended for the
benefit and en(oyment of Garden 5embers and the surrounding community.
0ecruiting Stewards to fulfill The Committee responsibilities.
0ecruiting Garden 5embers to occupy Spaces in the Gardens, and designating the
locations of those Spaces.
Communicating with the Farmington Board of Selectmen annually with information on
Garden 5ember, Steward, or Committee issues, changes to the Bylaws or 0ules,
and progress updates.
5onitoring the Spaces within the Gardens and surrounding par*ing areas for the
purpose of maintaining cleanliness and order.
The Committee will meet on a regular basis to discuss issues or problems in The
Gardens and to see* solutions when necessary.
Section . & Committee Officers and Elections The Committee shall be coordinated by
its !fficers. The !fficers will be Chairperson, 8ice-Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary.
The !fficers will be elected annually by the Stewards.
9lections will be held in 2oember, after the growing season has completed. "ny
current Steward can be elected to hold office.
The Committee will accept written nominations for elections by the Stewards.
2omination forms will be made aailable to all Stewards.
The deadline for submitting nominations is the September general meeting.
!fficers will perform the duties as detailed in Section :, and may also perform other
duties as the !fficers or Stewards may specify or re;uire.
8acancies in any office shall be filled for the un-e<pired term by appointment of the
remaining !fficers before the ne<t meeting of the Committee.
The !fficers may establish and abolish standing and special committees as
Section : & Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of the !fficers
and Stewards of the Stewardship Committee will be established by the Bylaws.
Farmington Community Gardens Bylaws 2014 Page 2
Section :.-% & Chairperson The Chairperson will preside oer all meetings of the
Stewardship Committee. The Chairperson has authority to set the agenda for
meetings, and implement the suggestions of standing or special committees.
Section :.-+ & Vice-Chairperson The 8ice-Chairperson will act as the
Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent or unaailable. The 8ice Chairperson
will act as liaison between the Stewards and the !fficers, and The Committee and the
F7C, when necessary.
Section :.-. & Secretary The Secretary will be responsible for all written records
of The Committee, notices of meetings, minutes of meetings, and official
Section :.-: & Treasurer The Treasurer will be responsible for all financial records
of the Gardens, and will be the liaison between the Gardens and the F7C Treasurer,
to secure the authorization for purchases and payment of any outstanding bills.
Section :.-= & Steards The Stewards will be responsible for regularly attending
Committee meetings, participating in the decision ma*ing process of the Committee,
and completing tas*s or functions beyond regular meeting attendance that fulfill the
responsibilities cited in Section + aboe.
Section = & Remo!in" an Officer or Steard "lthough Stewards sering on The
Committee sere no fi<ed term, an !fficer or Steward may, under certain circumstances, be
remoed by a two thirds ma(ority ote of the full Committee. 7ifferences of opinion are
e<pected and respected and do not, of themseles, constitute grounds for dismissal of a
Steward or !fficer. #f an !fficer or Steward fails to meet the re;uirements and
responsibilities of Committee membership, as outlined in Section :> is unable or unwilling to
meet indiidual and group responsibilities> or demonstrates illegal or unethical behaior or a
pattern of disruptie behaior, other members may re;uest a discussion of the particulars
and a ote for remoal of the !fficer or Steward.
Section ? & Sub-committees The Committee may decide to form sub-committees to
research proposals before a decision is made on these proposals by the larger Committee.
Section @ & Votin" Rules 8otes may be ta*en at Committee meetings only in the
presence of a ;uorum. " ;uorum is defined as at least =% percent of the current number of
Stewards in good standing sering on The Committee. !nly Committee Stewards may ote
on proposed motions. 'roposals put before The Committee must be accepted by a ma(ority
of those attending to pass. 7ecisions to remoe a Steward re;uire a two thirds ma(ority ote
of current Committee Stewards in faor to pass. "ll Committee Stewards must be notified
before any action to ote on policy or rule changes, or Committee Steward e<pulsions.
Generally, oting will ta*e place at face-to-face meetings. 3oweer, if e<pedient in special
circumstances, oting can also be effected through e-mail polling, if a ma(ority of The
Committee agrees to this method. " special Committee meeting may be conened at any
time by a ma(ority of Committee Stewards.
Section A & #mendin" the $ylas "mendments to the Bylaws must be approed by a
Farmington Community Gardens Bylaws 2014 Page 3
two thirds ma(ority of the Stewardship Committee. "mendment suggestions may be brought
by either The Committee, indiidual Stewards, or Garden 5embers. The Committee will
reiew the proposed By1aw changes and publish them for reiew by the membership prior to
oting on any By1aw changes or amendments.
"rticle ### $ Garden Membership
Section % & Definition " Garden 5ember is someone who has been granted rights to a
particular Garden Space, either indiidual or communal, who has paid their annual
membership dues, and who agrees to and abides by the rules and policies of The Gardens
as defined and accepted by the Stewardship Committee. There will be two types of Garden
5embers. #ndiidual Garden 5embers are those who are assigned indiidual Garden
Spaces to tend and Communal Garden 5embers are those who are assigned to help tend
the Communal Garden Space. The Communal Garden Space 5embership will be open to
all. #ndiidual Garden Space 5embership will be limited to the number of indiidual garden
spaces outlined in the Community Gardens map.
Section + & Prospecti!e %embers Garden 5embership is aailable on a first-come first-
sered basis and is open to any resident of the Town of Farmington, regardless of gender,
race, creed, color, or se<ual orientation. #f all #ndiidual Garden Spaces are occupied,
prospectie members will be offered Communal 5embership status. Communal 5embers
who wish to be #ndiidual 5embers will hae their names placed on a waiting list.
'rospectie Garden 5embers must sign the gardening agreements, and submit the
associated Garden 5embership dues to become a Current Garden 5ember.
Section . & Current %embers " current Garden 5ember in good standing may retain
their assigned status and Garden Space for the following year by signing the agreement and
paying the re;uired membership dues by the deadline set for renewal. Further information on
Garden 5embership responsibilities is contained in the Garden 0ules and 'olicies
document, which is supplied with the agreement. These Garden 0ules and 'olicies may
change from year to year at the discretion of the Stewardship Committee. "dditionally,
Garden 5embers are further categorized as #ndiidual Garden Space 5embers and
Communal Garden Space 5embers, in accordance with Section %. The Garden 5ember is
responsible for all communication with the Steering Committee, including completing the
annual renewal form, submitting the re;uired Garden 5embership dues, and addressing any
rules iolation notices. Cleanliness and order within the Gardens and immediate
surrounding area, including par*ing areas, is the responsibility of the members using the
Section : & &arden Space Dues The Garden 5embership dues are based on the size of
the Garden space and the status of Garden 5embership.
Section :.-% & Communal &arden %embers The Communal Garden 5ember
annual dues will be B=.--. Communal 5embers share the tending and harest of the
Communal Garden Space. " portion of the harest of the Communal Garden Space
will be resered for the Stewardship Committee for sale at the FarmerCs 5ar*et, in
order to raise funds to support the Gardens.
Section :.-+ & 'ndi!idual &arden %embers The #ndiidual Garden Space
5ember annual dues will ary by Garden Space size.
Farmington Community Gardens Bylaws 2014 Page 4
"nnual dues for the Small Garden Space will be B@.--. " Small Garden
Space is defined as being ?- s;uare feet of +.= ft wide by +: ft long.
"nnual dues for the 5edium Garden Space will be B%+.--. " 5edium Garden
Space is defined as being %-- s;uare feet of %- ft wide by %- ft long.
"nnual dues for the 1arge Garden Space will be B+=.--. " 1arge Garden
Space is defined as being +-- s;uare feet of %- ft wide by +- ft long.
Section = & Termination of %embership -- Garden 5embership #ndiidual and Communal
Space priileges may be reo*ed by The Committee for iolationDsE of the 0ules and 'olicies
established by The Committee. 5embership will be reo*ed at a monthly Committee
5eeting, and the Garden 5ember will hae the opportunity to spea* to the Committee prior
to any ote. " ma(ority ote is re;uired to terminate any Garden 5ember. Garden 0ules
and 'olicies and the enforcement procedures will be distributed at renewal and enrollment.
Garden 5embers are re;uired to sign a document accepting these rules, policies, and
procedures. "dditionally, these rules, policies, and procedures will be aailable at the
5unicipal !ffices and published on the Community GardensC website so that they are
aailable to all Garden 5embers and Town Citizens at any time.
"rticle #8 $ Records
Section % & Definition !fficial records of The Gardens include the Bylaws Dthis documentE
as currently amended, current Garden 0ules and 'olicies as approed by The Committee,
5embership information, legal agreements, policy and4or action documents approed by The
Committee, all financial statements and documents, and minutes of Committee meetings.
Section %.-% & Other Documents "ll other documents related to the operation of
The Gardens, including but not limited to ban* statements, receipts, correspondence,
and drafts are considered unofficial records and are not automatically aailable to all
Garden 5embers and Committee Stewards.
Section + & #!ailability F !fficial records of The Garden shall be made aailable for
inspection by any Garden 5ember or Committee Steward upon re;uest. The Committee
may publish any or all official records in any manner. ,nofficial records are not generally
aailable, but may be made so generally or on a case-by-case basis by a ote of The
Stewardship Committee. Copies of all official records and forms will also be aailable at the
5unicipal !ffices.
Section . & Data Pri!acy 2ames, contact information, payment information, and other
personal data necessary for the collection of Garden Space dues and the operation of The
Gardens shall not be distributed to any outside organization nor to Garden 5embers outside
of The Committee. Contact and other personal information shall be distributed internally to
Committee Stewards on a Gneed to *nowH basis.
Section : & Security The Committee may establish procedures to ensure that all records
and documents pertaining to The Gardens are secure from loss.
"rticle 8 F Financial Administration
Section % & (iscal )ear The fiscal year of The Gardens shall be 7ecember % through
Farmington Community Gardens Bylaws 2014 Page 5
2oember .-, in accordance with the growing season and Committee officer elections.
Section + & (inancial Records "ll financial records of The Gardens, including but not
limited to chec*s, statements, receipts, chec* registers, and electronic records of any type
shall be aailable for inspection by Garden member upon re;uest. !fficial and unofficial
documents and records may be aailable to Committee Stewards and Garden 5embers at
the discretion of The Committee. The Committee may also establish written policies
concerning the manner in which payments are made and4or how financial records are *ept.
The Committee will establish procedures to ensure that all financial records are secure from
loss. The Committee will produce an annual financial report on the Community Gardens and
ma*e it aailable to the Board of Selectmen and the citizens of Farmington.
Section . & #ccounts "ll financial accounting on behalf of The Gardens will be done
through the Farmington Community Gardens Treasurer. The Gardens will establish and
manage a separate account for the Farmington Community Gardens. 0ecords of GardensC
finances will be *ept and an independent operating budget and balance will be maintained
for the Community Gardens annually by Treasurer.
"rticle 8# F Dissolution
Section % & Dissolution of the &ardens F Since the Gardens are located on Town 1and,
its use authorized by the Board of Selectmen, if alternatie need for the property arises, the
Selectmen hae the authority to terminate its use for the Gardens. "t that time, the Gardens
may be dissoled or moed to another location. The Stewardship Committee, should
ade;uate reason arise, also may choose to cease sponsorship of the Gardens. "t that time,
responsibility for the Gardens may be transferred to another organization, upon authorization
by the Board of Selectmen.
Section + & Disbursal of Records and #ssets #f Farmington Community Gardens should
be dissoled, its property, funds, and other assets shall be dispersed by the Stewardship
Committee prior to the dissolution. "ny remaining assets shall be used by the Committee to
support or sponsor another community pro(ect that would benefit the Town and citizens of
Farmington. "ll records of the Gardens will be maintained for the legal period of time before
their destruction or archial.
"dopted by the Farmington Community Gardens Stewardship Committee F 4 July 2014.
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