Sophomore Project - 2011

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Objective: Each student will perform an 8-minute presentation to the class in which they make use of outlines, audio-visual materials and review materials Beginning the week of April 16th you will begin doing presentations on assigned topics dealing with groups of organisms. You will be given some time in the next several weeks to begin researching your chosen topic. You will be given a list of topics that students may choose from for their presentation. Each student or group chooses one topic and prepares a presentation for the class. Your presentation must include: 1) 8-minute overall presentation (15 minute maximum time limit) to the class; points are deducted for presentations that run too short of this time ...a one-page typed outline of your presentation to be given to be submitted to the teacher on March 26th regardless of your presence or absence at school. This outline must include at least four vocabulary terms and three review questions. least two different forms of audio-visual materials such as hand-made posters, overhead displays, or video material. Posters must have computerized print of minimum 60-point font. ...students may work together in teams of two but all requirements are doubled and the team will be graded as a team. If you choose this option be absolutely certain of the reliability of your partner.




...students will be graded based on a template with values assigned to each category, such as outline quality, audio-visual variety and quality and creativity among other categories. The total grade for this project will be 75 points. The student assumes responsibility for the technical operation of her work. No late work will be excused due to technical or computer problems. It is expected that a student will test her presentation on school equipment prior to the date of her presentation.

Students will be chosen by lot to determine the subject of their presentation. All students will be required to use the outlines to write notes from each students presentation. In general, students will present in the order on the project list but ALL students will be expected to be prepared to present as of April 16 th. Any student not prepared to present when called upon will be considered late. Late projects will be penalized 5 points per day. You will be quizzed on all of the information presented.


Those topics that are available for two person teams are indicated by (2). Kingdom Fungi (2) Kingdom Metaphyta The Plants Phylum Bryophyta - mosses and liverworts Phylum Tracheophyta - ferns club mosses and horsetails cycads Gymnosperms conifers (2) Angiosperms grasses flowers (2) cacti carnivorous plants Phylum Platyhelminthes flatworms Phylum Nematoda roundworms Phylum Annelida earthworms, polychaetes and leeches Phylum Molluska clams, gastropods and cephalopods (2) Phylum Arthropoda insects (2) crustaceans arachnids millipedes and centipedes Phylum Echinodermata sea stars, sand dollars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and crinoids (2)

Kingdom Metazoa The Animals Phylum Porifera - sponges Phylum Cnideria - jellyfish, sea anemones, corals (2)

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