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Cambridge University Press 0521809207 - Random Graphs, Second Edition - Bela Bollobas Index More information


A Acyclic orientation 426 Additional degree 85 Additive character 353 Almost every (a.e.) 36 Alternating inequalities 17 Asymmetric graph 245 Asymptotic performance ratio Average degree 79 B Balanced graph 79 Bandwidth 421 Bernoulli r.v. 5 Binomial distribution 5 Bin packing algorithm 442 Boundary 385

Contiguous probability spaces 227 Convergence in distribution 2 Convex property 36 Core 150 Cube, n-dimensional 382 Current path 203 442 D d-step closure 426 d-step implication 426 de Bruijn graph 253 Degree 79 Degree of asymmetry 245 Degree of local asymmetry 245 Degree sequence 60 DeMoivreLaplace Theorem 13 Density function 2 Dependence graph 22 Depth of an algorithm 425 Descendant 439 Diagonal Ramsey number 320 Digraph, random mapping 411 Direct implication 426 Discrepancy 339, 399 Distance sequence 244 Distribution binomial 5 exponential 7 geometric 7 hypergeometric 7 negative binomial 7 normal 9 Poisson 8 Distribution function 2 Dominating number 273 E Edge-boundary 385 Edge-revealing martingale Entropy function 373

C Canonical labelling algorithm 74 Cayley graph 366 Ceiling of a number ix Central Limit Theorem 27 Character 352 Character is of order d 352 Chebyshevs inequality 2 Chromatic number 296 Circumference 150 Clique 282 Clique number 282 Comparator network 436 Complete matching 160 Complex graph 148 Component 96, 133 Concrete random graph 348 Conditional probability 3 Conference graph 246, 372 Conference matrix 372 Conguration 52 Consistent orientation 426


Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521809207 - Random Graphs, Second Edition - Bela Bollobas Index More information

-halved permutation 437 -halving algorithm 437 -sorted permutation 438 -sorting algorithm 438 Excess 148 Expander graph, (n, r, ) 374 Expanding graph, (a, b)- 370 Expectation 2 Exponential distribution 7 Expose-and-merge algorithm 302 F Factorial moment 3 Field, character of 352 Finite multiset 442 Floor of a number ix Fractional part 367 Free loop 150 Function, expectation of random multi- 77 random r-regular 50 random unlabelled 239 random unweighted 153 strictly balanced 79 symmetric 245 topological H- 317 Graph isomorphism problem 74 Graph process 42 Greedy algorithm 294 Group, random permutation of 407 H H-graph 79 H-graph, topological 317 H-subgraph 79 Hitting radius 170 Hitting time 42, 166 Homotopic map 31 Hypergeometric distribution


G Gaussian sum 354 Geometric distribution 7 Giant component 96 Girth of a matroid 194 Grading 85 Graph (a, b) expanding 370 additional degree of 85 asymmetric 245 average degree of 79 balanced 79 Cayley 366 concrete random 348 conference 246, 372 de Bruijn 253 degree of 79 dependence 22 discrepancy of 339, 399 grading of 85 H- 79 LelandSolomon 253 locally connected 200 Margulis 376 maximal additional degree of 85 maximum average degree of 79 Moore 252 (n, r, ) expander 374 orientation of 426 Paley 348, 357 pre- 249 property of 35 pseudo-random 348 quadratic residue 348, 357 r-full 361 random directed 40 random mapping 412

I Implication 426 Inclusionexclusion formula 17 Independence 4 Independence number 273, 282 Independence ratio 313 Inequality alternating 17 Chebyshev 2 isoperimetric 385 Markov 2 Isoperimetric inequality 385 J Jumbled graph K kernel of a graph k-core 150



L Large component 133 LelandSolomon graph 253 Lindeberg condition 28 Linearized chord diagram 277 Ljapunov condition 28 Locally connected 200 Loose packing 443 M Map homotopic 31 random 412 Margulis graph 376 Markovs inequality 2 Matroid, girth of 194

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press 0521809207 - Random Graphs, Second Edition - Bela Bollobas Index More information

Maximal additional degree 85 Maximum average degree 79 Mean 2 Minimum weight of a spanning tree Moment, nth 2 Monotone increasing property 36 Monotone property 36 Monotone set system 191 Moore bound 252 Moore graph 252 Multigraph, random 77 Multiplicative character 352 Multiset, nite 441 N n-dimensional cube 383 (n, r, )-expander graph 374 nth moment 2 Negative binomial distribution Normal distribution 9 O O-diagonal Ramsey number Order d, for character 352 Orientation 426

Ramsey number 320 Ramsey theory 319 Random bipartite graph process 171 Random bipartite tournament 94 Random directed graph 40 Random function 412 Random graph process 42 Random greedy algorithm 332 Random map 412 Random mapping digraph 412 Random mapping graph 412 Random multigraph 77 Random permutation 408 Random r-regular graph 50 Random unlabelled graphs 239 Random variable (r.v.) 2 Random weighted graph 153 Register 436 Remote pair 259 Remote vertex 259 Restricted bin packing 443 Riemann hypothesis 349 S s-separator 166 Separator 166 Sequence, (n, r)-universal 274 Sequence, packing of 349 Simple transform 206 Small component 133 Spanning tree, minimum weight of Sperner family 394 Sperner lemma 394 Stirlings formula 4 Strictly balanced graph 79 Strong rank 395 Super regular graphs 188 Supercritical range 148 Symmetric graph 245 T Threshold function 40, 418 Topological clique number 317 Topological H-graph 317 Total variation distance 3 Transform 206 Transitive closure 426 U Uniform colouring Universal sequence 316 274



P Packing 442 Pairing 277 Paley graph 348, 356 Perfect matching 160 Permutation Sm is -sorted 438 Phase transition 148 Poisson distribution 8 Pregraph 249 Principal additive character 353 Principal character 352 Probability space 1 Probe 425 Problem of Zarankiewicz 370 Property of a graph 35 Pseudo-random graph 348 Q Quadratic residue character 352, 357 Quadratic residue graph 348, 357 Quasi-random graph 380 Question 425 R r-dominating number 273 r-dominating set 273 r-full graph 361 r-full tournament 382 r-independence number 273 r-independent set 273 rth factorial moment 3


V Variance 2 Vertex-connectivity 166 Vertex-revealing martingale W Width of an algorithm 425


Cambridge University Press

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