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---I---I---I--I Thee Temple ov Psychic Youth OnLine Transmisson Digest v0.75 TimeFix: Nov, 23.

1990 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Send Inquiries, Information, etc to or try: Coyote129 PoBox 95438 Seattle, WA 98145-2438 USA TOPY US PoBox 18223 Denver, CO 80218 USA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Contents ov this file: 0> Editorial etc. by Coyote 129 1> Magic by Coyote 23 2> An essay on Tantric **** by Brandy Williams 3> Essay on thee Occult Linx ov the ****s by >UNKNOWN< 4> Dada, Merz, and the **** Party by Sibyl Moholy-Nagy -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Greetings Allies! Welcome to what iz almost thee first issue ov Thee TOPY OnLine Digest... E am planning to put these out at least on thee 23rd ov each month, perhaps more if there iz enough material... so! get thee hint and send coum essays, ideas, thoughts, questions etc to: please tell me if you DO NOT want eour letter included! e dont want to offend anyone!! :-) Things e am loo ing to include in v1.0: Computerized Sigils Philosophy ov thee Internet Chaos Magic Thee Grail Legend Magic al Practices ov thee ****s so, if you have coum info on these things (or anything) send it our way! now, on with thee show.....!....! L-ov-E Coyote 129 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Magic By Coyote 23 What might be called thee conventional magician, say those trained in thee Golden Dawn, will spend a great deal of time and effort undergoing mental discipline training, thus enabling them to induce altered states of awareness such as trances. Thee Golden Dawn system places strong emphasis on astral projection. Thee 'ordinary' persons (myself) reaction to this approach is 'I can't do that.' It's only after a long time, if at all, that you see any results. Perhaps we don't have thee necessary commitment but then why should we when its value can only be seen once you've done it. Lots of people dabble in magic but get no further. Also thee results and practise of such systems seem irrelevant to and in conflict with everyday life. This is not to undervalue mental discipline, but simply to say that most poeple don't have sufficient or thee commitment and desire to develop it. Sex magic provides a more accessible approach. Combining immediate results with a system of mental training.

Being more accessible it reduces thee need for Gurus and given thee individual a chance to develop. This is still a method of mental training or psychic development, to help intergrate Thee Self. Now as I've tried to indicate such experiences of integration do occur naturally in 'normal life.' This is thee great value of using sex in acts of magic . It bases thee action on altered psychic states which are readily acheived and could be familiar if you bother to loo at them. Such states, continuous reminders of our wholeness, do occur naturally in a number of forms to everyone. Even if they are difficult to induce or control they will still happen. Thee important point is that anyone can and does experience greatly altered/enlightened states of awareness. You don't have to be a great adept. Anyone can, during certain periods, be that Integrated whole self. You use thee energies released to direct every area of your life. Enjoy your Self ... you are whole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tantric **** by Brandy Williams I prefer an outside location against the base of a friendly tree or on a deserted beach. Where I now live, I have access to a large shower with a carpet and a big soft upholstered lounge chair that wor s well. My greatest success happens during my moontimeQwhen I am menstuating. At that time I feel a substantial quantitative increase in the internal heat generated by this technique. Sealing: To seal means to close the cha ras (the energy centers of the aura) and the body orifices, with a touch and a visualization. I lightly touch my fingertips to the top of my head, forehead, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, throat, between my breasts, solar plexus, genitals, anus and feet. With each touch I visualize a circle closing, li e the petals of a flower closing for the night. I finish the seal by drawing a circle around myself. I pass my hands over my heart center, over my head, along my body, under my feet, and bac to my heart center. At the same time I visualize a blue light trailing from my fingertips, ma ing a blue oval to enclose me. When I seal before masturbating or ma ing love, I feel an increase of heat in my heart and genitals; and I don't feel tired or drained or lonely or scared when I'm done - I feel warm and cherished, by myself or by my partner. I also find that if I do not seal or protect myself during my moontime, I experience a much more severe exhaustion after using this technique, a 'loss of energy' similar to that which my partner describes when he ejaculates frequently. I hear from a lot of Tantric writers that male bodies must conserve their energy, but that female bodies may give endlessly; from my experience I do not find that statement to be true. Female bodies also lose fluids. Breathing Rhythmically: I use a 6-3-6-3 pattern. I inhale for six heartbeats, hold the air in my lungs for three heartbeats, exhale for six, and rest without breathing for three. An easier and more common pattern is to inhale for four beats and exhale four beats. Whenever I do any ind of magic, I use this breath pattern, so for me it's lin ed to feeling sacred and powerful. It also ma es me breathe more deeply, which relaxes me. Breathing meditation in general helps me clear my mind. Later, there will be a time to generate images. For now, I want to clear out extraneous material. I'm not going to thin about the article I'm writing or what I'm ma ing for dinner. I'm going to ma e love to myself, and only that. The breathing helps me to concentrate. Autoerotic Stimulation: The first step in actually ma ing self-love is to stimulate myself and watch while I'm doing it. I'm not tal ing about just stimulation of the clitoris (or ****) by hand - I rub my body against the

surface I'm on - earth or sand or soft cloth. I stro e the whole of my body, and suc whatever I can comfortably reach with my mouth. The quality of this touch is light, gentle and cherishing ... which doesn't mean that it isn't passionate, only that it is not perfunctory or violent. Heightened Pleasure: Just before I climax, I stop. I visualize a column of gold or white energy rising from my genitals to my heart center hot. When I stop the physical stimulation just short of contraction, I get some of the same effects as in full-orgasm. I feel sensation in my clitoris, a sense of my body trembling slightly, a brief cessation of thought, and perhaps one or two very small ****l contractions. My partner experiences similar effects, including penile contractions. However, I don't allow myself a full set of contractions, and he doesn't allow himself ejaculation. We call this 'climax without ejaculation' and 'climax without contractions.' (Obviously, our language isn't set up to discuss this.) This (hopefully specific) description does not convey the pleasure of the experience. This is a smaller-scaled orgasm, not as intense or as uncontrollable as a full orgasm, but still fun. When I start a session, I require some stimulation and time to climax (without contraction) the first three times. Thereafter, I experience a sort of perpetual state of almost-climax (with contraction). I become very physically quiet, limiting stimulation to clitoris only, and hit a series of pea s of intense pleasure. Parenthically, my partner reports a very recent experience. He's getting a climax with partial ejaculation. He reports the sensations and penile contractions are slightly less intense than all-out orgasm. The ejaculate is a different color: clear, not white. There is no loss of **** or arousal. We don't now what's going on here biologically. It is, at this point, an involuntary experience. The advantage of being able to ma e love while retaining a more or less indefinite state of arousal is obvious. Tantric **** is a good place to learn, where no one will be upset if you go over the edge, and where the learning can progress more quic ly because you're in complete control. Visualization: The second stage of ma ing love to myself is to generate imagery. I close my eyes and lift my head so that my head so that my spine is more or less straight. In my mind's eye, I see a column of gold or white light rising from my genitals, along my spine, through the cha ras, and out through the top of my head to a globe two or three hand-widths above. At the same time I feel an increase of internal heat where the column passes, until my central body, from genitals to head, is a flame. Some people refer to this as 'rousing Kundalini.' They visualize the flame as a serpent raising its body. This is supposed to bring enlightenment. It is also supposed to ma e the entire body sha e uncontrollably, and to be dangerous to do without the guidance of a master. I experienced that ind of reaction once. It did frighten me. I stopped, and it immediately went away. I have a friend who experienced this ind of vibration in a cha ra meditation and thought, 'Wonderful! I'm doing something right.' So I thin that what a guide might do is explain that the reaction is normal and safe. This is useful to me, as I don't now any Tantric masters. Most writers, however, say to go out and find yourself one. Indian Tantric mythology tal s about a dancer, Shiva, and his sna e, Sha ti. They create the Universe. I now another myth: Eurynome, the Goddess, who danced in The Void and formed Ophion, the Sna e, from the wind. They created the Universe also. I use both images. The idea is to raise the Kundalini in my spine ( the sna e) up to my crown cha ra (the dancer) and to unite them. The sna e coils around the dancer's legs, body, genitals, and chest, lic ing the dancer's face. I imagine how a sna e would feel coiled around my own body of light, slippery, and moist with my sweat, undulating rhythmically.

Alternatively, I see a being of light whose outlines dissolve in radiance, neither male nor female, remote from me, infinitely compassionate, with me and yet apart, stretching hands out to almost touch me, imparting great love and wisdom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Treat this with a little more salt than usual! - 129 ] Treatise concerning the Hitler-U.F.O.-Satanic Connection Author Un nown The first light that touched the infant HitlerUs soft pin s in also touched the town of Braumau-am-inn, near the Austrian border. At that time, Braumauam-inn was nown as the birthplace of both mediums and mystics, and thus the seed of occult nowledge was already inside the babe Hitler. When Adolf Hitler first beheld the so-called 'Spear of Destiny' he experienced a vision he could not spea of...... In the early days of the war, Hitler, a man capable of intense anxiety and nervousness, was quite calm in his conquests of Europe. He acted in power because he new through occult 'vision' that he would meet no resistance, we are told. But where did he get these strange powers? The seed did not sprout by itself, there was help by occult gardeners; he was assisted by such secret societies as the Golden Dawn, the Vril Society and the Thule Society. The Golden Dawn was formed in the United Kingdom circa. 1885 by S.L. MacGregor Mathers in association with W. Wynn Westcott and others. Mathers was in contact with a group of 'super beings' or 'preater-human intelligences', which held the office of the 'Secret Chiefs' of the Great White Brotherhood. Mathers described them in a letter to the 'members of the Second Order': 'as for me, I believe there are human beings living on this Earth, but endowed with terrible supernatural powers.' The rituals of the Golden Dawn were based on a cipher manuscript found in a tome by Eliphaz Levi and the Order attracted the attention of famous writers, artists and English leaders such as Bram Sto er, W.B. Yeats, Sir Aleister Crowley and Bulwer Lytton. Lytton's boo 'The Coming Race' influenced both the Vril Society and Adolf Hitler profoundly; we shall discuss this shortly.... An early member of the Golden Dawn was Karl Haushoffer. He was nown in Hitler's circle as 'The General with Second Sight.' Rudolf Hess studied geo-politics under Haushoffer's direction, he advised Hitler to write 'Mein Kampf' and suggested the swasti a as the party symbol. Haushoffer had toured the East, and it was while in Asia that he began investigating the Buddhist tradition of 'Aghtarta,' the name for the underground world. Mongolian mon s are said to be in contact with the under-people. Perhaps this is the reason that Haushoffer stated 'he who controls Mongolia will control the world.' Of mutual friends between Sir Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler, two are most notable; Martha K^_ntzel (who translated'Liber Al vel Legis' or 'The Boo of the Law, a wor written in 1904, which foretold the coming of 'the war lord of the fourties,' Adolf Hitler, into German) and Capt. J.F.C. Fuller, a student of Crowley's and reportedly 'the only Englishman what Hitler li ed.' Capt. Fuller was the only Briton invited to Adolf's 50th birthday celebration. Let us now examine Hitler's involvement with the Vril[e] and Thule societies: the Thule was a Germanic magical order similar to the Pansophia, founded by Herr Tran er of the German O.T.O. and those people then labeled as 'the German Rosicrucian movement.' The Vril society was a philosophical order based on the belief of Vril energy, which, according to Madame H.P. Blavats y in her 'Secret Doctrine'; 'we can understand, they say, the necessity for concealing from the herd such secrets as the Vril, or the roc destroying force, discovered by John W. Keely of Philidelphia, PA....' It was also Keely, in the 19th century discovered 'perpetual motion.' Elsewhere in this same wor she notes 'if the question is as ed why Mr. Keely was not allowed to pass a certain limit, the answer is easy; it is because that, which he has unconsciously discovered is the terrible sidereal force, nown to, and named by the Aryan

Rishis in their Astra Vidya by a name we do not li e to give.' Hitler became aware of Vril through Lytton's novel 'The Coming Race' which suggested that a race of highly advanced beings living underground had in its control a force called 'Vril-ya,' a power associated with the Hindoo 'prana,' the 'yesod' of the Cabalists, the QeleVma of Hermes, Schr^Zedinge's 'negative enthropy' or the 'quintessence' of the alchemists. As early as 1936 Hitler was sending teams of 'Spelun ers' into caves and mines all over Europe searching for Vril-ya. The ****'s had also explored Antartica extensively during the years 1937-1938 where they found, li e Admiral Byrd, warm water la es and doubtlessly as Byrd found, one of the biggest of the two polar entrances to the Inner Earth. It is there that they no doubt had a summit with the ^_bermensch or supermen at the Gates of Eden itself, in the legendary polar-rim city, Rainbow City. 'The New Man is living amongst us now, he is here. Isn't that enough for you? I will tell you a secret; I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.' Hitler was quoted as having said of the extraterrestrials. While the Vril Society's official view was as such: 'The world will change, the Lords will emerge from the center of the earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become Lords ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will feed the roots of the new cities that will arise.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dada, Merz, and the National Socialist Party party by Sibyl Moholy-Nagy "The following night the German Press Association gave a banquet for the Italians, to which we had received an personal invitation from Marinetti. Moholy was unwilling to go. He had been shadowed by the SS; his refusal to submit his paintings to the censorship of the National Socialist Art Chamber to obtain a 'wor permit' had been followed by threats of arrest. His cleaning woman had stolen his mail and had delivered it to the Bloc wart (political bloc warden), and some of his associates had disappeared mysteriously. He was done with Germany, and on his last night in Berlin he didn't feel li e sitting down with the new rulers. But Kurt Schwitters, who was our house guest at the time, insisted on going, to honor the revolutionary in Marinetti, and he finally persuaded Moholy to join him. .... "The banquet offered a very different picture from the lecture the night before and confirmed all of Moholy's misgivings. Short of Hitler, all the ****s were present: Goebbels and Goring, August Wilhelm of Hohenzollern, the president of the Berlin university, Gerhart Hauptmann, once the torchbearer of revolution but now a chipped plaster image of Goethe. Hess was there, and with him was fat Rohm, whose days were already numbered. These officials were sitting along a huge horse-shoe table, while **** underlings and the artists whom Marinetti had insisted upon inviting sat at individual tables. Moholy, Schwitters, and I were sandwiched between the head of the National Socialist Organization for Fol Culture, and the leader of the 'Strength Through Joy' movement. The disharmony between the guests was accentuated by the absence of speeches and an unlimited consumption of excellent German Rhine wine. Moholy was silent. His face was shuttered, and when our eyes met I saw that he was full of resentment. The more Schwitters dran , the more fondly he regarded his neighbor. 'I love you, you Cultural Fol and Joy,' he said. 'Honestly I love you. You thin I'm not worthy of sharing your chamber, your art chamber for strength and fol , ha? I'm and idiot too, and I can prove it.' Moholy put his hand firmly on Schwitters' arm and for a few moments he was silent, drin ing rapidly and searching the blan face of his neighbor with wild blue eyes. 'You thin I'm a Dadaist, don't you,' he suddenly started again. 'That's where your wrong, brother. I'm MERZ.' He thumped his wrin led dress shirt near his heart. 'I'm Aryan-the great Aryan MERZ. I can thin Aryan, paint

Aryan, spit Aryan.' He held an unsteady fist before the man's nose. 'With this Aryan fist I shall destroy the mista es of my youth--If you want me to--' he added in a whisper after a long sip. There was no reaction at all from the 'Strength Through Joy' man while the official from the Fol Culture Organization nodded droolingly, his round chee s puffed up with wine and amazement. Schwitters too a sudden li ing to him. 'Oh joyful babyface,' he muttered, tears running down his chee s. 'You will not prohibit me from MERZing my MERZ art?' The word 'prohibit' had finally penetrated the foggy brain of the ' Strength Through Joy' man. 'Prohibited is prohibited [Verboten ist verboten],' he said with great firmness and a heavy tongue. 'And when the Fuhrer says 'Ja' he says 'Ja' and when the Fuhrer says "Nein' he says 'Nein'. Heil Hitler!' Schwitters loo ed wildly at Moholy, at me, at Marinetti, but before he could incite anyone to action, Marinetti had risen from his chair. He swayed considerably and his face was purple. 'My friends,' he said in French, 'After the many excellent speeches tonight' --the silent officials winced---'I feel the urge to than the great, courageous, high-spirited people of Berlin. I shall recite my poem 'The Raid on Adrianople.' There was polite applause. Some nice poetry would brea the embarrassing dullness of the dinner. 'Adrianople est cerne de toutes parts SSSSrrrr zitzitzitzitzi' roared Marinetti. 'Ouah ouah ouah. depart des trains suicides, ouah ouah ouah' The audience gasped, a few hushed giggles were audible. 'Tchip tchip tchip---feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelez!' He grabbed a wineglass and smashed it to the floor. 'Tchip tchip tchip----des messages telegraphiques, couturieres Americaines. Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing, sssssssssrrrrrrrrr zitzit toum toum Patrou ille tapie----' Marinetti threw himself over the table. 'Vaniteeeeee, viande congeleeeeeeee--veilleuse de La Madone.' expiring almost as a whisper from his lips. Slowly he slid to the floor, his clentched fingers pulling the tablecloth downward, wine, food, plates, and silverware puring into the laps of the notables. Schwitters had jumped up at the first sound of the poem. Li e a horse at a familiar sound the Dadaist in him responded to the signal. His face flushed, his mouth open, he followed each of Marinetti's moves with his own body. In the momentary silence that followed the climax his eyes met Moholy's. "Oh Anna Blume,' he whispered, and suddenly brea ing out into a roar that drowned the din of protesting voices and scraping chair legs, he thundered: 'Oh Anna Blume Du bist von hinten wie von vorn A-n-n-a.' =============================================================================== End ov TOPY OnLIne v0.75

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