Group Project Twoo Final

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Executive summary

This report contains the details regarding the action plan that was carried out in Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM). The main focus of this action research is to assess the perceived level of security among students in KUSOM and ways to improve it. In the first step of the action research, upon communication with the Class Representatives and other students of KUSOM it was found that they didnt feel secure to leave their belonging in the college and at the same time felt it inconvenient to carry their belongings within and outside the college. The second stage involved discussion about the problem with a behavioral scientist or OD practitioner which revealed that there was indeed a need among students for a separate space for safety of belongings. A change team was formed in the next stage consisting of CRs of respective classes and the KUSOM admin. The change team then designed the change process focusing on factors that determine the sense of need of personal space within KUSOM and ways of improvement of such factors so that such needs are satisfied. Data is gathered through interview with students and questionnaires to identity how current security standards are perceived and how urgent is the need to fulfill such security needs. Finally such data from different sources are compiled. In the course of analyzing the data collected from the students, it was found that the students needed to leave their belonging unsupervised very often but the security was not good enough. Students showed concern over the current security status and also sought for ways to lessen the loads of books they carried. In the joint diagnosis step, we raised an issue on whether a locker system would be able to fulfill the current students requirements and that if a locker system were to be installed, where should be it placed and what should be its capacity. Next in the joint action planning step it is found that providing individual locker to the students is the best way to increase the perceived level of security among the students. For this the main plan is to find a room in ground floor and provide sample students with the locker facility. Similarly in the action stage, the management provided thirty students of MBA third term with the lockers in the table tennis room. The students show much interest in registering for lockers.


Likewise, in the evaluation stage, the perceived level of security was found to be high among the locker users. But they want the lock system to be number based rather than the traditional key based. Again this suggestion is implemented and a larger group of students is provided with locker having number lock system. Lastly, all the steps followed in the action research are documented and is kept for future reference.


Table of Contents
Executive summary......................................................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction to the client organization ............................................................................................ 4 Introduction to Action Research ..................................................................................................... 4 Action Research Plan for KUSOM ................................................................................................. 6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 10 Annex ............................................................................................................................................ 11


Introduction to the client organization

Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM) was established in 1993 as a premier business school in Nepal. The vision of KUSOM is to be listed within the top twenty business schools in Asia by 2017. KUSOM is well known for quality of education and high employability of its graduates. Though KUSOM has a well known brand name in the market, to achieve its vision, it has to develop its infrastructure to meet international standard. In this regard, an action research is carried out to know what improvement can be made in KUSOM so that it can achieve its stated vision.

Introduction to Action Research

Action research is the cyclical process whereby research and action are carried out simultaneously number of times for improving the current situation through of organization. First, an initial research is done to find out the areas for improvement in the organization. Then the research data is analyzed and is turned into subsequent actions. Again, the research is carried out to evaluate the actions that were carried out. Hence, it focuses on change as well as knowledge for making improvements in the organization. In this way, action research is directed towards planned change within the organization through increased participation of the employees. There are basically eleven steps in an action research process which are explained below: 1. Problem identification The first step in action research is the identification of the problem. It basically begins with someone who is powerful in the organization. The issue identified may not only be the problem but also can be an opportunity for organization to improve. However in any case it gives the direction to the organization for change. 2. Consultation with Behavioral Science Expert The second step in action research is to consult the problem with the behavior scientist. In this stage, the client organization and OD practitioner jointly discusses on the problem presented. These kinds of discussions will help to build good relationship with OD practitioner. The behavioral scientist can be either from inside the organization or from outside the organization who studies the behavior of the organization relating them with theories and references. 3. Team formation In this stage a team is formed for carrying out the research in the organization or in particular unit. Since action research is all about participation and empowerment, the people are to be 4|Page

involved in dealing with the problems. If the problem is that of whole organization then representatives can be selected from among all the employees. However, if the problem is related to only one department then people from that department can be chosen as team members. 4. Data gathering and preliminary diagnosis In this step, basically the data is gathered by OD practitioner with the help of some team members. The data is gathered from different sources such as interview, questionnaire, observations and organizations performance data. Here, information regarding the underlying causes of problem is gathered. 5. Feedback to the client/ Sharing information In this step, the data that is gathered by OD practitioner and team members is communicated to the required people of the organization. The information gathered is to be communicated properly so as to reduce the chance of misunderstanding. Also, this sharing helps in cross checking the views of the people in the organization. 6. Joint diagnosis In this stage, the OD practitioner and the team members along with the management decides whether to further work on the problem or not based on the information given by the OD practitioner. If yes, they start doing the joint diagnosis of the problem. 7. Joint action planning This is the step where the change team starts planning for the change that needs to be implemented. This is beginning of the moving process where organization tries to reach at better level from its current level. 8. Action This is the step where actual work is carried out. The joint action plan that has been formed is implemented in this stage. The action stage cannot be completed immediately as it takes time to reach to the desired state from the current stage. 9. Data gathering after action In this step, the data is gathered about the action that has been implemented in the organization. Here again the four methods of data gathering is used for gathering the information. 10. Evaluation In this step the data gathered is analyzed and the strength of plan is accessed. It provides us with the information regarding the effectiveness of the plan. 5|Page

11. Documentation Documentation is the last step in the action research model but is one of the most important steps in the whole process. One action research process consumes ample of time to conclude so the documentation of the steps carried out in the process helps for future reference.

Action Research Plan for KUSOM

1. Identify the problem: Upon communication with the CRs and students of KUSOM it was found that students in KUSOM wanted a secure place to keep their belongings. Many students didnt feel it safe to leave their belongings like laptops, books, helmets, jackets etc in their classes or anywhere else inside KUSOM while they were on a break or temporarily outside college premises. Also, the students were not comfortable carrying the heavy books to and fro home and college. So, this again reiterated the need of having a safe place to store their belongings in a safe manner. 2. Consulting behavioral scientist: The problem identification team in consultation with an OD practitioner has come to the conclusion that students are in need of a separate personal space within the college where they can safely store their belongings. The effectiveness of the change would be determined if at least 70% students in each class are satisfied with the security of their belongings. 3. Team formation: The problem identifying group forms a change team with KUSOM admin and CRs of different classes. 4. Data gathering and preliminary diagnosis: The change team designs the work on the following basis: What factors determine the sense of need of personal space within KUSOM and how can such factors be improved so that such needs are satisfied? The objectives of the study are set as below: 1. To identify the factors associated with the sense of need of personal space among students. 2. To access current level of urgency of meeting such needs. 6|Page

3. To design and implement action programs to fulfill the need of personal space Two hypotheses were made in carrying out the research: a. Sense of security will improve if separate space is provided. b. Students would have to carry lesser books if a separate arrangement was made within KUSOM premises to leave their belongings in a safe manner. The change team is responsible for carrying out the following activities: o Interacting with students to evaluate the perception of the current security standards in KUSOM o Preparing and administering questionnaires to identify the urgency of need of a personal locker o Compiling information collected through different sources 5. Feedback to client/sharing information: In this step, we shared the information that was collected with the KUSOMs management. After interpreting the responses that we received via the questionnaire answers we could conclude that a considerable number of students walk to college from their homes. Also, considering the fact that many students carry their books and laptops almost regularly, it can be concluded that many students need to carry heavy books while they commute to and fro home and college. Also, there are many times when students need to leave their belongings unsupervised mostly during break times. During such times, many students have had security concerns. While some stressed that CCTV surveillance was enough for the security of their belongings, majority referred to the event where there had been theft of a laptop in recent time and CCTV was of no help. As a result, majority of the students showed the need to have a locker for personal use. It was also interesting to note that those who thought of CCTV being a good security measure also opted for having a locker saying that it would improve the security of their belongings and that they would not have to carry all of their books. The results of the questionnaire can be summarized as follows: Need of students to leave their belongings unsupervised Satisfaction of students with the current security level Satisfaction with the ease of carrying bulky books and laptops Very high Medium Low


Requirement of locker system for additional security although one is satisfied with the current security level Need of students to walk between home and college carrying bulky books

Very high Medium

6. Joint diagnosis: In this stage, we the change team as well as KUSOMs management started for joint diagnosis of the problem. Following the interpretation of the data that was collected by the questionnaire method, the primary topic of concern is the security of the students belongings and the load that the students need to carry while commuting. Hence, we now need to procure ways of improving the security level and also reduce the need of students to carry heavier load. Therefore, these are the issues that need to be addressed: o o o o How can the security level be improved for the safety of students belongings? How can the need to carry bulky books be reduced for the students? Will a locker be an appropriate measure? (If yes)What should be the capacity of the locker and where should it be placed?

7. Joint Action planning: In this step, we planned for further actions to be taken through series of interaction programs with students and management. With the help of data gathered in the previous stages and series of interaction programs, it is found that the perception about level of security in KUSOM is not satisfactory at all. There are security guards and CCTV in various places but still students do not feel secure about their belongings inside the college premises. On the other hand, students find it very difficult to carry laptops and bulky books to college which is why they tend to borrow books less often from the library. Hence, the best way to solve the problem of the students is to provide them with a separate private locker. In this regard to determine the improvement in satisfaction and perceived level of security among the students with the introduction of locker, firstly only a group of students is provided with locker (for example some students of MBA third term). Therefore, the following change program plan is recommended to KUSOM as a first phase change program: Firstly, allocate the room in the ground floor if possible near to the entrance gate to place the lockers. 8|Page

Construct around thirty lockers, each enough to keep few books, a laptop and a helmet and place them in the respective room chosen. Call for registration of the lockers, make them fill the agreement form and provide the students with the individual lockers.

8. Action: In this step, the plan recommended by us is implemented after getting approval from management. The management feels that it is not very urgent to address this issue yet this will help a lot in improving the current perception of security level within students. In addition, the management feels that the concept of locker is feasible considering the cost as well as considering the space requirement. Hence, management goes ahead to implement the plan proposed by the change team with four months time frame. As according to the plan, the management allocates the table tennis room to place the lockers. Similarly, the management also constructs thirty lockers to be placed in the room which is to be provided to MBA third term students. Not to any surprise, most of the students are interested in registering their names for lockers. In fact most of them registered the locker within two days of call for registration. 9. Evaluation: After management is done with their part of work, we initiate action to evaluate the how successful is their change program among the sample students after a month of its implementation. The questionnaire is prepared to access the level of satisfaction and the perceived level of security among the third term students. After analyzing the questionnaire, we found out that the students are very much satisfied with the new personal locker they have. This in turn has increased the perceived level of security among students to a greater extent. However, they were not satisfied with the locking system present in their locker. They felt the need of having number lock system in their locker rather than traditional key lock system as they do not have to carry key every time and could use the locker even if they forget to bring the key. The new set of findings about the number lock system is proposed to the management. The management considering the new proposal, orders for locker having number lock system for a larger group of students. Again the registrations are carried out for the lockers and lockers are allocated to the students.


After a month again the level of satisfaction with the lockers as well as perception of students regarding the security are assessed through questionnaire. The satisfaction level is more along with the improvement in perception of security level. There is no such critical problem found regarding the lockers among the students. Lastly, within two months as a second part of change program, the management orders the lockers enough for the students currently studying in KUSOM taking into consideration the interest of the students. 10. Documentation: Lastly, we documented the whole change process with the detail of works in each stage. At the end of four months a report is prepared and is handed to the dean of KUSOM under the name An action research plan addressing security issue.

In conclusion, we can say that action research is one of the very new and effective ways to solve a problem or to improve the current organization situation. With the help of this method, we have dig out the problem related to security as well as convenience sought by the students in KUSOM. Lastly we have successfully implemented a solution to solve the problem that is introduction of the lockers in KUSOM premises.

10 | P a g e

SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE We, students of MBA, fourth trimester are conducting research for one of our academic projects. We assure you that the information that you have provided will strictly be used for research purpose and will be kept confidential. Gender: Male Female Program currently enrolled in: BBA MBA EMBA Others (Please specify): ........................................ 1. How do travel from home to college? By private vehicle (Car/ Bike) By public vehicle Walking Others (Please specify): ............................................................................................ If you are bike users is leaving your helmet on your bike in rainy seasons a problem for you? Yes No 2. How far is your home from KUSOM (if you walk)? It takes less than 15 minutes It takes around 15 to 30 minutes It takes around 30 to 45 minutes It takes more than 45 minutes 3. How often do you carry laptops? Everyday Very often Often Sometimes Never 4. How often do you need to bring books to the college? 11 | P a g e

Everyday Very often Often Sometimes Never

5. How often do you need to leave your bag/laptop/books in your class for a short period of time? Very often Often Sometimes 6. Do you feel secure to leave your belongings in the class room such as laptops? Yes No Why or why not? ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. 7. Do you feel that you need a private locker to place your belongings? Yes No Why or why not? ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. 8. If your answer to question no. 7 is yes, then Where do you think the locker should be placed (for example in the corridor, in the classroom, in new building, in ground floor)? .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................. What size of locker do you think will be appropriate if the lockers are placed? Enough to keep laptops 12 | P a g e

Enough to keep books and laptops Enough to keep books, laptops and helmets 9. If suppose lockers are provided to students how likely are you to use those lockers? Very likely Somewhat Never (Thank you for your kind cooperation.) Questionnaire Results 1. Mode of traveling to college from home. 17 responded Private Vehicle 15 responded Public Vehicle 10 responded Walking If you are bike user, is leaving your helmet on your bike in rainy seasons a problem for you? 21 responded with Yes 7 responded with No (even non-bike users were answering this) 2. How far is your home from KUSOM? 4 responded Less than 15 minutes 9 responded 15-30 minutes 8 responded 30-45 minutes 22 responded more than 45 minutes How often do you carry laptops? 13 responded Everyday 6 responded Very often 10 responded Sometimes 14 responded Never How often do you need to bring books to the college? 13 responded Everyday 15 responded very often 4 responded Often 10 responded Sometimes 1 responded Never How often do you need to leave tour bag/laptop/books in your class for a short period of 13 | P a g e




time? 24 responded Very often 16 responded Often 3 responded Sometimes 6. Do you feel secure to leave your belongings such as laptops in the classroom? 13 responded with Yes 30 responded with No Why or why not? Most of the respondents were not secure as they were aware about the case of a laptop being stolen in the college. Others thought that it would be risky to leave the belongings and few had a concern about trusting others. Those who felt secure had a trust on the CCTV surveillance and upon their classmates. 7. Do you feel that you need a private locker to place your belongings? 37 responded Yes 6 responded No Why or why not? Most of the respondents felt that they needed an individual locker as it would ensure safety of their belongings and also they would not need to carry the bulky books every time. 8. If your answer to question no. 7 is yes, then a. Where do you think the locker should be placed? 11 responded that it should be placed in the corridor. 17 responded that it should be placed in the classroom itself. b. What size of locker do you think will be appropriate if the lockers are placed? 1 responded that it should be enough to keep laptops. 21 responded that it should be enough to keep books and laptops. 17 responded that it should be enough to keep books, laptops, and helmets. 9. If suppose lockers are provided to students, how likely are you to use those lockers? 35 responded that they were very likely to use it. 7 responded that they would somewhat use it. 1 responded that he would not use it. 14 | P a g e

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