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FIRST DRAFT (3/04/12)

INT. ELEVATOR RORY, 20, an indie kid with messy hair and wearing band merch stands in the elevator next to MEGAN, 20, classy, attractive indie-vintage girl, her hair and make up a mess. Neither of them look at each other as the doors close and they ride down in the elevator. Silence. RORY begins to cry hysterically, they still dont look at each other. RORY (V.O.) My life wasnt always like this. Crying awkwardly in elevators isnt something I just do on the weekends for fun. It took a lot for me to reach this point in my life. A perfect remedy of crappy friends, a complete lack of judgement on my part and of course, falling in love with the bitch standing next to me didnt help. The elevator is on floor 5. The doors open. No one gets in. They close again. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON RORY sits on a bench drinking from a Starbucks take away cup, a cupcake sits on a napkin next to him. RORY (V.O.) In my defence, I didnt always know she was a bitch. Once upon a time she was just a beautiful, majestic creature that I worshipped from afar...and when I was alone in my room every night...and in the shower every morning...and once on a train. Dont judge. MEGAN walks towards RORY, she is in black and white, smoking a cigarette, the smoke flowing from her mouth as if by design. She is wearing sunglasses, has a flower in her hair and she strides like the Goddess that she is. RORY gawks at her, she smiles at him, he is spilling his latte all over himself. MEGAN stops at the bench. She picks up the cupcake and helps herself to a bite before tossing it aside. She places the cigarette between her lips, removes a marker from her bag and writes her phone number onto the napkin.



She walks away, moving backwards as she blows a kiss at RORY. He catches it and smiles. CUT TO: INT. CAFE - AFTERNOON RORY sits with his best friend HARRY, 20. They are drinking coffee and eating fruit salads. HARRY You caught the kiss? RORY And I put it in my pocket. HARRY Seriously, can you ever feel your virginity growing back? RORY It was cute, you probably had to be there. HARRY I was there when you tried to explain to that one girl how, technically, your sex is on fire. Was it like that? RORY I almost got that girl off. HARRY No one has ever got a girl off by referencing Kings of Leon. RORY It was three years ago, move on. This time was different, look what she gave me. RORY throws the napkin on the table. HARRY She gave you a Starbucks napkin? Well, I hope you said thank you. RORY She wrote her number on it. HARRY looks at the other side of of the napkin. HARRY Her number is on this.



RORY Thats what Ive been sitting here telling you. HARRY Precisely. Why are you sitting here with me? She wrote her number on this. RORY Oh God, I cant call her. Why not? HARRY

RORY My head might explode. Which head? HARRY

RORY Look, even if she is interested in me, its only a matter of time before I mess it all up and ruin everything for both of us. I shouldnt call her. HARRY Youre calling her. HARRY dials her number into his phone. Its ringing. HARRY (CONTD)

He tries to pass the phone to RORY who refuses to take it. RORY No Harry. Im not talking to her. No. HARRY You know that girl, after you told her, in detail, how your sex was highly flammable, she slept with me. RORY You slept with her? HARRY It was three years ago, move on. Now talk to this girl before she sleeps with somebody else.



RORY takes the phone and puts it to his ear. CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR - MORNING The elevator hits the fourth floor, the doors open, no one gets in. They close again. CUT TO: INT. MEGANS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT RORY and MEGAN lie on the floor sharing a slice of cheesecake. A sweet indie love song drifts from the record player. RORY (V.O.) Her name was Megan, she liked poetry, she only listened to vinyl and her favourite Powerpuff Girl was Bubbles. She was perfect. MEGAN What are your two biggest regrets? RORY I can only pick two? MEGAN Your two biggest regrets. Go. RORY Well. Off the top of my head, not being closer to my mother and getting the vanilla cheesecake instead of the strawberry. MEGAN Why arent you close with your mother? RORY She only knows how to make vanilla cheesecake. What are yours? MEGAN Not going to The Pixies reunion tour and finishing High School instead of just dropping out and becoming a groupie.



RORY (V.O.) This should have been my first clue that she was a slut. RORY (CONTD) That is probably the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard in my whole entire life. MEGAN You need to hear more things. Like what? Silence. RORY MEGAN CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR They are stood in silence in the elevator. RORY (V.O.) Im hearing silence now. Its not that fucking special. CUT TO: INT. MEGANS LIVING ROOM - NIGHT MEGAN Can I paint you? RORY Oh, sure. Are you an artist? Thats cool. Not exactly... MEGAN CUT TO: WHITE WALL RORY is stood in his boxers against a white wall. MEGAN uses her hands to paint his body with body paint. She does a single hand print over his face. He smiles at her. She stands up and, slowly, they lean in for a kiss. Once they lock lips the kiss becomes more passionate. RORY (V.O.) Her kiss tasted of tobacco and breath mints.


Condom wrappers float to the floor. RORY (V.O.) (CONTD) If I ever open a restaurant, my signature dish will be a mix of tobacco and breath mints, so that every person on the planet has the opportunity to experience one of Megans kisses, because once you experience it once. Youre addicted for life. Lipstick prints are left all over the white wall. FADE TO: EXT. STEPS - DAY RORY and HARRY sit on the steps of an apartment block. RORY is writing on a napkin. HARRY So, let me get this straight. Youre writing her a poem on a napkin. RORY She wrote her number on a napkin, so its like my grand romantic gesture. HARRY Youve been dating her for two weeks. RORY Its hard to explain how she makes me feel. HARRY looks over at the napkin. HARRY (Reading) You make me feel like a complete circle when I am only half a moon. (BEAT) What the hell is this crap. RORY Its called poetry, its OK to be confused by it.



HARRY What confuses me is why she even approached you in the first place. Do you ever ask yourself why me? RORY I used to ask it to myself every day. After I got stood up by my formal date, after all the friends I used to have fell away, after every rejection letter from every acting agency. Why me? Why do I deserve this? So when I think of Megan, of course Im fucking confused as to Why me? Why do I deserve this. HARRY Write that down. RORY lights a cigarette. HARRY (CONTD) When did you start smoking? RORY When I realized how great they taste. HARRY Is this girl a bad influence on you? Do I need to call your mother? RORY You dont understand Harry, if I kissed you right now, youd probably fall in love with me. HARRY If you kissed me right now, Id probably punch you in the face. CUT TO: EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON MEGAN and RORY ride bikes through the park, cigarettes hanging from their lips. CUT TO: MEGAN and RORY mess about in a water fountain. CUT TO:


MEGAN and RORY share an ice cream. CUT TO: MEGAN and RORY sit on the grass. RORY watches MEGAN exhale cigarette smoke. CUT TO: WHITE WALL MEGAN stands in front of the wall looking directly into the camera. She blows rose petals from her mouth. CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR The elevator reaches the 3rd floor. The doors open, no one gets in, they close again. EXT. STREET - AFTERNOON MEGAN and RORY are walking down the street. RORY Most spontaneous thing youve ever done? MEGAN I walked up to this guy and I wrote my number on a napkin. RORY He must have been a real sex God. MEGAN He was...But things didnt work out with him and two weeks later I met you. RORY laughs. MEGAN (CONTD) Who did you want to marry when you were a kid? RORY You know the girl that played Matilda..? Oh God... MEGAN



RORY What makes you feel bad? MEGAN When I let guys fall in love with me and hurt them like I always do. RORY and MEGAN share an its OK look. MEGAN takes hold of his hand. MEGAN (CONTD) What are you nostalgic for? RORY New episodes of Lizzie McGuire. OK, thats a cover up. Strangely enough, Im nostalgic for High School, it was the best-time, worst-time of my life. I hated every second of it and now I think I miss hating it. Or now I know that it wasnt high school that was to blame for me feeling shitty all the time, it was my life. MEGAN Im happy that we arent just one of those indie couples that get by on talking about bands all the time. Who has the nicest hair? Whats your favourite acoustic B Side? In what order would you fuck the members of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? RORY Theyre all ugly... MEGAN I think thats why its such a difficult question. They walk past a BUSKER who is playing on the street. MEGAN stops RORY. Dance with me. What? Lets dance. MEGAN (CONTD) RORY MEGAN

RORY In the middle of the street?


10. CONTINUED: (2)

MEGAN Its the prime of our lives Rory. Youll feel nostalgic for this one day. They begin to dance. RORY (V.O.) If this is the prime of my life then someone should go right ahead and shoot me in the face. I dont want to go on living. That said, I did one day feel nostalgic for this, it was one month later. CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR The doors open on the 2nd floor. No one gets in. MEGAN Well this is infuriating. RORY (Snapping) Oh this is infuriating for you is it? They go back to standing in silence. The doors close. CUT TO: EXT. STEPS - DAY RORY watches as MEGAN smokes a cigarette. Its not cute anymore. She is ignoring him and texting. RORY Whats your favourite band? Whos your favourite member? Whats your favourite acoustic BSide? In what order would you fuck the members of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? MEGAN laughs at a text. CUT TO: INT. CAFE - AFTERNOON RORY and HARRY sit drinking coffee. HARRY is texting.



RORY Its just not the same any more. I feel like were falling apart and I dont know why and I dont know how to stop it. Are you even listening to me? HARRY looks up. HARRY Yeah. Sure. Sorry dude. RORY Youre becoming as bad as her, is there anyone left willing to have a conversation with the person sitting opposite them instead of a million miles away via virtual data. HARRY You know what I think you should do? RORY You think I should buy a beach hut in Hawaii and teach you to surf. HARRY I think you should dump her, buy a beach in Hawaii and teach me to surf, but mostly the first part. RORY I cant do that. HARRY Just do it man. The relationship has run its course. RORY You really think so? HARRY Would I lie to you? RORY Only for personal or financial gain. HARRY The basis of all true friendships.


12. CONTINUED: (2)

RORY Well, this sucks. Can we hang out tonight? Order something in? Ill need you man. HARRY You should dump her via text. Oh and I cant, Im busy tonight. RORY No. Im going to do it on a napkin. Bring this thing full circle. HARRY Because you got left feeling like half a moon. RORY stands up. Fuck you dude. RORY

RORY takes a napkin with him. HARRY goes back to texting. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - EVENING RORY bangs on Megans apartment door. No answer. He sets the napkin on the floor, it reads Its over. Forgive and forget me. RORY sighs and slides it under the door. A tear runs down his face. He heads towards the stairs. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - EVENING Tears run down RORYs cheeks as he walks home. He keeps checking his phone. He walks into a OFF LICENCE. CUT TO: EXT. ANOTHER STREET - LATER RORY walks down the street holding a six pack, Chinese take away and smoking a cigarette. CUT TO:


INT. APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT RORY walks into it and gets in the elevator. CUT TO: INT. SIXTH FLOOR - NIGHT RORY gets out on the sixth floor. He knocks once on HARRYs door and walks right in. CUT TO: INT. HARRYS APARTMENT - NIGHT RORY enters. RORY I know you said you were busy tonight but I brought beer, Chinese food, porn movies and my broken heart. RORY stops dead. HARRY and MEGAN are stood half naked making out. RoryHARRY

RORY (V.O.) I should have seen this coming. CUT TO: -- HARRY saying I slept with that girl. -- HARRY typing her number into his phone. -- MEGAN texting and laughing. -- HARRY texting and laughing. -- Only for personal or financial gain. CUT TO: INT. HARRYS APARTMENT - NIGHT RORY steps backwards and leans against the door. RoryMEGAN

HARRY Over dramatic much?



RORY I cant believe this. HARRY You were dumping her dude. MEGAN You were dumping me? RORY I cant believe this... RORY (V.O.) (CONTD) In that moment, I saw the picture as if I was never a part of it. Why did I deserve this? What if I never had it? What if it was never me. CUT TO: EXT. PARK HARRY holds the napkin and catches her blown kiss. CUT TO: WHITE WALL MEGAN paints HARRYs body. CUT TO: EXT. PARK MEGAN and HARRY play in the fountain. CUT TO: MEGAN and HARRY share ice cream. CUT TO: EXT. STREET MEGAN and HARRY dance as the busker plays. CUT TO: EXT. STEPS MEGAN ignores HARRY. CUT TO:


INT. HALLWAY HARRY slides the break up napkin under her door. CUT TO: WHITE WALL MEGAN blows black rose petals out of her mouth. CUT TO: INT. HARRYS APARTMENT RORY comforts HARRY on the sofa as they eat Chinese, drink beer and watch porn. RORY (V.O.) If I had never been a part of this, then tomorrow would be the same as today. Why me? Why was I destined for a different tomorrow? FADE TO: INT. HARRYS APARTMENT - REALITY In black and white we see glimpses of the night that unfolds as RORY, HARRY and MEGAN, argue, scream, fight, tear stuff apart and sit in absolute silence, exhausted. RORY (V.O.) It was a night I would one day be strangely nostalgic for as it would be the last time that my first love, my best and I would ever mean anything to each other. CUT TO: INT. SIXTH FLOOR - MORNING RORY and MEGAN leave. HARRY shuts the door behind them. RORY and MEGAN get into the elevator. RORY hits all the buttons. CUT TO:


INT. ELEVATOR - MORNING It opens on the ground floor. They step out and exit the building. EXT. STREET - MORNING They both light cigarettes. RORY (V.O.) Had I never met Megan, I would probably never have taken up smoking, I would probably still be a fan of the Pixies and I probably would never have lost my best friend. But had I never met Megan, I would never have tasted her addictive kisses, I would never have experienced the things that I did and I would have nothing to be strangely nostalgic for one day. A GIRL sits drinking coffee, a bun sits on a napkin next to her. RORY walks up to her, takes a bite of her bun and tosses it aside, she looks shocked and confused, what the fuck is going on? He write his number on the napkin, blows a kiss and walks away. GIRL looks at the napkin, smiles. Beat. Beat. She scrunches it up and throws it away. FADE TO BLACK.

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