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Learning Presentations: Moving from Template-based Technologies to Learner-focused Approaches We introduce Learning Presentation design principles that incorporate

theories of Adult Learning. These presentation principles and approaches can be adapted by researchers, teachers, and students for use in classrooms, conferences, and communities, whether F2F, hybrid, or online environments. We collaborate with participants by sharing knowledge and experience to create personalized strategies for maximizing learning while using presentation platforms. For this showcase we draw on our work with future faculty and current staff to demonstrate Learning Presentations as scaffolds for showcasing ideas, guiding learning, and engaging learners.

Goals Presenters will: Display how message choices influence presentation platform selection, decisions about presentation format and audience learning. Diagram the components of message, audience, learning to inform presentation choicemaking. Showcase three customizable presentation approaches: Learning 3x3s, Presentation Slams and Academic Pecha Kuchas.

Participants will: Discuss design elements that enhance audience learning, which will require only a little experience in presenting or in teaching. Build a sample presentation from a curated collection of resources, which will require only basic web and presentation software skills.

Presenters Ilene D. Alexander alexa032@umn.ed @IleneDawn Christina I. Petersen @CIPetersenZ Center for Teaching and Learning Services CTL Twitter - @UMinnTeachLearn CTL blog - CTL slides -

Learning Presentations: Ten Framing Principles

Scaffold Learning - Consider the ways in which your audience members might best learn. Design - Begin with design, then continue to incorporate design as content. Story - Use story to provide context and organize your facts.

Connect Play - Laughing people are more creative people. Feeling - Invoke emotion and invite audience members to connect thinking and feeling responses, cognitive and affective learning. Meaning - Convey core idea / central concern, even passion in your presentation: use this opportunity to make a small difference in the world. Symphony - Integrate all elements of your presentation to shape the big picture. Seek ways to illuminate logic, analysis, and intuition as part of setting out idea or topic. Design to acknowledge audience members thinking and feeling responses / cognitive and affective learning modes.

Extend Acknowledge - Acknowledge the origins of your presentation elements, contributors of ideas and images, and the role of audience members as co-creators of meaning as you interact with them. Acknowledge the presentation itself is not the main learning tool. Ownership - Own your presentation approach: dont be owned by the presentation software or what prevails as a normal presentation. Own what will evoke and support learning. Openness - Remain open to change, and remain committed to sharing what you create as an open educational resource.

Learning Presentations: We draw upon the concepts of

Garr Reynolds. Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design & Delivery. 2008 Daniel Pink. A Whole New Mind. 2006.

Learning Presentations: Resources Basics Reconsidered, and More PowerPoint In the Classroom An Online Tutorial Penn State Site on Rethinking Design of Presentation Slides Pecha Kucha Guide to Better Presentations Skills Ignite The Fastest Way to Create an Ignite Presentation PowerPoint 40+ Tips for awesome PowerPoint presentations

Finding Images and Choosing Good Images What Makes an Image Good for Presentations? Part I Part 2 Creative Commons Search across a variety of platforms (Flickr, Google images, YouTube) Flickr photo sharing site Creative Commons pages Attribution, Non-Commercial: Attribution, Non-Comm, ShareAlike: Attribution, ShareAlike: "artsy" images How Does Creative Commons Work? CreativeCommons basics - How to attribution photo credit - Where All the Purty Pictures Come From? -

Creating Accessible Resources UMinn Accessibility site on Presentations - North Carolina on accessible PowerPoint - Learning Presentations: Our Documents Materials Created by Ilene D. Alexander and Christina I. Petersen shared via

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