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G= G= G= G= G= G= G= G G= G= G= G= G= G= G = G= G= G= G= G= G= G= G G= G= G= G= G= G= G = BartleysTOE G= G= G= G= G= G= G= G G= G= G= G= G= G= G =

Bartleys Theory Of Everything

4th April 2012 R B Bartley First Edition
(Subject to amendment by edition)

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

Bartleys Theory Of Everything BartleysTOE

It is no easy thing to have your opinion heard in the world of science so if youre reading this I thank you for taking the time. Ive tried to keep this paper reasonably short and simple but at the same time this is a big subject so please bear with me. The problem I have is that I dont know any scientists who could grasp what Im suggesting, Physicists are in short supply on my island of Guernsey and universities are seldom interested unless you have a PhD, they have plenty of their own students to keep them busy. The simplest solution therefore is to put my theory on paper and ask the question, so here we have it, Bartleys Theory of Everything or BartleysTOE for short. Ive approached writing this paper in a way that everyone should be able to understand given a minimal grasp of Newtons Laws of Motion, General & Special Relativity and the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Some might consider this paper a little too basic but I am trying to appeal to as wide an audience as possible on the hope that word of mouth might also serve to aide BartleysTOE in being heard, so please forgive me. However, should this theory gain some credit and backing I would look forward to producing a far more complete theory with later editions. I will also try and make as much use of modern technology as possible; in the future I will record a few short presentations on BartleysTOE and cover responses to questions and so on. Ive set up various twitter and Facebook accounts for BartleysTOE so Ill include contact details with the conclusion. I hope some of you will send me your thoughts on this idea, if its completely wrong I look forward to finding out why as it will help with my other work, if it is right then heres to a brighter tomorrow!


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

1) Introduction
So to be a Theory of Everything I need to do what has never been done, unify the theories of General Relativity and Particle Physics, find the common ground between the universal large and subatomic small. Maths and Physics have provided us with a very accurate means of measuring and quantifying these theories separately but they dont work when you apply them at the opposite ends of the scale. The forces that hold subatomic particles together, resulting in atoms and matter, do not require gravity and as such the math regarding Quantum Mechanics does not use it. Likewise the forces used for the atom are too short ranged to hold the universe together or explain light with any great detail, so Cosmology uses General Relativity. As such and put simply, the end result of a Theory Of Everything is to bridge the gap in scale between General Relativity and Particle Physics not try and correct them, they both work and are accurate we are just missing the link. Easier said than done I hear you cry, and quite right, but none the less I will press on! To do this I propose just one fundamental change to how we view the universe and with that one change all the calculations and observations science has made should fit together in one Unified Theory of Everything. I propose that it is impossible to explain how our universe works as a single set of particles and forces that form what we define as matter, I propose that there must be at least two different particles that form all that we call mass and structure and therefore matter. I propose with BartleysTOE that what we currently regard as matter is made up of one universal particle; Ill go on to redefine this particle as the Universal Electron. In addition to this particle responsible for matter I propose a separate particle responsible for both Gravity and Electromagnetic Waves (Photons), a Graviton. With a Graviton I give form and structure to the Space Time Continuum as proposed in General Relativity, we also provide a medium for the waves associated with Electro Magnetic Theory. So Ill spare you the interesting and long story of how I came to arrive at this theory, its best saved for another day, instead Ill keep to the point. That said I will have to allude to some of my thought processes so as its possible to make sense of BartleysTOE; the biggest case in point would of course be the origins of our universe. The Big Bang makes perfect sense when you consider the makeup of the Milky Way, our own galaxy, but not when we gaze beyond our galaxy and see other galaxies randomly dotted in all directions and following no particular pattern. We have also come to agree that the Big Bang happened around 14 billion years ago but the observations from cosmology show the oldest light measured, from distant and apparently fully formed galaxies, is up to 16 billion years old. So with perceived problems like this and my view of things in reality should work I set out to try and find a better answer, I never intended to arrive at this theory only find a better description of the Big Bang. The problem I perceive is that as weve increased our knowledge of the universe through observations we chose to make them fit with current maths and physics models instead of readdressing the fundamental ideas. So rather than go back to the drawing board with concepts like the Big Bang we add ideas on like dark energy or extra dimensions of reality, I believe even the most fundamental concepts in science should be reviewed once in a while. So I shall try and explain how I believe the universe works just slightly. If there is any merit to BartleysTOE then I will write a more complete theory including the math at a later date, but as I said it takes a lot of time and money to write these things and I have an abundance of neither! I also dont wish to waste my time if this is all an illusion of a good idea. 2|Page

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

2) The redefinition of Subatomic Particles

To begin Ill briefly describe how my two subatomic particles differ from the current concepts of atomic structure and then Ill go on to discuss them individually. With BartleysTOE I hope to demonstrate, in concept at least, that it is not possible to attribute all the physical forces of nature to a single subatomic particle or structure like the atom, we have to separate these forces between two different subatomic particles (if they can be called that) and structures. With two fundamental subatomic particles, the Graviton and a redefined Universal Electron, plus a better understanding of how they interact, we should be able to bridge that Gap between General Relativity and Particle Physics as promised. My redefined Graviton is only tangible in our universe by influence and not as a physically removable object, despite this it should be regarded as a particle when considering its interactions so I will continue to do so. Gravitons do nothing but repel everything, both my redefined Universal Electrons and each other, this gravitational repelling force is a constant in the same sense General Relativity has described. Gravitons can exist in the same place as Universal Electrons, for instance in solid matter, but not each other. Gravitons can move in relation to other Gravitons but they can never move past one another or switch positions. My Redefined Electron or Universal Electron replaces the need for the various types of subatomic particles like Quarks and Leptons; it replaces them with one singular subatomic particle that depending on circumstances will act like any of the current theorised particles. In essence BartleysTOE moves away from the particle zoo concept in favour of a singular particle, this is one thing BartleysTOE and String Theory has in common. That said, the similarity between String Theory and BartleysTOE ends there as I am rather critical of the need for extra dimensions to our own reality, throughout this paper I draw a distinction between Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics for this very reason. In BartleysTOE the Universal Electrons do all the hard work in our universe, the current Standard Model of Particle Physics would call my definition of a motionless Universal Electron a motionless neutrino. As I am largely rewriting how particles are defined Ive decided to change this as I prefer electrons to neutrinos as the term for a fundamental singular particle that forms all matter. With this Universal Electron and depending on numbers, circumstances etc. all matter is formed within a given framework of Gravitons. The circumstances that influence a Universal Electron determine its interaction with other Universal Electrons, its rate of spin and its speed over distance are two of these, Gravity and Polar Forces also play a part, these are the Universal Forces and Ill discuss those in greater detail later on as well. BartleysTOE dictates that depending on how fast a Universal Electron is moving or spinning it will interact with other Universal Electrons or Gravitons accordingly. This way of modelling Universal Electrons is not unlike viewing them as planets in a solar system again as Newton once did but in reality this would be far from demonstrable. BartleysTOE will allow us to explain how everything can be either energy or mass but it also explains the need to deal in probabilities, there are just too many uncontrollable variables.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) To better explain the Universal Electron and Forces I will be moving away from the Standard Model of Particle Physics in some aspects so I will draw a direct comparison later when I discuss the Universal Electron in more depth. Along with redefining the Universal Electron I will be simplifying some of the other terminology currently used to describe the Atom, most notably Protons and Neutrons. Conventional protons become Proton Sets and conventional neutrons become Neutron Sets, Diagram 1 should illustrate this more simply.

(Diagram 1) The reason I have done this is that my description of how Particle Physics works does not require the complex terms associated with Quantum Mechanics, so Im not going to use them as terms for BartleysTOE. I dont need the entire Greek alphabet for this theory and the positive and neutral connotations associated with Proton or Neutron serves a better purpose describing my Universal Electrons than trying to re-invent a third generation of terms. So along with preference I believe it is better to associate new terms with BartleysTOE and if nothing else it will help to illustrate the difference between this theory and Quantum Mechanics. With the Graviton and Universal Electron I believe we can explain everything observed in modern science today, as always though it will lead to new questions. This whole theory might bring the world gloriously back to a near Newtonian framework of perfection, but it will be a brief reign as a Theory Of Everything, should it prove true. The most obvious question that will be raised is that of how life fits in to a BartleysTOE universe when Quantum Mechanics is only just starting to grasp how it could work using probabilities. I might have an answer but I dont think it will be popular with the science community, much like the subject of infinity! So Ill leave speculation for a later date and concentrate on the hopefully tangible realities of a Universal Electron and Graviton.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

3) The concept of Gravity and a Graviton

The concept of the graviton has been around since the dawn of the atom, people have been considering where gravity comes from and how it works. When Newton first proposed gravity he viewed it as a pulling force and from this idea the early concept of a graviton was born, that of gravity particle in its own right. Then as our understanding of the atom increased so gravities place in our universe shifted away from the graviton and gravity became a subatomic force, it was placed the heart of the atomic nuclei. Since then the concept of a quantum graviton, or gravity being an attribute of a selection of particles, has been reworked many times over and remains a missing link in the unification of General Relativity and Particle Physics. In short science has been looking for a graviton or a definitive explanation for the thing that makes gravity happen but has yet to find it. Regardless of lacking a definitive source for gravity we have become quite adept at describing its effects. Newton gave us his idea of the pulling force for gravity following a run in with an apple, then the idea remained mostly unchanged for 200 years or until Einstein proposed the theory of General Relativity. With General Relativity Einstein turned the concept of gravity on its head in many respects, if you ask most people today how gravity works they would still say it pulls us down but with General Relativity and the concept of a Space-Time Einstein showed us thats not quite accurate. Einstein showed us that a closer description of gravity is that it doesnt pull but displaces or stretches the universe and we merely experience gravity as a pulling force. General Relativity dictates that all matter in the universe remains stationary relative to all other matter but space bends round it creating a gravitational effect, as space bends it becomes easier for objects to move together than remain apart, straight lines and curves! That might not sound like much of a difference and it isnt; in everyday life we still use Newtons method for calculating gravities effects. In real terms the difference in using Einstein or Newtons calculations for gravity means the moon differs in its orbit by 10m over 400000000m, one is more accurate though and General Relativity has proven to be just that. We might have got to the moon on Newtons calculations but we wouldnt have things like the Global Positioning System (GPS) if we didnt have General Relativity. So most people know and understand Newtons falling apple but General Relativity gives us the Space-Time Continuum and this Space-Time gives us a framework to the universe that gravity works within. This is most often described two dimensionally as a rubber sheet; I borrowed a classic image of this idea to illustrate below. With this better understanding of gravity we can see how the whole universe interacts and make far more accurate measurements and observations, especially over the greatest distances.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

(Earth and Moon in 2D Space time - Diagram 2)

Famously this is as far as Einstein got with the concept of gravity, although he believed General Relativity could be combined with our understanding of the atomic forces and Particle Physics he died still searching for that answer. Since then many have tried and none have succeeded, also many are starting to believe it will never be done. I believe that Einstein was incredibly close to understanding the final pieces of his Space-Time framework to the universe and in all honesty if he had taken a little more interest in Particle Physics he might have figured it out. With todays far greater understanding of how the atom works we can definitively say that the laws of General Relativity do not work at the subatomic scale, gravity only works on accumulative large scale of matter, when you have multiple atoms. Therein lies the answer to the missing part of the puzzle but whilst simple it is far from obvious. Just as matter has a bottom end to its scale with subatomic particles like neutrinos and quarks, with BartleysTOE I hope to demonstrate that gravity does Too! General Relativity or Space-Time gives us our concept of scale for the universe and with it the idea that gravity warps time and light, the problem is that Space-Time is a scale without limits. Einsteins concept of a Space-Time Continuum as a force without a limiting particulate body is what allows for black holes and the big bang singularity, its why General Relativity stops short of working with Particle Physics. This is where my view of a Space-Time Continuum differs from Einsteins and that of General Relativity; I believe that there is a limiting and quantifiable scale to the universe and not a scale of infinity. To do this I treat gravity as a Graviton once more but as a physically repelling subatomic particle that forms the Space-Time Continuum rather than a pulling or attracting graviton once considered when the atom was first conceived.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

4) Space-Time and the BartleysTOE Graviton

To elaborate on this theory of a Graviton and its place in Space-time Ill try and continue along the same lines as Einsteins papers on Special Relativity & General Relativity. These theories are what all modern physics regarding gravity is based or evolved from and Einstein did a very good job of describing how he came to the conclusion that there is a Space-Time Continuum. Relativity put simply explains why things act in the same way given comparable circumstances, how one things situation relates or is Relative to another, it may seem strange to point that out but its worth remembering! Also throughout this paper I will refer to General Relativity almost exclusively but I mean both theories of Relativity when I do this. In brief Einstein describes with Special Relativity how, through Galileo and Lorentz, we have whats called the Lorentz coordinates system and that lets us define where any one thing is in relation to another. We all know this as the three dimensions of space, XYZ, and is an easy concept to understand thanks to Galileo. What Lorentz realised is that this is not accurate for calculating vectors from different perspectives and at different velocities; one mans straight line is anothers carioles effect! So he fitted the last piece of the puzzle, the fourth dimension of time, this gave a constant reference point to the two or more sets of coordinates and a fourth dimension to complete the physics. Now given that time is constant with regard to the coordinates we can fix a point in space and perceive it with regard to any location. Einstein however realizes from Lorentzs and the others work that time is not constant and can bend and curve, the velocity of an object relative to another will slow time accordingly. This set the early premises for his paper on General Relativity but most notably set the Speed Of Light as a constant for a time frame and described a stationary three dimensional universe that everything can happen within. With General Relativity Einstein clarified this idea one step further and applied these more theoretical principles derived from Special Relativity to the physical universe and most notably how gravity works. He incorporated the Gauss coordinate system, this allowed for the curvature of space following the work around the Lorentz coordinate system. He then explains how he viewed gravity much in the same way as a magnetic field, it emanates from all matter proportional to its mass. With this description he could explain how gravities influence extends beyond any given planetary body, he gave us an accurate description of gravity acting as a force. With this and Special Relativity he could demonstrate on paper how gravity warps Space-time and can be measured as a result of lights fixed speed. Einstein backed this up with predicted astronomical observations that have since been witnessed and demonstrate light being bent; I include a few examples below.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

(Examples of gravity lensing, space-time www. Diagram 3)

With General Relativity and Space-time Einstein gave us a near perfect means of modelling the universe, but it still avoids the question as to where gravity originates. General Relativity only relates the influence of gravity on Space-time to mass; it does not explain how mass has gravity to begin with. I believe this is why Einstein continued to work on the idea to his death bed, he knew this was a problem because hed also proved mass equals energy and energy has no need for gravity to work. As such this is where science has got to with the concept of gravity, since General Relativity turned the constant of time into a variable and made the Speed Of Light a constant little has changed. Everything else including this paper is just theory but well get to other theories like the Higgs Boson, String and so on later. I should get to the point where my concept of Gravity differs from General Relativity and bridges the gap with Particle Physics.


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

In essence BartleysTOE relies on the concept of a Space-Time Continuum but not as a separate entity to gravity; instead I propose it forms the framework for gravity. To do this Ill return to the old idea of a graviton particle but bring the whole concept up-to-date with BartleysTOE. As I mentioned earlier the key difference between my Graviton and the classic graviton, or General Relativitys concept of a magnetic like force to gravity, is that my Graviton pushes in the same way matching magnetic fields repel. Much like Einstein viewed gravity as a similar force to magnetic attraction but weaker, so my Graviton follows the same concept but as a repelling particle. With this one change to the attributes of the graviton it can then go on to serve the purpose of a Space-Time Continuum but in a real physical sense rather than a potentially infinite force. By viewing gravity as particles that form the Space-Time Continuum what do we hope to achieve? We should achieve a number of things, as Ill go on to discuss, but first and foremost well add limits. With BartleysTOE I hope to add a clear and measurable scale to Space-Time and achieve a minimum and maximum to how far time can stretch. In General Relativity the fact that gravity is considered only as a force means there is no limit to its effects so when the numbers are pushed we find anomalies like black holes, giant stars and time travel. We still hunt for the elusive black holes, we have even found possible evidence, but at the other end of the scale there could be giant planets. There is nothing in General Relativity that would prevent galaxies forming like solar systems or atoms being the size of a family car. In reality we can see that giant stars dont exist through astronomy and theres an apparent limit of approximately 150 times the mass of our own star to any star. Least effective of all though is how General Relativitys concept of gravity fits in with the Big Bang theory, for the Big Bang to work given General Relativity then gravity must mysteriously come into existence quite late in the process and that is a problem!


(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

5) A universe of relative scale

So when we regard gravity as a particle that forms the Space-Time Continuum I propose we might also consider it as a means to add a fifth dimension following the same logic as the three dimensions of space and fourth that is time. Gravitons add the quantifiable dimension of scale making scale the fifth dimension, just as the Speed Of Light defines the flow of time so a quantifiable and measurable Graviton will let us take that one step further. This link between Particle Physics and Gravity forms a large part of BartleysTOE, science has come to understand that Photons are waves in Space-Time, the addition of the Graviton provides a physical medium for those waves to travel within. This leads us to draw further connections between light waves or Electro Magnetic Theory and gravity which I will cover with the section on photons later , I should first better describe the concept of a fifth dimension of scale. I offer this example regarding our 3 identical friends complete with measuring poles as Im sure Einstein would appreciate!




(Diagram 4) Now these are two dimensional images but for the consideration of this example Id like you to view them as four dimensional objects as per General Relativity, i.e. they are all the same person at the same time just viewed from different relative circumstances. If we take Mr B as our case example and given General Relativity we can deduce that regardless of our position within Space-Time if Mr B shares the same relative properties of motion we can verify his dimensions, we know his xyz because time gives us the reference. The remarkable thing General Relativity tells us is that if Mr B increases his velocity, with regard to our original position, he will effectively shrink in proportion to Gravities influence to accommodate the amount of time it should take for light to overcome the increase in velocity and thus appear as Mr C, likewise if Mr B slows down he will grow and appear like Mr A. Therefore General Relativity lets us understand how Mr B can also be MR A or C purely based on gravities influence relative to velocity. 10 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) The reason I propose we need to introduce the Graviton and a fifth dimension of scale is because with our example and General Relativity, Mr C could be infinitely larger than Mr B and Mr A infinitely smaller. We know this to be impossible though, Particle Physics has shown us that mass cannot expand and contract infinitely purely based on velocity, there is a point at which things will shrink no more, or more accurately reach their maximum atomic density. At the sub atomic scale Particle Physics has proven there is solid structure that does not contract and expand, only the bonds or forces between the subatomic particles allow for an atom to physically grow and shrink. At the other end of the scale astronomy is also without any conclusive answers given current measurements, observations and a similar lack of limiting scale. Therefore I suggest by treating gravity as a force associated with a particle, the Graviton, we reintroduce physical limits, we add a particulate minimum scale and a material maximum to the other end of the scale. If a Graviton is regarded as a particle then its influence becomes variable in respect of other individual Gravitons, as such gravity would not act in the same way as Space-Time but continue to work at the atomic scale. Subatomic particles would experience far higher localised gravitational effects as they would be exposed to a Gravitons influence individually and by proximity, what we experience as gravity on solid matter is effectively an average shared by the structural whole. The delay in one Graviton interacting with another also allows for the elastic quality of SpaceTime and becomes the reason for a Speed of Light. At the atomic scale it also explains why matter does not collapse into far denser atomic structures, gravity becomes a large part of what separates atoms when they assemble in the various forms that are matter. With this we have a means to change how we perceive time which again forms part of the limiting factors of a Graviton, time ceases to be able to move forward and backwards only speed up and slow down; time can never be stopped with BartleysTOE. This is a lot to appreciate so I will try and clarify my point with the following couple of diagrams. Diagrams 5 & 6 illustrate the different ways current theories interpret the extremes of time and velocity given General Relativity; using these Ill try and show why they are open to interpretation. General Relativity and BartleysTOE differ because gravity is considered only as a limitless and infinite force with General Relativity and a limited force in BartleysTOE by being associated to a physical particle, the Graviton.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

(Speed of Light graph Diagram 5)

This should hopefully look familiar and is what Id call the classic diagram for illustrating the concept of Space-Time with the Speed of Light. This diagram is not to scale but is roughly accurate for the purposes of our example. The curved line represents the Speed Of Light and as General Relativity tells us this the universal limit to velocity and time we can give points X and Y a value of one and refer to any measurements between our reference point O and X/Y as fractions of the whole. To continue the example from before I have illustrated points at which our Mr examples from diagram 4 might be viewed. Each point represents the change in size as the Mr examples potentially change velocity relative to the point of reference, O. Now this example works well in demonstrating General Relativity but the concept brakes down when we push the numbers to their limits, at points X and Y, so Ill try and address these issues and explain them a little further. Ive highlighted the two areas of our graph and Ill enlarge them to help demonstrate the problems with General Relativity at those points.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

Mirrored progression Continued progression Advanced progression

progression ? progressions progression Speed of Light

(Space-Time & General Relativity Diagram 6) In Diagram 6 we can see points X and Y and Ive added some potential examples of current theories. The examples show what might happen when any given mass reaches either of these points of Velocity or Time given General Relativity. With both the X and Y examples Ive allowed Velocity and Time to scale past what would normally be O and the Speed Of Light limits. I refer to each of the coloured lines as progressions, they should be considered as events that progress from points X or Y respectively, not arriving at those points! Diagram X is the area of Space-Time that is most frequently discussed and thats because its a lot easier to speed things up in science than slow them down. Point X is where things like Black Holes are predicted to happen, it is where ideas like time travel are conceived and it is where most people are looking for things like extra dimensions. At point X General Relativity tells us any given mass ceases to interact on our plain of existence, this is why the Speed Of Light has become known as a speed limit to the universe. Once you reach point X time ceases to move with regard to the observer, the mass of the object is moving faster than time or light allows. Likewise from the perspective of point X, looking at O, then point O would be regarded as moving and the same would apply. We know this does not happen though as we have accelerated protons past each other at very near the Speed Of Light which would equate to near twice the Speed Of Light relative one proton to the other, they both continue to exist so the rules must bend somewhere.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) With this conflict between whats possible on paper and what we see in reality General Relativity has led to many concepts, the most obvious being once you get to these magical points you just keep going, the continued progression. An advanced progression would result in you switching relative flow in time and, if as returned to relative zero, time would run backwards. A mirrored progression would result in stepping into a possibly new and as yet unknown flow of time beyond our own. And finally there are the infinite potential dimensions and other ideas people can dream of like Black Holes and String Theory, the ? Progressions. The problem is that General Relativity allows for these theories but they are almost impossible to demonstrate or prove, we can accelerate individual atoms to near the Speed Of Light but nothing larger or faster than that. At point Y we also find the same can be true but the hard part is grasping that point Y is never truly possible, everything is always moving relative to something somewhere! As such General Relativity dictates that time constantly flows and changes accordingly. There have been ideas that have run in parallel with theories derived at point X, White Holes for one but in general its not an area that is investigated in science today, how do you experiment on history! These examples are extremes of circumstances though and in reality not needed for understanding the workings of the Universe, General Relativity is sufficient to describe the motion of the planets around us and stars beyond that. The problem is that General Relativity allows for these extremes none the less and when you know an answer can be wrong under any real circumstances then its probably not quite accurate given any circumstances. So this has become the heart of Quantum Mechanics in many respects, the search for the link between gravity at these extremes and the atom. So I can understand why people might be sceptical with what I propose given General Relativity but with BartleysTOE I believe we can account for the Space-Time Continuum and eliminate these extremes of circumstance. I believe that despite the Speed Of Light giving us an excellent constant for point of reference in General Relativity when we move light outside of the restrictions of time it is taking a short cut to the full answer. The Speed Of Light is a constant relative to time and distance, as per General Relativity and Diagram 5 & 6, but not velocity. When you introduce a Graviton point X becomes the closest proximity two Gravitons can be and point Y the furthest two Gravitons can be apart, BartleysTOE does not allow for things to scale into infinity. This will fundamentally change the measurement of time or distance, the Speed Of Light is a constant but that is only one fixed point and if time and distance can warp then it is not enough. We need one of two things, either a second constant reference point or to know why the Speed Of Light is the Speed Of Light. Gravity is another constant but not obviously compatible as one cancels out the other, it is part of the solution though and I believe that with Graviton we can also explain why light has limit to its velocity. So hopefully Ive demonstrated where and why General Relativity falls short of being able to work with Particle Physics and leaves space for Quantum Mechanics theories, the problem is a limitless scale so we a need for a fifth dimension. The Speed Of Light has given us one end of a ruler and by adding a Graviton I hope we can fix the dimensions of the measurements. I will discuss Gravities part in defining the Speed Of Light further when we discuss the photon but lets try and define time a little better as our fifth dimension.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012)

6) Time and the Fifth Dimension

So following on the logic of our fifth dimension of scale and put simply, BartleysTOE considers time as a constant in contrast to Space-Time that allows it to warp. What we perceive as the effects of time distortion given current observations and Space-Time is more accurately changes in atomic density and gravity given BartleysTOE, this accounts for real atomic structure and prevents the problem of scales to infinity. The question becomes what constitutes the passage of time and I believe time can be viewed in two ways, either by quantity or distance. Time can be measured as the number or singular events to reach a distance i.e. more of the same thing happening to achieve a set distance would mean time might be viewed as moving faster. Time can also be quantified as distance and therefore each individual action can be measured in distance travelled i.e. fewer actions to reach the same distance can be viewed as time moving faster. BartleysTOE considers time to be fixed by distance, this means the number of interactions vary as opposed to distance by unit of time. General Relativity considers distance as fixed relative to each variable unit of time. This sounds like two sides of the same point but when you are dealing with whether or not numbers are infinite it should provide notably different results. As such what we perceive as time slowing in General relativity will become variables in atomic density with BartleysTOE. A simple way of visualising the difference between considering time as per General Relativity and time as per BartleysTOE is to picture the Graviton as a steal ball bearing on a single linear set of tracks. If the tracks are 10m long and we place one Graviton (ball bearing) at each end of the track, we will call that the bench mark for the example. For our example this is the furthest two theoretical Gravitons can be apart given BartleysTOE in the absence of matter, and we will regard the track as a singular one directional movement for those Gravitons. Now with our example we can instantly set one Graviton in motion towards the other at a constant velocity, we will call this 1m per second and it could be regarded as a constant as per the Speed Of Light in General Relativity. Also in our example when Gravitons exchange forces they do so without loss, much as I propose is true in BartleysTOE but in our example we have removed all the forces save the one to demonstrate the example. In General Relativity gravity pulls and BartleysTOE it repels, for this example they do neither so we can witness the exchange of forces as physical contact. So when we run our example experiment and set one Graviton in motion it will take 10 seconds to reach the other Graviton travelling along the tracks, it would then exchange all its momentum force and become stationery.

(Diagram 7) Now for our example we can regard our 1mps constant velocity as the Speed Of Light and we can make some predictions as to what will happen given General Relativity and BartleysTOE when we adjust these parameters. In General Relativity mass has to effectively shrink as it contains the 15 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) properties attributed to gravity and therefore bend light and time. I propose this does not happen and Gravitons remain the same size they just get closer together and further apart. As the Graviton is not a part of matter it does not need to shrink or compress, atomic structure does this instead to accommodate the change in velocity.

(Time given General Relativity)

(Time given BartleysTOE) (Diagram 8)

So given General Relativity time is bound to the structure of matter along with the properties of mass and gravity, when they are accelerated they have to physically change properties with time. In BartleysTOE matter forms within the framework of Gravitons so they act independently of each other. This means in both situations what we would perceive as time accelerating or slowing would still happen but it would happen for different reasons. It happens in BartleysTOE because those aspects attributed to matter, the Strong and Weak forces, are contained within conventional atomic structure but the other forces, Gravity and Electro Magnetic, become associated with the Graviton, two separate particles. Both are required to accomplish what could be called a measurable event, the passing of time, they do not however dictate the flow of time. So in General Relativity its compulsory to obey the Speed Of Light but in BartleysTOE only Gravity and Light are bound by this limit, the particles that make up matter like electrons and neutrinos are therefore able to travel faster than light but they would just cease to interact with Gravitons. An obvious point I feel I should make at this point is that atomic structure here on earth, and given our relative mass displacement on gravity, atomic structure is 99.9999999999999% empty space. What we regard as hard matter is the area of influence atoms exert through their orbiting electrons, the vast majority of an atom is empty. This means that given BartleysTOE as matter accelerates it can still shrink to accommodate for the Speed Of Light and therefore would still demonstrate the same properties of Space-Time that have been observed but not the more dramatic theories associated with General Relativity like Black Holes.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) We can demonstrate this further if we return to our original example, diagram 7, and add a third Graviton, what happens? With BartleysTOE this would halve the perceived flow of time. If you set one Graviton in motion at one end the Graviton at the other end will still exchange forces of momentum exactly 10 second later, it will just do so through the intermediate third Graviton. What we would perceive are two physical interactions happening in the same frame of distance, it would take twice as long to accomplish the same task as our 1st example if we consider time as the number of interactions. The reality is both the Time and distance stay constant and can be measured against each other if we can accurately define the Graviton. Time is perceived to change but in reality atomic structure is compressed or expanded relative to the Graviton Framework.

(Diagram 9)

We can add a fourth Graviton and demonstrate another point in our example that shows how time could be perceived as bending and varying, diagram 10. If our Gravitons are distributed unevenly then the respective time it would take between events would vary accordingly. As Gravitons move closer for instance then effects of gravity compress matter and give the impression to an observer that time speeds up. The physical interactions happen quicker but it takes more of them to cover the length of the 10m track, the end result however remains unchanged given the Speed Of Light. In this diagram time would effectively move faster to slower given the number of physical interactions and General Relativity. I propose that time remains constant along with the Graviton and its the distance between interactions that varies instead. Regardless of where the Gravitons are on the tracks it will still take 10 seconds for the directional force initiated at one end to reach the other.

(Diagram 10)

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) The most important point Ill make contrasting General Relativity and BartleysTOE though is that regardless of whether we measure time by physical interactions or distance travelled, BartleysTOE adds a limit to how we address the concept. There is a point at which Gravitons can get no closer each other and a point at which they can be no further apart. In the diagram 7 we created an example where the furthest two Gravitons can be apart is 10m, in reality the furthest two Gravitons could be apart would be measured by widths of an atom, and small multiples at that. Likewise the closest two Gravitons could be are touching, any exchange of force beyond that point is instant as my final diagram shows.


So I hope Ive done the theory of a tangible fifth dimension enough justice to be appreciated and understood, as with all the topics approached with this paper, but I need to move on. A fifth dimension measured by a quantifiable Graviton will give us a means of adding scale to our concept of time and Space-Time. I would like to do the concept of a fifth dimension more mathematical justice but I lack the time, money, hard data and skill for the moment as I mentioned earlier so I will have to leave the concept at that for now. The key point Im making with BartleysTOE as we move on is to attach the concept of a repelling Graviton to Einsteins concept of a Space-Time Continuum. Doing so the universe ceases to be a truly empty void and we find structure for everything to happen within. Next Ill try and clarify the component parts of my interpretation of Space Time with a Graviton and to do that Ill introduce the terms Ill use and then describe them in use.

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7) The redefined Graviton

Graviton As discussed above, contrary to the old view of the pulling Graviton I believe the only interaction a BartleysTOE Graviton has in our universe is a constant pushing force which we equate to the pulling force of gravity. Gravitons create a framework for Einsteins concept of a Space-Time Continuum; as such they fill the entire universe. With the concept that all Gravitons in the universe are pushing against each other with a strong force they must also interact with sub atomic particles with a far weaker proportional force. This weaker force is the aspect to a Graviton that gives us gravity and subatomic particles mass, the strong intergravitational force defines the Speed Of Light. This will result in very little difference to the mathematical aspects of viewing gravity, pushing or pulling is much like associating a positive or negative symbol to electrons, they are just opposites. Just as we regard gravities pulling effect as diminishing by the inverse square law, as per Newton, so Gravitons pushing force would increase by a factor of 4 or a regular rule of square. Both the strong and weak forces Gravitons exert would follow a rule of squares but the proportional difference in strength between how hard Gravitons push on each other and Universal Electrons will need to be calculated, if it can be calculated! Gravitons also determine which way is polar up and down for the universe, this in turn determines why the majority of matter in the universe is of one sort and not pro/anti. This could be a new aspect to viewing the universe but also important for explaining how Universal Electron might interact with Gravitons at the subatomic scale. I address this concept again as we move on but the Graviton is the factor that determines how and why Electro Magnetism exists. I must point out though that beyond observing and measuring a Gravitons constant pushing forces it is very hard to interact with them in any other way. Gravitons are the fabric of the universe and not part of the matter within it, they are the reason for the space in which matter exists. Gravitons and Universal Electrons can even occupy the same area of space at the same time enabling atoms to form into large complex structures like planets but not drag the universe around with them.


(Diagram 12)

Graviton Grid - So what I call the Graviton grid is essentially Einsteins concept of the Space-Time Continuum with addition of Gravitons. As we discussed earlier, this gives Space-Time a real physical structure, the Fabric of the Universe takes on a very real and literal new meaning. With Gravitons

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) firstly interacting by a strong repelling force away from each other they can only ever get so far away because they fill the entire universe so with this we can make some assumptions. To remain equally distant with regard one Graviton to another they would have to form natures natural configuration of least resistance, a box grid. This means each point furthest away from a Graviton is equally distant from eight Gravitons and each Graviton is itself equally distant, with regard force, from its 6 closest neighbouring Gravitons, this I call a Graviton Grid. I remind those reading this that this is a configuration of least resistance for bodies that push not pull, repel not attract, if a Graviton pulled the configuration would be like that of stacked Octahedrons, 8 sided diamonds.

(Examples of the Graviton Grid effect Diagram 13) So as Gravitons fill the universe in this simple configuration, just as we believe Space-Time does, we can see how easily a particulate or quantum graviton can also serve the purposes of a medium for light. Every Graviton in the universe is connected by the shared strong force and as such any interaction with this framework by a subatomic particle would influence all Gravitons. The only limiting factor is how quickly one graviton can respond to its neighbours movements; the Speed Of Light is effectively a Graviton overcoming inertia. When we consider Gravitons as the medium for light then they can only interact at this one speed and id anything the Speed Of Light makes more sense when considered this way. The Speed Of Light becomes the delay between a Gravitons proximity to a neighbouring particle changing and adjusting its position to maintain a balance of opposing forces with those neighbouring particles. I use the word particle as matter obviously also interacts with Gravitons but the majority of a Gravitons influence is spent maintaining position with regard its neighbours and its place in the Graviton Grid.

Graviton Cell - So a Graviton particle can serve the purpose of gravity and Space-Time, the remarkable aspect is when we consider how this changes the way gravity is considered at the atomic or quantum scales. At this the smallest end of the scale a Graviton Grid creates a limiting 20 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) environment that dictates the size of atoms and the density of atomic structure; I call this a Graviton Cell. The most important job of a Graviton Cell is that it explains why we can only deal in probabilities when we attempt to examine the structure of individual atoms. The environment Gravitons create becomes responsible for most of the problems Quantum Mechanics is patching over with current theories. Within every eight Gravitons there is a point of list resistance or equal apposing pressure, depending on how you look at it. I call this a Graviton Cell and it is how, why and where an atom forms as it does, the centre of a Graviton Cell is where an atomic nucleus is at least resistance. The difference from science today is, as I described earlier, there is no Graviton or gravitational force at the centre, the centre is empty. At a later date and with regard to the fifth dimension, we should be able to use this concept to define the measurement of time more accurately. Once a Graviton scale can be accurately measured for a Graviton Cell we will be able to define the limits by which atomic structure or time can be stretched and measured.

(Examples of a Graviton Cell Diagram 14)

So that briefly covers the fundamentals of a Graviton in BartleysTOE but so far we have mostly regarded gravity in a stationary or extremely limited environment. This is very much not the case in reality, earth when considered as a planet is in a continually moving environment with regard to Space-Time and also therefore the Graviton Grid. Just as the Earth spins and we orbit the Sun so everything is moving somewhere relative to something else. One thing that might be hard to determine is whether or not the Graviton Grid itself is continually moving in a linear direction or is stationary, once we reach the scale of galaxies everything moves so slowly it might be impossible. Either way this is speculation for the largest part, the important point is that it is probably impossible for anything larger than a single atom to be stationary with regard to the Graviton Grid. We will go on to introduce matter into the Graviton Grid in the next section but when we regard matter or atoms interacting with Gravitons in motion the concept of paths and points of least resistance still holds true. Anything in motion that is in a constantly repeating set of environmental 21 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) circumstances can be regarded and measured by one set of those individual circumstances. Put simply this means that if something can happen when stationary then it will still be easiest to do the same thing the same way when moving because any change in velocity changes all variables equally, relativity etc.

Gravitons in action
So now we have a description of the component parts for a BartleysTOE fabric of the universe and how time works within it, we can begin to add the important part, us and everything else we call matter. Now weve discussed a Graviton Grid we should be beginning to understand how a Gravitons strong and weak forces interact with each other and any subatomic particles proportionally, we will work from there. The far weaker interaction Gravitons have with subatomic particles is sufficient to slightly vary the pressure within the Graviton Grid or any individual Graviton Cell; it is this that gives us gravity and matter mass. The following diagrams should illustrate this point by way of introducing a single particle to a small 2D section of the Graviton Grid,

Empty Graviton Grid

Graviton Grid with one particle introduced

The grid will adjust to accommodate the particle

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) (Diagrams 15,16,17)

This will continue to happen till a balance is found. (Diagram 18) As we can see, so long as any particles we associate with matter are repelled by Gravitons then all Gravitons must adjust proximity to their neighbours accordingly. The first thing this achieves is it holds the introduced particle in place, this equates to the same effect as Space-Time and gravity. If we introduced any additional particles then the Graviton Grid would continue to adjust accordingly to maintain equilibrium, these particles would find themselves trying to maintain straight lines through curved space, again as we would expect with Space-Time . As the Graviton Grid adjusts it will continue to curve and warp but force exchanges between individual Gravitons would happen in straight lines, so as much as light can be viewed as bending as a whole it is actually the sum of straight line interactions. Today we associate this effect in Space-Time as an object traveling in a straight line whilst Space-Time curves around it; the same becomes true of the Graviton Grid.

Here we can see two Electrons introduced to an exaggerated Graviton Grid. The grid effectively curves although each interaction would be in a straight line between Gravitons. It becomes easier for the Universal Electrons to move together than stay apart, we can also see how light would effectively bend with the Graviton Grid! (Diagram 19)

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The second thing the Graviton Grid achieves is when we consider light and Electro Magnetism, the Graviton Grid provides the medium for all things we associate as waves without mass. There is no practical or explicable reason in science for how waves work in a vacuum or without a physical medium like air or water; instead science has just come to accept that they do. I believe this is a problem that has been insufficiently explained and is contrary to what we do know about mechanical waves, we have an excellent understanding of how sound waves work for example. The final large point Ill make, regarding Gravitons alone, is that they become responsible for why things continually age or decay, it is almost impossible to remove matter from the effects of moving through the Graviton Grid. The Graviton Grid becomes the reason for atomic entropy of momentum whilst still allowing for an atom or subatomic particle to retain its rotational momentum much longer; this allows matter to exist in its various states like solids and liquids etc. Whilst a particle is in motion gravity will add a constant and slightly abrasive resistance due to each Graviton acting individually. The Graviton Grid would result in atoms experiencing a continual high and low gravitational effect due to the constant relative change in individual proximity to Gravitons whilst moving from Graviton Cell to Graviton Cell. An atomic nucleus will experience a far reduced effect of entropy as opposed to its orbiting electrons; the atomic nuclei will take the true route of least resistance through the grid and therefore expose electrons to far greater variations in gravitational effect. I also believe that BartleysTOE allows faster than light travel for matter but obviously not Gravitons or light, this would be at a price due to the entropy effect of the Gravitons. This does not mean it would be an easy thing to do with anything larger than a singular atom but it should be possible!

Universal Compass
I mentioned the Universal Compass concept earlier and its an important aspect when regarding the BartleysTOE Graviton and Grid etc. the Universal Compass dictates how or why atoms and galaxies act the way they do. This idea of a Universal Compass gives us a literal up and down to the universe, this will be far more evident in the science of Cosmology than Particle Physics when we look for evidence because it will be the weakest force of all. An individual particle is free and able to spin as it please so it will freely align to the Universal Compass accordingly as it moves through the grid, however when particles begin to form atoms and structure this becomes less so, atomic forces like Strong combine with inertia and their influence is far stronger. When atoms form up into large scale solid matter the polar forces become completely locked in whatever direction they are pointing. So when we regard metal or planets as havening a polar direction or force its because the Graviton Grid dictated which way up those particles where pointing before they combined into atomic structure, from then on the stronger atomic forces lock the individual particles and the entire structure becomes responsible for its poles. Another aspect to using a Universal Compass analogy is it gives us a means of better describing up and down or top and bottom and so on. The Graviton Grid creates paths of least resistance for particles as they move through it so when regarding it with Electro Magnetic theory it dictates resistance. When we consider these two aspects together we can use the Universal Compass to describe these paths of least resistance. The universal compass explains why the universe likes to 24 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) spread out in big discs and how electrons switch charges or flip poles. Suffice as to say BartleysTOE requires the universe have an Up, Down, North, South, East and West (Universal UDNSEW). I call this the Universal Compass and Ill include some symbols for ease of mathematical reference etc.

(Universal Compass and associated symbols Diagram 20)

There is a lot more to be said about the Universal Compass but in the interest of keeping BartleysTOE short Ill leave it at that for now. The key point to note is that all Gravitons and Universal Electrons have an Up and Down or Top and Bottom. A Gravitons position is fixed along with its polar force but anything at the nucleus of a Graviton Cell flips poles. This will become clear in the section on Universal Electrons and atomic particles but it is important to note that it is as a result of Gravitons not Universal Electrons there is a Universal Compass. More than that the current evidence indicating the structure of an atom is correct with regard to adding the Graviton, in no way does this theory undo proven science that has gone before, for the largest part it merely corrects for the observations!

Gravitons in conclusion
So thats the Graviton in a nut shell but I feel I should state the obvious before I leave this topic. My revised Graviton makes a large assumption in the fact that it is impossible to interact with the Gravitons beyond pushing and pulling them just a little bit. That said the scientific community have been looking for something that causes gravity for a hundred years or more without success, maybe we need to assume it just cant be put under a microscope or observed with atom smashers. BartleysTOE is not an attempt to undo hundreds of years of research, in reality that research has probably told us everything we would need to know about a Graviton to calculate a definition down 25 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) to the last detail. BartleysTOE is just a means to convey the idea of the Graviton as unfortunately my advanced mathematical abilities are somewhat questionable, I only speak English with any proficiency. So if there is any merit to this theory then Id like to work on the real hard evidence with some honest hard working regular geniuses!

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8) The redefined Photon

Ive given the Photon its own section as its another key aspect to bridging that gap between Particle Physics and General Relativity with BartleysTOE. It is my hope that the concept of a Graviton and Graviton Grid will better explain the properties of light and all forms of Electro Magnetic waves. The reason I believe BartleysTOE can accomplish this is because current theories regarding light dictate that a photon is a particle but also a massless wave, now this makes no sense but is accurate given Quantum Mechanics. The problem I believe is that a photon is several different things happening as a result of one event and bundled into one term. Photons are waves caused by Universal Electrons or other subatomic particles but whether that particle remains part of the wave is a different matter!

The definition of a Photon

So what does this mean for the redefinition of the Photon, well probably the simplest way of putting it is -

(Diagram 21) Now this might not be strictly mathematically accurate, much like E=MC2 is not, but it makes a clear visual definition of what I believe is true, Gravitons and Photons are one and the same thing or gravity and light are products of the same particle. Einstein was bang on the money when he chose Electro Magnetic Theory as the fundamental force with which he might link General Relativity and Particle Physics. The Electro Magnetic attributes we associate with waves in Space-Time are waves through the Graviton Grid and the reason they are limited by the Speed Of Light is the physical delay in each individual Graviton reacting to a change in proximity to one of its neighbours, localised inertia so to speak. It is no coincidence that gravity and light share so many of the same constraints, like the Speed Of Light, when we think of them as the same thing. The universe really does make more sense when we split the attributes of matter this way, light and gravity residing in the Graviton, matter and substance in a Universal Electron or some other subatomic particle theory. There are additional benefits to associating light and gravity with a graviton particle we might consider too, for instance the Graviton Grid could begin to explain most of the other phenomena we attribute to light and Electro Magnetic waves. Light becomes forced to follow the structure of the Graviton Grid and as such will show all the observations we associate with the Space-Time Continuum as discussed. We also find at the bottom end of the scale why the Photon is massless, has no electric charge and is stable in comparison to all the other subatomic particles. It has these quantum properties because it shares its existence with the only other particle predicted to have these properties, gravity and therefore the Graviton.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) When we consider the Universal Compass it creates a reason for electrons to follow Electro Magnetic paths of least resistance, the Graviton Grid structure causes matter to form with polar preference in any given area. The reason everything in the universe is not polar linear of course though is because gravity is a weak force compared to the fundamental Strong and Weak forces that dictate atomic structure. Once matter takes form it will hold its polar preference in favour of its structural alignment regardless of its motion through the Graviton Grid, from there the concepts of Electro Dynamics follows as before. The last interesting note regarding Gravity and Photons Ill mention can be seen with regard to the properties of Conductors, Semi-Conductors and Insulators when measured against electrical current. With the Graviton Grid being the means by which light travels, and the concept of paths of least resistance, then these conductors would hold certain visible properties. We should observe that good electrical conductors would obscure the interactions of Gravitons because of the exaggerated orbit of their electrons; this would make them excellent light insulators in that respect. This also means the opposite is true and any matter that has good transparency qualities like crystals would be poor electrical conductors. Graviton Cells determine the paths by which electrons orbit and establish why there is a physical charge for the atom. Following the traditional concept of the atom, conducting matter might consist of atoms with electrons orbiting pole to pole and matter with insulating properties could orbit the circumference, semiconductors a combination of the two.

Light/Gravity waves in action

Now I am in danger of repeating myself here as it is hopefully clear that BartleysTOE dictates that Photons and Gravitons are one and the same thing and Ive already described the Graviton in some detail. So I will keep this section brief but there are a few additional points worth making with regard to how this changes our view of the Electro Magnetic Theory. With the Graviton Grid we have a means for waves to move across the endless vacuum of space, what we perceive as properties of Electro Magnetism like Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared Radiation, Visible Light, Ultraviolet Radiation, X-rays, Gamma Rays are all waves traveling through the Graviton grid. The reason we associate no mass with these waves or Photons is because Gravity is the means by which mass is derived and therefore would have none of its own. The Graviton would still be a quantum particle with the properties of a photon it just wouldnt physically move as the Photon is thought to, the same reason for that lack of mass because its part of what gives matter mass. An Electro Magnetic wave should still be considered to hold real energy regardless of whether or not it is attached to the subatomic particle that initiates the wave. It must also be considered though that the particle that initiates a wave can travel with that wave as far as entropy will allow; hard radiation etc. This means subatomic particles like a neutrino might be able to travel with the wave it causes over considerable distances none the less, especially if they are highly directed like lasers. Atoms are for the largest part empty and our example of a neutrino traveling with sufficient directional momentum could pass through our universe and almost never encounter another particle of sufficient influence to alter its course. So when we consider a wave moving through the Graviton Grid that intersects with a Graviton Cell that contains matter then that wave will interact with that matter and pass some of that energy, or 28 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) all of it, on to those Universal Electrons. When a wave meets an empty Graviton cell it just continues to pass all its energy on to its appropriate neighbouring cells, Graviton to Graviton or as waves moving at the Speed Of Light. This allows waves to travel vast distances without the need of a physical particle. Waves in the Graviton Grid could also multiply infinitely, or propagate, where other particles would be spread thinner and thinner over distance. Now there is a lot more to be said regarding this subject but hopefully Ive illustrated this point sufficiently for the purpose of this paper!

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9) Quantum Mechanics vs. Particle Physics

So we move onto Quantum Mechanics, Particle Physics and my redefinition of the Universal Electron as a singular particle that depending on circumstances will behave as all the various subatomic particles defined in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The first thing I should point out is that whilst I believe my theories regarding light and gravity will prove to be relatively accurate the following concepts covering the workings of atomic structure are far more theoretical. The important point I am addressing with the Universal Electron theory is that I believe there is a singular particle responsible for physical matter. We attribute numerous particles to the structure of fundamental matter because our understanding of gravity was incomplete. This is not possible whilst science continues to include the forces associated with gravity and light in the current Standard Model of Particle Physics but hopefully with BartleysTOE we can change that. When we split the forces between the Graviton and something like a Universal Electron then I believe we can reduce the number of fundamental particles to just two. I should first explain why Ive treated Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics as two separate fields of physics when they are essentially the same thing. I separated them to create the separation, as my theory is quite unique I thought it would be easier to compare current quantum theories against BartleysTOE by doing so. Also BartleysTOE does not require a lot of the modern terminology attached to Quantum Mechanics so again it makes the separation clearer for the purposes of this paper. When we regarded Particle Physics and Quantum Mechanics by the terms of the words they both mean the study of the tiny or how things work by their smallest parts. For this paper I consider Particle Physics to be the tried, tested and observed science of atomic structure. Quantum Mechanics I consider the more theoretical and unproven view of matter and atomic structure. This separation might be viewed as unfair or inaccurate but it is my choice none the less. Quantum Mechanics, as with all science, is an accumulation of ideas but the concept became established following the work of Max Planck. Planck is credited for founding Quantum Theory and he was also responsible for the Planck constant that enabled us to measure sub atomic particles. Max Planck proved that once you examine the subatomic world of the atom classical physics breaks down, you can only deal in probabilities. This obviously split science in its day as that was another nail in the coffin of Newtons mechanical universe, nevertheless it is true and it is now established as fact for the purpose of physics today. Quantum Mechanics has moved away from this classical concept and as such people will normally refer to Quantum Mechanics as opposed to Particle Physics when discussing the subatomic world. Once the inherent unpredictability of the subatomic world was realised the old model of a particulate universe was shelved and Quantum Mechanics was born. So when we regard Quantum Mechanics I have no problem with the aspect of uncertainty, where I have issue that most of the theories based on this uncertainty concept have moved away from tangible reality. With regard to Quantum Mechanics the scientific world has gone down the road of J K Rowling and for the largest part physics has become philosophy. This again might seem a little harsh but almost everything that has been conceived with Quantum Mechanics is near impossible to prove and the crowning achievement will be the lack of a Higgs Boson by the end of 2012. This doesnt mean that a lot of good science hasnt been done whilst pursuing these ideas but it is none the less wrong, or so I believe. 30 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) The main problem I have with Quantum Mechanics is that it is largely based on a few minor observations, exceptions and a lot of bad math. Ill address the most important observations to Quantum Mechanics in a minute but Ill explain what I mean by bad math first. Mathematics, Physics, Algebra they all serve the same purpose and that is to act as a medium between understanding and reality, they are languages just as we regard English or Spanish for instance. The difference between mathematical languages and spoken languages is only that maths is designed to express exactly what it means; spoken language can be widely interpreted. We sometimes forget that maths is a language and if you accurately word things mathematically then it can be made to agree with anything you like. Put simply maths based on any theory can be accurate but it does not mean the theory is correct only well explained. In this respect I find a lot of the theories based in modern Quantum Mechanics not unlike politics or legal documents, they are a long winded way of saying very little. Probably the two most obvious cases of Quantum Mechanics being used to support bad science is when the numbers are pushed using General Relativity as I discussed earlier and with the concept of multiple dimensions. Now I know Ive written an entire chapter on adding a fifth dimension but that is a tangible and measurable dimension of scale. What I refer to are the additional dimensions considered with theories like String or M and so on. When these additional dimensions are added to our own reality then its essentially the same as writing an exception to the rule i.e. everything happens as per the standard Model except in this dimension where time folds and so on. So I will always remain dubious of any theory that cannot be proved and as such and above all others I am sceptical of how accurate my Theory of Everything will prove to be, but at least I am proposing concepts that can be measured! So I should try and explain how my theory can compensate for Quantum Mechanics and cover the larger problems it addresses.

Quantum unpredictability Why dont atoms behave as we would expect them to? how can subatomic particles be in two places at once and so on. Quantum Mechanics has evolved entirely based on the assumption that this answer is beyond our tangible reality, it proposes solutions with extra dimensions to compensate and so on. With BartleysTOE I cant return the universe to a near perfect Newtonian mechanical state of predictability, but I do hope with the introduction of the Graviton we can explain why that inherent unpredictability exists! The introduction of the Graviton and the nature of the Graviton Grid structure would mean it becomes impossible to separate an atom from the external influences of gravity and Electro Magnetic waves; as such we can never accurately measure atomic structure in a predictable environment. Every atom is influenced by eight Gravitons at any given moment, each of which move independently of any other Graviton, this results in a constantly varying influence on any atom as it moves through the Graviton Grid. Even if we could build a super dense metal room that might hold a subatomic particle in place with regard to the walls and floor, that room itself would still be influenced as a whole, as is the whole planet, solar system and so on. With BartleysTOE we know light and gravity is one and the same thing so we can deduce that the earth is being influenced by any subatomic particles directional momentum within 13.7 billion light years and counting. So I will happily accept any wagers that a computer could be built to account for that many variables before I

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) die or reach a hundred years of age, I dont think it can be done or even close, so probabilities and uncertainties will remain the only way to use Particle Physics.

The Double Slit Experiment The Double Slit Experiment is probably the most demonstrated example of Quantum Mechanics in action. When the experiment is run it demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles. The experiment basically involves directing a focused energy source, like a laser beam, through two slits. The experiment is interesting because it demonstrates how particles can interfere with each other as waves and as such instead of two bands of light we see numerous bands of light. This is true of a continuous beam of particles as we might expect but it also is true of individual particles which was not expected, thats where Quantum Mechanics steps in. The test has shown that an individual particle can arrive as wed expect but it can also arrive as many particles, as if it has bounced of another particle or not arrive at all. It is from these observations a lot of current Quantum Mechanics theories derive the mysterious properties and inherent unpredictability of the subatomic world. With BartleysTOE the subatomic world has a new framework and what was a photon now works in a very different way to the way it did before. With the Graviton Grid photons no longer physically travel instead force is passed through the structure of the grid itself. What we call a single photon in the experiment would be a single wave; as such it will still have to pass Graviton to Graviton until it influences the particles in the detector. You cannot single out the actions of an individual Graviton in the Graviton Grid because of its nature, it is always moving and changing, because of this we will have any combination of possible results for the two slit test just as is the case proves to be in reality. We have no need to involve additional dimensions when we approach the two slit test with BartleysTOE so maybe we havent explored all the options available to us in this reality! So Ill move on from Quantum Mechanics and refer my theory as based largely in the scope of Particle Physics. Im sure this will provoke endless argument if BartleysTOE gains any recognition but there are far worse things in life than annoyed scientists, theres no need to add additional fuel to the fire!

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The redefined Universal Electron

Now despite my reservations about modern Quantum Mechanics I do find Particle Physics fascinating, it uses such basic methods of experimentation, like atom smashing, but it still allows us to come up with incredibly complicated answers. Moments of clarity seem few and far between in the sub atomic universe but that is not in itself surprising as I pointed out earlier, it is difficult to learn the finer details of the universes building blocks as they themselves are all we have to view them by. So we find ourselves in conflict and with the gap between General Relativity and Particle Physic as weve been discussing, General Relativity because it needs a Graviton, Electro Magnetic Theory because waves need a medium. This has had a knock on effect in describing matter as we have tried to include these forces in the same particle, hopefully with BartleysTOE we can now combine the remaining forces into a feasible universal particle if not my proposed Universal Electron. To put it simply, E=MC2 is the best known equation in the world and it means that everything in the universe we consider as energy or matter is one and the same thing, as BartleysTOE agrees. If you take a lump of gold or a golf ball, they can both be smashed into the same constituent parts and this can be calculated. However since arriving at that point Quantum Mechanics moved away from the singular building block concept, the information we began to gather from smashing atoms suggested otherwise. As we began to smash atoms apart the observations seemed to show that there was a lot more stuff than we thought, and so the Particle Zoo was born. Technically I would assume the Particle Zoo still grows in numbers daily with on-going atom smashing research. The particle zoo concept however has been simplified into the Standard Model of Particle Physics (Standard Model) and this provides us with a far more brilliant insight. The Standard Model shows us that all these hundreds of different particles are just 16 different particles under different circumstances. So I will use the Standard Model to draw a direct comparison to BartleysTOE and work from there. I propose that the Standard Model is correct in principle but needs to go one step further. Just as the Standard Model allowed us to realise the Particle Zoo was only 16 particles and forces, with the Universal Electron and Graviton it becomes two particles and various Universal Forces .With BartleysTOE hopefully we can adjust the current Standard Model to better show how the universe works and complete the puzzle. So Ill propose how subatomic structure might be viewed and then how it might interact to form structure and mass Universal Electrons and subatomic structure So despite my dislike for theories that involve additional dimensions of reality I do believe the fundamental concept behind String Theory is sound. I too believe that there should be one definable building block that under certain circumstances is responsible for all the various forms of matter. So I have an idea as to how a particle can exist, like the string particle in many ways, but in the same reality as the Graviton Grid. The challenge is in conceiving two particles that can share similar forces but never physically interact, I have an idea but it is mostly theory as I mentioned before. Until a better idea is conceived to define a matter particle I will propose it despite that fact, if only to get the ball rolling.

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( Diagram 22)

I propose that Gravitons could be regarded as small balls and my proposed Universal Electron that of a ring, Diagram 22 (a). Both can share the same physical properties like size, material and density but not necessarily the same shape Diagram 22 (d). This potentially being the case then these two theoretical particles when balanced by equal repulsion or attraction could never physically meet. Another advantage of a spinning or rotating ring is that they have the same properties as a solid object given the right circumstances, put simply a ring if spun fast enough on end it is the same as a solid sphere. Another interesting property of a ring is that it can easily transfer forces of rotation to those of spinning, Diagram 22 (b), especially as rotational energy is not lost to factors like entropy at the subatomic scale, only directional momentum energy is. A good analogy of this is when you spin a coin, as it slows and falls over the last of the energy that was maintaining its vertical spin is turned into rotating the coin. Without gravity, entropy and so on, this coin could switch between flat rotating and spinning as a sphere with no loss of energy. Now if we picture that coin as our Universal Electron it could pass through the Graviton Grid as a sphere momentarily switching to a ring as it encounters Gravitons, Diagram 22 (c). I will say no more on this theory as it is nothing but that, virtually impossible to prove and not worth bearing a huge amount of consideration. If these are an accurate description of the building blocks for the universe then we would have no means of determining their exact shape because they are what we use to determine those shapes in the first place, a catch 22 if you will. The important point I make with this example and BartleysTOE is only that we do not need additional and intangible dimensions to account for the contents of our universe. Only when all the possible stretches of our own reality have been explored should we begin to conceive theories that require 11 dimensions or more, in my opinion at least!

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) A Universal Electron in action - To help describe the difference between current particle theory and BartleysTOE Ill draw a direct comparison with the Standard Model as Ive mentioned. In the appendix Ill include two tables to make this easier to explain as we go on, a breakdown of the current Standard Model of Particle Physics vs. BartleysTOE (Table 1) and a simpler Bartleys Standard Model of Subatomic Particles & Forces (Table 2). Firstly I should explain that with BartleysTOE there is no physical separation between Universal Electrons, and the other subatomic particles they are all Universal Electrons or more accurately neutrinos by todays understanding. As I am redefining subatomic structure, and trying to move away from the thinking behind modern Quantum Mechanics, I decided to use the universal Electron as the term for describing the fundamental subatomic particle and Neutrino to describe a state of reduced rotation. This is again only to create separation between BartleysTOE and Quantum Mechanics as discussed, preference not necessity. Whilst the differences I propose are dramatic on paper the reality is that little will change regarding the actual maths, only our perception of the circumstances will alter. So when we consider the Universal Electron with BartleysTOE how does it change our observations compared to the Standard Model of Particle Physics. It means that rather than different particles the Universal Electron spinning anticlockwise to its poles becomes a Conventional Electron, clockwise to its poles an Opposed Electron and not spinning (or spinning at a proportionally far slower rate given any interaction) a Neutrino. When these electrons are at the atomic nuclei and Polar Inverted, upside down, they become Positrons, Neutrons and Negitrons respectively. Neutrons would have no attraction to other Universal Electrons however Positrons and Negitrons are attracted to Neutrons. Positrons are attracted to Positrons and Negitrons to Negitrons. Positrons are repelled by Negitrons and the attraction, or repulsion, in each case is directly proportionate to how fast the relevant Universal Electron is spinning or moving, its state of existence. This is also true of their polar inverted counterparts or upside down as per the Universal Compass and Graviton Cell theories. So when we view the Universal Electron in motion it can begin to take on the other aspects weve been associating with different force particles in the current Standard Model. There are three ways in which these Universal Electrons can move. Firstly there is nuclei rotation at the centre of a Graviton cell or atomic nuclei, this is when the Universal Electrons at the centre of an atom are in contact (or near contact) and rotating as a group. Outside this Universal Electrons can be in an atomic nuclei orbital trajectory, much like the old model of the atom treats the definition of an electron. Finally a Universal Electron can be in transit with directional momentum, it will continue in a given direction interacting accordingly on its way passing from Graviton Cell to Graviton Cell. Lastly regarding Universal Electrons, I refer in each of my examples to singular electrons but what is true for singles is true for pairs and electrons will often travel in pairs or possibly even groups when not part of regular atomic structure. I may also give the impression that these atomic interactions happen within a stationary Graviton Cell but this couldnt be further from the truth. We are constantly moving in relation to the Graviton Grid but because of General Relativity and simple circumstances of least resistance, atoms that are moving can be regarded as stationary within the Graviton Grid for our purposes and show little notable difference. Put simply moving or stationary in the Graviton Grid the easiest means by which Universal Electrons interact does not change. 35 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) The Graviton Grid or concept of a Graviton Cell will also define the limits on how big an atom can be. The most measured subatomic particles (excluding Photons) in an atom are found in Ununoctium and the subatomic particles in that stable form of matter only just hold it together. I dare say that even the existence of Ununoctium would be under tremendous strain by fact that the earth is moving through space and so the Graviton Grid itself, Ununoctium would atomically decay in a vacuum if Im not mistaken.

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The Universal Forces

Its one thing to describe the universe as two distinct elements or particles, this is relatively easy to understand, its a far more complicated a thing to explain how just those two particles combine through interaction to form the infinitely complicated universe around us. So again I will do my best to explain the Universal Forces and their interactions but in the interest of keeping this brief it will be something I will go into in greater depth at a later date if this theory has any merit regarding the Graviton concept. The attached diagrams (Table 1 + 2) that discuss the Standard Model should also go a long way to helping better understand how the Universal Forces in BartleysTOE might potentially work. There are in effect several sets of forces and with these we can create everything we currently perceive. Ive split these forces into Constant, Exchangeable and Variable forces to make them a little easier to explain but they overlap in many aspects. I will explain how these act in a stationary universe but later I will also explain how General Relativity continues to play a big part in how Universal Electrons behave given BartleysTOE, the accumulative effect of forces. Constant forces - Constant forces are both the Gravitons weak and strong push of gravity and the polar force that dictates the Universal Compass. Gravitons will push equally away from each other in the Graviton Grid with the Strong strong force and repel all Universal Electrons away equally with a weaker force. As we discussed earlier this is a constant relative to proximity and by the square of the distance, as Universal Electrons are free to move they become variable. The Universal Compass is also dictated by the Graviton Grid and sets which way up all electrons rotate. This is integral to BartleysTOE given it is how the same Universal Electron can perform the positive and negative duties in atomic structure. Universal Electrons flip poles or polar invert at the nuclei of a Graviton Cell which allows conventional electrons and protons to carry opposing charges but still be the same thing. The Electro Magnetic force is a constant but limited by strength or entropy as a result of interacting with Gravitons and Universal Electrons. As we discussed the Photons, the Electro Magnetic force becomes waves through the grid that are restricted by how quickly Gravitons can overcome inertia and interact with their neighbours, the Speed Of Light. As such all Electro Magnetic waves or Photons will travel at the constant Speed Of Light but only as far as the strength of the interaction will allow. Exchangeable forces - Exchangeable forces are what enable Universal Electrons to do all the jobs weve been giving to various subatomic particles in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. These are what the Standard model refer to as the Strong and Weak and BartleysTOE the Directional Forces of Momentum and Rotational Forces of Momentum. Another point worth reiterating here is that at the subatomic level Universal Electrons exchange forces without loss. That said subatomic particles with directional momentum can lose some of that energy held as force because it is dispersed or wastes into the Graviton Grid, that is part of entropy. Rotational Forces of Momentum can increase or decrease given their interactions with both Gravitons and Universal Electrons, depends how they are nudged.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) Directional forces of momentum are easier to explain so I will describe those first, they are as simple as they sound, energy used to travel in a linear direction. These are why stuff keeps going when you throw it, kick it, blow it up and so on. Once you apply any directional force to a Universal Electron it will continue to use that momentum as stored energy until it transfers it or it wastes away by dispersing the energy to the Graviton Grid. A Universal Electron will transfer that directional energy by contact with another electron or its field of influence. At that point energy can be completely exchanged or divided appropriately according to circumstances. Any directional momentum applied to a Universal Electron cannot be sustained indefinitely but it can come pretty close if the Universal Electron has a minimal area of influence, when viewed as a Neutrino for instance. Rotational Forces of Momentum dictate how fast an electron is spinning or rotating. The rotational force is viewed as the Strong Force in the Standard Model and for a good reason; with BartleysTOE it effectively determines the area of influence for a Universal Electron and therefore the mass of a Universal Electron when measured against gravity and the Graviton. Rotational force can be turned into directional force and vice versa through contact with other Universal Electrons and is influenced by Gravitons a little as well. A simple view of how this works can be demonstrated with a pool table and applying spin to a cue ball this spin can be transferred to the object ball and so on through any other obstacle on the table. Rotational momentum also plays a big part in variable forces! Variable forces - Variables forces are dependent on circumstances for their effective area of influence, theyre also predominantly are regarded from as an aspect to the Universal Electron. Rotational Forces of Momentum affect the amount of energy a Universal Electron has and in doing this it changes the proportional area of influence it exerts on both Gravitons and other Universal Electrons. I split this aspect of forces into a separate section as they work in a slightly different way but are still very much reliant on Directional Momentum to exchange forces and rotational momentum to retain those forces. Because the forces can exchange proportionally to their interaction though they can be considered as variable, Universal Electrons can have different rates and directions of spin because of this. The direction a Universal Electron spins determines its force of attraction and repulsion to other Universal Electrons, slow rotation resulting in a weak force and fast strong. When one Universal Electron meets another it will be proportionally pushed or pulled given the direction it is spinning and the polar force. The Directional Force of Momentum can be strong enough to overcome proportional attraction or repulsion any Universal Electron might have, when that happens rotational forces to become directional forces, or vice versa and anywhere in-between. This variable aspect of rotation can therefore be considered as the strength of a positive and negative charge in Electro Magnetic Theory. So put simply, the more a Universal Electron is spun the bigger the footprint it has in the universe. This is why we see many subatomic particles when we smash just a few together in particle colliders and atom smashers. What we largely see is the Graviton Grid being kicked around which equates to no new particles and those that do take on new characteristics do so because of variable forces. Forces in motion So when we view the universe in motion these forces in their varying states combine and we have the reality we can see around us. As a result of BartleysTOE we can see how the Graviton Grid will allow Universal Electrons to pair up, form groups, become particles so on and so forth. This is easy to understand in my motionless examples with limited interactions but the 38 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) universe is very much moving and the universe deals in vast numbers not one particle at a time. Trying to take this model and physically apply it to the world around us however I predict will be very difficult, but hopefully not impossible. We already have the fundamental mathematics to describe the fundamental forces of the universe BartleysTOE just better describes the environment they work in so we can now better quantify them. As I remarked at the start of the chapter concerning Space-Time, General Relativity put simply explains why things act in the same way given comparable circumstances, how one things situation relates or is Relative to another! As we went on to discuss, the reason General Relativity breaks down at the atomic level is because it has no scale and reality does. Atomic structure given BartleysTOE is directly related to gravity and accounts for most of the other problems considered in Quantum Mechanics. So now when we consider General Relativity we find a place for it at the atomic scale and it continues to provide us with an excellent description of individual and accumulative mass in motion. So now we have a clearer understanding of the Universal Forces our basic principles for BartleysTOE are complete, we have the tools to better describe the universe around us. We can move on to the theory that set me on this quest for a better or simpler answer in the field of Quantum Mechanics, only to lead me to the opinion that Quantum Mechanics might have overshot the mark and missed the obvious!

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The Amended Big Bang Theory The Big Fizz

Now Ive better described the components of a BartleysTOE universe I shall try and explain how I arrived at this theory in the first place, the Big Bang and why it doesnt quite add up. As I said at the beginning of this paper, the Big Bang does make sense when you consider how an individual galaxy would form like the Milky Way. The idea breaks down when we gaze beyond our galaxy and see other galaxies randomly dotted in all directions, following no particular pattern. Theres also problems trying to make these observations fit with the Big Bang model, if the universe began around 14 billion years ago then why has cosmology shown observations measuring light, from distant and apparently fully formed galaxies that could be up to 16 billion years old. From this one perceived problem with the Big Bang theory I set out to try and find a better answer, I never intended to arrive at a complete theory of my own like BartleysTOE just find a better description of the Big Bang. So I dug a little deeper and the problems get a little bigger as weve been discussing throughout this paper. I found that in reality a Big Bang theory for a beginning to the universe has become a rather laboured concept at best. As our understanding of physics has progressed weve chosen to bend the theory of a Big Bang to make it fit rather than re think the concept entirely. This is most obvious when we consider the Big Bang with General Relativity, the Big Bang simply cannot account for mass or gravity in the early universe, its only once galaxies are formed it begins to approach a definition. The Big Bang also cheats the Speed Of Light and massively bends time to accomplish its expansion before the galaxies form. The harder I looked for a simple or clearer answer as to how the Big Bang worked the more apparent it became there isnt one, but why not? The problem as I see it is that as much as the Big Bang might work it still needs to happen within a given situation, Space-Time can account for this but not while gravity is still considered an attribute of what makes matter. With BartleysTOE weve changed how we view the universe and what was empty Space-Time becomes the Graviton Grid, this allows us to view how matter interacts with Space-Time in a completely different way. So what I propose with BartleysTOE is at the begging of the universe there wasnt one Big Bang instead the universe began with lots of little big Bangs at the galactic level. This does not mean there is only one galaxy in the universe but it means each of the galaxies in our universe formed in situ as opposed to in one place and expanding outwards as per the conventional Big Bang. It occurred to me that the structure of our universe doesnt fit with expanding in one large explosion or bang, but I had seen something like the structure of our universe somewhere else. What we see as we look beyond the limits of our own galaxy and view all the galaxies in the universe is not unlike the structure of bubbles trapped in a solidified liquid. I began to consider how the universe might work if we viewed it as a giant bottle of carbonated water and it was from that idea alone Ive pieced together all of BartleysTOE. Whilst carbonated water is held under pressure there are no bubbles, the H2O and CO2 is dispersed uniformly and evenly. Once you release a little of that pressure bubbles form on the edge of the bottle or specs of dust in the liquid. If we think of the universe as a bottle and galaxies as CO2 then all wed need is a third medium to act like H2O and allow gravity to work, the idea of a repelling Graviton was born. Because the universe has no edges galaxies would

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) pop up randomly requiring only a slightest variation in what was the uniform liquid of Gravitons and what I later conceived as Universal Electrons. So Ive refined this theory somewhat since the fizzy water idea but the concept remains the same. With BartleysTOE we introduce the Graviton, Graviton Grid and Graviton Cells, this creates a medium for matter to act like our carbonated water and accumulate into bubbles. With the Universal Electron we have a singular particle that can interact with Gravitons, like a liquid in many aspects, with both these particles we then have a means to conceive of an early BartleysTOE universe. So I will propose a course of events that might have led to the universe we see today, the Big Fizz. Quickly before I do though Ill explain why the Big Fizz, its for two reasons. The first reason is that the word Fizz sounds and means what is implied, rather than one bang it was lots of bubbles, a fizz. Secondly is because its catchy and that always plays a part in getting your ideas heard and referred to ;-)

The Big Fizz

In the early BartleysTOE universe each Graviton Cell would have contained a Universal Electron with limited rotation or what wed consider a Neutron, it may turn out each cell contained a paired particle or a basic atom but I will assume a single Neutron. This would have been a cold and motionless begging to the universe for the purposes of our example and of uniform consistency; each Graviton Cell would contain the same number of Universal Electrons. A Neutron does not spin so has no rotational attraction to other Neutrons and would rest at the centre of its Graviton Cell. This concentrated and still view of the universe we can regard as the begging of our universe and holds with current observations of expansion. Before this point it would be impossible to know what was happening in our universe but that is no different to the current Big Bang theory. BartleysTOE differs from the Big Bang though because it relies on the universe expanding but unevenly, parts of the universe expanded at different rates causing variation in Gravitational pressure. If the universe expanded unevenly in this way then that would cause mechanical waves in the Graviton Grid and in turn would be just enough to set our Neutrons spinning at the heart of each of the Graviton Cells. This happens because a Graviton Cell has eight different points of interaction and not one even force as we consider it in General Relativity. Given enough time huge amounts or energy could have become stored in this fluid of Universal Electrons in the Graviton Grid. The universe could have existed in this fluid state for trillions of years slowly gaining energy until the first Proton made the jump to a Conventional Electron. Its worth noting that in this early universe there is nothing preventing Positrons and Negitrons existing in the same area of space at the same time, provided their forces where still weaker than gravities supressing forces. That said, I dont believe that would have been the case, instead I believe regions of the universe would create only Positrons or Negitrons in large quantities. This is to do with some characteristics of the Polar Forces and the properties of waves in motion or mechanical waves, Its the same principle that makes water spin one way in the northern hemisphere and the counter in the southern here on earth. As such almost all matter in our area of the universe will be 41 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) Proton based, this is also part of why I believe a Universal Electron has to flip poles at a Graviton Cells nuclei. Eventually a point would be reached though where one Neutron does accumulate enough rotational momentum and overcomes the Graviton Cells retaining gravitational force; at that point it would jump from its nuclei and try to move to its neighbours Graviton cell and pair up. When this happens the Graviton Grid must warp to accommodate the change of environment, one Graviton Cell must now hold two Universal Electrons. This would be the first time any two neighbouring Graviton Cells would hold different numbers of Universal Electrons and the universe doesnt like it when things are unbalanced, it would have to try and compensate. Two things would begin to happen at this point that combined will set events in motion that would form the galaxies in our universe. Firstly Gravity would squeeze on the Universal Electrons nearest the empty Graviton Cells causing them to follow the path of least resistance and move to those cells, straight line paths through curved space etc. Secondly as the Universal Electrons form into atoms their area of influence increases and that in turn will attract Universal Electrons over greater distances. We find that once the process begins it would not stop; a cascade effect would begin as Universal Electrons are forced to join with their neighbours and move through the Graviton Grid. From here BartleysTOE causes another restriction to our universe that General Relativity does not and that is that the Graviton Grid will only stretch so far. The size of any Graviton Cell is first determined by the Graviton Grid before the Number of Universal Electrons within them. This prevents every Universal Electrons in the universe rushing to one point because they are limited by the Graviton Grid itself, so Universal Electrons pair up in neighbouring cells and on the process goes. Once theres enough pairs of Universal Electrons to stretch the Graviton Grid sufficiently they will move again and make a four in one cell and so on. Whoosh, the Big Fizz begins, as Universal Electrons race to find new clusters of space in the universe where they can exist in groups, galaxies are born. From there to today our galaxy and other galaxies would conform to the regular Big Bang theory of matter forming into stars, solar systems and so on. Now there is little more to be said regarding the process of the Big Fizz without introducing hard data, but I will make a few observations covering how the Big Fizz or all of BartleysTOE could be interpreted with current observations! BartleysTOE would seem to indicate a natural balancing point galaxies reach where the Universal Electrons rushing to the centre leave enough empty Graviton Cells that the Graviton Grid relaxes and equilibrium is established, a galactic bubble forms. This might lead us to approximate that all the galaxies in the universe are roughly the same size when they first form, give or take. That said and as we can observe with cosmology, should one galaxy stray too close to another they would merge into bigger galaxies, like bubbles do in liquids. This might also help explain why we sometimes see galaxy clusters and indeed why all but one galaxy would appear to be moving away from us. With the Big Fizz we might also consider that this unique situation would allow Universal Electrons to be accelerated faster than the Speed Of Light. As weve discussed with BartleysTOE, light and gravity are restricted by the Speed Of Light but matter or Universal Electrons are not. Given the environment of a forming galaxy, Universal Electrons could be continually accelerated at free-fall beyond the Speed Of Light because of the vast distances involved. General Relativity might regard 42 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) this as the effective passage of time speeding up in relation to the universe but BartleysTOE would regard this as the Graviton Grid warping. When Universal Electrons move faster than the Speed Of Light nothing extraordinary happens, it only means the interaction between the Universal Electron as it passes through the Graviton Grid is to brief for any individual Graviton to react to its presence. The final observation Ill make is regarding the speculation that will arise around the pressure variation in the early expanding universe, variation that could be on-going to this day. Following the water analogy galaxies may have formed around specs of dust in this early universe as bubbles do in water; this is where a possible unknown particle or Particle X might come in. The variation could be a new universal force that is as yet unknown and it might just be that the universe has a pulse by design. Realistically this will be and remain an unknown quantity, such theories would be impossible to verify so should be considered separately, if at all, and at a later date! That is the BartleysTOE Big Fizz or the universe in a bottle of sparkling water.

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Black Holes, Worm Holes and a few final thoughts!

Ive included an extra section covering Black Hole and Wormhole theories because, as we discussed with the fifth dimension of scale, they are examples partly based in observations as well as General Relativity. With both these concepts we find a point where the universe is stretched beyond time and space, point X in Diagram 6. Ive discussed this regarding the theoretical aspect and how General Relativity allows for it and BartleysTOE doesnt but I havent accounted for the observations that might support those theories. We have begun to capture images and record information that could suggest theres a Black Hole at the centre of ours and every galaxy, so what else would support this data? I propose an alternative set of circumstances that not only might describe what we perceive as black holes but could help describe why all large bodies of mass keep spinning, especially galaxies. With BartleysTOE the Graviton Grid will stretch but not fold or bubble as either of these Hole theories might propose, instead I propose that when a galaxy forms its Negitrons or negative matter that give us the results were observing. As the universe formed the building blocks of matter would rush together and form large bodies like planets, stars and galaxies as we considered with the Big Fizz. Negitrons will be created as a by-product of the infinite collisions Universal Electrons are exposed to when in proximity to a lot of other Universal Electrons. Normally Negitrons will have enough space to move and avoid contact with opposing charged Universal Electrons so they escape to empty space. Within a molten planets core, star or early forming galaxy they would be entirely surrounded, we might consider when this happens the Negitrons near the centre of the mass would group together instead! The furthest point away from the influence of a force but not leave its influence is either at the edge of the object or its centre. If you move to the edge that influence is concentrated in one direction but if you move to the centre of that force then all opposing forces are balanced and you become equally distant from the force as well, equidistant. With this concept and given the unique qualities of a galaxy we might therefore consider an alternative set of circumstances. Galaxies are potentially the only bodies in our universe that dont move laterally through the Graviton Grid, this would mean the heart of a galaxy would revolve around a fixed point in the Graviton Grid. When a body is effectively stationary and spinning within the Graviton Grid a unique thing happens, the Graviton Grid will twist around that central point. So if we have a huge mass of Negitrons spinning in unison at the heart of our Galaxy, like a giant negative sun, and twisting the Graviton Grid what would happen and what would we see? We would see nothing at the heart of our galaxy, no visible giant anti matter star, From earths distant vantage point it would appear as empty space. This is because light would be absorbed by this negative matter Dark Heart causing it to spin which in turn increases the mass of the centre of our galaxy and spins the galaxy itself. Because the Graviton Grid twists all the energy from waves arriving at the centre of a galaxy would be transferred to rotating the mass of Negitrons, light could not escape the centre of any galaxy.

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Here we can see an exaggerated example of how a large mass spinning at a fixed point in the Graviton Grid twists the Grid. As a result all waves through the Grid would transfer that energy into the mass spinning it faster and twisting the Grid more. One action feeds the other!

(Diagram 23) This theory could apply to the heart of any major celestial body and any planet with a molten core could be relying on dark matter, atoms made from Negitrons, Neutrons, Neutrinos and Opposed Electrons. This Dark Heart theory might help explain the continual interaction of energy that makes stars burn and planets spin. The constant strain of gravity pushing positive matter in and a dark heart of negative matter pushing back, we might be able to observe this through a planets magnetic fields. So with BartleysTOE the heart of a galaxy wouldnt be a Black Hole it would be a vast mass of negative matter that absorbs energy from the Graviton Grid to maintain its own rotational momentum and spin the galaxy is it does so.

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Final thoughts
Quantum Mechanics - Now Ive given Quantum Mechanics a hard time in this paper and thats largely because BartleysTOE works in contrast to peoples popular misconception of Quantum Mechanics as opposed to the actual field of science. Physics is Physics after all and its only the theories behind the mathematics that are called into doubt with BartleysTOE, so theres a few of them Ill mention before concluding this theory. Most prominent at the moment is the search for the Higgs Boson which if my theory is correct will not be found. The logic behind the Higgs Boson makes perfect sense and the data collected looking for it is priceless but the God Particle just doesnt work along the same lines as BartleysTOE. One way or another we will have this answer in 2012 as the Large Hadron Collider is getting very close to determining that fact. Quantum Geometry or Loop Gravity are two theories that are possibly considered Theories Of Everything so Ill mention them if only to say they obviously wouldnt work if BartleysTOE proves accurate. Some similarities might be drawn between these theories and BartleysTOE in how they regard the universe as a fabric but the spin foam concept for gravity is another matter. The work done in Causal Dynamical Triangulation however is very much in the way of BartleysTOE thinking in some respects. Causal Dynamical Triangulation might be viewed as a mirror of what I propose with the Graviton Grid. The key difference is I propose a Graviton Cell that has eight pushing Gravitons; Causal Dynamical Triangulation proposes Simplexs and various combinations of pulling dimensions and models. The ideas behind the Simplex and other models, especially in the early universe, are very much in parallel to my own. Where I see the universe as a grid fluctuating with waves and matter moving over it, Causal Dynamical Triangulation approaches the idea with gravity flowing constantly through dimensions. I believe a lot could be taken from both these ideas to complete the math for BartleysTOE. One last little thing both these theories go a long way to explaining are crystals and fractals, in fact with pressure induced atomic structure my Graviton Grid model might fit near perfectly. Life and Particle X - Now I said this topic would prove as unpopular with the science community as approaching the idea of Infinity so I should elaborate. The price science pays if BartleysTOE proves accurate is that life returns to being impossible within a universe that acts in this purely mechanical way. BartleysTOE can account for galaxies and stars, mountains and oceans, even how weather and fire work but it cannot explain how inanimate matter becomes living. BartleysTOE can account for every single process a living organism accomplishes but it cannot explain how things choose! This does not mean we wont be able to quantify how life works but it puts it back in the realms of the intangible. In some ways it means the study of life will fall in with the study of the Graviton particle and the possibility of a particle X. We can measure a Gravitons effects and we can even measure where they are but they have no tangible existence to us because we are made of Universal Electrons. Gravitons could be considered to operate on a different level rather than a different reality because of this. Where a Gravitons physical presence is intangible to a Universal Electrons, they interact through forces, following that logic what we call life follows a similar set of principles. The aspect that binds physical matter together into life could be impossible to quantify beyond its on-going interactions for that very reason, like the Graviton.

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(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) Proof of concept - So all we need to do to prove BartleysTOE is I should be so lucky, the reality is it will be very difficult to prove BartleysTOE, but hopefully not impossible. The problem is the levels of scale we are dealing with as I mentioned earlier; it may not be possible to determine the exact features of subatomic particles because we can only view subatomic particles with other subatomic particles. Because of this proof of concept for a Universal Electron might not be possible, this is why I stated that BartleysTOE considers the Universal Electron an example of a theory that could work, not a predicted fact. This leaves the Graviton, if BartleysTOE is able to be proven then it will be by defining the Graviton, Graviton Grid and establishing the Fifth Dimension of Scale. The hard part is just how subtle these measurements would need to be on something that is continually moving, we are barely able to measure the effects of Space-Time and to measure a Graviton is to measure Space-Time at the atomic scale. This said though we may be able to observe the structure of the Graviton Grid as a whole and distinguish its properties from those of the Space-Time Continuum, BartleysTOE changes how we view Electro Magnetism and that could be the difference we need. I will propose a few ideas as to how we might test this but I will stress that lack of conclusive results might not disprove this theory either; the scales of detail might be beyond our technological capabilities. The first and most obvious means of testing BartleysTOE could be within the capabilities of the LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) experiment currently taking place in the USA. The LIGO experiment has and is managing to achieve incredible levels of sensitivity, its begging to compile results that might prove gravitational waves in Space-Time and therefore by default also possibly a Graviton Grid. The key is if LIGO could separate the difference between the two, could the LIGO experiment distinguish between a smooth and infinite Space-Time and a limited Graviton Grid structure. This probably wont be possible with the LIGOs intended use of measuring frequencies but it might be able to distinguish a difference between the two theories with some of the other characteristics of light. Because the LIGO bounces a focused beam of light waves, a laser, over a long distance we might be able to determine the shape of the Graviton Grid by how that beam of light moves laterally and horizontally at the point it is reflected back. Given Space-Time the beam of light will move but in a smooth ellipse as the planet turns and moves through space. Given BartleysTOE and the Graviton Grid the beam might flick a tiny fraction as it moved through the points of the Universal Compass. Another observation as the beam of light moves with the planet passing through the points of the Universal Compass the strength of the waves would fluctuate unevenly; this would be smooth given Space- Time. It must be said though that this will depend on how strong the gravitational force is between Gravitons, the stronger it is the harder this would be to observe. So the LIGO may prove useful far beyond its original intentions, it might be the best experiment available to prove BartleysTOE. There are other possible ways we might observe BartleysTOE and they too are based in how our view of Electro Magnetism, or light, has changed. With BartleysTOE all forms of Electro Magnetic waves are waves in the Graviton Grid, this means the interaction of agitated atoms and Gravitons would result in heat, light etc. The difference is though that this would now work both ways and agitated matter will warp the Graviton Grid, the more energy an atom retains as heat the more in turn it will push against the Graviton Grid. Put simply some matter consisting of heavy atoms like 47 | P a g e

(BartleysTOE - 04/04/2012) metals would stretch the Graviton Grid and therefore Space-Time when they change temperature. The problem we would have is our proximity to the mass of our own planet, the Graviton Grid is already stretched bar tight, it could be said. There are a couple of ways we might test this though if somewhat impractical or likely to prove inconclusive, these experiments might benefit if tried in space outside some of our planets influence. Firstly we might be able to witness the Graviton Grid being stretched with the properties of heavier metals and unique atomic structures, for instance both Iron and Copper expand considerably when heated. Other materials, compounds and alloys exhibit far less tendency to respond to Electro Magnetic waves, they dont conduct, expand or shrink with heat. Because of the different properties these atomic structures exhibit we might be able to prove that Space-Time bends with Electro Magnetism. A simple experiment would be that you take two measuring polls, ideally one tube one pole but both the same length at one temperature. If you then heat those poles separately to an equal but noticeably different temperature one will grow longer than the other and you could measure that difference. If you then put those poles together the difference in length between those poles should change, this would be because of the Graviton Grid. Following this idea we might also be able to measure how the Graviton Grid, if expanded by atomic structure this way, would also affect how we perceive time. The Atomic Clock experiment might be run in a slightly different way that could demonstrate Electro Magnetisms link with the Graviton and BartleysTOE. In the original tests two clocks where flown round the planet and so on, they proved that time doesnt flow as a constant given the Speed Of Light which BartleysTOE doesnt dispute. With BartleysTOE we might run the same experiments but without the need to move the clocks, given that something like a heavy hot metal can warp the Graviton Grid. With BartleysTOE if we take one atomic clock and leave it out in the open and one atomic clock and surround it in close proximity with hot steal then time should move slower for the clock surrounded by hot metal. This is essentially the same experiment as the measuring poles but using time as the measurement. One final experiment I propose would be incredibly impractical but is a nice concept, it might be possible to create a crystal compass that measures the Universal Compass as a regular one does with magnetic fields here on earth. This is purely based on the properties some atomic structures given how we might now regard Electro Magnetic conductors, insulators and the Graviton Grid. A uniform atomic structure like a crystal should align with the Graviton Grid because its structure contains space for gravitons to move more freely when it does, this is why they exhibit properties like light transparency. The impractical aspect would be separating that crystal from all the other Universal Forces of nature, the electrons in the individual atoms would prefer to align with the earths poles but this compass might conceivably work in the depths of space. So there we have a few brief concepts of how we might measure a difference between Space-Time and a BartleysTOE Graviton Grid. The difficulty in finding this Proof of Concept will be the level of detail required so I wont hold my breath in anticipation of a quick answer to my proposed theory. I will say this regarding one last fact that supports BartleysTOE and that is a lack of evidence to support any other theories. Nearly a century has past and the world still waits for a unifying theory to bridge the gap in physics between big and small, BartleysTOE is a new concept and if not accurate at least it is grounded in the realms of measurable reality!

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So thats BartleysTOE, hopefully Ive conveyed this theory in a way thats clear and understandable but I believe the best work is yet to be done. With BartleysTOE weve changed how we look at the universe in many ways but hopefully for the better. So what difference does it make to the world if this theory is correct and we understand how Gravitons work or what Universal Electrons do, is Bang or Fizz of any practical use? BartleysTOE opens the doors to speeding time up and slowing it down but closes the possibility of moving time back and forth. Time flow becomes much like achieving the temperature we call absolute zero, you can never reach absolute zero you can only get closer and closer to it. Time forever moves forward in BartleysTOE, you can get ever closer to stopping it in a given area but you can never go backwards. With time constantly moving we find that Gravitons causes atomic entropy and most importantly a defined Graviton Grid formation allows us to understand what and why the universe is limited by the Speed Of Light. We find that as long as matter can withstand the tidal forces of passing through the Graviton Grid it could attain any speed; this brings the furthest stretches of our solar system back within reach, possibly even beyond. We can account for all the matter in the visible universe and BartleysTOE also permits the constant addition and subtraction of matter to the universe because the universe could carry on infinitely beyond our measurable perception, something that cant happen with the Big Bang theory. I believe BartleysTOE takes the next step from Einsteins vision of the universe; it demonstrates that all matter in the universe can be made of the same fundamental building blocks, a Universal Electron or similar concept. Most importantly though we complete the theory of General Relativity by limiting it, we add a fifth dimension of scale. With this we can explain energy as waves through the Graviton Grid and links General Relativity to what Quantum Mechanics should be. So I hope BartleysTOE covers everything for a theory of everything but clearly this is something I cannot complete on my own. As Ive mentioned throughout this paper I arrived at this theory by chance more than anything and circumstances dictate I dont have access to any experts in the fields of physics or maths. So this is where I must I ask for assistance from regular everyday geniuses, I will need the help of others to determine whether BartleysTOE could be right or if Im just chasing shadows and wasting my time. I include contact details below and Ill do all I can to promote awareness of this theory but really it is down to those of you that read it to help move it forward or let me know its wrong. Finally Id like to thank numerous people but I wont embarrass anyone by adding their name to this paper until its proved one way or another, who wants their name added to something that could very likely be shot down in flames as nonsense. I would like to thank Wikipedia though, if it wasnt for web sites like Wikipedia the world would be a far less informed place. As libraries are closing around the world it is important that the internet is used to replace that loss of knowledge. Wikipedia are doing a fantastic job of providing a medium between knowing nothing and knowing where to get the right information, thats a good start for anyone.

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My contact details are : Email Google YouTube Twitter BartleysTOE on

Please feel free to contact me regarding BartleysTOE, good or bad, I look forward to hearing any opinions and recommendations, I can go no further with this idea on my own so maybe youll be the one to help. Finally, thanks one last time for taking the time to read this,

Bartleys Theory of Everything was written, researched and conceived by:

Mr R B Bartley
Guernsey, CI

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* I feel I should explain my unique writing style for this paper, its an unfortunate inconvenience but I am Dyslexic which is great for problems of logic but terrible for things like English that follows no logic. I have never viewed Dyslexia as a problem but it is an inconvenience much like being colour blind, Id imagine at least. As such spelling is not an issue thanks to word processing but punctuation is a different matter so please forgive the numerous errors. The whole reason for writing this paper is clearly that I need additional help to move the idea forward. What I can do is explain the logic behind my punctuation etc. Capital letters at the start of words - If I refer to anything by title I start the words in capitols i.e. Graviton. If I begin a word in lower case I refer to the object as it is currently regarded i.e. graviton. So when I refer to the speed of light I mean the physical thing and when I refer to the Speed Of Light I refer to the theory behind the measurable thing.

**In writing this paper the vast majority of the work was conceived of and then worked backwards to tie all the ideas into one theory. As such I cannot include a long list of contributing works that led to this theory but I will include those that I can - Relativity the Special and General Theory Albert Einstein,1916 Beyond this all the research for this theory has been completed with just the internet and a lot of searching and head scratching. I would make a special point of thanking web sites like, Wikipedia, National Geographic, NASA, BBC, YouTube, The Naked Scientist, Google and countless others.

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The Standard Model of Particle Physics vs. BartleysTOE

First Becomes - Proton spinning clockwise Current model - Charm c (+2/3) 1.5 Second Neutron / Negatron* spinning anticlockwise Strange s (1/3) 0.15 Neutron / Negatron* spinning a bit faster Becomes - Proton spinning a bit faster clockwise anticlockwise Current model - Top t (+2/3) 176 Bottom b (1/3) 4.7 Third Neutron / Negatron* spinning anticlockwise faster Becomes - Proton spinning clockwise faster still still * Neutrons and Neutrinos have the potential to have no spin but any electrons that have a significant proportional difference in rotation would act as a Neutron or Neutrino with regard to the other electron they are interacting with


Quarks (Charge) ~Mass

Down d (1/3) 0.008

Leptons ~ Mass
Electron e 5 104 Conventional Electron spinning anticlockwise Muon 0.1 Conventional Electron spinning a bit faster anticlockwise Tau 1.8 Conventional Electron spinning anticlockwise faster still Electron neutrino e <108 Neutrino / Opposing Electron* spinning clockwise Muon neutrino <104 Neutrino / Opposing Electron* spinning a bit faster clockwise Tau neutrino <102 Neutrino / Opposing Electron* spinning clockwise faster still

Current model - Up u (+2/3) 0.004

The Forces Traditional vs. Universal Forces (BartleysTOE)

Exchange particle (all bosons)
Gluons Photon Weak bosons W+, W- and Z0 Graviton

Strong Electromagnetic Weak Gravity

Bartleys equivalent Universal Forces

Electron Rotational Mass attraction waves in the Graviton Grid electrons with directional momentum The relative push of Gravitons

Function and Purpose

holding the nuclei together and electron orbits light and colour, Chemistry and biology Nuclear reactions Radioactive decay Large-scale structure

(Table 1)

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Bartleys Standard Model of Atomic Particles and Forces Universal Electron Orbital & Transitory (Up) Conventional Electron
(Electron spinning Anti Clockwise - negative charge)

Universal forces Atomic Nuclei (Down) Proton

(Polar inverted Electron spinning Anti Clockwise - negative charge)

Rotational momentum Anti Clockwise rotation

(In relation to the Top and Bottom of the Electron)

Directional Momentum Straight line direction Wave Line Direction Nuclei Orbit
(Varies by Number, Speed and distance from Nuclei

(Electron with minimal/no spin or charge)

(Polar inverted Electron with minimal/no spin or charge.)

No Rotation
(In relation to the Top and Bottom of the Electron)

Opposed Electron
(Electron spinning Clockwise - Positive charge)

(Polar inverted Electron spinning Clockwise - positive charge)

Clockwise rotation
(In relation to the Top and Bottom of the Electron)

Nuclei Rotation
(Speed that Proton & Neutron sets rotate at the nuclei)

Gravity and the Graviton - The various Gravitational interactions Graviton

(Point of origin for Gravities influence) Gwweak Gs - strong

Graviton Cell
(Largest potential area within eight Gravitons. Location of Atomic Nuclei and Polar Flip)

Graviton Grid
(Fabric of the Universe)

Graviton Wave
(Photons and other waves)

The Universal Compass - What dictates up and down in the universe and the paths of least gravitational resistance. Universal Compass Polar Force Up & Down
(Top & Bottom)

North & South

(Forwards & Backwards)

East & West

(Left & Right)


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