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STRUMWASSER & WOOCHER LLP 3 10940 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2000 Los Angeles, California 90024 4 Telephone: (310) 576-1233 Facsimile: (310)319-0156 5 E-mail: fwoocher(^strum 6 Attorneys for Respondents President Barack Obama and Obama for America 7 8 9 10 11 12 EDWARD C. NOONAN, PAMELA 13 BARNETT, SHARON CHICKERING, GEORGE MILLER, TONY DOLZ, NEIL 14 TURNER, and GARY WILMOTT, 15 16

MR 2 6 2 1 A 02
Deputy Clerk


CASENO. 34-2012-80001048 (Assigned for All Purposes to Judge Michael P. Kenny, Dept. 31) NOTICE OF RELATED CASES


17 DEBRA. BO\\niN, individually and officially as The California Secretary of State at 1500 18 I r*^ Street, 5'^ Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814; 19 BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA II; OBAMA FOR AMERICA CALIFORNIA at Northern 20 Califomia HQ, 3225 Adeline Street, Berkeley, 21 CA 94703; JOHN and JANE DOES; and XYZ ENTITIES, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Respondents.

Action Filed: January 6, 2012

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TO THE HONORABLE COURT, ALL PARTIES, AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to California Rule of Court 3.300, Respondents President Barack Obama and Obama for America ("Respondents") file this

5 Notice of Related Case to advise the Court of three related cases, two that are now pending 6 7 in the Sacramento County Superior Court, and a third that was disposed of by judgment and affirmed on appeal. All three writ petitions name California Secretary of State Debra Bowen

8 as Respondent, two of the cases name President Obama (or then-candidate Barack Obama) 9 as Respondent, two of the cases were filed by the same Petitioner (among others), and all

10 three cases involve the identical legal issue: whether the Secretary of State has a duty under 11 California law to verify the qualifications and eligibility of Presidential candidates before 12 placing their names on the election ballot. 13 The three related cases, in chronological order of their filing date (from earliest to

14 most recent), ire as follows: 15 16 1. Keyes et al. v. Bowen et al. (Sac. County Super. Ct. Case No. 34-2008-

80000096), filed November 13, 2008, and assigned to the Honorable Michael P. Kenny in

17 Department 31 of this Court. Markham Robinson is one of the Petitioners in this action, and 18 Secretary of State Bowen and President Obama were both among the Respondents. On

19 May 6, 2009, Judge Kenny entered a judgment of dismissal after an order sustaining 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Respondents' demurrer, and the judgment was unanimously affirmed by the Third District Court of Appeal in a published opinion issued on October 25,2010. {Keyes v. Bowen (2010) 189 Cal.App.4th 647.) On February 2, 2011, the California Supreme Court denied review. 2. Noonan et al. v. Bowen et al. (Sac. County Super. Ct. Case No. 34-2012-

80001048), filed January 6, 2012, and assigned to the Honorable Michael P. Kenny in Department 31 of this Court. Secretary of State Bowen and President Obama are both Respondents in this action. While Respondents' demurrers to the Petifion were pending, with a hearing scheduled before Judge Kenny on March 23, 2012, Petitioners filed a First Amended Complaint on March 22, 2012. 1

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Dummett et al. v. Bowen (Sac. County Super. Ct. Case No. 34-2012-

80001091), filed March 20, 2012, and assigned to the Honorable Timothy M. Frawley in Department 29 ofthis Court. Markham Robinson is one of the Petitioners in this action, and Secretary of State Bowen in the Respondent.

Date: March 23, 2012

STRUMWASSER & WOOCHER LLP Fredric D. Woocher Michael J. Strumwasser Patricia T. Pei

By Fredric D. Woocher Attorneys for Respondents President Barack Obama and Obama for America


PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORN IA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO Re: Nooiiau, el al. v. Bowen. etal., CaseNo. 34-2012-80001048

I am employed in the County ofLos Angeles, State ofCalifomia. 1 am over the age o f t 8 and not a party to the wiihin action. My business address is 10940 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 2000, Los Angeles, California 90024. On March 23, 2012,1 served the document(s) described as Notice of Related Case on all appropriate parties in this action, by the method stated on the attached service list. H If electronic-mail service is indicated, by causing a true copy to be sent via elecironic transmission from Strumwasser & Woocher LLP's computer network in Portable Document Format (PDF) this date to the e-mail address(es) stated, to the attention of the person(s) named. If fax service is indicated, by facsimile transmission this date to the fax number slated, to the attention ofthe person named, pursuant to Code ofCivil Procedure section 1013(f). 1 declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia that the above is true and correct. Executed on March 23, 2012 at Los Angeles, Califomia.

Paula M. Klein

SERVICE LIST Noonan, et a i , v. Bowen, ei al. (Sacramento Superior Court Case No. 34-2012-80001048^

Edward Noonan 1713 11"'Avenue Olivehiirst, Califomia 95961 Phone:(530)845-5186 Fax: (866)908-2252 Email: ednoonan7@umai 1 .com //; Pro Per Pamela Barnett 1713 11"' Avenue Olivehurst, California 95961 Phone: (530) 718-0843 Fa.K: (866) 908-2252 Email: pamelabamelt(fl)
/// Pro Per

Gary Wilmott 1713 11"' Avenue Olivehiirst California 95961 Phone:(805) 630-0330 Fax: (866)908-2252 Email: umwesq(S), /// Pro Per Anthony R. Hakl Office ofthe Attomey General Califomia Department of .kistice 1300 I Street Saciamento, Califomia 95814 Phone: (916) 322-9041 Email: Anthonv.l-lal<l(a), Attomey for Debra Bowen, individually and officially as The Cali fomia Secretary of State Gary G. Kreep Nathaniel .1. Oleson United Statese .lustice Foundation 932 "D" Street, Suite 2 Ramona, CA 92065 Phone: (760-787-9907 Fax:(760)788-6414 Email: usif(? Altorney.sfor Joliii Diiinmell. etal. In RELATED CASE Paul Stein Deputy Attorney General 455 Golden Gate Ave, Ste. 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone:(415) 703-5740 Fax:(415)703-5480 Email: paul.stein(fl), Allorney for Debra Bowen In RELATED CASE

Sharon Chickering 1713 I r" Avenue Olivehurst, Calitbinia 95961 Phone: (858) 716-9367 Fax: (866) 908-2252 Email:
//; Pro Per

George Miller 1713 11"' Avenue Olivehurst, Califomia 95961 Phone:(805) 807-5114 Fax: (866) 908-2252 Email: microcapmaven(a)
/// Pro Per

Tony Dolz 1713 n"' Avenue Olivehurst, California 95961 Phone:(310)371-7500 Fax: (866)908-2252 Email: tony(rt) //; Prr^ Per Neil Turner 1713 11"'Avenue Olivehurst, Califomia 95961 Phone: (760) 431-8899 Fax: (866) 908-2252 Email: NBTumer(a), /// Prrj Per

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