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Collectif Angevin de Vigilance Anti-ACTA Chez M. Lawrence DESFORGES Le Ronceray 49080 BOUCHEMAINE FRANCE lawdesf@sfr.


Mme. Agns LE BRUN Parlement Europen Bt. Altiero Spinelli 13E107 60, rue Wiertz B-1047 BRUSSELS BELGIUM

Vos rf. : Nos rf. :

ALB/TF/2012-001 Rponse ALB 31.03.2012

Angers, 31st March, 2012

Dear Madam,

We take note that you have still not replied to our second letter dated 10th March, which answered your own letter dated 6th March. We had been happy at such a prompt return of post although disappointed by its content, and are today borne to believe that you are seeking an adequate response to our claims. In order to resolutely increase the clarity of your vision, we address you a copy of the opinion rendered by the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) relevant to the legal evolution planned by ACTA (Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement) within the reference frame of the work on the European Unitary Patent and to the creation of a unique intellectual property market , on our society and its perspectives. By 160 votes to 3 (with 7 abstentions), the EESC clearly denounced ACTA. Following the demonstrations that have taken place all over the European Union since late January, thanks to the online petition at that has gathered more than 2.5 million signatures, the European Commission had recently asked the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) to examine the concordance of ACTA with the European Charter. The hidden goal of this maneuvre escaped neither the members of the European Parliament nor the public opinion, as the many reactions on the Internet and in other media have shown. The Commission had hoped to bury the problem for the duration of the CJEU's procedure which, due to its inertia, takes from eighteen to twenty-four months. However a vote cast on ACTA today is sure to see its definitive rejection, given the balance of opinion amongst your colleagues. A sufficient number of them made claim to the preemption of their rights as EMPs over the Commission ; ACTA's ratification or rejection will indeed be presented to you next June. Up until now we have written to you alone among the eight EMPs of the Grand Ouest constituency that spans Brittany, the Pays-de-Loire, and Poitou-Charentes ; by lack of time, budget concern, especially because you replace Christophe BECHU whose action we know to be centered on Angers and Maine-et-Loire. It appears obvious to us that we must now write to them as to you Madam, by recorded delivery, to collect their opinion and, we vividly hope, their support. If we need to write to them repeatedly as to you, Madam, the reason lies in that we shall have had to

persuade them to yield to our point of view against this law which, we repeat, is neither democratic in its conception nor in its application and institutes plutocratic oligopolies in domains essential to our lives that we do not want and which we do not need. We claim that useful real creativity and true innovation belong with the people who are their perpetual source, and that ACTA seeks to preempt that fact for particular interests that do not represent us. We claim that the hyper-specialisation included in the models ACTA promotes directly undermines those qualities intrinsic to the peoples signatory to it, and that we oppose it with the utmost firmness. We are every day witness to the deterioration of quality of life and reduction of liberties that stem from it. We claim that we shall accept no imposition or restriction on our choice in ways of nutrition, medication or communication and creativity, in extenso culture and exchange. We remind you that these rights are guaranteed by the founding texts by which we stand and insist that you bring this matter the attention it deserves to realise your indispensible opposition to this project, despite the official line of your party. We join to this letter, as every time, copie of the signatures to our petition that now total 484 declared opponents to ACTA ; copy of our letter of 10th March as a reminder, along with that of the letter sent to your seven colleagues of our seventh constituency. Be equally informed of our communication with the media on this matter. Looking forward to your reply,

Sincerely yours,

Lawrence DESFORGES For the Collectif Angevin de Vigilance Anti-ACTA

Enclosed : Anti-ACTA petition with 484 signatures ; EESC opinion no. 2012/C 68/05 of the 477th plenary session of 18th and 19th January, 2012 ; copy of letter sent to the other 7 EMPs of the constituency ; copy of the letter sent you on 10/03/2012 by ourselves.

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