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Curriculum Vitae - Rsum

Gustavo Freitas Cardoso

Date of Birth: October 2, 1977 Phone: +055(91) 8149 8871 / +055(91) 3222 1494 Email: Profession: Ecologist

Acting in the environmental area, remote sensing and geographic information systems to meet demands of customers that seek to improve their management through the rational use of natural resources.

Professional Position
Ecologist, MSc in Geology with emphasis on remote sensing, with 8 years of experience.

2008/2010 Master Degree in Geology and Geochemistry (CAPES 6). Emphasis: Remote Sensing. Universidade Federal do Par (UFPA), Belm/PA, Brazil. Title: Pattern EspectrumTemporal Analysis of Coastal Environmental Using Landsat Image. Professor Adviser: Prof. Dr. Pedro Walfir Martins e Souza Filho (UFPA) and Dr. Carlos Moreira de Souza Jr. (IMAZON); 1998/2003 Grade: Ecology. Universidade Estadual Paulista Jlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP, Sao Paulo/SP, Brazil. Title: Geo-Environmental Mapping for Determining of Management Units in the Municipal District of Avar/SP. Professor Adviser: Prof. Dr. Jairo Roberto Jimenez Rueda.

Professional Performance
From April/2007 to Date Federal Official. Ministry of Defense - CENSIPAM (Centro Gestor e Operacional do Sistema de Proteo Ambiental) Belm/PA, Brazil. Department: Remote Sensing. Position: Intelectual Analyst in Natural Resources and Environmental Analysis. Principal Activities: Development and Application of methodology for processing optical and microwave images to identify and monitor illegal deforestation in federal protected areas in the Amazon; Field Campaigns to assist partner institutions (ICMBio, DPF, FUNAI, etc.) to identify evidence of illegal environmental activities; Coordination of project: Analysis of forest management plans using satellite images; Coordination of Commission: Polar Environmental Satellite System (NOAA/MODIS) acquired by the SIPAM CR/Belm-PA, Brazil; and Research in Remote Sensing. From June/2006 April/2007 - Environmental Resources Management ERM/Brazil. Department: Site Investigation & Remediation SIR. Position: Environmental Analyst. Field activities to collect and analyze samples of soil and water. Preparation of technical reports.

From April/2005 - June/2006 - CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental do Estado de So Paulo) Department of Coastal Waters. Graduate Trainee: Development of activities related to monitoring of coastal waters, Bathing beaches, geoprocessing and mariculture.

English and Spanish Advanced Level.

Major Works
October, 2011 Detection of Environmental Illicit in Ecological Station Terra do Meio and National Park Serra do Pardo by Remote Sensing Data. It was applied techniques of processing and interpretation of Landsat 5 TM image, and navigation in real time to support the field activities. August, 2011 Monitoring of anthropogenic activity and Settlement Projects in Federal Conservation Units for Program Bolsa Verde, using techniques of image processing, optical image classification and calculation of areas to quantify the anthropogenic intervention. July, 2011 Monitoring of Forest Management Plans in Par State, technical report resulting from a partnership between Federal Police and SIPAM. Use of techniques image processing for the identification of illegal selective logging forestry on farms in Par State. Restricted Availability. May, 2010 Application of remote sensing and navigation in real time to support enforcement actions in the Extractive Reserve Renascer.

Scientific Production
*CARDOSO, G.F; SOUZA FILHO, P.W.M; SOUZA JR. C.M. Using Spectral Analysis of Landsat 5 TM to Map Coastal Wetlands in the Amazon River Mouth, Brazil. Wetlands Ecology and Management. Submitted Article on December 24, 2011. CARDOSO, G.F.; SOUZA JR. C.M.; SOUZA FILHO, P.W.M. Anlise de Mistura Espectral de Ambientes midos Costeiros com Imagens Landsat, presented orally at the XV Simpsio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, held from April 30, 2011 to May 5, 2011 in Curitiba/PR - Brazil. CARDOSO, G.F.; COSTA, J.A.; VIANA, J.S.; TANCREDI, N.S. Uso de Imagens NDFI para Identificar reas de Explorao Irregular de Madeira em Aes de Fiscalizao, presented at the XV Simpsio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, held from April 30, 2011 to May 5, 2011 in Curitiba/PR - Brazil. CARDOSO, G.F.; VIANA, J.S.; COSTA, J.A.; TANCREDI, N.S. Aplicao de Tcnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Navegao em Tempo Real para Subsidiar Aes de Fiscalizao e Controle Ambiental, presented orally at the IV Encontro de Usurios de Sensoriamento Remoto das Foras Armadas SERFA10, on November 25, 2010, in Sao Jose dos Campos/SP - Brazil.

CARDOSO, G.F.; SOUZA JR. C.M.; SOUZA FILHO, P.W.M. Uso de Imagens Landsat na Anlise Espectral de Zonas midas Costeiras, Ilha de Maraj, Foz do Rio Amazonas, Brasil, PAP003501, presented orally, at the Thematic Symposium SP23 Sensoriamento Remoto nas Geocincias do 45o Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, held from September 26, 2010 to October 1, 2010, in Belm/PA - Brazil. CARDOSO, G.F.; FUCKNER, M.A.; COSTA, J.A. Aplicao dos Sensores SAR e OIS (R-99) para Levantamento de Atividades Ilcitas na Reserva Biolgica do Gurupi/MA, held from at the Encontro de Usurios de Sensoriamento Remoto das Foras Armadas SERFA08, on November 27, 2008, in So Jos dos Campos/SP - Brazil.

Training Courses
"Intelligence Course - 5th class" promoted by the State Department of Public Security of the State of Par/Brazil. From December 12, 2011, to December 16, 2011. 32 hours /lesson. Subjects: Knowledge Production (14h /l); Counter-Intelligence Corporate Security (07h /l); Intelligence Operations (11h /l). Terascan Operations Training provided by SeaSpace. Location: SIPAM, Belm/PA, Brazil. From November 28, 2011 to December 02, 2011. 40 hours/lesson. Course IDSeg System. (Digital Intelligence for Public Security). Promoted by Dgitro Tecnologia Ltda. Location: SIPAM, Belem/PA. From June 14, 2011 to June 16, 2011. Duration: 24 hours/lesson, under the registration number AC06AC3591/11. Digital Processing of Radar Images: Software PCI Geomatics. Given by Threetek, Braslia/DF, Brazil. From May 17, 2010 to May 21, 2010. 30 hours. Image Analysis Object Oriented: Software Definiens: Basic and Advanced, given by Threetek, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil. From November 9, 2009 to November 13, 2009. 30 hours. Course Using ENVI Software in Remote Sensing/SIG. Given by Sulsoft Servios de Processamento de Dados Ltda. Location: SIPAM CR Belm/PA, Brazil. From September 22, 2008 to September 26, 2008. 40 hours. Course ArcGis 9.2 Desktop Version. From September 1, 2008 to September 5, 2008, given by Senografia Sensoriamento Remoto. 40 hours. Course Basic and Digital Cartography, promoted by CENSIPAM. Location. Belm/PA, Brazil. From February 11, 2008 to February 15, 2008. 20 hours. Hyperspectral Image Processing: Course Instructions about Hyperspectral Scanner System HSS, promoted by CENSIPAM. Manaus/AM, Brazil. From August 13, 2007 to August 17, 2007. 40 hours.

Participation in Technical and Scientific Events

With presentation of Paper XV Simpsio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto (SBSR), conducted from 30 April 2011 to 05 May 2011, Curitiba/PR, Brazil. Papers presented in the poster and oral form. IV Encontro de Usurios de Sensoriamento Remoto das Foras Armadas SERFA 10, modules I e II, carried out from November 23, 2010 to November 25, 2010. Sao Jose dos Campos/SP, Brazil. Papers presented in the poster and oral form. 45o Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia, promoted by Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia. Carried out from September 26, 2010 to October 1, 2010. Belm/PA, Brazil. Presented in oral form III Encontro de Usurios de Sensoriamento Remoto das Foras Armadas SERFA 08, modules I e II, carried out from November 2, 2008 to November 28, 2008. So Jos dos Campos/SP, Brazil. Papers presented in the poster and oral form. Without presentation of Paper Workshop Monitoring Deforestation from the Ground to the Cloud, a workshop promoted by IMAZON & Google, carried out from November 08, 2011 to November 10, 2011. Location: Google Office, So Paulo/SP, Brazil. International Workshop of Titan Users held by SIPAM/CR Belm/PA, Brazil, in partnership with the Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorolgicas, UNESP and National Center for Atmosphere Research, from September 15, 2009 to September 18, 2009. VIII Congresso de Ecologia do Brasil - Ecology in time of climate change. Caxambu/MG, Barzil. From September 23, 2007 to September 28, 2007.

Researcher Ph.D. Carlos Souza Moreira Junior IMAZON (Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amaznia). Contacts: Tel: +5591-3182-4000. Email: Prof. Dr. Pedro Walfir Martins e Souza Filho LAIT/IG-UFPA (Laboratrio de Anlise de Imagens do Trpico mido/Instituto de Geocincias Universidade Federal do Par). Contacts: Tel: +5591-3183-2009. Email: Profa. Dr. Jaci Maria Bilhalva Saraiva SIPAM/CR-BE (Sistema de Proteo da Amaznia/Centro Regional de Belm). Contacts: Tel: +5591-33662200. Email:

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