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KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS (Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan)

(lecture note Jan 2009)

Ir. Wahidin Wahab M.Sc Ph.D

Dept.Teknik Elektro Universitas Indonesia Email: wahidin.wahab@
01Feb2010 1

Bahan Kuliah
Fuzzy Logic Theory Neural Network Genetic Algorithm Applications

2 01Feb2010

Yen, J. & Langari, R., FUZZY LOGIC, INTELLIGENCE, CONTROL AND INFORMATION, Prentice Hall Inc. 1999 Ross, Timothy, FUZZY LOGIC ENGINEERING, Prentice Hall Inc. 1995 Altrock, C.V., Fuzzy Logic and NeuroFuzzy Applications explained. Prentice Hall, N.J. 1992 Lefteri H. Tsoukalas and Robert Uhrig, FUZZY AND NEURAL APPROACHES IN ENGINEERING, John Wiley & Sons Inc. Spore 1997
3 01Feb2010

First introduced in 1965 by Dr. Lofti Zadeh Published as a seminal work Fuzzy Sets In the Journal Information and Control Since then it has been the focus of many Research investigation by
Mathematicians Scientists Engineers.. Around the world.
4 01Feb2010

Popular Consumer Products Japan has over 1000 Patents in Fuzzy Technology and have already earned billions of US$ in the sales of Fuzzy-logic based products The word Fuzzy is the keyword fo 1990s in Japan. Frost&Sullivan projected 20% annual growth rate for Fuzzy product market Would be one of the world 10 hottest technology in 21st Century.
5 01Feb2010

Future Impact
In 1990 & 1991 NTIS* Studies show that Fuzzy Logic will have significant Future Impact. The Integration of Fuzzy Logic with Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm is now making Automated Cognitive System a reality in Many discipline. Cognitive System, is one that can learn and reason.
*(NTIS= National Technical Information Service)
6 01Feb2010

What is FUZZY ?
Websters Dictionary : Fuzzy 1:covered with fuzz or resembling fuzz 2: not clear, indistinct, 3: Blurred In Technical sense denotes mathematical or engineering disciplines based on the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic. fuzzy control, fuzzy modelling, fuzzy decision making.


Why Fuzzy Sets?

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic

A relatively new methods for representing
uncertainty and reasoning under uncertainty.

Type of uncertainty :
Chances, randomness(stochastic) Imprecision, vagueness, ambiguity (nonstochastik)
9 01Feb2010

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic

10 01Feb2010

Fuzzy Set Theory

Conventional (Boolean) Set Theory: Conventional (Boolean) Set Theory:

38C 40.1C 40.1C 39.3C 39.3C 37.2C 42C 42C

Strong Fever

38.7C 41.4C 41.4C

Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy Set Theory:

38C 40.1C 40.1C 39.3C 39.3C 42C 42C

Strong Fever

38.7C 41.4C 41.4C

More-or-Less Rather Than Either-Or !


Slide 11

Clasical Set of natural numbers smaller than 5


Classical Set Approach


Logic Propositions


Fuzzy Set Approach


Fuzzy Logic Propositions


Subjective and Context Dependent


Fuzzy Logic : Basic Concept

Fuzzy Sets :
Sets with smooth boundaries

Linguistic Variables :
Variables whose values are both qualitatively and quantitatively described by a Fuzzy Set Enables its values to be described both Qualitatively by a linguistic term Quantitatively by a membership function

Possibility Distributions:
A degree of possibility that put Constrains on the value of a linguistic variable imposed by assigning it a Fuzzy Set

Fuzzy If Then Rules :

A knowledge representation scheme for describing a functional mapping that generalized an implication.
18 01Feb2010

Linguistic Variables
A Linguistic Variable enables its value to be described both
Qualitatively by a linguistic term (a symbol serving the name of the fuzzy set) And Quantitatively by a corresponding membership function( Which expresses the meaning of the fuzzy set)

The linguistic term is used to express concepts and knowledge in human communications The membership function is usefull for processing numeric data.


Linguistic Variables
A linguistic variable is like a composition of a symbolic variable and a numeric variable.
Eg. Shape = cylinder Height = 4 cm

Numeric variables are frequently used in science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, and many others disciplines Symbolic variables play an important role in artificial intelligence and decision sciences. The modifiers such as : very heavy, light, moderate hedges
20 01Feb2010

Linguistic Variable Linguistic Variable

...Terms, Degree of Membership, Membership Function, Base Variable... ...Terms, Degree of Membership, Membership Function, Base Variable...

low temp normal raised temperature
pretty much raised pretty much raised

strong fever

... but just slightly strong ... but just slightly strong

A Linguistic Variable Defines a Concept of Our Everyday Language!







Slide 21

Possibility Distributions
Supposed the Police reported that the age of the bombing terrrorist suspect Is between 20 and 30 years oled, then we can define :

Eg. Crips Set : Age(suspect) = [20, 30] Fuzzy set : Young(x)

The possibility that the suspect is 19 years old is 0.7 The possibility that the suspect is 21 -28 years oled is 1, etc
01Feb2010 22

Fuzzy Rules
Implementation of Fuzzy Set using Fuzzy If Then Rules. is the basic unit for capturing knowledge. Has been successfully applied to:
Control systems, decision making, pattern recognition and system modelling. In industrial applications such as: consumer product, robotics, manufacturing, process control, medical imaging, to financial trading.
23 01Feb2010

Fuzzy Rules
Can be viewed from several viewpoints: Conceptually : it can be understood using metaphor of drawing a conclusion using a panel of expert. Mathematically: it can be viewed as an interpolation scheme. Formally: it is a generalization of a logic inference called Modus Ponens.
24 01Feb2010

Structure of Fuzzy Rules

A Fuzzy rule has 2(two) components
an IF part as the antecedent a THEN part as the consequent.

IF <antecedent> THEN <consequent> The antecedent describes a condition The consequent describe a conclusion
25 01Feb2010

Rules for Automatic Washing Machine



Pattern recognition and classification Fuzzy clustering Image and speech processing Fuzzy control Fuzzy systems for prediction Monitoring Diagnosis Qualitative modeling Qualitative dynamic fuzzy simulation System identification Optimization and decision making



And more recently FUZZY Machines have been developed

Advertisement Extraklasse Washing Machine - 1200 rpm The Extraklasse machine has a number of features which will make life easier for you. Fuzzy Logic detects the type and amount of laundry in the drum and allows only as much water to enter the machine as is really needed for the loaded amount. And less water will heat up quicker - which means less energy consumption. Foam detection Too much foam is compensated by an additional rinse cycle: If Fuzzy Logic detects the formation of too much foam in the rinsing spin cycle, it simply activates an additional rinse cycle. Fantastic! Imbalance compensation In the event of imbalance, Fuzzy Logic immediately calculates the maximum possible speed, sets this speed and starts spinning. This provides optimum utilization of the spinning time at full speed. Needless to say that the residual dampness results are much better than with conventional spinning. Because here an imbalance results in much time being wasted through attempts to loosen the laundry, followed only by spinning at a reduced speed. Washing without wasting - with automatic water level adjustment Fuzzy automatic water level adjustment adapts water and energy consumption to the individual requirements of each wash programme, depending on the amount of laundry and type of fabric. The washing machine will allow only as much water to enter as is really needed for the loaded amount. And less water will heat up quicker - which means less energy consumption. So you 28 can now wash small amounts of laundry more economically. Words underlined in red for emphasis not present in the original advertisement

(Fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno Controller)
Pengendali Multi Model Lokal Linier
Low pass filter Model Inverse fuzzy TS

Pressure Process Rig

Sinyal kendali u(k) Sinyal keluaran y(k)

Sinyal acuan r(k)

fuzzy scheduling Pengendali #1 Pengendali #2 Pengendali #n

Model Fuzzy TS

(k) -

Rule 1: if u(k-1)=A1 and y(k-1)=B1 then y1(k)=-a11y(k-1)+b11u(k-1)+c11 Rule 2: if u(k-1)=A2 and y(k-1)=B2 then y2(k)=-a12y(k-1)+b12u(k-1)+c22 Rule n: if u(k-1)=An and y(k-1)=Bn then yn(k)=-a1ny(k-1)+b1nu(k-1)+cnn Fuzzy clustering Weighted instrumental variable

Model lokal linier #1 Model lokal linier #2 Model lokal linier #n


Hardware Requirement
4-20 mA

Process Interface (Feedback 38-200) Pressure Process Rig (Feedback 38-714)

4-20 mA

4-20 mA

4-20 mA

V/I converter

I/V converter

0,4-2 V
Process output

0,4-2 V


Control signal

DAC dan ADC (Waktu pencuplikan 0,15 detik)


Pengumpulan Data
Data fluktuasi harga saham PT CPIN

Banyak Data : 483 Data untuk identifikasi: 243 (th 2002 + th 2001) 31 Data untuk validasi silang: 240 (th 2003)

J. Yen and R. Langari, Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control, and Information, Prentice Hall, 1999 Timothy J.Ross, Fuzzy Logic With Engineering Applications, McGraw Hill Inc. 1995 L.H. Tsoukalas and R.E. Uhrig, Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering, Wiley, 1997 M.M. Gupta, L. Jin, and N. Homma, Static and Dynamic Neural Networks: From Fundamentals to Advanced Theory, IEEE-Press, 2003 J.W. Hines, Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering, Wiley, 1997


Grading Homeworks: 20% Paper Project: 20% Mid test: 30% Final test: tidak ada Final Paper : 30%

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