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TWIFO-PRASO is the district capital of the Twifo/Heman/Lower Denkyira District (Central Region, Ghana)

The district has 8 Area councils and four paramounticies name Hemang, Denkyira, Twifo and Affi Monkwaa. The Twifo-Heman Lower Denkyira District is one of the 16 District Assemblies in the Central Region of Ghana. The districtis bounded on the north by the Upper Denkyira East Municipal on the south by the Abura Asebu Kwamankese, Cape Coast and Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abirem, on the west by the Mpohor Wassa East District and the East by the Assin North Municipal. geology The land area is underlined by Birimanian and Tarkwanian rocks which is very rich in mineral deposites. The minerals found in the district include Gold at Mfuom, river Bobro and Afiafiso. Diamond at Afiafiso and River Botro and Maganese at Asamang and Mampong. Within the Pra River can be found Birimanian and Tarkwanian rocks which hold the potential for the exploitation of gold and manganese. The bed of river Pra has alluvial gold deposits. The rocks in the Pra river can also be used for quarrying. These potentials need to be studied to establish the economic viability and feasibility of exploitation. soil The district has five main soil types namely: The Nsaba-Swedru compound:- These are soil developed over granite that are well drained. They respond well to phosphorous fertilizer application. These can be found in areas like Apenkro, Wawase, and Ampoma, Mokwa, Agona areas and Nwan-Kyemaso. These soils are excellent for the cultivation of tree crops such as cocoa, oil palm and cola among others as well as food crops suc as plantain, cocoyam, banana and cassava. Nta-Offin associates are soils developed over rocks, which are poorly drained. The are generally suitable for the cultivation of tress crops such as citrus, cola, oil palm. Asuansi-Kumasi soils are developed over Tarkwanian rocks, which are moderately drained and are good for the cultivation of tree crops such as cocoa and forestry products.

They also support food crops as plantain, maize, cassava and banana. They have low soil nutrients and require nutrient and phosphorous usage. These soils are found in the southern section of the district around Jukwa, Mampong. Ntafrewaso, Watreso and Krobo. Bekwai-Nsiama-Oda compound are soils suitable for the cultivation of perennial tree crops such as coconut and citrus and food crops such as maize, cassava and cocoyam. They are found around Bepobeng, Mosease, Nyenase and Tweapease. Juaso-Manso kyekyewere-Kakum Compound are soils which support perennial tree crops such as cocoa, oil palm, coconut, coffee, and food crops including maize cassava and plantain. They can be found around Mafi, Bonsaho, Ashire Imbraim and Afiaso, Mampoma, Wawase areas. PROPRIETY FGD GHANA LIMITED has acquiered 100 ha on the 1000 ha available from the chief of Praso who is a PARAMOUNT CHIEF. The land dont present any risk concerning the investment we are preparing to do and the estimation of the GOLD DEPOSITE IS ABOUT 2 MILLIONS OUNCE OF ORE AND AN UNVALUABLE OF DIAMOND INSIDE THE ROCK. The land is located at 80 km from the city CAPE COAST and the acces to the site is very easy because FGD GHANA LTD has thought about the development of the area.

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