Lesson Plan Year 4 Weather

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Date Time/ Duration Class No of student/ Attendance Proficiency level Background knowledge Theme Topic Learning outcomes

: 21th April 2010 (Monday) : Double period (60 minutes) : : : : : : : Year 4 Bestari 30/30 Intermediate Students knows the basic knowledge on weather. World of knowledge. Come Rain or Shine. By the end of year 4, students should be able to:

1.0 Listening skills

1.1.1 Listen to and repeat correctly the sentences in the text. 1.3.3 Listen to simple text and tell what the text is about. 1.3.4 Listen to and understand simple instruction.

2.0 Speaking skills

2.1.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately. 2.2.2 Ask other forms of questions to seek information.

3.0Reading skills
3.3.1 Read and understand simple paragraphs. 3.3.2 Read and understand simple sentences. 3.3.3 Read aloud words and phrases, also pronouncing them correctly.

4.0 Writing skills

4.4.1 Construct simple sentence independently by looking at the picture. 4.4.2 Complete simple sentences by filling in blanks with words. 4.8.2 Write simple sentences based on words given

Learning objective

: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1) Read aloud and pronouns the words in the paragraph correctly from the textbook page 120. 2) Answer the questions that the teacher asks from the paragraph. 3) Listen to simple instruction and follow the instruction for the game 4) Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 5) Ask questions to their teacher and friends to get information for their worksheet and language game. 6) Construct simple sentences by looking at the information gain from the game.

Educational emphasis Thinking skills

Critical and creative thinking skills: Students are thought to think creatively in guessing words. Multiple intelligence Verbal intelligence: Students learn to communicate and share ideas or opinion with their classmates

Moral values

: Students learn how to cooperate, be helpful and hardworking with their friend and people surrounding them.

Recourses material

KBSR English Year 4 text book




Questions 1. What does the picture shows? 2. What is the weather like today? Set induction (5 minutes) 3. Which kind of weather you like the most? 4. What instruments can be used to tell more about weather?

1. Teacher shows picture to

students and ask some questions.(Appendix 1) 2. Teacher asks students on what activity they do on different weather. 3. Teacher explains the usage of weather related instruments to students. 4. Students respond to teachers questions and explanation.

1. To activate students background knowledge on weather. 2. To create interest in the topic of the lesson by eliciting their feedback.

Example 1. Rainy 2. Cloudy 3. Windy 4. Thermometer 5. Sundial AVA -Whiteboard -Flash Cards. Skills y Speaking (Appendix 1) Refer to

Vocabulary y South-west monsoon North-east monsoon Humid

1. Each student is asked to open their English textbook, page 120. 2. Students are asked to read a text based on Malaysian weather silently. (Appendix 2) 3. Later, teacher and students read the text together. A few students are selected and ask to read the text. 4. Pronunciation of the students are checked when they read the text and corrected if wrongly pronouns. 5. Discuss the text and the difficult vocabularies in the text with the students using contextual clues from the text. 6. Wh questions based on the text are given and student works on it.

1. Read and discuss what the text is about. 2. To identify whether students understands the text or not. 3. Students are exposed to vocabulary in the text. 4. Students are trained to pronounce words correctly. 5. Students are exposed to different types of Wh questions.

y y

Questions y Stage 1 Pre- reading activity ( 15 minutes) y What is Malaysian weather like? When does the south-west monsoon blow?

Skills y y y Reading Listening Speaking

AVA y Textbook

7. Teacher discusses answer among students via calling them out randomly to read aloud their answers in the classroom.

Refer to (Appendix 2)

Vocabulary y y y Weather forecast Atmosphere Celsius

1. A worksheet based on Malaysian weather where students need to fill in the blanks to complete sentences is distributed to students. (Appendix 3) 2. Teacher explains to students on what they have to do and also helps student with the difficult words in the worksheet. 3. Students are told to answer the questions by them self. 4. Later, the answers for the worksheet are discussed in class.

To indentify whether students are capable to recap and answer questions based on their previous lesson.

Students will learn to work on their lesson independently.

Stage 2 While-Reading activity (20 minutes) Skills y y y Listening Writing Speaking

AVA y y Whiteboard Worksheet

5. Students are randomly picked by teacher to give out their answer. 6. Mistakes made by student is corrected by teacher.

Refer to (Appendix 3) Weathers in Malaysia

Example: y y y Windy =_ i _ _ _ Sunny = _ u _ _ _ Thermometer= _ _e_ _ o _ e _ e _

1. Teacher tells students that they are going to play game called Word Guessing. (Appendix 4)  Each alphabet in a word is represented as lines and only the lines will be drawn on the whiteboard. Alphabets which are vowels will not be showed as lines.  Each group will be given 3 chances to choose any consonant to help them identify the mystery word. AVA  Every correct guessing will be rewarded 1 points and another point will be rewarded if student manage to construct a simple sentences out of it. 2. Teacher divides them into 2 groups. y Whiteboard

Stage 3 Post-reading activity (15 minutes)

Refer to (Appendix 4) Word Guessing

Skills y y y Speaking Writing Reading

3. Teacher explains the instruction of the game. 4. Group which gets the highest point wins the game.

Example What was the topic that we have learnt today?

1. Teacher recaps the lesson and seeks students view on the moral values learned from the lesson.

1. To get feedback about the flow of the lesson from the students.

Closure (5 minutes)

2. Before teacher ends the lesson, students are asked to paste their worksheet in their comprehension exercise book. Skills y y Reading writing

2. Students will not

miss the worksheet anywhere and able to do revision at home if it is paste in their comprehension exercise book

Follow up activity : Students are asked to do worksheet (Appendix 5) that is given as homework and the worksheet is to be paste in their exercise book. Self reflection :

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