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Issue No. 671 $3.00

In This Issue
The New Alternative to Planet A and Planet B after Ascension! -2 US - Canada Border Closing? -5 Did HAARP Produce Killer Tornadoes? -7 Uterine Fibroids -7 The Amazing Structured Water Unit -9 More regarding Your Personal Garden -10 The Book: Sacred Economics -11 New Ideas Whose Time Has Come -12 Miracle During RMN Broadcast -14 Synchronicity Is Not Random Coincidence -15 Solar Flares and Surge Protectors -16 More on the Comet/Spaceship Elenin -17 What If Jupiter Becomes a Second Sun? 18 More about the Hollow Earth Civilization -19 What about the Deros? -19 Carbon-based to Crystalline Cells -20 Your Light Body Already Exists! -20 Natives Could Not See the Ships -22 What Is Summerland? -22 Did Jesus and Krishna Really Exist? -23 More on Those Elusive Timelines -24 Ascension Is Not for the Majority -27 The Will of Entities and the Will of the Divine Forces -27
Cosmic Awareness Addresses Radio Listeners -29

Reproduction and sharing with friends and family is permitted but no alterations except with permission from CAC

CAC General Reading. Will Berlinghof, Interpreter. Joan Mills, questioner and energizer, March 1, 2012

A NEW BALANCED LEVEL OF DUALISM AFTER ASCENSION IS NOW AVAILABLE! QUESTIONER: Is there an opening message or any topic or event Awareness would like to discuss at this time please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say to those many that read these words or hear these words, that the crucial time is now dawning where many shifts of consciousness will occur, and events unfold that will greatly challenge individuals as well as groups and entire nations. It is seen that this month of March that this Awareness is channeling in at this time may well prove to be a very eventful time period indeed, especially the beginning of the month and these days that are right now occurring, including March 3. It is understood that many will receive this message after the fact but will be able to look back on events and realize that there have been changes and shifts, both on the personal level as well as the collective level. At this time it is crucial for all to remember the words of this Awareness and those of others who all state the same thing: It is important not to be completely entrapped in fear, in doubt, in confusion. It is important to have clarity of mind and thought, and to set the intention that one will make it through these difficult times, for they are only the times of upheaval around the ending of that which no longer makes sense to the Divine, that which is the completion and conclusion of the experiment into dualism. There is a need now for those two factors or forces that have participated in dualism to create separate unities, to experience a oneness of thought, feelings, mind and emotion. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, what Ascension also is about is that the ending of the dark versus the light, the night versus the day, the right versus the wrong is coming to conclusion. On Planet A/B, the dualistic planet of consciousness that at this moment exists, there is that attitude that all have the good and the bad within them and this is somewhat true. There have often been representations, often cartoon animations for example, that see a character with a little white angel popping up on one shoulder and the reddish devil with its trident popping up on the other shoulder, and a battle taking place between the forces of good expressed by the angel and the dark forces expressed by the devil. While this is comical in its representation it also indeed reflects the truth of dualistic thinking and a dualistic universe. There are the two forces that oppose: the angelic beings and the devilish beings, the Light versus the dark. God, of course, that which is the Essence of Divine Consciousness, the Everything and the All, asked for this to be so, and requested those beings that were angelic in nature, cherubim beings of the highest angelic order, to partake in this experience and this experiment. The cherubim forces became later known as the Luciferian forces or the Fallen Angels. This has been discussed before but it is so that the energy of consciousness that was Lucifer, the head of the angelic forces, has indeed returned back to God Unity so that a flow can begin of those who had volunteered, who had answered the call of God to be the leaders of the dark forces. The return has commenced already and many who answered this call, many of the high level angelic beings, those called the cherubim, have now commenced to return back after their leader Lucifer returned. What this means is that the experiment is complete and done but also what must be understood is that while those who are known often as the Fallen Angels are starting to return back to the Godhead. There are still many on this plane of existence who hold that Separation from the Godhead is the best way of being, who hold that living in darkness, in evil, and in corruption is better than being a good person who can be used and abused.

The Original Nature of the Divine Experiment The experiment originally was to see whether or not there could be a harmonious balancing of the two energies, the light and the dark. In nature there is such a balance and the planet exists on the very formula of light being balanced with dark, of day and night being opposite and supportive of each other. If the night were to take over completely there would be chaos and upheaval and catastrophe and many think this would be wrong and evil. Yet if the light were to preside 24 hours a day with no respite, no chance of recovery, no opportunity for plants, animals and humans to find harmony and balance in their body and restore their beings, this too could be very serious in its consequences. Thus in nature with the balance of light and dark, the opposite energies, there is a type of harmony that exists. This also exists in the animal world as well as the plant world, even though many would think it cruel for one animal to prey on another. There is still a balance here. If the eagle, for example, did not keep down the rodent population, rodents would overrun all and eat everything up that humans rely on, such as grains and seeds. The hawks and other creatures, the eagle and other creatures are those that keep the balance. There is no evil in the predatory behaviors of those who would keep the mouse population down nor is there anything evil in the population of rodents that eat up things to clear the decks. It is simply part of the harmonic balance that exists between light and dark. Why this is a matter of concern at this time is that the dark energies of those in power and control have upset the balance. In humanity the experiment was to see if a harmony of balance could be attained. What unfortunately was found is that those who would serve the darkness were more than willing to attack those in the light, were more than willing to maim and hurt and destroy and even kill those in the light. Those of light have a tendency to believe in the highest form and believe that those forms express themselves in a balanced way and give those of darkness an advantage, for those of darkness do not believe this. They simply take what they want, do what they want, interfere where are they will and those of light stand there wondering why they are doing this, and why they feel they have the right to this. They do not necessarily stand up and battle them although sometimes it comes to this, but mostly those of light have the inclination to allow others their right to exist and survive and to do what they would do which would be a correct action. Those of the darkness are not worried about correct actions. They simply take what they want, they do what they want and the ones of light are left bewildered and do not know how to proceed. As in the comic strips and in the animations where the devil pokes the angel with its trident and the individual then follows the promptings of the devil to do that which is dark and darkness, this has been part of the experiment to understand what would occur if this balance was left to the discernment of those humans on this planet without any spiritual guidance or reference. There has been religious guidance and reference but many of the religious organizations themselves have at the head of their organizations those in the darkness, those who are willing to speak of light and love and yet involve themselves in dark actions. This Awareness need not point out how often there have been cases of child molestation and theft of funds in all religious organizations and other acts of darkness by those leaders of the religious faiths. This also of course extends to political power and political leadership as well as corporate power and corporate leadership. It is reflected on all levels of human experience where those of darkness would attack and control and dominate those of light, those who are of good heart, good soul, and good spirit, who do not wish to inflict themselves on others, do not wish to be cruel towards others, and who would honor the sanctity of one's life and one's being. The unfavorable balance that occurred towards the dark has been the situation throughout the long eons of experience on this planet in pursuit of complete

and total understanding of dualism left unguided, left unrestricted, where those who can simply take what they want and do what they want have a distinct advantage over those who would never think to take or do what they want over another. It has now come to the full completion of the experience or the experiment and it is now time for there to be a separation of these two forces into those forces that are in Unity Consciousness on Planet A in alignment with the higher spiritual energies, and also those of Planet B that have a different type of Unity Consciousness, not of the higher spiritual order but one where all are in the darkness, all are separated from Spirit and from the Divine Energies and all are focused on experiencing their physicality in a way that is an animalistic power over all and those with power take what they want and those without power need to fend for themselves. This is another type of united consciousness that will be experimented with. But this Awareness now wishes to speak for the first time of a third development that will also occur. The first form of dualistic thinking was that which was without guidance, without reference to spiritual guidance other than that limited reference that some did achieve and did try to share with the many. These beings were often rejected, these beings that brought forth such high knowledge were often crucified or destroyed or ostracized. This was all part of the experience and experiment that was dualism without such high level guidance that is available. Now the third option, the option this Awareness has never spoken of is now seen by this Awareness. This is an option of a continuance of dualism but no longer without spiritual guidance, no longer left for the dark ones to simply take charge and take control. It is seen that there will be a limited type of Ascension experience that will elevate Planet A/B beyond the boundaries of activity that have so long dictated the way of this planet where those in dark who would take power were in charge. There is seen a new model where there will be the many who have ascended who come back as spiritual teachers, where those corrupted ones will not be tolerated any longer, and where those who wish to work in harmony with Mother Earth and all of her denizens, all who live on the planet - male, female, animal, plant or human - are all coming together in a way that is natural once again as it was once before many eons ago. Humanity will thus be in existence in harmony with the planetary logos or the planetary consciousness, where there is a balance of the light and dark, neither presuming over the other or controlling the other, where checks and balances occur and there is true spiritual guidance and advice, where political leadership is there for the purpose of serving the people and being there also to maintain the status quo for Mother Earth to help her as well, her being the consciousness of Gaia, the planet upon which all are reliant on for the production of life support on the planet. Women Understand This Much better Than Men! In other words there will be a realization that man can no longer dominate nature, and in fact, it never really has. Women, of course, understand this much better than men but this understanding has been lost by those who were in power, those who were in darkness. The feminine consciousness will rise up again and there will be a balancing between the genders. It will no longer be a male patriarchal society nor will it be a female matriarchal society. It will be a balanced world where male/female energies are in balance, and the sexual identity is one of a balanced human being not a gender-biased balance as now exists. This is the new third option of dualism that will be played out and it will be an option that many choose to experience, those in particular who are not quite ready to ascend to higher levels, those who do not wish to participate in the lower levels but do wish to continue somewhat the experiences they have been having of dualism. This has been something that has only recently

achieved a new level of strength or power on the inner realms to assure that this reality may be one that many have a chance to experience. It was until recently not a foregone conclusion that this would be offered but there has been a shift in consciousness on this human plane of existence that has now warranted this new experiencing of dualism. It is for this reason that many who are not yet willing or ready to transcend to a higher spiritual plane but are willing to live in a more harmonious and balanced manner on the planet, who are more open now to spiritual guidance and spiritual reference, will have this new option. This Awareness will speak more of this and other issues at other times but basically at this time this Awareness is complete with this description. In conclusion to the opening message this Awareness wishes simply for all to understand while these are now those times where events are occurring, do not fall into the fear, do not fall into the darkness. Hold that there is a purging, if you will, of the imbalance that has so long existed so that the New Harmony and New Balance of Planet A/B can come forward. Those who are inclined to work towards the heightened levels of consciousness so they can ascend into the fifth dimension completely and totally are still very much free to pursue those options, that goal and that intention, and those who have no desire whatsoever of giving up their corruption, their greed, and their avarice, can indeed follow their inclinations into the energies of the declined planet. But now many will be able to see that this new third option - the continuance of dualism but in a new way - is also available. Fall not into fear, doubt or confusion but hold that there are many positive events ahead and that the upheaval that one feels is only necessary to clear out the corruption of those who have too long been in charge. This marks the end of this opening message but this Awareness wishes to finally say: be prepared for the bright new dawn that is rapidly approaching. WILL THE BORDER BETWEEN U.S. AND CANADA BE CLOSED IN MARCH? QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was excellent. May I go back to the beginning of the opening message where it was suggested there may be difficulty during the beginning of March and in relation to that, is the border between the US and Canada to be closed during March or is civil unrest or violence part of the scenario or agenda that might be included within that? COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that one plan is to close the borders between the United States and Canada but this can only be achieved when there is sufficient reason to do so, an event of proportion great enough that the fear level escalates beyond measure; an attack on the grounds of the United States of America, for example. It is seen that this is one of the plans and that martial law would be declared and actions taken, such as the closing of the borders but it is not seen that this is guaranteed. It is also so that even though this might be a plan, by speaking about this plan it is not for the purpose of energizing it but for the purpose of informing of such a plan. This Awareness, as always, emphasizes that one needs to choose otherwise, that one needs not go down the alley of despair and fear and upset, but rather one can see that no matter what happens all will work out, all will be resolved if one stays in the focus of positivity, if one stays in the energies of the Light, of the Divine, of Spirit, of God Itself. As long as one does this then one will reach that new haven that is ahead now and so clearly seen by this Awareness. Remember also that this Awareness has spoken previously of that event where many might not experience anything of this nature and rather than see it as a failing of this Awareness in Its predictions of this sort that instead, one congratulates oneself, and pats oneself on the back even. By not experiencing these events they have indeed formulated for themselves a reality where they are not subject to the upheaval that this Awareness has spoken of and others are choosing to emphasize exclusively.

There are many out there who are proponents of the fear scenario who are indicating great destruction of the planet and the people, the complete collapse of the economies and of the world itself, as a cohesive emerging global consciousness into a collection of various singular consciousnesses, states or regions consciousness, blocks or cities, smaller groupings of consciousness where the groups in those smaller areas have to fend for themselves and fight for existence - this is simply one the myriad of possibilities that exist. Those who do not experience it, as this Awareness said a minute ago, need to realize and congratulate themselves that they have found a way to tap into a timeline where this is not so. It is an interesting concept that by not experiencing the upheaval and chaos that you have indeed achieved success in putting yourself in a timeline that advances toward the Ascension without major chaos or catastrophe, and yet many indeed wish to see these events unfold, for then they can say this Awareness predicted this or that or Edgar Cayce predicted Earth Changes or any one of thousands of different channelers predicted this or that. Again, one is always open to create the reality they need most to experience that is in alignment with their spiritual purpose, that which they chose to experience before even coming onto this planet, and yet there still is room to shift and change things. One can indeed go the opposite direction and believe in the worst case scenario even though they were to experience less turmoil and friction, or one can go away from that prediction of upheaval and chaos rather because they chose not to energize these beliefs, and experience a much more pleasant transition into the shifted energies. This may become more clear for individuals as the events of chaos are presented to them through their governments and their controlling bodies and agencies, where they will have to choose whether or not to go into blind panic and fear or to hold firm that everything will be all right. Many will be challenged by the loss of physical objects and possessions, even homes and jobs. This is already occurring in the United States of America and all over globally and many are in absolute panic now, in absolute chaos and stress, for they have not reached a point where they are certain within themselves that all will be well. They subscribe so completely and powerfully to the template of fear that is being laid down in the United States and all other areas of the world that they simply are in panic mode and it is as if this panic is transmitted to others and all are maintaining that this is reality, this is what is happening, and then it becomes an even stronger attraction, drawing more and more into the fear and panic, into the belief that there is indeed a very negative scenario that is unfolding, that poverty and despair is very much the norm, loss of jobs, loss of homes, loss of revenue, savings, health: all are unfolding. The Powers That Be of course are enforcing this and pushing this. They speak one way and work towards manifesting the opposite. You have your president and political candidates speaking of creating jobs and yet on a daily basis they take jobs away. The closing of many of the postal offices is an example of this, and the loss of 35,000 jobs is an example of this in the post office. But this is only one small area where those who are in power are doing their level best to create such fear and panic and upheaval. Yet despite this, this Awareness is still saying, do not go completely and totally into such fear and panic. Remember that if this befalls you it is for a reason, a deeper reason, and that you need to find the strength within yourself to understand that you can survive this and you will thrive through this period even if you must reduce your physical needs. Instead of having three cars perhaps, one car will suffice. Instead of having many luxury items around, one returns to basics, and one begins to lead a simpler life, less complex, for the need to have physical things often drives one into actions that tie one into the systems of consciousness that exist on the plane of physicality at this time.

It Doesn't Help You to Run Around in Fear & Panic All of these are matters that Awareness is pointing out simply to help all understand that when those negative events occur that could cause fear and panic, if rather than submitting to them one holds them to be a challenge in one's life and an indicator that greater changes are unfolding and that great hope is ahead, great shifts are taking place and are moving everything forward, then one will find that peace within oneself. When one has such a view then one is simply running around in circles yelling that, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling"; this type of panic certainly never helped Chicken Little and it will not help each and every individual that has such a panic attack. This is not saying that this Awareness does not realize how difficult these times are. It most definitely understands that these are the most challenging and the most interesting of times, but rather than make this the famous Chinese curse that you live in "interesting times," this Awareness suggests the energies be shifted so that these interesting times are also times of great opportunity and promise. There is seen, of course, a most glorious future for those who can hold out against the decline into fear and mass hysteria and panic. The Ascension represents the shifting of consciousness at many levels and that as one holds to this and knows that the changes need to come down, even those that can personally affect one and one's loved ones, still all will be well, and all will come through. Holding this as the strength of one's convictions and beliefs will do much more to help individuals survive these challenging and interesting times than running around panicking that the sky is falling. KILLER TORNADOS CREATED BY HAARP TECHNOLOGY QUESTIONER: Thank you. We carry on now with questions. The first one is from VO. She writes, "A collection of killer tornados slammed several states in the Midwest on the evening of February 28th, leaving hundreds of people injured and dozens dead. Was this the effect of HAARP technology?" Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This was most definitely HAARP technology. It is aimed at destroying the security of those who live in these tornado areas, that they can now expect tornadoes of such destructive energies at any time. And yet it is not that it was the tornadoes that were destructive, although these are the forces that caused the destruction and death that occurred, but it was exactly the HAARP technology directed in these areas to induce these tornadoes that is seen as the true culprit, not Mother Nature herself or a natural energetic development that caused these tornadoes. It was man-made through HAARP technology. This Awareness must add that more such events will be taking place in greater number in the next several months. As this Awareness said, March may be a very troubling month for such attacks and such events. It is also seen there are rumblings in the Earth along the New Madrid fault line and that this may also see an expression or occurrence of the fault line shifting and creating even more upheaval and damage and death. UTERINE FRIBROIDS Is there an Alternative to Having a Hysterectomy? QUESTIONER: Thank you. There is another letter from FC. She writes, "I was wondering if you could ask Awareness about a condition my mother has. She has uterine fibroids and has been

instructed to have a hysterectomy. I was wondering if there is an herb that will help or something else that can be recommended?" Your thoughts please? COSMIC AWARENESS: It is seen that this condition is one that is induced in many women and of course the easiest solution for the medical industry is to simply remove the uterus, to counsel a full hysterectomy. If a woman who has had children and does not mind such intrusion wishes such an operation this Awareness cannot say avoid this operation, but It can say there are alternative solutions. Not only are there herbal solutions but there are other solutions that will help this situation, solutions such as homeopathy, such as acupuncture, such as energy healing, tone or vibrational healing and even the use of certain technologies such as the Scio machines or machinery. There are ways of dealing with this situation but unfortunately this is a situation that once created is difficult to deal with but there are other solutions. In terms of the herbal solutions, this Awareness does not have the exact herb to recommend but there are certain herbs that can be recommended through naturopaths that are very good for this condition if it has not gone to an extreme expression of the fibers building up to a point where a surgical operation is needed. This Awareness would recommend other experts in the field. Go to such experts as homeopaths, acupuncturists, naturopaths and even to use Rife technology as one of the technical areas to go with. Unfortunately this Awareness would also have to add that for many these may not work for it may be too late already, the fibers having been built up to such a mass that they cannot be dislodged in this manner and at that stage. Unfortunately a medical procedure may be that which is needed. At that point one would be encouraged to seek out the least intrusive type of treatment. It is seen that the Medical Institute of Mount Sinai in Illinois has treatments that are less intrusive than a complete hysterectomy, where these fibers can be shrunk down. It is costly, and one does need to have medical coverage for such treatment but it is a less intrusive and a less final option than a complete hysterectomy. But if a woman is faced with this choice and it needs to happen then this Awareness would say take heart and know that an operation of this nature, although intrusive and not highly recommended, will indeed save the individual and this is a way forward, and entities are urged not to have guilt if one chooses this option or any form of resentment or any form of negative despair having to use this option if that is all there is. Rather see it in a very powerful way, that although one would lose the uterus and the female organs that a hysterectomy would take, it is still an option towards life. One is still choosing life and even though the option for having children may be permanently removed, that woman is still alive to have a full and complete life indeed. If this and all other solutions do not prove to be successful, then embrace, if that is the choice of the individual, this final option. Do not despair over it, and do not beat oneself up over it. Know that it is still an option that God provides as well or that which is the Divine Energy, the spiritual forces have provided. Thus it will relieve the guilt around such a process if one feels that they should have been able to heal themselves. At this time with those conflicted energies that are still out there in terms of the physical healing of oneself; unfortunately they still are conflicted and still problematic. While many intellectually may know that one can heal themselves, this knowledge is not yet totally accepted by the low self. It is not able yet to let go of the training, the brainwashing that has been applied to the masses, to the human populace that there are only certain ways things can be done. Many still hold these subconscious beliefs, and this Awareness has discussed this before, but understand that when one is faced with a situation such as described and a choice is given between alternative therapy or a radical hysterectomy, if one has chosen all of the alternative approaches and they still have not been successful, then you need to understand that the mind and the subconscious is still under the influence of the traditional allopathic treatment and rather than

feel that you have failed in this matter, you must embrace it and allow a life-saving operation to occur without guilt or remorse. Is this clear? NEW TECHNOLOGIES ARE ON THE WAY The Structured Water Unit is Recommended and is Available Now QUESTIONER: Yes it is. She'll be pleased with this response, thank you. We carry on with one more health-related question. There is a structured water unit offered for sale on the Internet. It refers to truly amazing technology that uses an advanced understanding of vortex sciences utilizing the dynamic characteristic of water and geometric structures that allow the water to work upon the molecular level to create naturally balanced water. Water is the machine, no moving parts or chemicals, totally pure just like water running down a beautiful river. A list of the benefits to humanity is included. I'll just hold up what it looks like and point to it if this is available to you? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness can see not the picture but the energy around this device. That It is able to connect and "see". QUESTIONER: Thank you. Do you have comments concerning the validity of this unit please? COSMIC AWARENESS: First of all this Awareness sees this as the new technology of the times ahead where one is living in harmony once again, in balance once again with Mother Earth, with Gaia, and through such devices is able to purify and cleanse the waters, energetically balancing them as well without adding the toxic chemicals that are now used to clean the water. This Awareness endorses this product and says it is one that will help keep clean and clear and energize the water. QUESTIONER: Wonderful! Thank you for that information. COSMIC AWARENESS: It is not that everyone will immediately jump for it but this Awareness does indicate that these New World devices are ready to come out more and more, including free energy devices, and energy devices that clear the air in one's home and bring strong powerful balanced air into one's living space. Many other such devices are ready to come forward. This is one that has already stepped into consciousness in the manner of being made available now. This Awareness would say that it is an excellent device for those who are concerned with the quality of their drinking water and the water generally which they then use also to clean fruits and vegetables, to bathe or shower in or to use in whatever way is right and needed by them. The


individual is free to make their choice, and this Awareness can only state that It sees this as a very valid product and It does indeed endorse it.
I have been using the portable unit since August 2011. It is very effective and produces great tasting water! Editor

MORE REGARDING YOUR PERSONAL GARDEN QUESTIONER: Thank you, that is wonderful. The smaller units are even portable where you can take them from place to place, which is also a plus. We have time for one more question, and it comes from RB and it's written, "In a private reading recently regarding the Garden Meditation by Awareness It has said that our Garden could be used as a destination at the time of Ascension as a place to rest and recuperate, and as a home or headquarters in the fifth dimension. Can Awareness please elaborate on this and give us more details?" Thank you. COSMIC AWARENESS: The first thing this Awareness would say to RB's question is that the Garden is an inner construct, of course, and that while one is on the physical plane of existence the way one achieves this inner concept is by going inwardly, by meditating, by going into the Garden at a time of deep meditation and contemplation. This can create a very real inner landscape and it becomes exactly as this Awareness has spoken of: a place of solitude and for the refreshing of oneself, of invigorating oneself on the inner planes. When one is strong and invigorated on the inner plane of their being this will filter outwards into the outer environment that they find themselves in. It would be an excellent way of counteracting those forces of fear and panic that are being promoted in the world at this time, so that one achieves the inner serenity by visiting the Garden and then can have that serenity around themselves when they have to deal with events that present themselves in their real life. This is available to them at any time they wish. Thus if one knows one has to deal with an event that will be very traumatic and has some opportunity beforehand to go for a minute or two into that Inner Garden to breathe the airs of serenity, to draw forward and into oneself the power of stability and balance from that inner landscape, one will be able to then use this on the externalized environment they find themselves in when they come out of their meditation or their contemplation. As one becomes stronger and more versed in the creation of one's inner landscape this has a reality to it on the 5th plane of consciousness, the 5th dimensional plane of consciousness. Thus when the shifts come that are connected with the Ascension and the doors to Ascended Conscious-ness open up, if one has a goal to go to what he or she has already created through this process, they can then go to their Garden and this would mark their Ascension process, for they have projected themselves to a 5th dimensional space of their creation that is in alignment with the higher spiritual dictates. Thus having taken the time to create one's Garden, one's Inner Temple or place of sanctuary and safe haven, one has the opportunity to experience this when other greater shifts are taking place. One has the opportunity to go to this inner landscape that they have created in that place of imagination and higher mind. It will also be beneficial in the transitional period when one is still in physicality and needs to deal with things in a calm, relaxed and balanced manner; with harmony and peace rather than agitation, aggression and fear and panic. That is why this Awareness highly recommends both the exercise of the Garden as well as the Hidden Chamber of the Heart that has also recently been presented. As entities affirm themselves into the Light of Spirit and as being spiritual beings of Light, they will find that they are already lightening themselves, they are already starting to


remove themselves from the more dense 3rd dimensional energies and having a destination to go to will also assist greatly. Is this clear? THE BOOK: SACRED ECONOMICS, MONEY GIFT AND SOCIETY AND THE AGE OF TRANSITION by Charles Eisenstein QUESTIONER: Yes it is and it was an excellent question and thank you for that response. This is from V; it concerns the book that was read recently entitled Sacred Economics, Money Gift and Society and the Age of Transition by Charles Eisenstein. "For a number of years I've been imagining a world without money because I couldn't see how it could be made a beneficial force. This book is a roadmap to how that can/will be done. I'd appreciate Awareness' further comments on the book and the author. I'd also like to know Awareness' assessment of the international transition town movement, which seeks to re-localize, downsize and demonetize goods and services while strengthening real face-to-face community, one willing town at a time." Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: First of the author, this Awareness indicates that this is a highly evolved soul whose purpose was to come into this plane of existence at this time and to offer an alternative to the draconian methods that are currently in place, those inspired and created by the Orion consciousness, the Orion/Reptilian faction. This Orion concept using the economy, and especially using a monetary economy, is one that enslaves; it does not free individuals. It enslaves, for the belief has been that only by having money, preferably large amounts of money, will one be able to exist on this planet, to have a good quality life, and to have the advantages that the Elite have or those who serve the Elite have. The concept of working hard to earn money enslaves humanity. It is not that this Awareness is saying it is wrong to work hard but It is saying that working hard to create money and having money and using money is that which enslaves. For if there cannot be seen another way to exist and only through working and striving to have money can one find any measure of security or prosperity or abundance, then one is a slave to that system and that system has done well in enslaving humanity. Even now if one were to say to another, "What would you think of a world without money?" most individuals would scratch their head and simply say, "How could that be? There is no other way than monetary ways where money presides and has the power to grant one's wishes, to make one's life easy and simple!" Of course this is a lie and it was a lie manifested by the Orions and enforced by the Orion/Reptilian faction and their minions and their servants. It is a lie that has given the Elite not only great luxury but great power and has been a system that had it been totally in the Light, could not have worked. But it was not in the Light; it was in darkness. It was meant to enslave, not to liberate, and those who have lots of money have more privileges than those who do not have money. Yet that which is the Spirit of God, the Divine Spirit did not intend enslavement. It intended balance, and It intended that all have according to their means, according to their right to have. In other words, it was never meant that all in this system would be enslaved by a few, the 1% as the Occupation Movement points out, but rather that all have to an equal measure and that all support one another in community with respect, love and integrity. The author knows this, it is his message, and it is the message of the book. He presents an alternative to the enslaving way that now exists and his ideas are valid. They are the ideas of the world beyond the ending of this present economic fiasco that is presented as the only way, the only option. His insights and his awareness come from the higher levels of consciousness and they are very workable, but to do them, to follow the templates which he offers, there would need to be a letting go of the present system and many will not wish to do that.


Many will cling desperately to their need to have money, especially those with money and with power. It is because they have this power that they will try to belittle this man, and try to put him down. It is even seen that there may be attacks on his person and his reputation, as he is seen as a threat by the Powers That Be who can see the loss of their power and their fortune and their privileges if society truly picks up on what this individual is saying. But this does not mean that this individual is wrong. Quite the contrary, he is very correct and he is not the only voice in this matter. He has written what this Awareness would call a brilliant book exposing the corruptions of the old regime and presenting new alternatives. He has not spent lots of time attacking the old regime, and he does not judge the old regime indirectly. He is simply saying that there are better ways and he presents those better ways. Transition Town is an example of those better ways, of individuals coming together to try to create the better model that this author has given and presented. It is still in its early stages, and there is still opposition. It is seen that even within the ranks of the group that the entity belongs to there are those infiltrators into the organization who would seek to diminish the impact of the message, who would try to dissuade those who are trying to implement that model of Transition Town, and who are trying to energize the new economic reality that is starting to peak out now. These ones themselves will fall by the wayside as the corruption becomes greater and greater. What will finally happen is not that people around the nation will simply give up the old system but that the old system collapses, and in a scramble to find a new way to be, the energies of the author of this book, of his models, such as Transition Town will come forward and many will go to this for it will be a way of existing and surviving the collapse of the old system. There will be upheaval still, for it is not as if one steps out of the old and the next day the new begins. It will need to be set up, there will still be those who are resistant to a nonmonetary economy, one not based on dollars and cents, and yet it makes no sense to stay in an old system that enslaves and disempowers when that system has collapsed. The way forward is the new bright dawn predicted in the book Sacred Economy and this Awareness fully endorses and supports this book and the models that are presented within it, and the author who has put his head on the block, so to speak, to put these ideas out. They are ideas whose time has come and they will not be crushed any longer. This completes this answer. New Ideas Whose Time Has Come QUESTIONER: That was excellent, thank you. Is there a closing message please? COSMIC AWARENESS: Continuing on the last statement that this Awareness made that they are ideas whose time has come, it must be understood now that the old thoughts and ideas, the old patterns of belief have reached their natural and divine ending. It was never scripted that it would go beyond this point so that this reality of corruption and control and darkness continues to hold sway forever. There was a time when it was always deemed by the Divine, by God, by Spirit, that there would be an ending to the corrupted experiment of dualism, and that ending is what is now approaching, and it approaches hand in hand with the Ascension experience. Ascension is the elevation of consciousness and understanding into heightened levels of awareness and consciousness, but in line with this is the ending of the experiment of dualism as it was once practiced. As it ends many will resist, many will fight, and many will lash out at the messengers of the Divine, at those who bring forth new ideas, new thoughts, and new concepts. The author of the book Sacred Economy is one who is showing the way, who is presenting new alternatives and as such he is considered a threat. He may even be attacked, if not on a physical level then most definitely on his qualifications and his ideas, but yet even though this may happen


to him, even though he might even be taken out, so to speak, this does not mean that his idea will be crushed. It cannot be crushed. There is nothing greater than an idea whose time has come, as Margaret Mead was once quoted as saying. At this time many ideas are starting to percolate up to the surface, ideas that are held by those who are young and foolish in the eyes of some but who are actually visionaries. The youth of today sees this world differently and many are ready to put their lives on the line in order to bring these ideas that are of high spiritual quality to the forefront. There are others who are in positions of power who no longer can go with the corruption of their office and will turn and declare themselves not as supporters of the old regime, but those who are willing and are available to lead the masses forward in new ways and new concepts. There are many who are simply being challenged with the way life is, the meaninglessness of it, the absurdity of it in this physical reality, who believe within themselves there is something much better that needs to be born, and that is ready to be born. These are all beings who are spiritually beginning the process of awakening and this process will accelerate in the next several months because, as this Awareness said, there is nothing greater than an idea, a movement whose time has come. Hold on to this, and know that even though the voices are still small and few, they are growing in volume and in strength. Many are starting to express the belief that it is not good enough any longer to go with the old regime for it is too oppressive, it is too merciless to the needs of the individual, all of the individuals, and not simply a handful of the Elite, and it is no longer that which can work, or that which can even be tolerated. All of this is unfolding, the idea, the thought, the realization that is emerging and this will not be suppressed. The knowledge that the way of things has indeed shifted and is shifting, is that which will emerge on a daily basis and shine brighter and clearer than the day before, but it still will require that many tune into this, and start believing this, and that many start to follow these ideas and these thoughts. As one does there may be opposition both in their personal lives as well as at other levels, such as a professional level. Eisenstein, the author of Sacred Economy, is one who is putting his reputation on the line. Many will do this and it will even require that many do it in their own personal lives, willing to hear derision and skepticism and scorn as they express these new thoughts, and these new ideas, but with the energies emerging as they are they will be validated, they will be proven to be correct for those who wish to have that experience. Those who do not wish this experience will never subscribe to such thoughts and ideas, but such is the way of things. One is simply saying that the energies are growing on a daily basis. More and more are starting to ask questions. More and more are starting to present new and viable ways to proceed, ways that depart from the old regime, and the old thinking. It is indeed a very, very exciting time, very interesting times as well. This Awareness ends by saying: remember always that the New Light, the New Dawn is emerging but one still has to get through the dark of the night, and the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. That period of time that is the darkness before the Dawn is that which humanity is currently starting to go through and it is perhaps a time of much upheaval and challenge and chaos, but if one holds to the belief that the Dawn is coming and that the Force of Spirit and the Divine, the Force of God Itself is now present on the planet and is growing stronger on a daily basis, then many will be supported throughout this dark period and many indeed will soon turn their faces and their eyes to the Dawn of the new times, the New Age that is coming.


CAC General Reading. Will Berlinghof, Interpreter. Joan Mills, Questioner and Energizer. March 9, 2012

CONCERNING THE RUMOR MILL NEWS BROADCAST MADE BY COSMIC AWARENESS COSMIC AWARENESS: At this time this Awareness wishes to speak of an event that occurred yesterday by your timing of earthly events. This event was the radio interview this Awareness partook in with Rayelan Allan on Rumor Mill News. The event was a spontaneous and impressive act of synchronicity. As the host Rayelan Allan spoke of solar flares, one occurred that knocked her off and disconnected her from the computer internet and dropped her phone as well, but despite this the show did go on, so to speak. The Interpreter phoned back to the server, the microeffect, and Rayelan also did the same. There was success and the two did connect through a fax line that she just happened to recently subscribe to. What this Awareness wishes to say about this event to the members at this time is that it was indeed an example of synchronicity, but more importantly it was an event to show all those who were listening live the power of the Divine, the power of the high spiritual consciousness that is the God Essence, that is the fabric of the soul. These forces, as well as the force of this Cosmic Awareness, lie beyond measure, beyond the temporal powers' ability to corrupt or control and these are energies that are available to each and every human being. More was occurring with the loss of Rayelan's program but a solar flare did occur at the time and this event was planned by Spirit to give those who were open to it a firsthand experience of the Divine Powers that exist that can and will assist humanity at this time of upheaval. It was a small taste, if you will, of what is available to those who have that inner belief and trust and that capacity to, "Let go and let God", as the saying goes, so that they are more comfortable and certain that with the events that are unfolding, even those events of major turmoil, there is indeed a force much greater than them that will guide them through those periods of turmoil and upheaval. When they truly understand and comprehend that they are indeed that force, for they, each and every one of you is a force of creation, a creator being creating their reality in association and in alignment and in connection with those higher spiritual energies, those forces of consciousness that indeed prevail and are the underpinnings of this physical world; when one learns to believe past the illusion of physicality, believe past the rules and laws that define life on this 3rd dimensional planet, then one most definitely walks into the higher realms of possibility that exist at the levels beyond 3rd dimensionality. Instant creation is one of those possibilities and what was experienced was a creative act from Spirit that was to serve two purposes: one was to educate and provide the listener with a direct experience of how these powers work, how through acts of synchronicity, communication with those spiritual energies, those energies of higher consciousness, are actually taking place. It is not just an act of coincidence that undermined the true merit of synchronicity - these are acts that are meant to draw your attention to those planes of consciousness that lie beyond the physical, as well it was to show that this is an interactive process. As one becomes aware when a synchronistic event happens and understands that it is a connection with Spirit and the higher spiritual levels of consciousness, one can start to interact more and more with those higher levels and one begins to feel more and more that there is truly communication and connection. This very much brings the individual to a point of departure from commonly held, long-held beliefs, where they feel and see themselves only to be the effect, and are affected by physical form, physical life, and physical rules of engagement.


Synchronicity is Much More than Random Coincidence The majority of those who are asleep yet in their consciousness, who only subscribe to a physical reality as the only reality available, would find it hard to understand synchronicity as much more than random coincidence, but it is rather an engagement with the higher levels of spiritual consciousness, of spiritual beingness that underlays and underpins all consciousness in this 3rd dimensional reality. Those who have understood this, those who would accept that synchronicity is a direct communication with the Divine, with Spirit, with God, with those levels of their own higher spiritual consciousness, their multidimensional being, those are the ones that will start to experience synchronicity and acts of spiritual communication and contact on a more regular basis. Many of the members are even now starting to experience this very much on an everyday basis in their lives. Others are experiencing it occasionally but they are starting to become more and more aware that something more is happening than simply a random event that is interesting. As they move forward they will gain that capability of engaging on a regular basis, for they are reducing the barriers of disbelief that exist for most, that prevent the true merit of synchronicity from being part of their life. Yesterday's event was an event that was to show those who were open enough to pay attention and to be touched by it that synchronicity is much more than random coincidence and this was something that many experienced. Many also experienced, while the computers were down, energies sent by this Awareness. Several have already stated that when the computer was down, when the events were happening and even during the discussion between the interviewer and the Interpreter, that they felt surges of energy, a tingling, a feeling of the energy of Cosmic Awareness.
The energies of Cosmic Awareness were felt as a cool tingling in my spine while this was happening during the broadcast. Editor

This Awareness wishes to confirm at this time that It did send Its energies through the cable lines, the satellite lines, and all measure of the linkage used to make the interview possible so that the listener would have an experience of the energies of Cosmic Awareness. It asks those who indeed had such an experience to write in to Cosmic Awareness Communications to share with others their own experience of that event and the sending of the energies and the reception and receiving of those energies that they may have experienced. Secondly, this Awareness would also speak now of the fact that there was designed interference that was taking place at the same time. Whenever that which is Cosmic Awareness appears on the Rumor Mill News radio broadcast there is always a type of interference. Something always goes wrong that usually does not go wrong. The events yesterday were the most spectacular to date but this Awareness did see and sense an intention to interfere with Cosmic Awareness coming on to the program. The intent is quite clear. They wished to block this Awareness from being heard by many, but despite their attempts this Awareness, as It said, sent energies through the lines that created an opportunity to still progress with the program even though the host herself was without her telephone connections and the connection to the server, the microeffect. It is actually miraculous that the show was able to go out despite the difficulties experienced, but this too was because the energies of the Divine, the energies of Spirit, the energies of this Awareness, all combined to send energies through to create the possibility of the program going on, much to the chagrin of those in power who were trying to block the transmission. This Awareness will say that they are shaking their heads even now as to how the program went on despite their efforts to shut it down. This is also one of the ways that this Awareness would wish people to understand that the powers of those of control, those Powers That Be, the Elite Cabal of Evil, are not so great that they cannot be opposed. When one is in the higher levels of


connection with the spiritual aspect of their own being, when one is in alignment with the Divine, the Essence of God, then one will start to transcend ordinary physical events that for most are blocks and barriers that cannot be overstepped. This Awareness is saying that as the energies are escalating and the energies of Spirit are becoming stronger and stronger on the physical plane, that it will be possible to create acts of empowerment, acts of a miraculous nature that supersede beliefs of those who engage in the reality that such things cannot happen. This will include miraculous healing and miraculous manifestation. It will include events such as when a catastrophe strikes that many will be safe or houses will stand where others are blown down. It will include communications of an extraterrestrial nature as well as even stronger and more immediate and direct communication with those levels of one's own multidimensional being lying beyond the portals of third dimensionality, as well as greater and stronger spiritual communication. Even the communication of this Awareness through the Interpreter is getting stronger and stronger and there are now others who are starting to give voice to this Awareness as well. These are many of the events that are also starting to occur in these times of upheaval, these End Times. The participants of this journey through these End Times will discover that these events are becoming more and more real every day, and that which would have been considered impossible a short while ago is no longer impossible but very possible indeed and as one starts to experience in one's own personal life these types of amazing events it becomes easier and easier to believe that there truly is something lying beyond the ken of mortal mankind. This is part of the Ascension process that is now starting to accelerate and become more and more obvious. Those Powers That Be that tried to use the solar flares to knock off Rayelan Allan's Rumor Mill News radio broadcast were unsuccessful and were left shaking their heads in disbelief that the program was going on. But it is also a message to them that things are changing. The problem here is that they remain stubborn and will not give up until the very end. They will persist in their efforts to block Ascension and block individuals from achieving such. It must be a decision on each and every being's part to truly engage in the Ascension process and to start letting go of a belief of physical superiority, physical capacity, to be the truth and only truth. It is not the only truth. The physical is not the only way of being, and as this new order of belief in consciousness becomes stronger and stronger every day this will become more and more apparent to those who are the seekers, who have submitted to this journey and the hardships of the journey, who have struggled so in their isolation and loneliness to be true to their spiritual quest. They will start to see many things begin to change. Especially changing will be that loneliness, the seclusion, and the solitary nature of their lives. More and more will start to connect with others of like mind and like spirit for more are awakening now. This too is part of the process and yesterday's radio event was to help many who are on that borderline, who have been alone for so long, to see that there is indeed a cavalry that is coming to the rescue. But the cavalry is of their own spiritual making. They are part of the cavalry, they are part of the rescue, they are part of the sweeping changes that are coming and it is now time to truly embrace it and to live it. This concludes the opening message from this Awareness. SOLAR FLARES AND SURGE PROTECTORS QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was very interesting. There is a like question from MH that was written in December and she was questioning regarding solar flares if surge protectors would be useful against the solar flares? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would say what will be more protective are not surge protectors; these may help a bit but one must understand that the solar flares that are happening


are greater than any that have happened for quite some time. Thus surge protectors only offer a limited protection. What is more important is to understand the nature of the solar flares. As there is a consciousness that is known as Mother Earth, Gaia, that planetary logos or planetary consciousness, there is also a solar consciousness. There is a consciousness that is the consciousness of Sol, of the sun, and it too is beginning to undergo an Ascension process. Mother Earth is ascending - this is true and correct - but the sun is also ascending as well. The whole universe, for one must understand that what is truly occurring is a shift in paradigms of consciousness from the paradigm of consciousness that presently exists that defines Planet A/B, the dualistic planet of darkness, with a new paradigm which will establish higher consciousness as the state of being for many, a new example of dualistic consciousness in a balance of Planet A/B and of course the separation of those who would stay in the darkness. This means that the entire cosmos is about to shift into a new reality. The sun is part of the shift and in its shiftings, like planet Earth; it is in a state of flux, a state of upheaval and transition. Thus even though there are cycles for solar flares this is also a period of readjustment and expansion of Ascension for the consciousness that is the solar consciousness, the consciousness of Sol. This also lies behind the solar flare activity. It is the energy of Light, of Spirit, that is coming through and these surges, while they may have physical effects, are also responsible for breaking down the barriers of resistance that exist for the many who are asleep to changing their circumstances, to seeing beyond the boundaries of prescribed beliefs into the realms of possibility that lie beyond. The solar flares are also Light flares, flares of Spirit, that are sweeping through not only the planet and the atmosphere of the planet and through Mother Earth but through each and every human being, through their minds and heart and spirit and soul. This is a monumental event and that it is building up to that mass event that this Awareness has spoken of where there is seen to be a tsunami of Light that will come through the corridor, including through and past Sol, and it is this Light energy, this heightened energy of the Divine that will sweep over Mother Earth and help her in that final release so that she can truly fit into her new body, the underpinnings of which are already available in the crystalline form that has been talked about previously by this Awareness. When she is in the new level, those who have ascended will be fully present and cognitive. Those who could not endure - for they were not yet at a place to receive such high spiritual energies - will either pass from that physical planet and move into spirit once again or they may pass on, if they are at least ready for this, to the new example and experiment that will be planet A/B in balance. Of course there are also those whose intent and purpose is to undergo an extreme event, an earth event of such magnitude that the planet as it once was is no longer so. These survivalists who are just waiting for such an opportunity will find themselves in that physical reality where it is only about physical survival, only about physical experience that they seek and they will find that it is a struggle, but it is the struggle that they wish. These survivalists, those who are looking forward to such mass events of destruction and upheaval, will be pleased with nothing less than such an event for they wish to have such an experience and they too will be blessed with the experience of separation that they are seeking and the physical survival extreme. Therefore, in answer finally once again to the question, the flare protection units may be of assistance but since there is so much more, they will only be marginally effective. MORE ON THE COMET/SPACESHIP ELENIN QUESTIONER: Thank you, that's most appreciated. We have a question from JL. He writes, "In an earlier issue of CAC this year I read that the comet/spaceship Elenin has dropped off certain entities on Earth and continued to Jupiter. Who or what are those entities? What is their purpose? Will they be contacting any of us humans?" Your comments please?


COSMIC AWARENESS: First of all, Elenin the hollowed out asteroid/ planetoid did indeed drop off others of the Galactic Federation, for it is known and was known and is being acted on now- that the times necessitate extra help to bring those who are ready into alignment with the new realities that will form when the Ascension process is complete. They also have known and do know that there will be great upheaval at this time and it is their intent, where they can in honor to their own principles, help as many as they can to shift and to adjust. It is not the intent in this moment of time to present a First Contact scenario, for there is too much at stake at this moment, but there are many cases of connection and contact with members of the extraterrestrial Galactic Federation forces that have come down onto the planet with the intent to show themselves to more and more people, preparing them for that First Contact which will occur after the Ascension event. At that time the danger that is posed at this time by showing themselves will no longer exist, for they will not show themselves to the Planet B experiment. They will show themselves to those who have either gone on to the Planet A/B balanced experiment or to those who have achieved Ascension and are on Planet A. This is the plan. It was recognized that they would at this time need more individuals on the spot to be of assistance and this was why the planetoid Elenin came, bearing those who would be of assistance in the times ahead. Does this answer the question sufficiently? WILL JUPITER CAUSE HAVOC ON EARTH IF IT BECOMES A SECOND SUN? QUESTIONER: Yes it does, thank you. His second question is, "Secondly, if Jupiter is to become a second sun won't that cause havoc on Earth? And also, is there a related timeframe for this occurrence?" Your thoughts please? COSMIC AWARENESS: There are two ways, of course, of looking at this. If one chooses to simply stay in a physical orientation, then yes, this event could cause great havoc, for the addition of a secondary sun will greatly alter the cycles of planet Earth. There may be in some parts long extended periods of daylight, and night as it is now known will no longer exist in the same way and this could have big effects on a planet if this is only understood to be a physical event and those experiencing it see it only as a physical event. Many assume that Planet B for some reason will have great physical darkness, but it is seen the opposite might be the case for many who are on Planet B. There will be almost 24 hour daylight which will destroy the order of life on the planet, for life is very dependent on the interchange of light and dark, the cycles of life. The night brings time for the planet to rest and to grow and to develop, and the light then speeds the process and moves along. If there were 24 hours of light, that cycle would be destroyed, and the planet will become desert-like as most surface vegetation would die off and only that which exists under domes of protection or underground in those areas where there is the light that is produced by the phosphorus lichens that are under the surface and artificial light that is used by those who inhabit certain areas of the inner planet of the hollow Earth would be able to grow crops and sustain a balance of life as it once was. This is a version of what could occur on Planet B. This Awareness is not saying it is the only version but this is the negative result if one does not understand that this event will be of a spiritual nature more than a physical nature. Those who refrain from moving beyond their physicality and stay trapped in physical consciousness and belief will experience a havoc such as described in other versions, for it will create havoc. Those who understand and comprehend that the planet is ascending, and a new order of spiritual life begins, will not have this as their reality. The extra energy that is provided by a second sun in this solar system will find that it is about illumination. They will live more in their spirit bodies and not their physical bodies.


The destructive nature on the physical level of a second sun will not be so in the ascended scenario that is Planet A and even Planet A/B which will experience a shifting but not a destruction. These are all events that are yet to form and as there are so many different time tracks and timelines, many may not even experience Jupiter becoming a second sun for it is not part of the reality that they are to experience. That is why it is often so difficult for this Awareness to make a prediction for one timeline alone and apply it to all timelines, all experiences of reality where there are multitudes of experiences, infinite experiences of reality. Even on the planet at this time there are 7 billion different versions of reality being experienced by each and every human being and no two experiences are exactly 100% the same. Thus it is with the events that are to unfold in the future. There will be variance in the experiencing of those events. Some indeed will experience a second sun as an experience that brings great havoc and some will experience it as an experience that will give great hope and illumination. MORE ON THE CIVILIZATION IN THE HOLLOW EARTH QUESTIONER: I have a follow-up question. Those who inhabit the hollowed-out Earth, the advanced civilization inside the Earth - there is a central sun there that apparently shines continuously. What kind of plant life and so forth do they have on the interior of the planet? Thank you. COSMIC AWARENESS: They have plant life often similar to the life on the surface. They have developed ways that allow the plants to have cycles of rest as well as growth even with the central sun. Much is grown in what could be called greenhouses but these greenhouses are not like those on the surface. They are special constructions that allow dimming of the light. It is as if the shades are brought down for a period of time for those plants that are very much in need of a night- andday cycle. But there are other plants, lichens and the like, that have no need for this day/night type cycle and these plants are such that they are able to be used for food as well. There are differences of course in the inner Hollow Earth to the surface but what also is known is that they have developed a way to stay in the light in a way that works for them and the experience is one where they are in heightened illumination. It is also seen that many of the Hollow Earth, those who are the inhabitants of earth from times far beyond modern historical times, will also come forward onto the surface to assist those who have chosen to stay on the Planet A or A/B scenarios. They will not necessarily come forward to help the survivalists who have chosen an extreme physical experience, for they understand that is their choice and they are of a higher spiritual nature and are here and will be coming forth more and more to help others attain their own spiritual level of comprehension and consciousness. Is this clear? What About the Deros? QUESTIONER: Yes, thank you. A side question: what about the Deros that are under the surface? COSMIC AWARENESS: The Deros are the Deros. This Awareness recommends that one avoid the Deros even after the Ascension process, but in answer to your question, it is not seen that the Deros will continue to exist on the Planet A scenario, for it is a heightened consciousness that exists on Planet A and those of the lower conscious levels, especially those of extreme negativity and darkness, simply will not move forward. Those on Planet B will become dangerous to those survivors who must move underground. There was a book written by H.G. Wells that talked of such underground beings, and those of the surface would be used in sacrifice to these beings. It is seen that something of a similar scenario will exist in the future where some may be sacrificed to the Deros to keep them satisfied and they may well become in some future scenario of existence the masters of the underground planet, but this is simply one imaginative future. Does this answer your question?


CONCERNING CRYSTALLINE CELLS AND THE CHANGE FROM CARBON-BASED CELLS QUESTIONER: Yes it does and I appreciate it, thank you so much. Okay, the following concerns the crystalline cells. It's a question by VK, actually four of them. "Concerning crystalline cells, is everyone on earth presently experiencing a change from the carbon-based cells and if so, is this occurring at the same degree or pace with everyone, and if not, what is it that determines the difference? Is it perchance the level of consciousness of the individual? If a person has absolutely no interest in spiritual thought and behavior, do their cells remain carbon-based?" Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This is a good question, for it does help perhaps explain or leads to an explanation of what is occurring to those beings who are changing their actual bodies and the physique of their bodies. The latter comment is an accurate commentary of those who are not interested in a Spiritual Ascension. This is so because their soul chose to have an experience, not of Ascension directly but of indirect experiences around this event, experiences that would not promote spiritual growth and development in the consciousness of those individuals who are stuck in physicality, but rather the opposite: that their physical world stays predominant to everything else and their conscious belief in matters stay focused on physical form and physical experience. As the carbon-base is that which defines physical experience, they will not develop the new crystalline strands, and they will not have carbon 7 molecules, which are the molecular formulations of the crystalline structure that will underpin the new life forms that will evolve. The Light Body Already Exists! This Awareness must remind all that while there are many who will not necessarily move to the highest level of Ascension, there are many who will, and it will involve a transformation of the body itself into that which one could call the Light Body. The Light Body exists already but is interfused with the physical form and thus, in a manner of speaking, is invisible, for the gross form of a physical body takes precedence in a physical reality and many do not understand or even believe that they have a spiritual body form, a Light Body, and thus it stays buried in the physical body, emerging only at night when it is released to play in the realms of high 4th dimension and 5th dimension, or upon death when the physical body form can no longer sustain the consciousness of the middle self, the spirit body that is existing within the physical form. It is thus released and is free to go back into its spiritual existence on a more permanent basis. Thus when the Ascension process occurs many will experience this as a shifting of their physical bodies to the Light Bodies. This is what will occur to those who have reached high enough levels of consciousness where they understand that the transmogrification process is one where they are actually stepping beyond the physical form and more into the spirit form, but they will have the capacity to reenter physical form, reanimate it so to speak, and experience physicality with total awareness now that they truly are spiritual beings who are just momentarily taking physical form, but can live more in their spirit form, their Light Body, than in the physical body. Those who have reached the highest level of Spiritual Ascension may simply never choose the physical form again for they have ascended completely and totally into their Light Body and have no further need for the physical, although they could if they desired manifest such a body. The entity that is known as Jesus the Christed One has this capacity and it is why there are still reports of the sighting of Jesus. Mother Mary has this capacity as well; they are both of a high spiritual consciousness and many who achieve this avatar level of awareness will have the same abilities. Those who have not advanced to this high level will still know themselves as spirit beings, and they will have more inclination towards spiritual conscious existence than purely physical


conscious existence. You may see the gradients that are occurring from the highest level of spiritual consciousness, which allows one to stay in the light form spirit body 100% of the time, to the very lowest where there is no awareness of spiritual Light Body, and the being is completely and totally trapped in a physical form with no allowance for those higher expressions of consciousness to exhibit themselves. The Human Body will open the 12 Strands of DNA Also, hand in hand with the carbon-based formulation of physical existence, the human body will also open up the 12 strands of DNA. These will also contribute to moving into spirit reality beyond physical reality. Those who are not spiritually evolved will not open up their strands of DNA, and they will stay at two strands, as is now the case for so many. Many of the spiritual workers, those who have intention of Ascension, those who work towards it, will find that they already are starting to physically shift, their bodies actually changing, and many of the seekers of Spirit already have all opened up several more strands of DNA, which is leading them further along in their journey of transformation as they approach Ascension. Does this answer your first question? Those on Planet B will not have the Crystalline Cells QUESTIONER: Yes it does. The second one was also answered and the third one: "Just to confirm, those who choose to remain on planet B because of crystalline-based cells, will they in fact have these cells or will they not?" COSMIC AWARENESS: They would not, for it is not their intention to experience spiritual connection in any way, shape or form. It must be understood that Planet B will be the new experience for those who no longer wish to have a spiritual experience. In other words, the spirit or the aspect of soul seeking a physical experience and only a physical experience, those that would wish to find out what it feels like to be completely separated from God, from Spirit, will choose a physical reality where they can have such an experience, or create this experience. Therefore they would not have the crystalline subset that would allow them to experience higher realities, for this simply will not exist within the parameters of their experience and it therefore would serve no purpose. It must be remembered that the soul will still send aspects of itself into the physical form to have these extreme experiences and it will die in that form and release the spirit that entered in and forgot itself. It will be confusing for those who have those experiences when they first are released, for they will be in a state of shock that they still exist. For such is the degradation of the experience in physicality that they will simply understand in physicality that once life ends, it is over and there is nothing else, so complete will be the separation from God and Spirit. Thus when they do leave the physical and find that they are not dead, and they have entered a new place, it will take those souls a time to recover and to remember who and what they truly are. But this is already foreseen, and there are already those whose purpose and job it is to help such confused souls to re-assimilate and to return back to the higher perception of their own being in Spirit. This is one scenario and one scenario only, but it is to point out why Planet B will be for some souls an experience still sought so that they can feel what it is like to not know God, not know Spirit, and not know their divine nature. The soul seeks many, many experiences, often in the dark as well as the Light and as long as one engages in thinking, where one way is right and the other way is wrong, it is difficult to understand why the soul would make such a choice. But as the soul and as God are eternal in nature, all experiences are sought, for it is the fabric of life, in a manner of speaking, to have infinite experiences, for an eternal soul has all the time in the world to experience anything and everything.


Looking But Not Seeing Because You have no Context with Which to Understand QUESTIONER: Thank you. A side question on this that she's also written, "And finally for those in the medical field who utilize microscopes to magnify cells etc., are they not wondering about the change in substance and asking questions, wondering what is transpiring? If so, is it seen who is explaining the change in cells or are they living in ignorance? Are the medical practitioners themselves harboring the crystalline cells as well?" Your thoughts please? COSMIC AWARENESS: Some indeed are harboring these doubts, for are they not humans as well undergoing a transitional experience? This Awareness would answer this question by moving sideways for a moment. When early explorers of the New World came to the Western shores an experience was reported by one of the native people that they found. It is seen that this was the entity Columbus and that he appeared with his men on the island that is now known as the Dominican Republic. They came into the village of the natives and the natives were aghast, for they did not know where these ones came from. Columbus took them and showed them the ship they arrived on, but they could not see the ship, they only saw an island in the middle of the water. They did not have a reality by which to identify these ships that Columbus arrived on and therefore could only see them in context to what they knew. Their natural understanding of such a big vessel is that it was an island, and it was only when the shaman was able to recognize the form and describe it to his people that they finally saw the ships that were there in front of their eyes. Such it is with medical examiners at this time, those who peer down the tube of the microscope or see it on the electronic microscope screen. They do not know what they are looking at and therefore they will not necessarily identify the crystalline structures that are there in front of their eyes, for they have no context in which to place it. They will perhaps see it as debris, foreign bodies of cellular debris that are there, not understanding what it truly is. It is only when they themselves begin to understand the higher nature of the transformational process that is occurring that some may start to see it, and these are the shamans of the scientific field, who would then be able to show others but only those who are open, for many will not be open to this. It is in defiance of their sacred scientific religion and they will not appreciate it. They will deny it as so many scientists do to new discoveries that they will not endorse or believe in. Therefore some will see it, some will be persuaded to see it, and many will simply misinterpret and deny what they are seeing. SUMMERLAND IS ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING 'HEAVEN' QUESTIONER: That's interesting. Ok, the next one is also from VK. She writes, "The higher realms are referred to as fourth fifth sixth dimensions etc. There is a place referred to as Summerland. On what dimension is this place located and why is it so designated? It would seem to indicate that it is always warm there and that a change of temperature does not prevail. Is this a place anyone can go to or only reserved for certain entities?" Your comments please? COSMIC AWARENESS: It is only a title, a name for that which is described by some as heaven, others as Celestria, and others as Nirvana. It is a designation of consciousness for those states of being that are not inflicted with the physical separation that occurs to Spirit that is living an unenlightened unawakened physical life. There is always within humanity, even those who profess to be the scientists and the skeptics against spirituality, the spark of the Spirit within oneself, and there is still the need by the majority to feel there is something better than the physical. This is pinned on the inner realization and knowledge that there is that which exceeds physical dimensional reality and that all are spiritual in truth. The beliefs against it are what block it from manifesting and being realized by a majority.


This Awareness has often described this as being asleep to the truth but those who are awakened to whatever degree, even if they are still asleep, may hold that there is some concept that they know as Summerland, as heaven, as Nirvana that they will go to in reward for their long-standing suffering. It is simply a location of mind, if you will, that is meant to put some sense into their lives and explain that there are upon departure from physical form, possibilities that one will arrive in a much higher spiritual location that is paradise. That is all that this is. It is not simply restricted to a few but it is one area of the heightened consciousness that is 4th/5th dimension; 4th dimension only at the highest levels that is about to move into 5th dimension. Summer-land is more a 5th dimensional concept. DID JESUS AND KRISHNA REALLY EXIST OR DID WE MAKE THEM UP? QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was also very interesting. We have something from SS. It's quite lengthy but I can deliver it in stages. He writes, "A few months ago, maybe almost a year ago, I used to think that entities like Jesus and Krishna did not exist but were just stories matching the observations for instance, of the lifecycle of the Sun. Then curiosity brought me in touch with other channeled materials and, most importantly CAC, and I became aware that these entities did exist. Then I used to contemplate that these entities might not have existed originally but because of mass beliefs they do exist now in our world and belief in these thoughts did create those events, backfilling the history and they do exist now." COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would ask for an opportunity to make comment. This Awareness would first of all point out the entity is an example of one who is experiencing the rapid accelerated growth of awareness and consciousness from that of one who was asleep to one who is now moving rapidly forward in the expansion of his consciousness. As an entity who but a short while ago could not believe that there were spiritually enlightened beings, to the being now who under-stands this and has had such a profound insight is indeed amazing, but it is also what will become very commonplace as many who are awakening in these latter stages of this Ascension process of the winding down of the A/B dualistic experience in the dark will find, that when they awaken, their growth will be exponential and indeed highly accelerated. As to the comments this individual made that entities like Jesus may be a fabrication but nonetheless have reality, there is truth in this, for Awareness has spoken of this matter, as longstanding members do know, many times in the past. When focus is turned toward something - a concept, a being, or an individual - there is a degree of reality that is granted to that individual. For the entity Jesus Christ as he is commonly known, there was historically no such man. He was created 300 years later through the efforts of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. The historical figure that lived at that time was one who was often known as Apollonius but even that is not entirely correct. What is correct is that now after almost 1700 years of focus and belief, the entity Jesus Christ does exist, in a manner of speaking, because he has been created by the combined and collective intent of creating this Messiah. This does not mean there was not an historical being, it is simply meaning that it was not Jesus the Christed One but another who had higher awareness, and was an enlightened, Ascended Master. When enough believe in something it becomes so. This is how collective reality has formed this physical planet that those who are experiencing physical existence are indeed experiencing. In the 80s this Awareness also spoke of this matter and introduced the concept of Saint Twinkle. Many longterm members will remember Saint Twinkle as a spirit of the New Age, of the dawning of this timeframe, and the consciousness around Saint Twinkle does indeed exist, even though for a majority it is not a real concept. But then this Awareness would ask, "What is reality after all?" If enough energy by a large enough group were exerted on Saint Twinkle it would exist in the minds of all as a true being, a saint who was of high nature and high order. It exists in the


underlying consciousness of humanity, for it was introduced by this Awareness and energized by the membership and exists on one level of reality but not necessarily on the collective level of reality that most experience as the physical world. Such is the same with the entity now known as Jesus Christ. There was an ascended being connected to Apollonius, but there was no historical man known as Jesus Christ. The legends were created and merged and the entity that is now known as Jesus Christ is indeed real, for it was created in consciousness and does have substance now to the billions who would believe in the entity and who do believe in the entity. It would be erroneous and wrong to say that Jesus Christ does not exist but it would be more correct to understand he exists because many have energized him, many have focused their intent and desire and wishes on him and many have created him as a true being. And there is now "evidence" of his existence in the history of the Bible and other works along the track of time that enfolds him and creates him. This is also so for others but this will suffice as an example. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: That would also include Krishna as well? Is that correct? COSMIC AWARENESS: It would include Krishna, and it would include Buddha. It would include all beings, for it must be understood there is no such thing as time. The illusion of time as being a linear process from the past and into the present and into some type of future is again an illusionary process used to give order to the mind of the collective majority and the individual. With such a time track one can present as real such entities and beings, but in truth time is in the moment, it is in the Now and all beings and all experiences and all existence is occurring at this very instant. Thus past lives are not past at all but are parallel to the present focus life. Thus it is that when one can shift from the focus of physical reality as it is held by so many into nonphysical reality that one can experience past lives, other lives, parallel lives, and those boundaries and barriers that so rigidly defined physical existence fade away and one becomes more and more aware of their temporal nature as one becomes spiritually aware and enlightened. Is this clear? QUESTIONER: Yes it is, thank you. He carries on. "At that time it was more confusing as I didn't have an understanding about timelines, which I do now because of CAC newsletters and many of the personal consultations with the Interpreter and Awareness. So all of this now leads to interesting revelations, although it might seem obvious - there must be a timeline where only Jesus existed and one where only Krishna existed and one where only Buddha existed, similarly, where none existed and there must be a timeline where no religion existed and humans are either doing great, staying out of the confusion or doing worse because they were not challenged through the confusions and did not experience much." Can you comment on that so far please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness will simply say yes to all of the above. MORE ON THOSE ELUSIVE TIMELINES QUESTIONER: Ok, carrying on, "It appears clearly that Awareness must be tapping into those timelines to answer hypothetical questions, as in our timeline, like how many humans can survive if all the earth resources are managed well, etc. So in this timeline we have all the possible confusions and we belong to one of the most challenged versions of timelines, which of course comes with its own reward for the potential to rise beyond all expectations than ever imagined. Now this gets even more interesting. It turns out that whatever significant change I accomplish with beliefs, either based on primary imagination or secondary observation, will not alter a thing in the original timeline, but will create a new one containing the experience of change. No matter how hard I try it will not change a thing except for myself creating a new timeline, which again will battle the shared beliefs with others before it gets created. Although trying to help others may create a difference for them to realize this and rise, but in reality sooner or later, it becomes a secondary motive, as there is no end to it.


Or you can say that this can be pursued only up to an extent until you start to become uncomfortably bored." Your comment please? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness would ask where to begin, for this is very complex in the fact that he is so expanded in his thinking that he is touching many truths at this time. This Awareness congratulates him for having such expanded consciousness and awareness of these truths. This Awareness will start with the concept of timelines. For most individuals, as was noted by this entity, they are only in one timeline and there are many timelines that are created through the choices of one's life. This Awareness has spoken of this, but taking it at this time along this path, that as one walks the path of their life and one becomes spiritually aware the concept of parallel lifetimes becomes something that is considered by them as they move forward in expanding consciousness. It is still not reality, for it is intellectual conjecture and not actual experiential truth. But as one moves even into greater levels of experience of that spiritual reality, the spiritual truth, the concept of one's timeline is more and more obvious and the realization that they as creator beings can focus on a series of choices that will lead them one way or another, becomes more and more obvious. For the majority at this time it is still at a level of conjecture of this reality, this truth. Most do not yet have the experience of it, although these experiences through synchronistic events and miraculous unfoldings are starting to happen more and more. As individuals realize that they can choose to go into fear and panic, as it is orchestrated by those in power to inflict the minds of the masses, they will see that they do not need to live in such a reality, and they can defuse this. They can remove themselves from a timeline of such a nature where they are trapped by their fears, their disbelief, and their confusion. They can even realize that there is a part of them that may be having such an experience but they are not that part. They are the part of consciousness that has chosen to move forward in trust and faith, expanding into the higher realms of conscious awareness where their reality supersedes the laws and rules of physicality. Thus their physical worlds are able to be influenced, affected and changed by their own thought process, their own creative nature, and they can continue to refine this and move this towards a total experience of creation at their fingers, but creation in alignment with the Will of God, for part of the journey is also to realize that as a spiritual being one is also part of the Divine Essence, the Spirit of God. As one becomes united in this concept of awareness they are able to live aligned with the Will of God, and realize it is also their will. It does not simply involve giving up their will to the Will of God, but rather transcends that to the realization that as aspects of the Divine, as aspects of soul having physical experience, they are indeed as creator beings part of the Divine Consciousness, part of the mind and soul of God Itself. The two blend together, both as individual will and choice and Divine Will and Choice, and that alignment brings one onto the path of Spiritual Ascension and allows the escape from the physical prison that the majority are entrapped in. This is also that place where other timelines, other experiences of truth and reality are seen more clearly and the truths and realities of one timeline, one set of experiences, are unique to that timeline and they are also honored, even though the focus personality has continued on a path toward spiritual expansion and Ascension. Ultimately this describes the Ascension process. That which is known as the Ascension event will help many escape the physical parameters of belief, the rules and laws that determine reality at this time, by moving them beyond that prison of belief that defines experience and consciousness on Planet Earth in physical form into a new reality where they can create from the Mind of God, for they recognize that it is their mind, their heart, and their soul as well. Does this somewhat explain the matter? QUESTIONER: Yes it does, it really does. He concludes with, "So it means that every soul is here for its own reasons, to fix its own problems, to realize this illusion and focus on self to finally step out


of it, although it is easy to say this, and so difficult to realize this as truth, but such is the nature of illusion. Does all this make sense? Will Awareness please correct this or add to it?" And I think he's done a good job of it so far. COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness agrees. This has been presented in high order. What this Awareness will add to it is to realize that it is the soul's purpose as it travels through the multitude of experiences on the physical plane, the multitude of lifetimes of experience on the physical plane, to finally come to a realization that it is not physical, but spirit having a physical existence. Those who are still asleep or unconscious to this truth will live their lives in complete compliance to the physical rules and laws that govern this physical universe, this third dimensional reality. However, it is the intent of the soul to move through lifetimes until it finally reaches a point where the soul awakens in physical form to the truth of its own being and it realizes it is having a physical experience and not that it is a physical being wondering if it has a soul or a spiritual nature. This marks the evolutionary soul process or the evolution of the soul, but at the same time what this Awareness would add is that each and every experience in physical form is a unique experience that the soul needs and wishes. No single life is only about spiritual expansion; it is about having experiences as well that it takes back to the soul, back to God. In other words, even a life full of tragedy and upheaval, chaos and misery, has a purpose for the soul. While in that life, the intent of the soul was not at that moment to have the Ascension experience. But it is the purpose of the soul to collect the experiences that cumulatively move the soul forward until in a particular lifetime the soul finally has reached a high enough level of comprehension that it can then finally realize the truth of its being and have its Ascension experiences. In the past this has been reserved to a small handful of entities such as Jesus the Christed one, Buddha, Krishna and others who are no longer known because they have been lost in the annals of history and prehistory. But this Mass Ascension event will be an event where for the first time a huge group of individuals have reached that point of Planetary Ascension. This means they are ready to ascend as Mother Earth is ready to ascend, and this Planetary Ascension is of great significance to many, many others who are here from other dimensions and other regions of space to observe this extraordinary mass event. For many the nature of Ascension has been a singular experience of an individual. The extraterrestrial planets that form the Galactic Federation have largely populaces that have experienced Ascension and come from higher awareness. Thus they are here to assist at this time as the fledgling planet known as Earth is about to go through her first Planetary Ascension, but even to them the scope of this event is staggering. In their own histories there have been those who have reached Ascension and have been successful in teaching others the path of Ascension and the planet moved forward in this manner, but this is a unique event, this Mass Ascension, for many will pass through this experience simultaneously versus being taught and guided by those handful of Ascended Ones who come back to teach those who are left that they are Ascended Beings and that they are Spiritual Beings. It simply is a different way of doing it that has intrigued many from different dimensions and different realms of this space/time continuum. Ultimately when one realizes that each and every life is valuable, even those who do not believe in Ascension or the evolution of the soul; their lives as skeptics are valuable also to the soul and to the experience that aspect brings back to the soul and thus back to God. Even those experiences in the dark where one has committed oneself to the pursuit of evil action separated from the Essence of God are valuable to the soul when that aspect of the soul having the experience finally returns. It has been shared by this Awareness that the entity/consciousness that is Lucifer, the lighted one, the carrier of Light, has returned to God, but what is also now occurring is that many of those "Fallen Angels" are also returning to the Godhead, are also stepping back into the Light of God, leaving behind the planet of dualistic thinking that was created to experience the experiment of


the dark ones in charge more than those of Light. Even the shifting of consciousness of those who have played in the darkness for so long is occurring and is tipping the balance toward the Ascension experience and the spiritual realization that all souls will eventually return home, even those that have played in the dark for millions of years. Finally this Awareness would say that when one understands these principles, when one understands that each and every human being having an experience of Light is of great value to the essence of the Divine, and that each and every experience is unique and important, then one can stop worrying about others who do not seem to be getting it, who do not seem to be moving toward spiritual enlightenment. This is particularly important for those who have found spiritual awareness and are seeking the truth of Spirit, of the Divine, but are surrounded by loved ones and family and friends and others who have no such belief or even a desire to pursue this. Many are the times that this Awareness has heard from individuals It has read for and communicated with that the individuals are surrounded by "nonbelievers." What this simply means is that the individual is having their own unique life experience at a higher level of comprehension of the need and the importance of seeking one's spiritual nature out, but that the majority who are asleep choose not this experience. In other words, it is their spiritual desire, the desire of the soul, to have the unique experience they are having, even if it does not include a quest toward spiritual enlightenment. When one realizes this it is easier to let the other go who is not in alignment with your own belief, he or she who is not a spiritual seeker, but who is simply here to have his or her own physical experience and this is as valid as the individual who has reached a place of spiritual enlightenment and is pursuing hectically the Ascension experience, whether as an individual or as part of a mass movement of many who will experience this. Ascension is a Mass Movement, but not a Majority Movement Even though it is a mass movement, it is still not a majority movement. This means that the majority of Earth beings at this time of spiritual beings who are having physical experiences are not here to ascend, but they are here to have peripheral experiences around Ascension. They are here to have their own unique life experience, often at lower levels of consciousness, but it all works toward the full understanding of physical life and the experience of dualistic life that has been the journey at this time. It is as if each piece is part of a greater puzzle and each has value to the puzzle. A puzzle with pieces missing will never be as complete or valuable as a puzzle with each piece involved there. God does not need each individual having a life experience to be moving toward spiritual Ascension, for It knows that all will eventually return, and all will bring back the piece of the puzzle that they carry and in the end there will be a complete picture. Is this clear? WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WILL OF ENTITIES AND THE WILL OF THE DIVINE FORCES? QUESTIONER: Thank you. This last question comes from CT who writes, "What's the difference between the will of entities and the will of the Divine Forces? If the basis of this universe is wellbeing, you can't at that same root of well-being have the capacity to pronounce you evil. It is vibrationally impossible that a vengeful God is manufactured from entities' place of deepest despair. Would you comment please?" COSMIC AWARENESS: What if having experience of infinite despair is the purpose of the soul? What if the aspect of soul having such an experience wishes to know this, and bring it back to God, back to the soul fabric of its own being so that it can be added to the infinite tapestry that is being woven? It is unfair to think that one cannot have a sense of well-being and yet also have a sense of


despair. This Awareness may be interpreting this slightly differently than the individual has meant but what this Awareness is saying is that the levels of consciousness are much, much more complex than most can gather. It is not meaning to insult here, It is simply saying that because there is an ultimate purpose for experience, an individual life's purpose for experience, that the two coexist with one another, not necessarily understood and recognized by the entity's conscious awareness but still held in tandem together. The soul has a purpose for having dark experiences, experiences where it delves into the levels of reality where there is great pain, great despair, and great evil. Equally, it can have experiences of great Light, and great hope and great devotion. They exist and coexist together but are not necessarily understood at the same moment, for this is the nature of enlightenment: to understand the purpose of why one has, for example, brought great despair and hopelessness into one's life. When one is in that state the vibration of the entity in that moment is indeed low, and as a creator being living in such vibration, living in such belief, the experience is extended infinitely until the decision is reached to stop this experience. This stopping may be in a physical death, or it may be in a moment of revelation and awakening, where it is suddenly seen and understood that one can make a choice to stay in such vibration or one can choose to shift from such vibration. The spiritual evolutionary process, of course, still includes moving towards the enlightened under-standing of one's own being, but it can and does include the opportunity to have all other experiences that do not lead one into the Light, for in totality the combination of all experiences produces the tapestry, and each strand of the tapestry is individual and unique but it is also part of the greater tapestry ultimately. This Awareness would say that it is difficult to hold that space of impoverished consciousness without being drawn into it and not believing that there is a higher form of existence that does have spiritual joy and happiness and profound fulfillment and bliss, for when one is in the dark one wishes to believe that their life is misery, is pain, is chaos and confusion and that this is right and correct, but as one starts to evaluate this from a different perspective and starts to realize that this is only one perspective, one can start to shift and move themselves, perhaps not in one lifetime but over all lifetimes away from the central theme the soul has decided to pursue, that it eventually does lead one back into the spiritual awareness of one's greater reality, the greater truth of Spirit and they then are able to see the tapestry instead of simply the thread in that tapestry. This is, of course, a confusing area but it is hoped by this Awareness that It has helped understand somewhat what the entity was asking about. Let Go and Let the Change Move You Along QUESTIONER: Yes it does, definitely. I'm following you exactly. Thank you for that. Did you wish to do a closing message? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness is complete. There is at this time no need for a closing message. The only thing that this Awareness would say is that in these times of change that the greatest act of courage and bravery is to let go of the lifeline and to let the change move one along, knowing that in trust and in faith that the connection to the Divine will always take one to a place of higher perception and awareness, and a place of safety and well-being. But if one does not trust this process, then one will experience the full chaos of that which is unfolding. This Awareness has shown many lifelines, and there are other high spiritual beings and high levels of consciousness in each and every individual that are reaching out to those portions of themselves that are going through this upheaval, and one is not alone at this time. Many are starting to understand this truth, this reality, more and more every day. Remember that there are


lifelines; remember that the flow, even though it may be strong, is indeed exhilarating as well. Believe that you will arrive home safely and you will. QUESTIONER: Thank you. It was an excellent session. (The Law of Gratitude is given) ===========================================================================
Cosmic Awareness Opening Message given March 23, 2012 on the Rumor Mill News Radio Broadcast.

This Awareness of course has much to say to the listeners, but at this time what this Awareness would say is mostly that which the Interpreter has already stated, that these are indeed interesting times, a crucial period of adjustment in the psyche and in the Spirit, where that which has so long been considered the norm and that which is normal will cease to be that which has been constant and steady for those of this earthly plane of existence. There is already much upheaval that is occurring. The phrase "End Times" has often been used to express these times and that the term itself is simply a reference to the shifts in consciousness, the changes in reality that are now taking place shifts and changes that will take humanity and planet Earth, the Logos of planetary consciousness that is Mother Earth or Gaia, into heightened and higher levels of vibration and frequency. At the same time there will be events of earthly proportions that are taking place that will challenge many. There will be economic events, there will be spiritual, religious events. These interesting times can be either a blessing for those who understand that these are times of change, these are times of shifting consciousness, or they can be a curse to those who believe that the End Times are brutal and savage and dark and evil. It is a matter of perspective, it is a matter of the beliefs one holds, and that when one goes into fear and chaos and confusion then one cannot walk their path towards Ascension with clarity and wisdom and dignity. They will be subject to manipulation and control by those secret powers, the dark Cabal of power that control this dark planet. This planet is that which this Awareness calls planet A/B with the dark energies, the dark ones, in control over those who are working spiritually, who are working towards Light, and it has control, of course, over the masses as well. The masses are those who are largely asleep at this time and therefore are easily led here or there according to those Powers That Be who would seek to manipulate and control and enslave the masses. Those who are in the Light, those who are spiritual seekers, those who wish to partake in the Ascension often find that the energies of the dark ones are indeed impressive and oppressive on them and that there is a struggle and many in the Light feel they can hardly wait for the shifts of consciousness that are occurring at this time. This Awareness says to remember each is a spiritual being who is inhabiting a physical body, having a physical experience at this time for the sake of learning from the experiences of their life. Even those experiences of chaos, of upheaval and total change, even those experiences of wonder and miracles and magic, all are experiences experienced at this time for the purpose of learning, growing and developing spiritually. As one is traveling through these interesting times one always has the choice to succumb to fear and panic or to trust that these changes, these sweeping changes, are happening in order for all to move forward, Mother Earth as well as humanity. The Ascension process is one of growth and development, of spiritual upheaval in the sense that it brings one to crisis points so one can let go of what one once believed in, so that one can grasp the new reality that is unfolding all around.


You spoke of your own unique experience today as you experienced a time loop and slowed down time. This is also one of the many types of experiences that can happen and this Awareness certainly says to you that your experience was authentic and is part of the shifting cauldron of experiences in reality that many are now experiencing. Stay on track, trust, believe and know that all will be well even when everything around you is changing and shifting. One needs to understand that at the same time there are higher spiritual forces that supersede all physical activity, all that which individuals deem as the important events in their physical lives, and that with Spirit behind you and under you and over you, before and beside you, that you are well protected and well guided on the journey that is life. This is the opening message of this Awareness. ===========================================================================
WHAT IS COSMIC AWARENESS? COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as "Channels" for the "Heavenly Father" and who speaks again today as the world begins to enter the "New Age" of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the New Age. Throughout the thousands of "Readings" given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only "indicate" and "suggest". Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in thi s newsletter.

Cosmic Awareness has requested that those experiencing miracles in their life through using the new Heart Chamber Meditation to please send in their stories for the upliftment of the members. The stories of your miracles will be posted on the website and in the newsletter. (You can be anonymous if you prefer).

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COSMIC AWARENESS CONSULTATIONS These are way beyond a reading, its a life experience. Personal Cosmic Awareness Consultations, Regression therapy to past lives, Addiction therapy, working at deep multidimensional levels, Huna Techniques. You can get readings everywhere today but you can now talk for 60 minutes directly with Cosmic Awareness Itself! Rates: $300 for non-members, $200 for CAC members, US dollars. The phone call itself is paid by Will. Make a quick call to Will Berlinghof at 403-286-5248 to arrange an appointment (he will call you back) or visit Confirm your appointment first before sending money!

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