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We are taught to stand, walk, jump, run, talk, read, write and such many skills! But we are not inspired and guided to know and be ourselves! This statement may appear strange; but if we ponder over it; a bit seriously; then we would be convinced about it. In fact we dont seem to realize that such inspiration and guidance; is even needed! As a result; we live reflexly, superficially and casually; in accordance with the stimuli impinging on us from environment; inside and outside our body! This kind of life; is the root cause of stress; in individual and global life; in the form of inappropriate perspective, policies, plans, programs and actions; at individual and global levels. TOTAL STRESS MANAGEMENT, the core of which is NAMASMARAN; embodies; knowing and being our true selves; and expressing ourselves; in holistic perspective, policy making, planning, programming, execution and administration at all levels! This ensures; moment to moment contentment and fulfillment to our innate core i.e. our true self. In absence of Total Stress Management, all the efforts towards; globalization, development, progress, advancement,

modernization, health care, charity and stress management; fail, in blossoming and fulfilling us and the universe! Can NAMASMARAN help in this? But what is NAMASMARAN? Namasmaran usually embodies; remembering the name of God, Guru, great souls; such as prophets and whatever is considered as holy e.g. planets and stars. It is remembered silently, loudly, along with music, dance, along with breathing, in group or alone. Further, NAMASMARAN is either counted by some means such as fingers, rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA), or electronic counter; or practiced without counting. The traditions vary from region to region and from religion to religion. However the universal principle underlying NAMASMARAN is to reorient our physiological and social being; with our true self and establish and strengthen the bond between; our physiological and social being; with our true self; and finally reunification or merger with our true self!

Since individual consciousness is the culmination of every activity in life; and NAMASMARAN the pinnacle of or culmination of individual consciousness; NAMASMARAN is actually opening the final common pathway to objective or cosmic consciousness; so that individual consciousness in every possible activity gets funneled into or unified with Him! Thus NAMASMARAN is in fact the YOGA of YOGA in the sense that it is the culmination of consciousness associated with every possible procedure and technique in the yoga that we are familiar with. It is the YOGA of YOGA because it is the culmination of consciousness associated with all the activities in the universe, which it encompasses as well! It is YOGA of YOGA because everybody in the world irrespective of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it; in the process of liberation. Even so called non believers also would not miss the benefit of NAMASMARAN as they may remember true self through one symbol or another! Just as NAMASMARAN is YOGA of YOGA it is meditation of meditation also! This is because the natural and ultimate climax of every form of meditation; is

remembering true self or merging with cosmic consciousness effortlessly! These facts however have to be realized with persistent practice of NAMSMARAN and not blindly believed or blindly disbelieved with casual approach! In short NAMSMARAN is super-bounty of cosmic consciousness for every individual to realize it (cosmic consciousness)! This is truly a super-bounty because a person, who experiences it, rises above mercenary, commercial and even professional and charity planes and manifest super- transactions in his or her life! These are just few observations to give rough idea about what is NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is an ocean of bliss. Its true meaning is beyond description in words and has to b experienced, not by one or few person sporadically; but by billions! The last point is; NAMASMARAN would certainly enlighten, empower and enable some people; out of those billions practicing NAMASMARAN; to evolve, guide and consolidate the global conscience and thereby manifest

global unity and harmony and justice, through globally benevolent proper policies! References: Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Sahasranetra: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar All available for free download on And DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKAR

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