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IR Part-66 Module 15 Gas Turbine Engine Knowledge Levels ‘The basic knowledge cequirements for categories A and BI certifying staff are indicated ia the contents list of the module nores by knowledge level indicators 1, 2or 3 against each chapter. ‘There is no B2 application in module 15. Level 1 A familiaisation with the principal elements of the subject Objectives The student should be familias with the basic elements of the subject ‘The student should be able to give a simple description of the whole subject using common words and examples. ‘The student should be able to use typical terms, Level 2 A general knowicdge of the theazctical and practical aspects of the subject. An ability to apply that knowledge Objectives “The student should be able to understand the theoretical Fundamentals of the subject The student should be able to give a general description of the subject using, as appropriate, typical examples ‘The student should be able to use mathematical formulae in conjunction with physical laws describing the subject. ‘The student should be able to read and understand sketches, drawings and schematics describing the subject ‘The student should be able to apply knowledge in a practical manner using derailed procedures. Level 3 A detailed knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, A\ capacity (© combine and apply the separate elements of knowledge ina logical and comprehensive manner. Objectives The student should know the theory of the subject and intertelationships with other subjects ‘The student should be able to give a detailed description of the subject using theoretical fundamentals and specific examples. “The student should understand and be able to use mathematical Formulae related to the subject. The student should be able to read, understand and prepare sketches, simple drawings and schematics describing the subject. Contents Chapter One — Fundamentals Knowledge Levels: A= 1 B1-2 Potential & Kinetic Fnergy 1 Toterchange between PE and KE 2 Newton's Laws of Motion 3 Brayton Cycle - 5 ‘The Relationship between Foxce, Work, Powee, Energy Velocity & Acceleration... 7 Applicaton toa Simple Pure Turbo-Jet Engine 9 Jonstructional Atrangement & Operation coe “4 Tusbo-Jet Gon a 4 Low By-Pass TurbosJet ... : 15 Tusbo-Fan Engine . 16 The Turbo-Propeller Engine 18 Torbo-Shaft Engine 19 Revision 21 Chapter Two — Engine Performance Knowledge Levels; A~0 BI ~2 Theast Gross Thrust Net Thrust Choked Nozale Thrust ‘Thrust Distribution Compressor Diffuser ‘Combustion Chamber "Turbine Exhaust Unit Propelling Nozle Resultant Thrust, ‘Vanast Horse Power (hp) Fguivatent Shaft Horse-Power(eshp) Specific Fue! Consumption SH Engine Efficiencies ‘Thermal Efficiency Propulsive Ffficiency Overall Pifcieney By-Pass Ratio & Fingine Pressure Ratio Ratings Pressure, Temperature & Velocity of the Gas Flow Boyle's Law Charles’ Law Pressuse Law The Combined Gas Law The Continuity of Mass Flow Bernouill's Principle Sonic Flow Gas Flow Design Requirements Gas Path Engine Ratings Static Thrust Factors that Affect Thrust. Effect of Ais Temperature Effect of Air Pressure Effect of Altitude Effect of Airspeed Effect of Engine RPM Effect of [umidity Har Rasing Fall Throttle Pngines Limitations Revision 25 25 26 a 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 40 2 44 45 45 47 4 48 48 31 51 51 36 36 58 58 58 50 60 2 2 62 63 a Chapter Three - Inlet Knowledge Levels: A~2 B1-2 Compressor Ialet Ducts Inlet Conditions Ram Recovery Ram Ratio Ram Compression durspeed Ranges Shock Waves — Effects of Various Inlet Configurations Sub-Sonie Intakes Transonic Intakes Critical Operation Sub Critical Operation Super-Critieal Operation Supersonic Intakes : ‘The Variable Geometzy Intake Subsonic Condition Supersonic Condition Bell Mouth Intakes Intake Efficiencies Intake Position Ice Protection Causes of leing Types of lee Protection Hot airs Hot Ot Ants le System Revision Chapter Four - Compressors Knowledge Levels: A=1 BI-2 Axial and Centrifugal Types Consttuctional Features & Operating Principles Centrifugal Compressors Impeller Axial Compressors cose Advantage of a'Two Spool Axial Compressor Vurbo-Fan Engine Rotor Blades Stator Vanes : Compressor Modules Fan Intermediate Compressor o LP Booster HP Compressor Section Shafts & Beatings Typical Layouts o oe a R 2 B a " B 6 76 7 ” B 79 9 80 81 81 82 ad a 83 87 88 1 94 9% 100 1902 102 104 105 106 107 108 108 109 Fan Balancing, pom a 109 Operation a : 5 rT Compressor Charneteristic 2 fect of Engine Speed 4 ‘Acceleration ee 14 Deceleration . 115 fect of Attinede 113 Gauss 8 Effects of Compressor Stal & Surge 16 Stal . . . 116 Surge — o 116 Types of Stal . 7 Sunging of wo Spool Compressors 118 Causes of Stall & Surge nen 19 Effects of Stall & Surge : 120 Methods of Airflow Control ee 120 iced Valves : . 120 Bleed Valve Operation cette - at Preumatic coe a 121 Hydenulie con 123, Variable Vanes 123 Variable Vane System Operation 125 Compressor Pressure Ratio . 127 Intermediate Compressor coo 128 High Pressure Compressor = 128 Cycle Pressure Ratio : 129 Fan Pressure Ratio cette 129 Pressure Ratio -socee coset 429 Revision 130 Chapter Five - Combustion Section Knowledge Levels: A-1 B1-2 Constructional Fearures & Principles of Operation 133 Combustion Process 14 Multiple Tube or Muikple Can \crangerent 136 Tubo-Annulat or Can-Annular Arrangement... 138 Annular Arrangement en 140 Dual Dome Combustion System 142 Vaporising System 143 Reverses Flow Combustion System 144 Stability . 144 ‘Weak Flame-Out . id Relighting cosseenee . 146 Materials . - . 147 Cooking 148 Combustion Chamber Drain Valve . 150 Revision a 151 Chapter Six - Turbine Section Knowledge Levels: A=2 BI-2 Operation & Characteristics of Different Turbine Blade ‘'ypes Impulse. Reaction Blades, Impulse Reaction Blades Shrouded Blades Active Clearance Controll Turbine Blade Cooling Turbine Blade Materials Blade to Dise Attachment Blisks Turbine Dises Nozzle Guide Vanes, Desiga & Operation Materials ‘Attachment Cooling Causes & Effects of Turbine Blade Steess & Creep Stress Creep Fatigue . Canses & Pfects Manufacture Revision Chapter Seven ~ Exhaust Knowledge Levels: A~ 1 BI~2 Construetional Features & Principles of Operation Inner Exhaust Cone Exhaust Cone Struts JevPipe Propelling Nozzle Convergent, Divergent & Variable Area Nozzles Convergent Nozzles Convergent-Divergent Nozzles Variable Area Nozales ‘Teast Decay System Engine Noise Reduction Lobed Nozzles Corrugated Nozzles Silencer(Coneorde) é By-Pass Engine Integrated Nozzles Core Bagine Noise Acoustic Lining. Noise Attenuation Features 175 Ti 7 178 178 178 178 180 180 182 183 184 184 185 185 186, 186 186 ‘Thrust Reversers Reverses Operation (General) Deploy Sequence Stow Sequence vold-Stream Reverses z Cold-Stzeam Reverser (Hydraulic Power) Cold Stream Reverser (Pacumatie Power) Auto Stow Sequence Syncheonisation Lock Reverser In-Flight Lock-Out Maintenance Lock-Out ‘Thest Reverser Cascade Vane Assembly External Deflector Doors Clamshell Doors Revision Chapter Eight — Bearings and Seals Knowledge Levels: A-0 BI-2 Consteuetional Features & Operations Bearings Ball Bearings Roller Bearings Control of Bearing Load Maintenance Precautions Loads Faults Seals Labyrinth Seals Inter Stage Seals Hydemulic Seals Ring Seals Carbon Seals Brush Seals ‘Seal Rubbing Pressure Balance Seal Revision 187 189 189 191 192 193, 193 194 194 194 195 195 196 196 198, 201 201 202 203 204 204 205 205 2 21 213 214 215 215 216 217 217 218 Chapter Nine — Lubricants and Fuels Knowledge Levels: A-1 BI -2 Properties and Specifications - foe 2a Properties of Labrcams 221 Viscosity . ; 222 Anticon 222 Fludiy stow temperatures |. 223 Stable Viscosity cone 7 23 Chemical Stabiliy oo 223 Flash Point Z . 223 Detrimental Eéteces 2a Heat Conduction a 224 Emrpontion 224 Particle Sospension ao : 224 Oxidation wo 2 Cilinss SenennaaE 225 safe Handing ; 225 Specifications of Lubricants ns : 226 Properties of Fuels . : 27 Fuel Specifications oo 234 Fuel Additives . 5 Pad Icing Tahibitor 233 Lubsety Additive 233 Corrosion Inhibitor a 233, Static Disipator a 233 Anti Mierobioloical Growth Addie ccs. 23 Safety Precautions : 23 Wide-CutPuel o : : 23 Refueling as 235 Desiteling : PIN 337 Additives = Warning so : 237 Lubricating Oil 237 Fire Precautions . a 238 Contamination : fone BB Revision a ee 240 Chapter Ten = Lubrication Systems Knowledge Levels: A=1 BL—2 System Opezition, Layout & Components 243 Operation . 203 Systems : 2H Basie System - 244 Presse Reif Valve Sytem : ; 249 Full Flow System . : 250 viii

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