UnReal Weekly 1b

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UnReal! Weekly

Week 3/4 March, 2012

I really tried to get our TGIF (Thank Goodness Its Friday) newsletter out each Friday but I couldnt do it. Time just beat me and there was so much to do. So, I have decided to do a TGIF each Friday for our Facebook group with just a couple of thoughts. I still would like to do a weekly newsletter (maybe The UnReal! Weekly) about student achievements, samples of student work and student thoughts. This will require student input and this takes time for students to consider, make a commitment, do the work and be reliable. We have seen over the past couple of weeks how students have a good idea but dont seem to be able to commit and be reliable. This is major learning and all these things take time. Highlights Jessie McPherson launched an Easter Egg Fundraiser and Car Wash to raise money for BPUL. This week 8 cars were washed and we have a basket of Easter Eggs to raffle. Raffle drawn Wed 4th April. Tickets are 50c each and can be bought at the Maude St office. Montys Calendar Project (Hair and Fashion) is gathering momentum Painting on canvas has been a big hit This weeks workshops Singstar with Jen, Painting with Monty and Alex, Motorbikes and Signs with JR and Photography with Geoff Noah has started airbrushing a sign for our outdoor area Aidan and Ebony ran an indoor Easter Egg hunt for both Advisories on the last day Some students have applied for and secured part time work Geoffs Advisory won their first Trivia Challenge against Jens Eight students went on an excursion to Neatline Homes. All would like to do a Shadow Day there Tim Allemand introduced a Magic, the Gathering game to a group of students A number of students in both Advisories did their Passion Object talks Learning in the Real World Aaron McKay did 2 days at Autobarn could possibly become an internship Jessie McPherson at High St Pets did not get to do much work Bethany Sherwill at Curves did exercise classes and all sorts of work Tim Allemand at Neatline Homes watched a builder and tiler Aidan Turner at Save the Children Kindergarten helping the kids

Speed Exhibitions We had a very successful night with most of the students (15) participating in our modified exhibition night. About 20 adults attended and commented on how grown up the students were and their ability to talk openly about that they were learning, working on and doing. Our two hosts, Britnee Conti and Sean Trevaskis, did a great job and both showed poise and leadership. Deep Thinking (Geoffs thoughts and ponderings) Stop waiting to be told what to do! How was it possibly to brainwash billions of people to bury their genius, to give up their dreams, and to buy into the idea of being merely an employee in a factory, following instructions. (Seth Godin in Linchpin) There are quite a number of our students who turn up each day and wait to be told what to do. They have been conditioned that way with 9+ years of schooling. Being trained to work in a factory is fine if that is what you want to do. If we truly believe in the BP model of learning we are willing to wait for that spark of genius (their interest, who they are) to start to want to do or make something. Then learning by doing becomes real to them. Then there are those who are having ideas, sharing them with Jen and I and the team and each other, trying things, having a go, making mistakes, getting frustrated, giving up and having small successes. They are overcoming the fear in their head, not waiting to be told what to do and having a GO. This is real learning. So when you make a visit to the Big Picture Learning Centre (136 Maude St) it will appear messy and chaotic perhaps. Students will be at all different levels of their learning journey. Some will be working on a project, some will be talking about some ideas, some will be socializing, some will be fooling, all are watching and listening and learning. They notice the students achieving things, having a go and building up courage to try something. Jen and I try very hard not to tell them what to do but present to them opportunities and give them choices. We want them to make the decision. This is true learning. Remember 9+years of schooling has not worked for them. We MUST break the cycle. So when you see or hear of problems, difficulties or frustrations from your students in this program have soft ears. Dont pass judgment too quickly but encourage them to hang in there and keep having a go. When you visit and see things that appear messy and out of control, have soft eyes. You dont know what has happened before, where that student is at, how things have improved or improving. You need to see the Big Picture. If you made it to the Speed Exhibitions night you will have seen proof that we are on the right track. For real change to happen things will get messy before they get better. So have soft eyes and hearts.

Figure 1 Britnee and Sean, our hosts a t our Speed Exhibitions Night

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