CFM Casting Notice

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Jacobs Eye Entertainment, LLC is seeking talent for a Dark-Comedy Web Series STORY SYNOPSIS: After the sudden, yet mysterious passing of the new copy editor for KCRP-FM, young Mr. Joe Kain is hired into the job through a temp agency that provides various victims for their clients. When the very average and normal Joe Kain takes his place at the radio station he is un-aware and oblivious that his co-workers are a bunch of monsters and fiends. As Joe meets the crew, he thinks they are just those zany and eccentric night-time radio personalities that he has heard rumors about, and thus has no clue what they really are. Joe has to fight for his life against ninjas, vampire hunters and werewolves to stay alive through the night. A great mystery, highly comedic, and of course full of action and adventure. AUDITIONS: April 13th and 20th, 2012 (9am to 5:30pm) CALLBACKS: April 27th, 2012 (9am to 5:30pm) AUDITION LOCATION: Steve Harvey Green Screen Studio - 3495 Piedmont Road N.E., Building 11, Suite 560, Atlanta, GA 30305 PRODUCTION PERIOD: June 11th June 22nd, 2012 COMPENSATION: $100 day rate during production for principal actors. Please send all submissions to CHARACTER BREAKDOWNS: (See Next Page)

JOE KAIN (Intern News-Copy Editor) [An average Joe] 22, Young male, very educated, klutz, by the book business attitude. English, History major, Writing minor. Poor naive kid sent to work in a den of monsters running KCRP FM. DR.ROBERT (BOB) RAHNETEP (Station Owner) [Mummy] V.O. Small hand model (female or male possible), male British voice. You follow his commands or he turns you to dust. He is 400 years old. TABITHA KITTAN (News director) [Witch] Late 20s, female, tall, curvy, hair color changes, slight Russian accent not heavy. She has great magical powers and allure, also loves being a cat whenever possible. MR. STYX (Program Director and Contracts Negotiator) [Demon] Late 30s, male, med tall, bald or black hair with small horns, slightly red skin, goatee, hellfire, brimstone and power lunch boss, sign on the dotted line in BLOOD! ALISTAIR RICHELIEU (Production Manager & Producer) [Necromancer/Warlock/Conjurer] 50s male, as tall as Tabitha, imposing in robes. Shakespeare quoting keeper of the gate who determines to be and not to be. HOWLING HAL (Chuck Halberd) (Sports Director) [Werewolf] 35 to 55 male, short, graying, balding, gruff voice, heavy set not overly, Jewish, Romanian. He carries a paper, drinks coffee, has a cigar and undead bunny slippers need we say more. RAVEN ORLOCK (Late Night DJ - "The Nightflyer") [Vampire] 25 to 30 male, a little taller than Hal but not as tall as Tabby, slender, Aussie voice. He is constantly surrounded by beautiful women to be seduced to death. RICARDO CHUPACABRA (Latin Hour DJ) [Chupacabra - Like Duh!] 25 to 27 male, thin to med build, Mayan/Latin decent, Latin accent, girly man. He is a goat eating illegal alien on a special work visa from a galaxy far, far away. JUJU SAM (WeatherMan) [WitchDoctor and Weather Control Guru] 30 to 40 male, black, Jamaican accent, med build. A certified witch doctor with 3 PhDs, changes the weather and cooks ancient island dishes. BUNNY BALL (BreakRoom) (Psychic in a Crystal Ball) 22 to 25 female, blonde, head pretty, gypsy valley girl attitude. Very sexy and powerful psychic at least from the head up easily distracted by Oh Shiny!

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