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Oklahoma State Senate

2300 N. Lincoln Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405) 524-0126



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Fourth Meeting Wednesday, April 4, 2012 9:00 a.m. Room 419-C, State Capitol Building

HB 1985 By Hoskin et al of the House and Burrage et al of the Senate State government; Oklahoma Personnel Act; providing preference for certain persons; effective date. HB 2197 By Murphey of the House and Brecheen of the Senate State government; creating the Strategic Cost Reduction and Saving Act; codification. HB 2198 By Vaughan of the House and Wyrick of the Senate Game and fish; adding penalty for taking, possessing or transporting certain paddlefish products with certain value; emergency. HB 2246 By Tibbs of the House and Barrington of the Senate State government; modifying employee positions within the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; effective date. HB 2248 By Shannon et al of the House and Marlatt of the Senate Roads, bridges and ferries; the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund; increasing certain apportionment; effective date; emergency. HB 2249 By Shannon of the House and Marlatt of the Senate Motor vehicles; modifying percentage of certain motor vehicle collection apportionment; effective date; emergency. HB 2262 By Shannon of the House and Jolley of the Senate State government assets; Long Range Capital Planning Commission; Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund; effective date; emergency. HB 2270 By Cox et al of the House and Johnson (Rob) et al of the Senate Poor persons; Nursing Facilities Quality of Care Fee; effective date. HB 2273 By Cox of the House and Crain of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #3322) Public health and safety; authorizing professional expenses; prior authorization of certain medications; effective date.



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HB 2304 By Hilliard et al of the House and Anderson of the Senate Public finance; creating the Recovery Audits for Government Overpayments of Tax Dollars Act; effective date. HB 2319 By McDaniel (Randy) of the House and Anderson of the Senate Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; employee contribution rate; employer contribution rate; apportionment of insurance premium tax revenues; effective date; emergency. HB 2320 By McDaniel (Randy) et al of the House and Anderson of the Senate Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; Deferred Retirement Option Plan; employee contribution rate; employer contribution rate; insurance premium tax revenue apportionment; effective date; emergency. HB 2388 By Liebmann et al of the House and Holt et al of the Senate Poor persons; requiring drug screening of applicants for state-provided assistance; codification; effective date. HB 2390 By Liebmann of the House and Bingman of the Senate Corporation Commission; modifying storage tank reimbursement provisions; effective date; emergency. HB 2391 By Liebmann et al of the House and Bingman of the Senate Corporation Commission; providing for apportionment to the Weigh Station Improvement Revolving Fund; effective date; emergency. HB 2394 By Liebmann et al of the House and Marlatt of the Senate Motor vehicles; modifying penalty for toll evasion; effective date. HB 2431 By Roan of the House and Barrington of the Senate State government; authorizing ownership of additional aircraft; increasing petty cash fund amount; effective date. HB 2469 By Morrissette of the House and Crain of the Senate State Infrastructure Bank; increasing applicability; providing for credit assistance; effective date. HB 2520 By Murphey of the House and Holt of the Senate State government; enacting the Government Reorganization Act HB 2558 By Wesselhoft of the House and Stanislawski of the Senate Employment Security Administration Fund; appropriations; effective date. HB 2563 By Wesselhoft et al of the House and Brecheen of the Senate State-tribal relations; modifying Oklahoma Native American Liaison eligibility requirement; effective date. HB 2568 By Wright et al of the House and Sykes of the Senate Motor vehicles; modifying penalty; effective date. HB 2582 By McDaniel (Jeannie) et al of the House and Adelson of the Senate Public health and safety; background checks for nurse aides; effective date. HB 2587 By Joyner of the House and Shortey of the Senate Public health and safety; Oklahoma Dental Loan Repayment Program; effective date. HB 2641 By Denney of the House and Halligan of the Senate Schools; family and societal issues on students; counseling curriculum; effective date; emergency. HB 2647 By Brumbaugh et al of the House and Jolley of the Senate State government; automobiles owned by the state; Trip Optimizer system; exempting certain state employees; effective date. HB 2652 By Denney et al of the House and Halligan of the Senate Criminal procedure; creating the Oklahoma Innocence Collaboration Program; effective date. HB 2676 By Shumate of the House and Eason McIntyre of the Senate Schools; establishing the Oklahoma Bridge to Literacy Program; effective date; emergency.


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HB 2684 By Banz of the House and Ford of the Senate Schools; modifying definition in the Larry Dickerson Education Flexible Benefits Allowance Act; effective date; emergency. HB 2686 By Banz of the House and Newberry of the Senate Professions and occupations; professional engineers and land surveyors; modifying various sections. HB 2689 By Joyner et al of the House and Ellis of the Senate Higher education; making students who are dependents of certain military personnel eligible for in-state residency status; effective date; emergency. HB 2724 By Inman et al of the House and Childers of the Senate Public finance; requiring notice regarding furlough. HB 2740 By Peters of the House and David of the Senate Children and juvenile code; providing legislative intent and purpose for the Serious Juvenile Offender Act; effective date. HB 2741 By Peters of the House and Burrage et al of the Senate Children and juvenile code; modifying circumstances that allow taking a child into custody; deleting and modifying exceptions to confidentiality requirements; effective date. HB 2746 By Kirby et al of the House and Marlatt of the Senate Amusements and sports; defining terms; updating terminology to reflect modification of definitions; effective date; emergency. HB 2751 By Kirby of the House and Brown of the Senate Insurance; modifying Insurance Department revolving fund provisions; effective date; emergency. HB 2927 By Armes et al of the House and Marlatt of the Senate Public lands; adding source of monies and expenditure purpose for certain revolving fund; creating a revolving fund for bonuses and delay rental income; effective date; emergency. HB 2939 By Derby of the House and Brinkley of the Senate Technology; Chief Information Officers; providing for certain powers and duties related to procurement of information and telecommunication technology; prohibiting transfer of duties; providing for state employees participation in certain retirement program; effective date; emergency. HB 2941 By Derby et al of the House and Brinkley of the Senate (Proposed Comm. Sub., req. #3328) Public health and safety; requiring pharmacies to maintain electronic records of nonprescription pseudoephedrine or ephedrine sales; requirements; effective date. HB 2952 By McDaniel (Randy) of the House and Anderson of the Senate Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System; employer contribution rate; employee contribution rate; retirement benefit computation; effective date. HB 2991 By Ritze of the House and Treat of the Senate Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma State Government Vital Statistics Modernization Act; effective date. HB 3009 By Terrill et al of the House and Johnson (Rob) of the Senate Crimes and punishments; expanding scope of crime; effective date. HB 3053 By Steele et al of the House and David of the Senate State government; creating the State Government Administrative Process Consolidation and Reorganization Reform Act of 2012; consolidating certain agencies into the Office of Enterprise and Management Services. HB 3056 By Steele et al of the House and Bingman of the Senate State government; modifying plan year dates for state and education employee benefits; effective date. HB 3058 By Steele et al of the House and Bingman of the Senate Public health and safety; creating the Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training Program Act; effective date; emergency.

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HB 3076 By Dorman of the House and Johnson (Rob) of the Senate Schools; national criminal history check for prospective volunteers; effective date. HB 3079 By Murphey of the House and David of the Senate State agency consolidation HB 3119 By Hickman of the House and Stanislawski of the Senate Schools; deleting provision for payment of severance allowance from the School Consolidation Assistance Fund; effective date; emergency. HB 3130 By Nelson of the House and Stanislawski of the Senate Schools; relating to the Oklahoma Cost Accounting System; require certain reporting by school districts; requiring the State Department of Education to make certain code designations and descriptions public; effective date; emergency. HB 3133 By Steele et al of the House and Treat of the Senate Children; relating to the powers and duties of the Commission on Children and Youth; directing to employ administrative law judges to preside over certain DHS hearings; transfers the administrative law judge positions; effective date. HB 3136 By Steele et al of the House and Treat of the Senate Children; directing the Department of Human Services to develop and implement a plan to create a certification program for child welfare workers; effective date. Other Business





Senator Clark Jolley, Chair Senator Ron Justice, Vice Chair

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