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ANNISA DWI PUSPITA (1006728392) ASRA FARAH FEBRIANI (1006728404) DIAN NUVITA (1006728474) DIANA DESTRIA (1006728480) LOLA KURSIYA (1006728682) NELI HARYANTI (1006728770)


(Neli and Dian come on time) Neli Dian : it looks like we are coming too fast, doesnt it?the room is still empty : we are ontime.its 8 now, just like on schedule. Hmm even ms. annisa as a leader hasnt come.

(Suddenly Neli receives a message from Annisa) Neli : Hmm our leader will come late in 5 minutes, she just had text me. How about we prepare our materials meeting first?

(A few minutes later) Annisa : Guys, Im so sorry Im late. There is a little bit trouble with my car. Hmm OK,lets start.

(Lola and Farah come in a hurry) Farah : Sorry we are late Annisa : Never mind, we also just started. Well, good morning guys. As we know, next month we will have to launch our new shampoo and we need a brand ambassador in order to attract customers attention. Is there some ideas for how the way to get the models? Farah : How about through the auditions?it will be held in three cities, like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan Annisa : Thats great!how about you lola? Lola : Im agree with she said, because by that audition people may know and be familiar to our product. Neli : But they are not the real artists, they are less experienced and absolutely not famous. Farah : After audition, theyll be in a quarantine and get make over all like a real artist. We also call professional models to guide them for example Oki Assokawati.


: Hmm I see but dont you think it will take a long time and require an expensive cost? Whereas its launch next month, I think it is more effective and efficient if we use a well-known artist. The cost that will be spent the same but the time is faster. : thats right! And Id also like to point out that we can contract the model directly. Then immediately specify the concept of our advertising and for the last take for shooting.


(Everyone becomes busy and are chatting with each other) Annisa : ok guys back to the topic and please dont be noisy. I think farahs idea is very good. We can promote our products to the participants of audition at the same time and we will make new celebrity. However, because the launching only a month away, so the idea isnt effective and the addition costs for auditions such as media partners and trainers. I prefer to use dians idea. Because it is more effective and not too expensive. Do you agree? Lola : If we think we dont have much time, I agree with you. But how about the artist? maybe farahs idea will be using for conditioner launching for the next 6 months. Dian, do you have any recommendations about the artist? Dian : What about Kinaryosih? She's beautiful and has nice hair.

Annisa : Okay ... fix, we will immediately contract the celebrity to be our brand ambassador,

Annisa : Kinar? hmmm ... Thats good. But, does anyone get any other ideas?

(Diana suddenly come) Diana : Sorry I'm late. I took the wrong bus. Annisa : Diana sorry, but the meeting has already finished. You can go home again and you're fired. Diana : But I just got a wrong bus, I am so sorry..... Annisa : Haha I'm just kidding. Please sit down Diana. Diana : Oh God, I was shocked. Thanks Ms. Annisa. Farah : How about Nadine? She is beautiful and former Miss Indonesian. I think she is more competent.


: Does Nadine has a very good image in the community? Because I think we have to choose artists who have a good image. So that our corporate image is also good.


: Yes.. Nadine is the former Miss Indonesia , but we have seen, that on the selection of Miss Universe she was not fluently in English. She even said "Indonesia is a big city. Is it a joke or what? You must be kidding

(Dian and Neli were giggling) Annisa : Okay ... Dian .. Nelly.. Please dont be noisy again. I know it's funny, but please dont discuss it in the meeting.

( Lola raises her hand) Lola : Can I come in here? : In my opinion, it's just a small problem. We dont need to discuss it. We are looking for beautiful woman with beautiful hair, who is famous and smart. Nadine has that criteria. She's beautiful, has white skin and wavy hair, former Miss Indonesia, multi-talented, she can do diving and is fluent in speaking German. While Kinar is not too well known and she is also underachievement. Neli : I admit that Nadine is gorgeous, but our product is the product of Indonesia rather than foreign products. While Kinar has Indonesian face, than skin, and her black hair, matches with our shampoo product that is advertised with pecan formula that works to produce black hair. Dian : That's right, in my opinion Kinar has a positive image. I have seen the track record of her (while showing a laptop). She is not famous, but she focuses on the movie. She also does not currently advertise any product. So that she could become an icon of our product, while Nadine is in the advertising contracts of vitamin C.

Annisa : Yes please. Lola

(Diana is still noisy) Annisa : Diana, what's wrong with you? Why would you make a noise? Is there a problem? or do you have a response?

Diana : Hmmmmwell .... I do not understand what is discussed here because I'm late. But Kinaryosih is very suitable for our hazelnut products and she has a positive image. Just add, as I know, Nadine also has problem because of wearing swimsuits in Miss Universe during the selection. Hmmm .. but she was also beautiful and has many achievements. Farah : Sorry, may i interrupt? The bathing suit is a series of mandatory program and I guess it's not a problem. Lola : Nadine was the artist of C1000 advertising, but it's not a problem. Because its product is different from our product. So it will not affect our product icon. Neli : But the role of Nadine in the movie realita cinta dan rock n roll was very controversial and not too well. Kinar is much different in her films. Diana : Guys, why are we having a headache in a short debate about Kinar and Nadine? This is very confusing and controversial. Why do not we take other celebrity like Astrid Tiar?

(Silence. ..... while thinking) Annisa : A good idea. does anyone want to interrupt? or deny?

(Silence) Annisa : Diana, could you please explain Astrid Tiars track record? Diana : Okay, in my opinion, Astrid Tiar is a beautiful actress. She also has the Indonesian face, has olive skin, her hair is black, straight, long, and she is also famous as the host and sitcom actress. I think she doesnt have any ads, so she can fully become our icon. She is also famous for being friendly, outgoing and attractive. She's so famous. Because she is famous as the host of a very interesting especially in the music program. she also does not have any scandals. Annisa : Hmmm interesting. anyone want to add? or all agree?

(Silence) Lola Dian : I think Dianas idea is brilliant. And can be the alternative one of this debate. : Its true. astrid is also interesting. I agree.

Annisa : What about the others? Neli and Farah : agree. Annisa : Ok finally we get the artist for our brand ambassador. Before the end of the meeting let me summarize into some of the points. First, next month we will launch our new product shampoo with extract hazelnut. Second, we have a brand ambassador that we get from our long discussion with all many ideas such as an audition from Farah thats very creative one and great ideas from Dian thats simple but catchy. And finally we had decided to take a contract for the artist. The artist who submitted from Dian and Farah are equally competent and attractive. Dian has suggest Kinaryosih and Farah has suggest Nadine Candra Winata as the candidate. But with consideration of beauty, accomplishment and the image, we have choose Astrid Tiar who recommended by Diana to be our brand ambassador. So Diana this afternoon please call and manage our meeting with Astrid Tiar and her management. For the next week we will discuss the preparation and the concept of our advertisement after we have a deal with Astrid. Is there any addition? Neli : I think enough. and I wish all of you already have the materials. Hmm Diana dont forget to call Astrid this afternoon. Diana : Ok Miss.

Annisa : Ok. Thank you for the presence and your brilliant ideas. See you for the next meeting

(Annisa, Dian, Neli, and Diana leaving the meeting room. While Lola and Farah keep staying in the room) Lola : Why should be Astrid? She isnt competent at all for our product which we already know. Farah : Hmm thats true, but what can we do anymore Annisa had decided the result. Lola : But I still dont agree with the result, especially it is recommend by Diana who came late and like she knew everything. Farah : calm down Lola we will see letter. (Leaving the room)

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