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SPA, MMC, KKM: The Procedure of Launching Oneself Into Housemanship.

When I first got back from Australia, I had no idea what to do. I was at a lost as to the procedures required to get myself registered and launched into the (glorious and tearsfree.NOT) world of housemanship. Until I stumbled across one particular blog which had provided me a rough but adequate idea of where to go and what to do before your existence is recognized by the powers that be. I remember thinking What a beneficial post this is to oversea-grad med students like me. So here, I humbly offer my updated version of that post. May it be beneficial, insya Allah.

Basic Knowledge of the Procedure: 1. You have three places to register to: a)MMC (Malaysian Medical Council) b)KKM c)SPA 2. Those places are not related to one another. So, you can choose to go which ever one first. But I highly suggest that you go to MMC first because they will give you one particular letter (Surat Pengesahan Penerimaan Permohonan Sijil Perakuan Sementara) that you can submit to KKM and SPA. (KKM and SPA will ask you for that letter. But not having it will not affect your application. But its better for you to have it, regardless. Hence, my suggestion for you to go to MMC first) 3. And for each of those places, you have to submit certain documents that should be verified by the appropriate authorities. (Pesuruhjaya Sumpah, Justice of The peace etc etc). 4. MMC and KKM do not require any appointments. Just walk in and submit forms. But for SPA, you need to ask for the date of the interview.

Bear in mind that you can make preparation for all those three places simultaneously and then just go to Putrajaya and settle everything in 1-2 days. But the details below will be described according to the requirement of the specific organization.

SPA: -Go to SPA official website and search for the SPA81 online form and fill them up.

-Wait for three working days, and then call SPA (the phone number can be found in SPA website). Tell the operator that you are the very competent and enthusiastic fresh graduate of med school who would like to arrange for an interview so that you may start working. -The operator will connect you to the person in charge. -The person in charge will ask you whether you have completed the online form SPA81. Say, yes. -She will say that she will call you for an interview as soon as its been arranged. (and they WILL call you; give them your phone number and handset number. They are quite efficient. They call when they say they will; so dont worry) -In the meantime, you may prepare for the interview by preparing these documents: -verified copy of your IC -verified copy of your birth letter -verified copy of your SPM certificate -verified copy of your IB/A level/matrix -verified copy of your degree (if you dont have a degree, then you MUST have a verified copy of your full transcript + a verified copy of the confirmation letter signed by your dean, basically saying that you have fulfilled all your study requirements. You need BOTH documents present if you dont yet have a degree. If your degree is in a different language other than Malay and English, then you MUST get them translated.)

-When they call you for an interview, take note of the date (go one day earlier if you wish to go to MMC and KKM first before going to SPA. Because all morning candidates have to arrive at the SPA at 8.00 a.m. But if you are the afternoon candidates, then there will be more than enough time for you to go to MMC and KKM in the morning of the interview before swinging to SPA; in this case theres no need to arrive one day earlier. However, if you dont mind not having the letter by MMC for submission to SPA, which is not compulsory, then you can go at your own discretion.) -Remember to bring the original documents too. -Interview preparation: Just take note of the vision and mission of KKM (visit KKM website). Take note of the hot shot persons in KKM (the minister, the deputy, the director). Know a little bit of the six NKRA (national key results areas). Know all the ministers of the important ministries. In terms of diseases: I only prepared the tropical ones. They asked you about your (lack of) experience mostly. So no need to panic.


-You have to down load a particular form (Borang 4) and fill them up. -The form can be accessed here: -Prepare the same verified copies of the documents that you have to prepare for SPA. -TAKE NOTE of how exactly these documents need to be verified for MMC. MMC is VERY fussy about this. The verifier should include his name, his post, his address. All his signature must be in full, and not merely an initial. And his signatures must be the same for all documents (please read these instructions on your own. Its all there in the form that you download) -Prepare a postal money order (wang pos) of Rm20 and address it to Pendaftar Pengamal Perubatan. This is some sort of fees for processing your documents. -Go to MMC, submit all the Borang 4 + the verified documents + the postal money order. -You will be asked to wait for a few minutes. (they work quite efficiently there. I only waited for 5 mins) -Later, the person in charge will emerge and give you the original Surat Pengesahan Penerimaan Permohonan Sijil Perakuan Sementara plus two copis of it. -you keep the original to show at induction; otherwise you wont be into induction. -one copy is to be given to KKM. -one copy is to be given to the director of the hospital you will be working in. (the SPA person also asked me for a copy of this letter, which I had given. Therefore, I will have to make another copy for my hospital director. See? Thats why I suggest that you go to MMC first, even though these letters are not STRICTLY compulsory, but youll be asked for it. Its good to be able to give it to them, regardless). allowed

KKM: -You have to download a BMD form (Borang Maklumat Diri), fill them up. -The form can be accessed here: -Prepare the same verified documents as you have done with MMC and SPA. (plus the letter from MMC) -The building of KKM is just across the road from the building of MMC.

-So walk out of MMC, go to KKM and submit all the documents. Thats it. You will be told that they will call you for induction soon.

For MARA and JPA scholars (or other scholars), you may want to ask your respective organization as to any particular procedure or steps that need to fulfilled. I havent contacted MARA yet, myself. I am just waiting for them to contact me. Hahahh.

What I did: -I received the interview date and the time (4th of Jan, 8 a.m) -I went to Putrajaya one day earlier. On that day, I went to MMC and submit the forms and documents. And then I went to KKM and submit all the forms and documents + the letter that I obtained from MMC. -Chill and shop for the rest of the day. -Went for the interview at SPA the next day. Hope all these very long instructions help those who may be lost out there. Cheers and Salam.

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