HW 5

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BioE332 - Spring 2012 Homework #5. 100 points.

This homework is due in class, before the start of the lecture on 04.06.2012 No late homeworks will be accepted. 1. (10 points) Time-release drugs have the advantage of releasing the drug to the body continuously over a period of time, so that the drug does not spike in concentration when it is ingested and then decay and become ineffective. A schematic diagram of a time release device is shown below. a. Explain, using the appropriate equations, how this device works b. Which properties of the device could you change to increase the amount of time over which drug is delivered to the patient (without changing the amount of drug carried by the device)? What other effects would changing this property have?

2. (10 points) Consider an evacuated container at a certain temperature into which a sufficient amount of H2O is added such that 2 mol of solid, 3 mol of liquid and 5 mol of vapor are all present at equilibrium. a. What is the temperature of this system? b. Calculate * (H 2 O, liq) at this temperature and pressure c. Calculate the Gibbs energy of this entire system (solid + liquid + vapor) 3. (10 points) The partial molar volumes of acetone (propanone) and chloroform (tricholoromethane) in a mixture in which the mole fraction of chloroform is 0.4693 are 74.166 cm3 mol-1 and 80.235 cm3 mol-1, respectively. What is the volume of a solution of mass 1.000 kg? 4. (10 points) At 25C, the density of a 50% by mass ethanol-water solution is 0.914 g cm-3. Given that the partial molar volume of water in the solution is 17.4 cm3 mol-1, calculate the partial molar volume of the ethanol. 5. (10 points) The vapor pressure of 500g of benzene is measured to be 400 Torr at 60.6C. After dissolving 19.0g of an involatile organic compound in the benzene, its vapor pressure dropped to 386 Torr. Calculate the molar mass of the compound. Assume benzene is an ideal solvent.

6. (10 points) Consider a 5.0L container divided into 2 compartments of equal size. In the left compartment there is nitrogen at 1.0atm and 25C. In the right compartment there is hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure. Calculate the entropy and Gibbs energy of mixing when the partition is removed. Assume that the gases are ideal. 7. (10 points) Calculate the freezing point of a glass of water of volume 250cm3 sweetened with 7.5g of sucrose at 1atm. 8. (10 points) The enthalpy of fusion of anthracene is 28.8kJ mol-1 and its melting point is 217C. Calculate its ideal solubility in benzene at 25C. 9. (10 points) Substances A and B are both volatile liquids with P*A = 300 Torr, P*B =250 Torr and KB=200 Torr. When A = 0.9, bB = 2.22 mol kg -1 , PA = 250 Torr, and PB = 25 Torr . Calculate the activities and activity coefficients of A and B. Use the mole fraction and molalities. Use Raoults law for A and Henrys law for B. 10. (10 points) The volume of an aqueous solution of NaCl at 25C was measured at a series of molalities b, and it was found that the volume fit the expression:

V (cm 3 ) = 1003 + 16.62b + 1.77b 3/2 + 0.12b 2

where V is the volume of a solution formed from 1.000kg of water and b is understood to be b / b o . Calculate the partial molar volume of the components in a solution of molality 0.100 mol kg-1.

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