Ray Wagner, MD, and Rama Oskouian, DMD, MPH: Vol. 25, No. 9

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DR. WAGNER is currently in general pediatric practice at the El Rio Community Health Center, Tucson, Ariz.
DR. OSKOUIAN is currently in private practice in Woodinville, Wash., and is also affiliate faculty at the University of Washington, Seattle.

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Are you missing the diagnosis

of the most common chronic
disease of childhood ?

everal years ago, I had one of those pediatric dental caries! During this time, I supervised a teaching
wake-up calls that scared me. I was attend- clinic and had medical students rotating through daily.
ing to the care of a 2 1/2-year-old child with As a teacher and clinician, I knew that I needed to
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. He lived in a low- improve my knowledge on the diagnosis and manage-
income family, and temporarily had fallen through the ment of dental disease in children, to better inform and
health insurance safety net. For some reason, his Med- educate my students, and my patients’ parents.
icaid insurance had lapsed, and here he was in my office This personal wake-up call has become a call to action
appearing very ill with a temperature of 40° C (104° F). in my professional life. It is my goal to convince you, the
His left maxillary area was quite swollen and dusky red. reader, to take ownership and assume some responsibili-
I looked in his mouth, and not surprisingly, found an ty for the prevention and early diagnosis of this chronic
infected first left upper molar surrounded by a very ery- disease affecting millions of our children.
thematous gingiva. His teeth were riddled with cavities.
Fortunately, I was able to urgently admit him to the At the top of its class
county hospital through a colleague in the emergency The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s
room. He did well with IV antibiotics, and was dis- (AAPD) most recent definition of early childhood caries
charged four days later on oral clindamycin, and (ECC) is paraphrased as follows: ECC is the presence of
referred for outpatient extraction of the tooth by the one or more decayed (noncavitated or cavitated), miss-

oral surgery department through the county health ing (due to decay), or filled tooth surface in any primary
department. This case, including EMS transport, hospi- tooth in a child younger than six years (71 months or
tal services, and outpatient dental surgical intervention, younger).1 More serious cases are classified as severe
resulted in an $8,000 cost to the health care system. The early childhood caries, or S-ECC, previously known as
parents had to absorb some of this cost, and are still “bottle rot” or “nursing caries.” Characteristics of S-
making monthly payments to the hospital. ECC include any sign of smooth-surface caries in chil-
After this experience, I began to look at the teeth of dren younger than 3; or, in the 3- to 5-year-old age
young children a little more carefully. It soon became group, any cavitated, missing, or filled smooth surfaces
apparent to me that more than half of my patients had in the primary maxillary anterior teeth. Additionally, S-


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stein, DDS, of the Children’s Dental Health Project

Figure 1
(www.CDHP.org) believes that ECC may have broader
Chronic disease prevalence implications for health, describing caries as, “often the
rates in school age children first significant acquired pathology in children…and a
sentinel for other health-behavior related risks for dis-
Prevalence rate (% of children) ease” later in life.5
59% Caries Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
50 19% Obesity
11% Asthma
vention reported that the prevalence rate of tooth
decay is actually rising among 2- to 5-year olds, from
24% in a 1990-1994 survey, to 28% in the most recent
2000-2004 NHANES III survey.6 This 15% increase
represents 600,000 additional preschoolers with the
disease as compared to caries levels in the 1990s. This
recent and rapid rise in ECC incidence is the basis for
10 the claim that we are now facing an early childhood
caries disease epidemic. This is despite steady expan-
0 sion of the use of fluoridated waters and dentifrices
over the past 30 years, the increased use of dental
sealants in primary teeth, as well as many other den-
tal public health initiatives. Given the significance of
this epidemic, all medical and dental organizations
now recommend that children have their first dental
ECC may be defined as an overall decayed, missing, or visit by age 1. However, financial and health care
filled (DMF) score as follows: age 3 with DMF ≥ 4, age workforce constraints continue to make this an unre-
4 ≥ 5, or age 5 ≥ 6.1 alized goal.
In terms of incidence, the numbers are staggering.
ECC is the most common chronic disease among Amer- The roots of ECC/S-ECC
ican children, affecting more than half of all 7-year-olds. ECC is a multifactorial infectious disease that starts as
It is three times more prevalent than obesity, and five soon as the baby teeth begin to emerge. Additionally,
times more prevalent than asthma (Figure 1).2 mothers often pass the cariogenic bacteria, including
Children in poverty are particularly at risk, with den- S mutans, to their infants in the first year of life (more
tal caries rates as high as 80%. Yet less than a third of on this later). The ecology of these bacteria depends
these children receive any dental care.3 ECC/S-ECC not upon the presence of hard tooth enamel surfaces,
only have the potential to affect a child’s nutritional upon which plaque-forming bacterial biofilms can
intake, but also their ability to pay attention in school, grow. Fueling the plaque biofilm are fermentable car-
and to sleep at night.4 Most importantly, the decay on a bohydrates, which are found in fruit juices (fructose),
child’s primary teeth can spread to their permanent milk (lactose), and foods (sucrose, simple starches).
teeth, inevitably setting up the child for persistent and The bacterial fermentation of these carbohydrates
progressive tooth decay during their lifetime. Burt Edel- provides energy for bacterial growth as well as the

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production and excretion of sticky polysaccharides,

which promote adherence of the plaque biofilms to
the teeth.
The cariogenic species are acidophilic, thriving in
acidic environments. They all produce organic acids
(lactic and pyruvic acid) as waste products. When a
child with caries infection ingests a sugary beverage
or food, their mouth pH will quickly drop from the
neutral range to a pH of 3.0 to 4.0. It then takes
about 20 minutes for saliva to buffer and neutralize
the acid attack. Figure 2
In the meantime, significant demineralization can Lifting the lip to reveal a healthy set of teeth and gums.
occur. These acid attacks eventually produce chalky
white erosions (“white spots”) on the enamel, usual-
ly near the gum lines of the maxillary primary inci-
sors where plaque is most difficult to remove,
because of the overriding upper lip and low salivary
flow. This zone of demineralization further facilitates
increased plaque adherence and progression of the
dental biofilm. Brownish discoloration of the dem-
ineralized enamel signals a more advanced process
(Figures 2, 3A, and 3B).
Unless the plaque in and around these white spots is Figure 3A
actively removed by brushing, allowing for salivary cal- White spot and early brown spot demineralizations.
cium and phosphorus to diffuse back into the damaged
tissue, the erosions will often progress to cavities that
may need restorative treatment by the dentist. It is cru-
cial that providers (and parents) understand that white-
spot lesions represent early and potentially reversible
areas of dental decay, and that missing or downplaying
the existence of these spots can prove to be costly—
both medically and financially.

The costs of doing nothing

ECC can turn into S-ECC in a matter of months, and
has the potential to progress to severe local or systemic Figure 3B
infection, or in some cases, life-threatening illness. White spots typically appear first on the upper front

incisors where salivary flow is minimal; the dental

Recently, national media outlets reported the heart- caries disease process can potentially be arrested or
breaking story of a 12-year-old boy from Maryland, even reversed at this stage.


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of their peers, with school attendance being adverse-

ly affected.
The chronic pain that can be associated with S-ECC
can be equally traumatic. I will never forget the new
family I saw in my general pediatric clinic one day.
Mom, Dad, and all three brothers were together in an
exam room waiting for me to do routine physicals on
the boys. When I walked into the room, I noticed two
things right away. First, both parents and the two
older boys were heavyset, while the youngest child,
Figure 4 age 5, was thin. Then the youngest child smiled, and I
This child with S-ECC will require dental surgery immediately noticed that he had nubs for front teeth.
(pulpotomies and placement of crowns) to restore Further exam of his mouth revealed that almost all his
function and maintain space for the eruption of the
permanent teeth. teeth were decayed. He was skinny because it hurt too
much to eat!
Sadly, many children often present to dental clin-
ics or their primary care providers for the first time
with what we now consider to be late-stage disease.
Contributing factors to this phenomenon include
parents’ lack of understanding of the disease process,
physicians and nurse practitioners failing to diag-
nose and refer children with early and reversible
signs of ECC to dental services, and, in some cases,
general dentists being uncomfortable seeing pre-
school-age children.
Figure 5 Other factors include parents’ concerns with the
Advanced S-ECC; “These are flesh-eating need for child restraints in order to perform dental
bacteria,” notes Joel Berg, DDS.
procedures on non-cooperative children, and the cir-
cumstance that these procedures must often be per-
Deamonte Driver, who died from complications of an formed with the parent outside of the dental operatory.
untreated dental abscess that resulted in a disseminated Of course, many parents and providers are rightly con-
brain infection.7 cerned over the potential risks of sedation or general
The emotional aspects of dental caries can also be anesthesia, which is often required to treat and restore
traumatic for a young child and their parents. Many the decayed teeth.
children with extensive decay or abscess, for example, Finally, we encounter the problem of payment for
will have space loss or shiny steel caps inserted as part services. Many dental plans do not cover routine dental
of an orthodontic treatment plan (Figures 4, 5).This, prophylaxis under age 3, and have monetary caps on
in turn, may cause the child to feel self-conscious or coverage for the extensive restorative treatments need-
embarrassed about their appearance in the company ed for S-ECC. A child with advanced S-ECC needing

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Table 1

Screening tool for assessing

dental caries risk in infancy

• Caregivers or siblings who have caries

• Visible plaque or white spots on the teeth
• Suboptimal exposure to fluoridated water
• Lower socioeconomic groups
Figure 6
• Drinking juice from bottles, and nighttime milk bottles A 2 1/2-yr-old child with S-ECC that was put to
bed with a sippy cup containing apple juice.
• Frequent intake of sugar or cooked starch (eg, sport
drinks, juice, crackers, cereals) between meals
• Special-needs patients (preemies, developmentally tion, is the first warning sign. As previously men-
delayed, immunosuppressed) tioned, clinical findings of a few white-spot lesions are
If high-risk (multiple risk factors or suspected enamel the hallmark of early (medical) disease, which is often
lesions), then early dental referral is strongly advised reversible. In most cases, these lesions can be identified
before age 1; otherwise, the goal is a routine dental by lifting the baby’s upper lip, and carefully looking for
home for all children at age 1.
chalky white spots on the upper tooth enamel surfaces
adjacent to the gum line (Figure 3A). These lesions are
areas of demineralization, and can progress into deep,
often painful, brown cavitations (Figure 6). Children
with brown cavitations require urgent referral to a
multiple fillings, crowns, pulpotomies, and/or extrac- pediatric dentist.
tions with placement of spacers can easily expend thou- In addition to visual inspections, medical providers
sands of dollars in services. should conduct a risk assessment for early dental caries.
Fortunately, the current ECC disease model now In 2003, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) man-
recognizes that early caries disease can and should be dated that the cornerstone of ECC prevention efforts must
managed medically,8 providing a window for early be the routine application of a caries risk assessment eval-
intervention. How then, should providers and par- uation by the primary care clinician for all young children,
ents proceed? optimally at the six month well-child visit, and the estab-
lishment of a dental home by age one or earlier if oral
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention pathology is identified (see “A call for collaboration”).9
All parents and medical providers must learn to close- This recommendation is based upon the published oral
ly inspect the child’s teeth. The caries disease almost health guidelines of both the AAP and the AAPD.
invariably starts on the upper incisors, where protec- Working together, these two organizations have
tive salivary flow is minimal. Persistent, heavy dental recently updated a consensus guideline for promoting
plaque, which is easy to see with close visual inspec- oral health in all children and adolescents, which has

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been published in the third edition of Bright Futures.10 Xylitol is a naturally occurring 5-carbon sugar
A detailed Caries-Risk Assessment Tool (CAT) is alcohol that is found in most plant materials, as well
included, but a rapid caries-risk screening tool is also as normal human metabolism, involving the pen-
described in Table 1, for busy practices. tose-phosphate shunt pathways. Due to xylitol’s
One of the most important and least appreciated risk pentose sugar structure, it tends to interfere with the
factors associated with dental caries is the presence of normal bacterial fermentation of hexose sugars such
active tooth decay in the mother. Transmission of the S as glucose, which the cariogenic bacteria are depen-
mutans bacteria from mother to baby has been shown to dant upon for their growth and proliferation. The
occur as early as 2 months of age when DNA-identical recommended dose is two grams of xylitol, or two
bacteria may be detected in mothers, and in tongue pieces of gum chewed regularly by a new mother
scrapings from their infants.11 Thus good maternal oral three times per day for six months.12 In a similar
hygiene, and daily use of caries-inhibitive xylitol chew- gum-chewing regimen, regular use of xylitol chew-
ing gums beginning shortly after birth, has become an ing gum was also shown to decrease caries rates in
important disease prevention tool. school-age children.13

A call for collaboration

There is no debate that early referral by the providers are failing to recognize caries
primary care provider to a dental disease disease in its earliest stages, during which
specialist (aka the pediatric dentist) routinely at time urgent dental intervention can effectively
age one, and earlier if there are signs of prevent disease progression, and in some
pathology, remains the foundation of successful cases even reverse the disease process.
long-term caries disease management. Dr. Joel The epidemic of early childhood caries in our
Berg, Professor and Chairman of Pediatric country and around the world requires a new
Dentistry at the University of Washington recently paradigm for prevention and care. There are
stated unequivocally that the concept of the approximately 6,000 practicing pediatric
universal Age One Dental Home is the most dentists in America, and obviously they are not
important development to occur within the field able to see all of our nation’s pre-school aged
of pediatric dentistry in the past decade.14 children. Fortunately, unlike in years past, many
The fact that most American children with general dentists are now willing to see younger
early childhood caries present for their first children for their initial dental evaluations. The
dental visit well after age 1, and often with late- bottom line is that the dental community
stage disease, suggests that there is an desperately needs our teamwork and support.
inadequate community standard of care for By focusing more attention on high-caries-risk
ECC in most parts of our country. In other populations, limited dental services can be
words, children’s primary health care more efficiently utilized.


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Nutritional counseling should include not only a

discussion of patterns of bottle and sippy cup use, but
also recognition of the hidden sugars in “cooked
starch,” such as breads, French fries, snack crackers,
cereals, and chips. Cooked starches can get trapped
between teeth, and promote tooth decay as readily as
pure sugar. Limiting sugar-containing cough and cold
syrups and medications that can cause dry mouth, such
as antihistamines, is another important strategy that is
often overlooked.
Additionally, nighttime bottles and delayed bottle Figure 7
weaning, nighttime breastfeeding beyond age 1, and the The “knee-to-knee” technique for examining and
brushing the baby teeth.
use of juice sippy cups (Figure 6) all contribute to early
and persistent over growth of the enamel surfaces by are simply following the lead of the pediatric dental
cariogenic plaque. Further exacerbating the problem is profession. A recent report by pediatric dentists of a
inadequate infant oral hygiene practices by the child’s fluoride varnish trial in infants aged 6 to 18 months
caregiver. Therefore, a daily routine of wiping the demonstrated significant clinical benefit, and no
baby’s gums should be established in the first few harm.16 Many children’s medical providers are now
months of life, and daily brushing should begin as soon learning to apply fluoride varnishes in their offices to
as the first teeth appear. augment the preventive efforts of children’s dentists,17
Unfortunately, many infants and toddlers are averse and to provide more aggressive medical therapeutics
to brushing, and if parents give in too easily, the poor at the time of early caries diagnosis, pending urgent
oral hygiene behavior becomes habitual. A potential evaluation by the dentist.
solution to this challenge is the use of xylitol-saturated The application of fluoride varnish is most easily
disposable tooth wipes. Recently introduced into the accomplished with two adults sitting knee-to-knee,
consumer market, these wipes were shown not only to child supine in their laps, with one controlling the
be effective for plaque removal from the front teeth, but arms and legs and the other responsible for brushing
also more readily acceptable as an oral hygiene regimen (Figure 7). Single adults can also accomplish this task
by maternal-infant pairs.15 with practice. This technique can and should be
But perhaps the most important preventive measures shared with parents, along with proper brushing
against this epidemic are the serial application of topi- techniques (see Parent Guides in English and Spanish
cal fluorides by a health care provider, and/or daily use on pages xx).
of rice grain-sized smears of anti-cariogenic toothpastes
containing fluoride. These measures should be initiated Dental screening: Done in 60 seconds
either prophylactically at age 1 if risk factors are pres- Surely, we can teach ourselves to routinely query the
ent, or at the first sign of a white spot. parent about caries risk factors, and look at the child’s
While the use of fluoride varnishes in young chil- teeth on a regular basis. The whole process takes less
dren are still considered “off-label” by the FDA, this is than a minute, and can be done at the time of the throat
not a major concern for practicing pediatricians who exam during a well-visit:

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“Mom, do you or your other kids have cavities?”

“Are you brushing your baby’s teeth every day?”
“Look how pretty these front baby teeth are…but we
have to clean that plaque off a little better.”
“I know a dentist that will see your child at age 1;
please give them a call, or I will refer you if you like.” list is updated to include ECC (or risk of ECC). I then
Or, in one out of four children, “I see a white spot. document a patient care plan, which includes oral
This needs immediate attention.” hygiene and nutritional counseling, a recommendation
to begin early brushing of the baby teeth with a pea-
In fact, parents are uniformly pleased and sized smear of standard over-the-counter 1,000 ppm
impressed when I exam the baby teeth with my oto- fluoride toothpaste (which normally is recommended
scope light prior to examining the throat. And the to be initiated at age 2 in low-risk patients), or an appli-
nutritional counseling that I do for caries prevention cation of fluoride varnish to the teeth. Finally, I docu-
dovetails perfectly (almost word for word) with the ment in my chart a referral to a pediatric dentist for
obesity prevention counseling that I am already doing definitive care and management. The referral is classi-
anyway. More caries prevention talking points are fied as urgent if I suspect ECC, in which case my staff
presented in Table 2. facilitates a referral process similar to any other formal
If I suspect ECC or identify significant ECC risk fac- medical referral that I make (cardiology, gastroenterol-
tors, I include this in my patient encounter note as part ogy, ear-nose-throat, etc).
of the clinical assessment ([ICDM] code for dental After seeing the patient, the pediatric dentist will
caries: 521.00) and make sure that the patient problem usually send me a consult note that documents the

Table 2

Caries prevention timeline for infancy

Pregnant and new moms should practice especially good oral hygiene. After the baby is born,
moms should chew gums with xylitol (should be the first or second ingredient) three times a day for six months

Breastfeeding should be encouraged to enhance the child’s immune defenses, including oral immune defenses

Beginning at 2 to 4 months of age, start cleaning the mouth with a clean wet towel, gauze, or toothwipes

Use fluoridated water (or “nursery water”) for infant formula preparation and cooking after 6 months of age

Start brushing the baby teeth with water at least once a day (bedtime) between 6 and 9 months (nighttime feeders must be brushed
in the morning too)

Fruit juices should only be given twice a day from a standard cup, and always with food

Avoid snack foods with high refined sugar or starch content

Once they learn to hold their own bottle, bottle-fed babies should only be given water in their bottle between meals or at night

See a dentist as soon as possible on or after the first birthday; take advantage of fluoride varnishes or treatments if recommended

Cleaning teeth every day is the most important message.


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presence and severity of caries disease, treatment plan, It’s time to assume more responsibility
and timing of follow-up, which is then filed in the We know the feeling of satisfaction we experience when
medical chart. This helps me in two ways: 1) I receive we give good medical advice, and make an early and
feedback on the accuracy of my diagnosis—ie, maybe accurate diagnosis on behalf of our patient. In particular,
what I thought were brown-spot caries lesions were most pediatricians take personal pride in their ability to
actually enamel stains not requiring treatment—and 2) diagnose and manage the numerous infectious diseases
by filing the note in the chart I have a reference for of childhood. See how good you will feel when you make
determining the timing of future dental follow-up, this important diagnosis, and begin to provide an effec-
which helps me in my “gatekeeper” role as the patient’s tive caries prevention or treatment plan for your patients.
primary care provider.18
1. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Council on Clinical Affairs:
Definition of Early Childhood Caries (ECC). 2003 (rev 2007)
2. US Department of Health and Human Services: Oral Health in America:
Dr. Wagner would like to thank A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville: National Institute of Dental and
Dr. Oskouian for providing a careful review Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health 2000; 308
3. Crall JJ: Access to oral health care: professional and societal consider-
and editing of the technical aspects of this ations. J Dent Edu 2006;70:1133
article, the photos of children with ECC 4. National Maternal and Oral Health Resource Center: Promoting Aware-
ness, Preventing Pain: Facts on Early Childhood Caries (ECC). National
from her dental practice, and advice on the Maternal and Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University, 2004
5. Edelstein B, Foley M: “Children’s Oral Health: Closing the Gaps”,
need for collaboration between the fields of National Conference of State Legislators: Health Web Cast, 2006. Avail-
children’s medicine and dentistry. able at: www.ncsl.org/programs/health/webcastmar06.htm. Accessed on
July 14, 2008
6. Dye BA, Tan S, Smith V, et al: Trends in oral health status: United
States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2004. National Center for Health Statistics.
Vital Health Stat 2007;248:1
7. Otto M: For Want of a Dentist; Pr. George’s boy dies after bacteria from
tooth spread to brain. Washington Post, Feb. 28, 2007; B1
Looking for 8. Stewart RE, Hale KJ: The paradigm shift in the etiology, prevention, and
management of dental caries; its effect on the practice of clinical dentistry.
pediatric dental J Calif Dent Assoc 2003;31:247
services? 9. Hale, KJ: Policy Statement: Oral Health Risk Assessment Timing and
Establishment of the Dental Home. American Academy of Pediatrics, Sec-
Clinic services tion on Pediatric Dentistry, Pediatrics 2003;111:1113
10. Hagan JS, Shaw JS, Duncan PM (eds): Bright Futures: Guidelines for
Many of today’s pediatric dental residency Health Supervision of Infants Children, and Adolescents (Promoting Oral
Health), ed 3. American Academy of Pediatrics, 2008
programs operate in conjunction with a satellite 11. Li Y, Caufield PW: The fidelity of initial acquisition of mutans strepto-
clinic where children can receive dental services. cocci by infants from their mothers. J Dent Res 1995;74:681
12. Söderling E, Isokangas P, Pienihäkkinen, K, et al: Influence of mater-
A valuable resource to keep in mind. nal xylitol consumption on acquisition of mutans streptococci by infants. J
Dent Res 2000;79:882
Local dentists 13. Mäkinen KK, Bennett CA, Hujoel PP, et al: Xylitol chewing gums and
caries rates: a 40-month cohort study. J Dent Res 1995;74:1904
A list of local pediatric dentists is available 14. Berg J: Caries diagnosis and treatment in children (lecture). Yankee
through the AAPD’s “Find a pediatric dentist” Dental Congress 33, Boston Mass., 2008
15. Galganny-Almeida A, Queiroz MC, Leite AJM: The effectiveness of a
tab on their home page (www.aapd.org). novel infant tooth wipe in high caries-risk babies 8 to 15 months old. Pedi-
atr Dent 2007;29:337
This database of providers is 16. Weintraub JA, Ramos-Gomez F, Jue B, et al: Fluoride varnish efficacy
in preventing early childhood caries. J Dent Res 2006;85:172
updated weekly. 17. Lewis C, Lynch H, Richardson L: Fluoride varnish use in primary care:
what do providers think? Pediatrics 2005;115:e69
18. Wagner R: Early childhood caries (letter). J Am Dent Assoc

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pediatrics GUIDE for PARENTS
Right from the start: A maternal
and infant health oral program*
Early childhood tooth teeth several times a day, especially

This guide may be photocopied and distributed without permission to give to your patients and their parents. Reproduction for any other purpose requires
after feedings.
Did you know that tooth decay
The tooth-brushing habit
is the most common childhood
(6 to 9 months)
disease? Forty percent of
Your child should be encour-
American children have cavi-
aged to brush their teeth them-
ties by age 6. Worst of all, if
selves, as soon as they can hold
children get cavities in their
a toothbrush, but parents
baby teeth, the infection almost
should be there to supervise and
always passes to their perma-
complete the brushing. The night
nent teeth. You can help prevent
brushing is critical, as the bacteria
this disease.
that cause cavities have 12 hours or
Mom, your oral health more to grow as your child sleeps. Make
matters sure this brushing is done as effectively as possible to
One of the biggest risks for your baby to get early stop those cavity-causing bacteria from moving into
tooth decay is the presence of dental cavities in your your child’s mouth as a permanent resident. A good
mouth. That’s because tooth decay is a bacterial infec- rule of thumb is for parents to help with brushing
tion that can be transmitted from you to your baby. until their child can write their name in cursive let-
Everyone in the family should keep their teeth clean ters, which typically occurs at age 6 or 7.
(brush and floss) to reduce the bacteria levels.
Look closely and often at your baby’s
Sugar feeds tooth decay teeth (9 to 12 months)
The tooth decay bacteria use sugar for energy, and The first sign of a cavity is a white spot. These spots

express permission of the publisher, Advanstar Communications. © 2008

they produce an acid that dissolves calcium, which often start on the upper front teeth at the gum line. To
causes a hole in the tooth. Any food or drink with look for these spots, lay your baby in your lap and lift
sugar is potentially a problem; this includes juices, their upper lip using your fingers. If you don’t take
sodas, sports drinks, infant formula, and sweetened care of your baby’s first teeth, your child may wind up
milk. Remember, after age 1 cups are always better with a lifelong struggle with tooth decay.
than bottles. Another common form of sugar that is
See the dentist at age 1
often overlooked is cooked starch—the white flour
Starting at birth, every baby needs a “medical home”
that’s in crackers, cereal, chips, and junk foods in gen-
for regular doctor visits to ensure they stay healthy
eral. Give your child whatever you feel is right and
and get their vaccinations on time. Many parents
healthful, but be sure to clean their gums and teeth
don’t realize that babies need a “dental home” after
their baby’s first birthday, or even sooner if there’s a
Clean your baby’s gums and teeth problem. The dentist can help you make sure your
early (4 months) baby doesn’t get early childhood tooth decay. It’s a
The decay process can start as soon as the child’s first whole lot easier to prevent tooth decay than it is to
tooth pokes out from the gum, typically at 5 to 9 treat it.

months. To stop the attack from happening, it’s

*First published by El Rio Health Center Maternal and
important to begin cleaning baby’s mouth very early,
Infant Oral Health Program
starting at 4 months. Simply wipe baby’s gums and

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pediatrics GUIDE for PARENTS
Desde el principio: Un programa
materno-infantil de salud oral*
Caries durante la niñez temprana El hábito de cepillarse
los dientes
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¿Sabía usted, que la enfermedad más común de la

niñez, son las caries? El 40% de los niños americanos (6 a 9 meses)
desarrollan caries antes de los 6 años de edad. Lo peor Su hijo debe ser motivado a
de todo es que, si los niños desarrollan caries en sus cepillarse los dientes él sólo,
dientes “de leche” (los que se caen), la infección casi tan pronto como pueda
siempre se pasa a los dientes permanentes. Usted puede sostener un cepillo dental, pero
ayudar a la prevención de este padecimiento. los padres deben estar presentes
para supervisar el cepillado. El lavado de
Mamá, la salud oral de usted es
dientes “de la noche” es de suma importancia, pues las
bacterias que producen las cavidades, tienen 12 horas o
Una de las causas más importantes para obtener caries
más para desarrollarse mientras su hijo duerme.
durante la edad temprana, es la presencia de cavidades
Asegúrese que el cepillado sea hecho con la mayor efec-
dentales en la boca de usted. Eso ocurre porque las
tividad posible, con el fin de impedir que la bacteria pro-
caries, son infecciones bacterianas que pueden ser trans-
ductora de cavidades se introduzca como residente per-
mitidas de usted a su bebé. Todos en la familia deben
manente en la boca de su hijo. Una buena regla empíri-
mantener sus dientes limpios (cepillo y uso de hilo den-
ca consiste, en que los padres ayuden con el cepillado
tal), para reducir así, el nivel de bacterias en la boca.
hasta que el niño sepa escribir su nombre en letra cursi-
El azúcar favorece la caries dental va, lo que generalmente ocurre entre los 6 y 7 años de
Las bacterias de las caries dentales, utilizan azúcar para edad.
obtener energía y al mismo tiempo producen un ácido
Examine detenida y repetidamente los
que erosiona el calcio del diente, produciéndose una
dientes de su hijo (8 a 12 meses)
cavidad. Cualquier bebida o alimento con azúcar es un
La primera seña de una cavidad es una mancha blanca.
problema potencial; mencionaremos los jugos, los
express permission of the publisher, Advanstar Communications. © 2008

Estas manchas generalmente comienzan en los dientes

refrescos gaseosos, las bebidas “deportivas”, las leches
frontales superiores, al margen de la encía. Para buscar
infantiles y las leches azucaradas. Recuerde que después
estas manchas, recueste al bebé en su regazo y con los
del año de edad, es preferible el uso de vaso, al uso de
dedos, levante el labio superior. Si usted no cuida los
botella. Otra fuente de azúcar que a veces se pasa por
primeros dientes del bebé, éste puede terminar en una
alto, son los almidones cocidos—la harina blanca que
lucha de por vida contra las cavidades dentales.
contienen ciertas galletas, los cereales, las papas fritas
(chips), y en general, la comida “chatarra”. Déle a su Vea al dentista al año de edad
niño lo que crea conveniente y saludable, pero al final, Desde su nacimiento, todo bebé necesita de “un hogar
asegúrese de limpiar sus encías y dientes. médico” para visitas de rutina, que promueven su salud
y la obtención de vacunas a tiempo. Muchos padres no
Limpie las encías y los dientes de su
saben que sus hijos necesitan también de “un hogar den-
bebé a temprana edad (4 meses)
tal” a partir del primer cumpleaños, o antes, si existe
El proceso de caries puede comenzar tan pronto como
algún problema. El dentista puede ayudar a asegurar que
el primer diente brota de la encía, cosa que ocurre gen-
el bebé no adquiera caries durante la niñez temprana. Es
eralmente entre los 5 y los 9 meses. Para evitar que esto
mucho más fácil prevenir las caries que tratarlas.
suceda, es importante empezar a limpiar la boca del
bebé, desde los 4 meses de edad. Simplemente limpie las *Publicado por vez primera (en inglés), por El Rio Health

encías y los dientes varias veces al día, especialmente Center Maternal and Infant Oral Health Program
después de las comidas. TRANSLATED BY NEFTALI AVIGDOR, MD


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